Hibernate giving old data when queried - spring

I have an entity called Animal which has animalId(pkey) and age. I have added an entry with animalId 1 and age 5.
and a controller which looks like this, when I hit the trigger API expectation is to change the age to 10.
Controller looks like this,
public class TestController {
private final AnimalService animalService;
private final TestAnimalService testAnimalService;
public ResponseEntity<String> getAnimals() {
animalService.updateAnimalOuter(1); // call update method using an inner UpdateService
animalService.queryAnimal(1); // query the age
return new ResponseEntity<>("success", HttpStatus.OK);
and AnimalService
I am calling updateAnimalOuter method on AnimalService(note that it has REQUIRES_NEW), which gets the animal by age and calls the updateAnimalInner of UpdateService where the update is actually happening.
public class AnimalService {
private final AnimalRepository animalRepository;
private final UpdateService updateService;
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
public void updateAnimalOuter(int animalId) {
AnimalEntity animal = animalRepository.findByAnimalId(animalId);
//check some properties of animal and do some actions, don't udpate anything here
updateService.updateAnimalInner(animalId); // in this method update
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED)
public void queryAnimal(int animalId) {
AnimalEntity animal = animalRepository.findByAnimalId(animalId);
Integer age = animal.getAge();
if (age == 5) {
throw new RuntimeException("Age is still 5, but the age is 10 in db and this is an new transaction..");
UpdateService looks like this, which has Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW, here I am updating the age to 10.
public class UpdateService {
private AnimalRepository animalRepository;
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
public void updateAnimalInner(int animalId) {
AnimalEntity animal = animalRepository.findByAnimalId(animalId);
log.info("exiting innerMethod");
I can see that when this method is exited, the age is propery updated to 10 in the database.
Even when it reaches controller, the age is still 10.
When queryAnimal method is called from controller however the age is returned as 5 and exception is thrown Age is still 5, not updated but I can still see that the age is 10 in db.
Why is hibernate giving age 5 which is old value when queried?
also note that if I remove AnimalEntity animal = animalRepository.findByAnimalId(animalId); from updateAnimalOuter method, it works fine.
I am wondering why this statement causing the query method to return old value even though * it's updated correctly in database * ?
Note: I am using Spring Version 2.5.2 and hibernate 5.4.32 Final


Dependency injection with mockito example

I am very new with Mockito and I don't get the following example (classes were provided, only test to write) and how to solve it.
What I try to do is use a test double for the supplier so that we can control the returned greeting in the test and assert that the GreetingService does not modify the greeting message in any way. Then assert that the returned greeting string is equal to "Hello Andy.".
public class Greeting {
private final String template;
public Greeting(String template) {
this.template = template;
public String forName(String world) {
return String.format(template, world);
public class GreetingService {
private final Supplier<Greeting> greetingSupplier;
public GreetingService(Supplier<Greeting> greetingSupplier) {
this.greetingSupplier = greetingSupplier;
public String greet(String name) {
return greetingSupplier.get().forName(name);
public class RandomGreetingSupplier implements Supplier<Greeting> {
private final List<Greeting> greetings = Arrays.asList(
new Greeting("Hello %s."),
new Greeting("Hi %s!"),
private final Random random = new Random();
public Greeting get() {
return greetings.get(random.nextInt(greetings.size()));
public class GreetingServiceTest {
GreetingService greetingService;
Supplier<Greeting> greetingSupplier;
void getGreetingForPerson() {
String name = "Andy";
// that test cannot know which greeting will be returned by the supplier
//String greeting = greetingService.greet(name);
// WROTE SUCH TEST HERE -> NullPointerException WHY?
Mockito.when(greetingSupplier.get().forName(name)).thenReturn("Hello %s.");
assertThat(greetingSupplier.equals("Hello Andy."));
Mockito.when(greetingSupplier.get()).thenReturn(new Greeting("Hello %s."));
assertThat(greetingSupplier.equals("Hello Andy."));
Mockito.when(greetingSupplier.get().forName(name)).thenReturn("Hello %s.");
You can't chain calls like that, you need to produce intermediate results, like
Supplier<Greeting> supplier = mock(Supplier.class);
Mockito.when(supplier).forName().thenReturn("Hello %s.");
For dependency injection, you need to create the subject under test with the mocked Supplier. You can do that in a #Before method for example.
Your mocking is wrong.
Mockito.when(greetingSupplier.get().forName(name)).thenReturn("Hello %s.");
You mocked Supplier<Greeting> and the default behavior is to return null. So when you call greetingSupplier.get() in your first line it returns null. You directly chain forName which nou basicall is null.forName which leads to an error.
Your second part is actually (kind of) correct.
Mockito.when(greetingSupplier.get()).thenReturn(new Greeting("Hello %s."));
You now properly return a response from greetingSupplier.get(). Instead of chaining the call.
However I would argue that your excercise is wrong. Why? When using a Supplier<?> in Spring it actually is a lazy beanFactory.getBean call. You can lazily inject dependencies this way. You should have a mock for Greeting which returns a hardcoded String which you can check.

