Oracle NoSQL Error Type mismatch in IN operator. LHS type: INTEGER RHS type: STRING - oracle-nosql

I would like to do the following query SELECT * FROM ${TABLE_NAME} where id in $keys[]
When running using, ARRAY (JSON) as in the documentation example
let statement = `DECLARE $keys ARRAY(JSON); SELECT * FROM ${TABLE_NAME} where id in $keys[]`;
I have the following error
How to solve this issue. any ideas ?

It means that the elements of the array that you are sending are string and not integers. Your ID column seems to be INTEGER.
I've supposed that in your program you have something like that
preparedStmt.set( '$keys', ["3","4","5","100"]);
So a first solution is to send an array of INTEGER
preparedStmt.set( '$keys', [3,4,5,100]);
Another solution is just change the type of the variable
let statement = `DECLARE $keys ARRAY(INTEGER); SELECT * FROM ${TABLE_NAME} where id in $keys[]`;
But if you have non integer values you will have the following error
preparedStmt.set( '$keys', ["3","4","5","100","BAD DATA"]);
here the error
NoSQLArgumentError: [ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT] Failed to create Field Value for variable '$keys': Invalid string for Integer: BAD DATA
In this case, I suggest to manage this at client level
preparedStmt.set( '$keys', [3,4,5,"100","BAD DATA"].map(i=>Number(i)).filter( value => !Number.isNaN(value) ) );


how to use F expression to first cast a string to int, then add 1 to it then cast to string and update

I have a DB column which is generic type for some stats(qualitative and quantitative info).
Some values are string - type A and some values are numbers stored as string - type B.
What i want to do is cast the B types to number then add one to them and cast back to string and store.
Metadata.objects.filter(key='EVENT', type='COUNT').update(value=CAST(F(CAST('value', IntegerField()) + 1), CharField())
What i want to do is avoid race conditions using F expression and
update in DB.
It says in below post that casting and updating in db is possible for mysql
Mysql Type Casting in Update Query
I also know we can do arithmetic very easily on F expressions as it supports it and we can override functionality of add as well. How to do arthmetic on Django 'F' types?
How can i achieve Cast -> update -> cast -> store in Django queryset?
Try using annotation as follows:
.filter(key='EVENT', type='COUNT')
.annotate(int_value=CAST('value', IntegerField()))
.update(value=CAST(F('int_value') + 1, CharField())
Or maybe switching F and CAST works?
.filter(key='EVENT', type='COUNT')
.update(value=CAST( # cast the whole expression below
CAST( # cast a value
F('value'), # of field "value"
IntegerField() # to integer
) + 1, # then add 1
CharField() # to char.
I've added indentation, it helps sometimes to find the errors.
Also, doc says, CAST accepts field name, not an F-object. Maybe it works without F-object at all?
UPD: switched back to first example, it actually works :)
I believe the answer from #som-1 was informative but not substantiated with info or debugged data. I believe assuming is not always right.
I debugged the mysql queries formed in these two cases -
1 - Metadata.objects.update(value=Cast(Cast(F('value'), output_field=IntegerField()) + 1, output_field=CharField()))
2 - Metadata.objects.update(value=Cast(Cast('value', IntegerField()) + 1, CharField())) and
both give the same output as expected.
UPDATE Metadata SET value = CAST((CAST(value AS signed integer) + 1) AS char) WHERE ( key = 'EVENT' AND type = 'COUNT' )
Please find the link to add mysqld options to my.cnf and debug your queries. Location of my.cnf file on macOS
enabling queries -

If Statement error: Expressions that yield variant data-type cannot be used to define calculated columns

I'm new in Power BI and I'm more used to work with Excel. I try to translate following Excel formula:
=IF(A2="UPL";0;IF(MID(D2;FIND("OTP";D2)+3;1)=" ";"1";(MID(D2;FIND("OTP";D2)+3;1))))
in Power Bi as follows:
Algo =
VAR FindIT = FIND("OTP",Fixed_onTop_Data[Delivery Date],1,0)
IF(Fixed_onTop_Data[Delivery Type] = "UPL", 0,
IF(FindIT = BLANK(), 1, MID(Fixed_onTop_Data[Delivery Date],FindIT+3,1))
Unfortunately I receive following error message:
Expressions that yield variant data-type cannot be used to define calculated columns.
My values are as follows:
Thank you so much for your help!
You cant mix Two datatypes in your output; In one part of if, you return an INT (literally 0/1), and is second you return a STRING
MID(Fixed_onTop_Data[Delivery Date],FindIT+3,1)
You must unify your output datatype -> everything to string or everything to INT
Your code must be returning BLANK in some cells therefore PowerBI isn't able to choose a data type for the column, wrap your code inside CONVERT(,INTEGER).

