GraphQL Relay introspection query fails: Unknown field '__type' on type 'Query' - graphql

I have a React application with a GraphQL client (Relay).
I need to make an introspection query to get all the types of a certain enum.
This is my query:
import { graphql } from 'react-relay'
export const corporationTypeEnumQuery = graphql`
query corporationTypeEnumQuery {
__type(name: "CorporationTypeEnum") {
enumValues {
When I try to compile the app, Relay throws the following error:
Unknown field '__type' on type 'Query'
When I try the exact same query on GraphIQL (the playground that the server offers me), there is no error, and the query is successful.
Please tell me what could be wrong with my GraphQL query. Any suggestions are well received.

The __type must be part of your schema. Graphql spec by default said this should be hidden and not part of schema.. You need to extend your server to expose it or manually put them to schema..
Server can handle that but compiler not since it require explicit definition in .graphql


Getting Unsupported token `on` [GraphQL]

Issue: We goto 'on' in the query, while build apollo is complaining about the on keyword in the query (*.graphql)
GraphQL query:
query TimeLine($inputData: InputData!) {
getTimeLine(inputData: $inputData) {
Error: Unsupported token on
Env: Kotlin, apolloGraphQLVersion: "1.3.2"
This happens because the on keyword is a reserved keyword in GraphQL.
One of the Type Conditions is on NamedType, see the official spec file of GraphQL.
query FragmentTyping {
profiles(handles: ["zuck", "cocacola"]) {
fragment userFragment on User {
friends {
fragment pageFragment on Page {
likers {
See the on used in fragment userFragment on User? Your GraphQL got confused because you are using on as a field within the query, while it expects to be a fragment. Read more about fragments here. Also, a fragment's name can be anything, except for on, see the official spec file.
One way to solve this issue might be to rename the field in your query, but I am not sure if GraphQL will complain about this approach as well:
query TimeLine($inputData: InputData!) {
getTimeLine(inputData: $inputData) {
dataOn: on

Error in Vue graphql: Missing query attribute on result

I want to have multiple queries in one network request. I have put all my queries in vue Apollo but I get this error when data revived(I will get the data in network tab but I cant access it!)
error: vue-apollo.esm.js?522d:842 Missing query attribute on result
apollo: {
query: gql`
query {
query1 {someValue}
query2 {someValue}

Change the exposed graphql schema through directives

Directives are nice to alter the behaviour of resolvers, but is there a way to directly change the exposed schema with them?
expected superuser schema
type Query {
getBooks: [Book]
getAuthors: [Author]
expected normal user schema
type Query {
getBooks: [Book]
one definition to build them all
type Query {
getBooks: [Book] #allow(scopes: ["superuser"])
getAuthors: [Author]
The scope would be defined through the given context as i would build one schema for each possible scope.

GraphQL - Unknown directive "unique"

I just updated GraphQL from version 0.13.2 to 14.0.2. When starting the server, I get the error message: Error: Unknown directive "unique". This is my schema:
const { gql } = require('apollo-server')
// type Query is the root query
exports.typeDefs = gql`
type User {
username: String! #unique
password: String!
type Query {
getAllUsers: User
Note even though I'm using gql from apollo-server it's using GraphQL under the hood.
As you can see what is causing is the issue is that I've made it so the username has to be unique. The updated version of GraphQL must not have this directive anymore. Sure enough, removing #unique solves the issue. I still want username to be unique. I've read that you can create custom directives. How do I go about doing this?
I've encountered a similar scenario to yours when working in fully custom directives with the upgrade of graphql-tools to v14 the definition of the directive is needed within the schema. You can specify by field, object, mutation where your directive will work.
directive #requireAuth on FIELD_DEFINITION
To work in something like this, at field level
extend type Query {
me: String! #requireAuth
user(userId: ID!):User!
users: [User]!
And my class that extends SchemaDirectiveVisitor it's something like this
import { SchemaDirectiveVisitor } from "apollo-server";
export class YourCustomDirective extends SchemaDirectiveVisitor {
// Your code for the directive
In the link provided, there is the available methdos to use in order to have your custom logic at field, object, scalar, etc level. Hope this helps.
Schema Directive Visitor

can some one explain this code to me

Good day im newbie here and im tackling graphql and im having some problem on mutation can someone explain this block of code for me thank you
RootMutation: {
createAuthor: (root, args) => { return Author.create(args); },
createPost: (root, { authorId, tags, title, text }) => {
return Author.findOne({ where: { id: authorId } }).then( (author) => {
console.log('found', author);
return author.createPost( { tags: tags.join(','), title, text });
Sure, this is an example of two mutations in a GraphQL server. We can break it down to understand what is going on.
First let's look at the type system. A GraphQL schema normally has two root fields query and mutation (and sometimes subscription). These root fields are the root of your data hierarchy and expose the queries (GET requests) and mutations (POST, PUT, DELETE, etc requests) that you have access to.
By the looks of it you are implementing a schema with a root mutation type that looks like this:
type Mutation {
createAuthor: Author
createPost: Post
A type in GraphQL is made up of a set of fields each of which can have an associated resolver. Resolvers in GraphQL are like the event handlers you would attach to endpoints in REST.
The code that you have above is defining two resolvers that will handle the logic associated with the createAuthor and createPost mutations. I.E. the code in the createPost resolver is what will be run when I issue a query like this:
mutation CreatePost($post: CreatePostInput!) {
createPost(input: $post) {
The GraphQL runtime parses the query and routes the operation to the correct resolver depending on the content of the query. In this example, it would see that I am calling the createPost mutation and would make sure to call the createPost resolver which in your case looks like this:
createPost: (root, { authorId, tags, title, text }) => {
return Author.findOne({ where: { id: authorId } }).then( (author) => {
console.log('found', author);
return author.createPost( { tags: tags.join(','), title, text });
To understand how a resolver works, let's look at the GraphQLFieldResovler type definition from graphql-js
export type GraphQLFieldResolver<TSource, TContext> = (
source: TSource,
args: { [argName: string]: any },
context: TContext,
info: GraphQLResolveInfo
) => mixed;
As you can see a GraphQLFieldResolver is a function that takes 4 arguments.
source: The source is the parent object of the current field. For example if you were defining a resolver for a field fullName on the User type, the source would be the full user object.
args: The args are any input arguments for that resolver. In my query above it would contain the value of the $post variable.
context: Context is a global context for a GraphQL execution. This is useful for passing information around that a resolver might need. For example, you include a database connection that you can use from your resolvers without importing it in every file.
info: The info object contains information about your GraphQL schema, the query, and other information such as the path to the current resolver being executed. This is useful in many ways. Here is one post talking about how you can use it to precompute queries: (
This idea of having types and field resolvers is part of what makes GraphQL so powerful. Once you've defined you type system and the resolvers for their fields you can structure your schema however you want and GraphQL will always make sure to call the correct resolver no matter how deeply nested a query might be.
I hope this helps :)