Repository vs. DAO (again)

In general this back-story does not matter but just to explain the code below:
The server handles users and user groups. User groups are able to "discover" places - at this point in time these places are coming exclusively from the Google Places API.
Current Implementation
Currently, I have a lot of JpaRepository objects, which I call Repository, in my Service Layer. I am stressing "Repository" because in my proposed solution below, they'd be downgraded to DAOs.
However, what I do not like in my current code, and also the reason for my question here, is the amount of repositories one can find in the UserGroupService.
public class UserGroupService {
private final static Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(UserGroupService.class);
private UserGroupRepository userGroupRepository;
private UserGroupPlaceRepository userGroupPlaceRepository;
private PlaceRepository placeRepository;
private GooglePlaceRepository googlePlaceRepository;
private GooglePlaces googlePlaces;
public UserGroupService() {
public void discoverPlaces(Long groupId) {
final UserGroup userGroup = this.userGroupRepository.findById(groupId).orElse(null);
if (userGroup == null) {
throw new EntityNotFoundException(String.format("User group with id %s not found.", groupId));
List<PlacesSearchResult> allPlaces = this.googlePlaces.findPlaces(
allPlaces.forEach(googlePlaceResult -> {
GooglePlace googlePlace = this.googlePlaceRepository.findByGooglePlaceId(googlePlaceResult.placeId);
if (googlePlace != null) {
Place place = new Place();
place = this.placeRepository.save(place);
UserGroupPlace.UserGroupPlaceId userGroupPlaceId = new UserGroupPlace.UserGroupPlaceId();
UserGroupPlace userGroupPlace = new UserGroupPlace();
googlePlace = new GooglePlace();
A Solution That Does Not Work
What could make this code a lot simpler and had the potential to resolve this mess up there, would be #Inheritance:
#Table(name = "place")
#Inheritance(strategy InheritanceType.JOINED)
public class Place { /* .. */ }
#Table(name = "google_place")
public class GooglePlace extends Place { /* .. */ }
However, this is not an option because then I cannot have a PlaceRepository which saves just a place. Hibernate does not seem to like it..
My proposal
I think my confusion starts with the names that Spring is using. E.g. JpaRepository - I am not so sure if this is actually "the right" name. Because as far as I understood, these objects actually work like data access objects (DAOs). I think it should actually look something like this:
public interface PlaceDao extends JpaRepository<Place, Long> {
public interface GooglePlaceDao extends JpaRepository<Place, Long> {
public class GooglePlaceRepository {
private PlaceDao placeDao;
private GooglePlaceDao googlePlaceDao;
public List<GooglePlace> findByGroupId(Long groupId) {
// ..
public void save(GooglePlace googlePlace) {
// ..
public void saveAll(List<GooglePlace> googlePlaces) {
// ..
public class UserGroupService {
private GooglePlaceRepository googlePlaceRepository;
private UserGroupRepository userGroupRepository;
public void discoverPlaces(Long groupId) {
final UserGroup userGroup = this.userGroupRepository.findById(groupId).orElse(null)
.orElseThrow(throw new EntityNotFoundException(String.format("User group with id %s not found.", groupId)));
List<PlacesSearchResult> fetched = this.googlePlaces.findPlaces(
// Either do the mapping here or let GooglePlaces return
// List<GooglePlace> instead of List<PlacesSearchResult>
List<GooglePlace> places = fetched.stream().map(googlePlaceResult -> {
GooglePlace googlePlace = this.googlePlaceRepository.findByGooglePlaceId(googlePlaceResult.placeId);
if (googlePlace != null) {
return googlePlace;
Place place = new Place();
googlePlace = new GooglePlace();
return googlePlace;
// Add places to group..
I would like to know what I don't see. Am I fighting the framework, or does my data model not make sense and this is why I find myself struggling with this? Or am I still having issues on how the two patterns "Repository" and "DAO" are supposed to be used?
How would one implement this?
I would say you are correct that there are too many repository dependencies in your service. Personally, I try to keep the number of #Autowired dependencies to a minimum and I try to use a repository only in one service and expose its higher level functionality via that service. At our company we call that data sovereignty (in German: Datenhoheit) and its purpose is to ensure that there is only one place in the application where those entities are modified.
From what I understand from your code I would introduce a PlacesService which has all the Dependencies to the PlaceRepository, GooglePlaceRepository and GooglePlaces. If you feel like Service is not the right name you could also call it the PlacesDao, mark it with a Spring #Component annotation and inject all the Repositories, which are by definition collections of things
public class PlacesDao {
private PlaceRepository placeRepository;
private GooglePlaceRepository googlePlaceRepository;
This service/DAO could offer an API findPlacesForGroup(userGroup) and createNewPlace(...) and thus making your for Loop smaller and more elegant.
On a side note: you can merge your first four lines into just one. Java Optionals support a orElseThrow() method:
UserGroup userGroup = userGroupRepository.findById(groupId).orElseThrow(() ->
new EntityNotFoundException(String.format("User group with id %s not found.", groupId));
I think the foreach does not look like a good approach to me. You're doing way to much for just a single responsibility of a function. I would refactor this to a standart for loop.
Place place = new Place();
place = this.placeRepository.save(place);
This part can easily be a method in a service.
UserGroupPlace.UserGroupPlaceId userGroupPlaceId = new
UserGroupPlace userGroupPlace = new UserGroupPlace();
That part as well.
googlePlace = new GooglePlace();
And this part: I don't understand why your doing this. You could just update the googlePlace instance you loaded from the repo. Hibernate/Transactions are doing the rest for you.