Comparing values of type Text with values of type True/False

I have a data column of strings containing a lead status. I only want to count if the lead is qualified or nurture. I have this expression:
Is Qualified = If('Lead'[Status] = OR("Qualified", "Nurture"),1,0)
But I am getting this error:
DAX comparison operations do not support comparing values of type Text
with values of type True/False. Consider using the VALUE or FORMAT
function to convert one of the values.
I'm new with DAX and haven't been able to fix this one. Any help would be great, thanks.
OR() returns a boolean value. I assume 'Lead'[Status] is a text field, in which we will find some strings with the values "Qualified" or "Nurture". If this is the case you want to do the following:
IsQualified =
'Lead'[Status] = "Qualified"
|| 'Lead'[Status] = "Nurture"
This is performing two tests, and combining them with a logical or ( || - the double pipe is DAX's or operator ).

Ruby: how to insert Hash value into Cassandra map

Am attempting to store values provided as int, time, hash into Cassandra using Datastax driver.
Hash appears as { "Q17.1_4"=>"val", "Q17.2"=>"other", ...}
Have defined table as:
PK( int, timestamp )
I can get the PK inserted ok but am having trouble coercing the hash values into something that Cassandra can cope with.
Have created a prepared statement and using it while (trying to) looping through values:
stmt = session.prepare( "insert into forms( id, stamp, questions ) values ( ?,?,? )" )
json_val.each{ |key,val|
result = session.execute( stmt, val[ 'ID' ].to_i, Time.parse( val[ 'tDate' ]).to_i, val )
If I insert 'val' as a hash I get this error:
/lib/cassandra/statements/prepared.rb:53:in `bind': expecting exactly 3 bind parameters, 2 given (ArgumentError)
This says (to me) that there isn't a method to convert the hash to what Cassandra wants.
If I insert the val as a string (using hash.to_s) I get this error:
/lib/cassandra/protocol/type_converter.rb:331:in varchar_to_bytes': undefined methodencode' for 1:Fixnum (NoMethodError)
... same goes for converting it to a json string, changing double quotes to single and so on.
I can insert the values using the cqlsh (command line) ( EG insert into forms (id, stamp, questions) values ( 123, 12345678, { 'one':'two','three':'four'});)
So the question is - how do I get this Ruby hash into a format that the Cassandra driver will accept?
Ruby 2.1.3
Cassandra 2.0 (with latest Datastax driver)
JSON value of 'questions' hash is { "Q17.1_4":"val", "Q17.2":"other", ...}
Also - I can insert the first two columns just fine. Omitting the third value from the insert statement works so I know those two values aren't the culprit here.
Found two problems:
There is a note in the docs:
Last argument will be treated as options if it is a Hash. Therefore, make sure to pass empty options when executing a statement with the last parameter required to be a map datatype.
When I either put an empty hash as the last parameter or swapped my hash value for a different param the error message changed to:
type_converter.rb:331:in varchar_to_bytes': undefined methodencode' for 1:Fixnum (NoMethodError)
This lead me to believe that there was an invalid value in there somewhere. To fix this I created a temp hash and checked every value to make sure it was a string before adding it to this temp hash. Then using this temp value I was able to add to the DB using the stored procedure.

Checking for inequality against string variable fails

I have the code like this:
var query = repository.Where(item => item.UserId == userId && item.LoanNumber != loanNumber)
which is transformed to SQL (repository is IQueryable).
loanNumber is a string parameter in the method. The problem is that checking against inequality fails (ignored). If instead of variable I use constant with its value, it works properly.
What the... ?
A number should be a NUMBER DATA TYPE, and not a string. It violates normalization rules. So please tell what are the data type of the values being compared on both sides of the expression in predicate.
If you compare similar data types, you would get correct results as you don't and should not rely on implicit conversion.
So make sure you have the correct data type.
