(define ZERO (lambda (f x) x))
(define ONE (lambda (f x) (f x)))
(define SUCC (lambda (n) (lambda (f x) (f (n f x)))))
(display (ZERO 1 0))
(display (ONE 1 0))
(display ((SUCC ZERO) 1 0))
The ZERO function works fine. When I run this code, I get an error,
ERROR: invalid application: (1 0)
for ONE, SUCC function.
How can I fix my code to make it work?
This is the Church encoding of numbers; the number K is represented by K applications of a function f to some argument x.
(The identities of the function and that argument are, surprisingly enough, irrelevant - you can build all of mathematics without caring.)
You can make it make a bit of sense with suitable choices of f and x - try, for instance, 0 and
(define (inc x) (+ x 1))
so the number K is represented by adding 1, K times, to 0.
> (ZERO inc 0)
> (ONE inc 0)
> ((SUCC ONE) inc 0)
You can also add some convenience with an evaluation function:
> (define (number n) (n inc 0))
> (number ZERO)
> (number ONE)
> (number (SUCC (SUCC (SUCC (SUCC ONE)))))
I'm currently reading the SICP, and working on Exercise 2.5 :
Exercise 2.5. Show that we can represent pairs of nonnegative integers using only numbers and arithmetic operations if we represent the pair a and b as the integer that is the product 2a3b. Give the corresponding definitions of the procedures cons, car, and cdr.
And I've found a code:
(define (my-cons a b)
(* (expt 2 a) (expt 3 b)))
(define (my-car x)
(define (car-iter x count)
(if (= 0 (remainder x 2))
(car-iter (/ x 2) (+ 1 count))
(car-iter x 0))
(define (my-cdr x)
(define (cdr-iter x count)
(if (= 0 (remainder x 3))
(cdr-iter (/ x 3) (+ 1 count))
(cdr-iter x 0))
My question is : What if the requirement of "Nonnegative integers" needs to be changed to "Accept both negative and nonnegative integers" ?
Example :
> (define x (my-cons 2 -5))
> (my-car x)
> (my-cdr x)
How to modify the code? I can't figure it out.
Thank you. May you have a great day.
As amalloy said in a comment this is really a maths problem. This encoding works because of the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, which is that any positive natural number has a unique prime factorisation: every positive natural can be represented uniquely as the product of a number of primes raised to powers, where in particular 1 is the product of no primes.
So you could encode the sign of the integers using one or more additional prime factors (you only need one, in fact, as you can for instance write the thing as 2^a3^b5^s where s is an integer in [0,3] which encodes the signs of both elements).
An alternative way is simply to use the existing representation but to map the integers to the naturals. This is nice because it's a practical demonstration that there are no more integers than naturals. Such a map might be:
if i >= 0 then 2i.
otherswise -2i - 1.
It's easy to see that this is a one-to-one correspondence, and also that 0 maps to 0 (which makes 0 a nice value for nil).
Here are these maps, written (sorry) in typed Racket as I'm trying to work out if I can use it.
(define (Z->N (i : Integer)) : Natural
;; map an integer to a natural
(if (>= i 0)
(* i 2)
(- (* (- i) 2) 1)))
(define (N->Z (n : Natural)) : Integer
;; map the naturals into the integers
(let-values ([(q r) (quotient/remainder n 2)])
(if (zero? r)
(- (- q) 1))))
Now there is another problem with the implementation you have: it will happily handle numbers which are not of the form 2^a3^b, for instance anything which has other prime factors. The way to deal with that is to check that numbers are of that form when extracting the powers: in practice this means checking the number is of the form 2^a*3^b*1.
So the code below does this, as well as encoding integers as above. This again is in typed Racket (sorry, again), and it also makes use of multiple values and probably some other things which only exist in Racket.
(define (defactor (n : Natural) (p : Natural)) : (Values Natural Natural)
;; Given n and a factor p, return m where p does not divide m,
;; and j, the number of factors of p removed (so n = m*p^j)
(let df-loop ([m : Natural n]
[j : Natural 0])
(let-values ([(q r) (quotient/remainder m p)])
(if (zero? r)
(df-loop q (+ j 1))
(values m j)))))
(define (kar&kdr (k : Positive-Integer)) : (Values Integer Integer)
;; Given something which should be a kons, return its kar & kdr.