Is a mock MongoRepository saving objects?

I am using SpringBoot 1.5.9 and try to do Integration testing. Weirdly a MongoRepository.save() method updates the object when called on mock MongoRepository.
I have a Counter Class
public class Counter {
public String id;
public int seq;
public void increaseSeq() {
this.seq += 1;
And his repository
public interface CounterRepository extends MongoRepository<Counter, String>{
Counter findById(String id);
List<Counter> findAll();
And his service
public class CounterService {
#Autowired private CounterRepository counterRepository;
public Counter findCounter(String id) {
return counterRepository.findById(id);
public int getSeqAndIncrease(String id) {
Counter counter = findCounter(id);
if (counter == null) {
return -1;
return counter.getSeq();
Now, when I do system integration and try to mock the counterRepository, it happens something that I don't expect. The counterRepository.findById() returns a Counter object where the 'seq' field is increased. Why? Does the counterRepository.save() affect the result in any way (the counterRepository is mocked, hence I suppose that save() should not have any effect)?
public class FlowServiceTest {
#MockBean private CounterRepository counterRepository;
#Autowired private CounterService counterService;
public void setUp() {
Mockito.when(counterRepository.save(any(Counter.class))).then(arg -> arg.getArgumentAt(0, Counter.class));
Mockito.when(counterRepository.findById("flow")).thenReturn(new Counter("flow", 10));
public void testSavingInDatabase() {
It prints "10 11 12". Why doesn't it print '10 10 10'?
The problem is these lines
return counter.getSeq();
What you should be doing is this
Counter saveCounter = counterRepository.save(counter);
return savedCounter.getSeq();
In getSeqAndIncrease method, you are not returning sequence of the saved object.
By doing this you are making your mock statement for save useless. Because you are not using the value returned from mock.
tl;dr - The returned object from mock is initialized only once in mockito. So I basically got the same reference every time, and since it is a reference not a new object, the values are updated.
Complete answer: When setting
Mockito.when(counterRepository.findById("flow")).thenReturn(new Counter("flow", 10));
, it might seem intuitive to return a new object every time, but the return object is initialised only once when the test starts and will be returned at all subsequent calls.
Then, in my code I do
which increases the 'seq' of found object (this object comes from Mockito). Then at the next call, Mockito returns the firstly initialised object which was updated in the meantime; Mockito does not return a new object as it might seem like.