;; If it is not a kons signal an error
(let*-values ([(k2 encoded-kar) (defactor k 2)]
[(k23 encoded-kdr) (defactor k2 3)])
(unless (= k23 1)
(error 'kar&kdr "not a cons"))
(values (N->Z encoded-kar) (N->Z encoded-kdr))))
(define (kons (the-kar : Integer) (the-kdr : Integer)) : Positive-Integer
(* (expt 2 (Z->N the-kar))
(expt 3 (Z->N the-kdr))))
(define (kar (the-kons : Positive-Integer)) : Integer
(let-values ([(the-kar the-kdr) (kar&kdr the-kons)])
(define (kdr (the-kons : Positive-Integer)) : Integer
(let-values ([(the-kar the-kdr) (kar&kdr the-kons)])
We can go a little further and define a representation of the empty list, which will be 0 and a way of making lists:
;;; since 2^a3^b is never zero, 0 is a good candidate for the empty
;;; list: 'kill' is a pun on 'nil'.
(define kill : Zero 0)
;;; And now we can write some predicates and a version of list.
;;; (kist 1 2 3) takes a very, very long time.
(define (kill? (x : Natural)) : Boolean
(zero? x))
(define (kons? (x : Natural)) : Boolean
(not (kill? x)))
(define (kist . (l : Integer *)) : Natural
(let kist/spread ((lt l))
(if (null? lt)
(kons (first lt) (kist/spread (rest lt))))))
And now
> (define d (kons 123 -456))
> d
- : Integer [more precisely: Nonnegative-Integer]
> (kar d)
- : Integer
> (kdr d)
- : Integer
> (kdr (+ d 1))
kar&kdr: not a cons [,bt for context]
If you try to compute, say (kist 1 2 3) it will take a very, very long time.
This is the code to calculate the failure function (how many steps we have to go back) in Scheme, when we use the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm:
(define (compute-failure-function p)
(define n-p (string-length p))
(define sigma-table (make-vector n-p 0))
(let loop
((i-p 2)
(k 0))
((>= i-p n-p)
(vector-set! sigma-table (- n-p 1) k))
((eq? (string-ref p k)
(string-ref p (- i-p 1)))
(vector-set! sigma-table i-p (+ k 1))
(loop (+ i-p 1) (+ k 1)))
((> k 0)
(loop i-p (vector-ref sigma-table k)))
(else ; k=0
(vector-set! sigma-table i-p 0)
(loop (+ i-p 1) k))))
(vector-set! sigma-table 0 -1)
(lambda (q)
(vector-ref sigma-table q)))
But I do not understand the part when k > 0. Can someone explain it please?
I see you're confused with the syntax of a named let. This post does a good job explaining how it works, but perhaps an example with more familiar syntax will make things clearer. Take this code in Python, it adds all integers from 1 to 10:
sum = 0
n = 1
while n <= 10:
sum += n
n += 1
=> 55
Now let's try to write it in a recursive fashion, I'll call my function loop. This is completely equivalent:
def loop(n, sum):
if n > 10:
return sum
return loop(n + 1, n + sum)
loop(1, 0)
=> 55
In the above example, the loop function implements an iteration, the parameter n is used to keep track of the current position, and the parameter sum accumulates the answer. Now let's write the exact same code, but in Scheme:
(let loop ((n 1) (sum 0))
(cond ((> n 10) sum)
(else (loop (+ n 1) (+ n sum)))))
=> 55
Now we've defined a local procedure called loop which is then automatically called with the initial values 1 and 0 for its parameters n and sum. When the base case of the recursion is reached, we return sum, otherwise we keep calling this procedure, passing updated values for the parameters. It's exactly the same as in the Python code! Don't be confused by the syntax.
In your algorithm, i-p and k are the iteration variables, which are initialized to 2 and 0 respectively. Depending on which condition is true, the iteration continues when we call loop again with updated values for i-p and k, or it ends when the case (>= i-p n-p) is reached, at this point the loop exits and the computed value is in the variable sigma-table. The procedure ends by returning a new function, referred to as the "failure function".
I'm trying to edit the current program I have
(define (sumofnumber n)
(if (= n 0)
(+ n (sumofnumber (modulo n 2 )))))
so that it returns the sum of an n number of positive squares. For example if you inputted in 3 the program would do 1+4+9 to get 14. I have tried using modulo and other methods but it always goes into an infinite loop.
The base case is incorrect (the square of zero is zero), and so is the recursive step (why are you taking the modulo?) and the actual operation (where are you squaring the value?). This is how the procedure should look like:
(define (sum-of-squares n)
(if (= n 0)
(+ (* n n)
(sum-of-squares (- n 1)))))
A definition using composition rather than recursion. Read the comments from bottom to top for the procedural logic:
(define (sum-of-squares n)
(foldl + ; sum the list
(map (lambda(x)(* x x)) ; square each number in list
(map (lambda(x)(+ x 1)) ; correct for range yielding 0...(n - 1)
(range n))))) ; get a list of numbers bounded by n
I provide this because you are well on your way to understanding the idiom of recursion. Composition is another of Racket's idioms worth exploring and often covered after recursion in educational contexts.
Sometimes I find composition easier to apply to a problem than recursion. Other times, I don't.
You're not squaring anything, so there's no reason to expect that to be a sum of squares.
Write down how you got 1 + 4 + 9 with n = 3 (^ is exponentiation):
1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2
This is
(sum-of-squares 2) + 3^2
(sum-of-squares (- 3 1)) + 3^2
that is,
(sum-of-squares (- n 1)) + n^2
Notice that modulo does not occur anywhere, nor do you add n to anything.
(And the square of 0 is 0 , not 1.)
You can break the problem into small chunks.
1. Create a list of numbers from 1 to n
2. Map a square function over list to square each number
3. Apply + to add all the numbers in squared list
(define (sum-of-number n)
(apply + (map (lambda (x) (* x x)) (sequence->list (in-range 1 (+ n 1))))))
> (sum-of-number 3)
This is the perfect opportunity for using the transducers technique.
Calculating the sum of a list is a fold. Map and filter are folds, too. Composing several folds together in a nested fashion, as in (sum...(filter...(map...sqr...))), leads to multiple (here, three) list traversals.
But when the nested folds are fused, their reducing functions combine in a nested fashion, giving us a one-traversal fold instead, with the one combined reducer function:
(define (((mapping f) kons) x acc) (kons (f x) acc)) ; the "mapping" transducer
(define (((filtering p) kons) x acc) (if (p x) (kons x acc) acc)) ; the "filtering" one
(define (sum-of-positive-squares n)
(foldl ((compose (mapping sqr) ; ((mapping sqr)
(filtering (lambda (x) (> x 0)))) ; ((filtering {> _ 0})
+) 0 (range (+ 1 n)))) ; +))
; > (sum-of-positive-squares 3)
; 14
Of course ((compose f g) x) is the same as (f (g x)). The combined / "composed" (pun intended) reducer function is created just by substituting the arguments into the definitions, as
((mapping sqr) ((filtering {> _ 0}) +))
( (lambda (kons)
(lambda (x acc) (kons (sqr x) acc)))
((filtering {> _ 0}) +))
(lambda (x acc)
( ((filtering {> _ 0}) +)
(sqr x) acc))
(lambda (x acc)
( ( (lambda (kons)
(lambda (x acc) (if ({> _ 0} x) (kons x acc) acc)))
(sqr x) acc))
(lambda (x acc)
( (lambda (x acc) (if (> x 0) (+ x acc) acc))
(sqr x) acc))
(lambda (x acc)
(let ([x (sqr x)] [acc acc])
(if (> x 0) (+ x acc) acc)))
which looks almost as something a programmer would write. As an exercise,
((filtering {> _ 0}) ((mapping sqr) +))
( (lambda (kons)
(lambda (x acc) (if ({> _ 0} x) (kons x acc) acc)))
((mapping sqr) +))
(lambda (x acc)
(if (> x 0) (((mapping sqr) +) x acc) acc))
(lambda (x acc)
(if (> x 0) (+ (sqr x) acc) acc))
So instead of writing the fused reducer function definitions ourselves, which as every human activity is error-prone, we can compose these reducer functions from more atomic "transformations" nay transducers.
Works in DrRacket.
I am trying to print a Pascal's Triangle on terminal using Guile Scheme.
What is Pascal's Triangle?
Here is the script:
#!/usr/local/bin/guile \
-e main -s
(define (fact-iter product counter max-count)
(if (> counter max-count)
(fact-iter (* counter product) (+ counter 1) max-count)))
(define (factorial n)
(fact-iter 1 1 n))
(define (n-C-r n r)
(/ (factorial n) (* (factorial (- n r)) (factorial r))
(define (row-iter r l n)
(cond ((= r 0) ((display 1) (row-iter (+ r 1) l n)))
((and (> r 0) (< r l)) ((display (n-C-r l r)) (display " ") (row-iter (+ r 1) l n)))
((= r l) (display 1))
(define (line-iter l n)
(cond ((<= l n) ( (row-iter 0 l n)
(line-iter (+ l 1) n) ) )
(define (pascal-triangle n)
(line-iter 0 n) )
(define (main args)
(pascal-triangle (string->number (car (cdr args)) 10))
File name is pascalTriangle.scm
The Shebang notation on the top has correct path to guile.
I have given the permissions by chmod +x pascalTriangle.scm
Run the program using the command ./pascalTriangle.scm 5
When run, the above script, the following output/error is observed:
1Backtrace: In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
157: 5 [catch #t #<catch-closure ac8400> ...]
In unknown file:
?: 4 [apply-smob/1 #<catch-closure ac8400>]
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
63: 3 [call-with-prompt prompt0 ...]
In ice-9/eval.scm:
432: 2 [eval # #]
In /home/tarunmaganti/./pascalTriangle.scm:
27: 1 [line-iter 0 4]
In unknown file:
?: 0 [#<unspecified> #<unspecified>]
ERROR: In procedure #<unspecified>:
ERROR: Wrong type to apply: #<unspecified>
Notice that, the first character of the output is 1 which implies that the code executed until first part of procedure row-iter i.e., (display 1) and there might be an error after it.
But the output says that error is in procedure line-iter. I do not understand.
I would appreciate if any error in the program is pointed-out and corrected to make it print a Pascal's Triangle.
Edit1: I edited the error/output text, I replaced '<' and '>' with HTML entities. The text inside the angular brackets wasn't visible before.
The problem is that you have added excess parentheses around your consequence expressions in cond. Since cond has explicit begin you code that looks like this today:
(define (row-iter r l n)
(cond ((= r 0)
;; you see the double (( ?
((display 1)
(row-iter (+ r 1) l n)))
((and (> r 0) (< r l))
;; you see the double (( ?
((display (n-C-r l r))
(display " ")
(row-iter (+ r 1) l n)))
((= r l)
;; without double (( and thus ok
(display 1))))
Needs to have it's excess parentheses removed like this:
(define (row-iter r l n)
(cond ((= r 0)
(display 1)
(row-iter (+ r 1) l n))
((and (> r 0) (< r l))
(display (n-C-r l r))
(display " ")
(row-iter (+ r 1) l n))
((= r l)
(display 1))))
If you would have used if instead you would have to use begin:
(define (row-iter r l n)
(if (= r 0)
(display 1)
(row-iter (+ r 1) l n))
(if (and (> r 0) (< r l))
(display (n-C-r l r))
(display " ")
(row-iter (+ r 1) l n))
(display 1))))
Just fixing this procedure wont fix you problem since you have the same error in line-iter as well. You might see double (( in the beginning of each cond term but unless you are doing something fancy you should not expect it anywhere else.
When adding excess parentheses ((display "something") #t) it gets interpreted as (display "something") will return a procedure and that you want to check what the result of that procedure with argument #t will become. When all the parts is evaluated it fails since then it finds out the undefined value is not a procedure. There are cases where it works:
((if (< x 0) - +) x 1) ; absolute increment value without changing sign
Here you see the first part gets evaluated to the result of evaluating - when x is less than zero. If it's -10 the result would be -11 and if it is 10 the procedure applied will be the evaluation of + with the result 11.
Later it will find that the value 3 isn't a procedure and you get th eerror. and to get the result Scheme should do (apply 3 '(#t))and it detects that 3 (in your case whatdesiplayreturns which is an unspecified value)
Scheme interprets this by evaluating(display (n-C-r l r)` which prints something and the returned value, which by the spec i undefined and thus free choice of the implementers, is then applied as a procedure because of excess parentheses.
In Guile the result of values undefined in the spec becomes a singleton that displays #<unspecified> and that is ignored by the REPL. You might find a Scheme implementation where the unspecified value is a procedure that takes no arguments where your implementation will work flawlessly but will not be portable.
The error as stated by Sylwester in his answer is in ((display (n-C-r l r)) (display " ") (row-iter (+ r 1) l n))) expression. The statement indeed interprets this by evaluating ((display (n-C-r l r)) which prints something and return undefined value and is applied as a procedure considering ((display (n-C-r l r)) as excessively parenthesized.
I resolved the problem using the Sequencing. The begin special form is used to combine multiple statements and returns the value of the last statement.
Sequencing in MIT-Scheme. This worked in guile scheme too.
Syntax of begin special form: (begin <e1> <e2> <e3>....<en>)
It returns return value of <en> expression.
Here is the changed code:
(define (row-iter n r)
(cond ((= r 0) (begin (display 1) (display " ") (row-iter n (+ r 1))))
((and (> r 0) (< r n)) (begin (display (n-C-r n r)) (display " ") (row-iter n (+ r 1))))
((= r n) (display 1))
Although the output isn't properly formatted as a "triangle", we can get left indented pascal triangle after changing the code.
By running ./pascalTriangle 5, we get the output as
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
1 5 10 10 5 1
I'm currently working on exercise 1.29 of SICP, and my program keeps giving me the following error:
+: expects type <number> as 2nd argument, given: #<void>; other arguments were: 970299/500000
Here's the code I'm running using racket:
(define (cube x)
(* x x x))
(define (integral2 f a b n)
(define (get-mult k)
(cond ((= k 0) 1)
((even? k) 4)
(else 2)))
(define (h b a n)
(/ (- b a) n))
(define (y f a b h k)
(f (+ a (* k (h b a n)))))
(define (iter f a b n k)
(cond ((> n k)
(+ (* (get-mult k)
(y f a b h k))
(iter f a b n (+ k 1))))))
(iter f a b n 0))
(integral2 cube 0 1 100)
I'm guessing the "2nd argument" is referring to the place where I add the current iteration and future iterations. However, I don't understand why that second argument isn't returning a number. Does anyone know how to remedy this error?
"2nd argument" refers to the second argument to +, which is the expression (iter f a b n (+ k 1)). According to the error message, that expression is evaluating to void, rather than a meaningful value. Why would that be the case?
Well, the entire body of iter is this cond expression:
(cond ((> n k)
(+ (* (get-mult k)
(y f a b h k))
(iter f a b n (+ k 1)))))
Under what circumstances would this expression not evaluate to a number? Well, what does this expression do? It checks if n is greater than k, and in that case it returns the result of an addition, which should be a number. But what if n is less than k or equal to k? It still needs to return a number then, and right now it isn't.
You're missing an else clause in your iter procedure. Ask yourself: what should happen when (<= n k) ? It's the base case of the recursion, and it must return a number, too!
(define (iter f a b n k)
(cond ((> n k)
(+ (* (get-mult k)
(y f a b h k))
(iter f a b n (+ k 1))))
(else <???>))) ; return the appropriate value