How to define Spring Data Repository scope to Prototype?

I'm using Spring data jpa & hibernate for data access along with Spring boot. All the repository beans are singleton by default. I want to define the scope of all my repositories to Prototype. How can I do that?
public interface CustomerRepository extends CrudRepository<Customer, Long> {
List<Customer> findByLastName(String lastName);
Edit 1
The problem is related to domain object being shared in 2 different transactions which is causing my code to fail. I thought it is happening because repository beans are singleton. That's the reason I asked the question. Here is the detailed explanation of the scenario.
I have 2 entities User and UserSkill. User has 1-* relationship with UserSkills with lazy loading enabled on UserSkill relation.
In a UserAggregationService, I first make a call to fetch an individual user skill by id 123 which belongs to user with id 1.
public class UserAggregationService {
public List<Object> getAggregatedResults() {
//Throws Null Pointer Exception. See below for more details.
Implementation of UserSkillService method looks like
public UserSkillDTO getUserSkill(String id) {
UserSkill userSkill = userSkillService.get(id);
//Skills set to null avoid recursive DTO mapping. Dozer mapper is used
//for mapping.
UserSkillDTO result = mapper.map(userSkill, UserSkillDTO.class);
return result;
In the call of user aggregation service, I call UserService to fetch userDetails. UserService code looks like
public UserDTO getById(String id) {
User user = userService.getByGuid(id);
List<UserSkillDTO> userSkillList = Lists.newArrayList();
//user.getSkills throws null pointer exception.
for (UserSkill uSkill : user.getSkills()) {
//Code emitted
//code removed for conciseness
return userDTO;
UserSkillService method implementation
public class UserSkillService {
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.SUPPORTS)
public UserSkill get(String guid) throws PostNotFoundException {
UserSkill skill = userSkillRepository.findByGuid(guid);
if (skill == null) {
throw new SkillNotFoundException(guid);
return skill;
UserService method implementation:
public class UserService {
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
public User getByGuid(String guid) throws UserNotFoundException {
User user = userRepo.findByGuid(guid);
if (user == null) {
throw new UserNotFoundException(guid);
return user;
Spring boot auto configuration is used to instantiate entity manager factory and transaction manager. In the configuration file spring.jpa.* keys are used to connect to the database.
If I comment the below line of code, then I do not get the exception. I am unable to understand why change in the domain object is being affecting the object fetch in a different transaction.
Please suggest If I have missed something.

My spring mvc session was changed implicitly after called a service method?

I'm using spring 3.2.5 via annotations and got some issue dealing with session.
My controller class is like this:
public class WebController {
private IElementService elementService;
//in this method I set the "elementList" in session explicitly
public String elementSearch(
#RequestParam("keyword") String keyword,
HttpSession session){
List<Element> elementList= elementService.searchElement(keyword);
session.setAttribute("elementList", elementList);
return "searchResult";
//here I got my problem
#RequestMapping(value="/anotherMethod.do", produces="text/html; charset=utf-8")
public String anotherMethod(
//I called my service method here like
Element e = elementService.searchElement("something").get(0);
And I have a ElementServiceImpl class like this:
public class ElementServiceImpl implements IElementService {
private IBaseDAO baseDao;
public List<Metadata> searchElement(String keyword) {
List<Metadata> re = baseDao.searchElement(keyword);
return re;
And I have a BaseDAOImpl class implemented IBaseDAO and annonated with #Repository:
public class BaseDAOImpl implements IBaseDAO {
Here is the problem, when I visit ".../anotherMethod.do", which will call the anotherMethod up there, my "elementList" in session was changed!
Then I looked into the anotherMethod() and found everytime
Element e = elementService.searchElement("something").get(0);
was called, my elementList was change to the new result returned by searchElement method(which returns a List).
But I didn't set session in that method, and I'm not using #SessionAttributes, so I don't understand how could my session attribute changed after calling a service method?
This problem is torturing me right now so any advise would be a great help, thanks!
update: I tried to print all my session attributes around that method call like this:
StringBuilder ss1 = new StringBuilder("-------------current session-------------\n");
session.setAttribute("test1", "test value 1");
log.info("sessionTest - key:test1 value:" + session.getAttribute("test"));
Enumeration<String> attrs1 = session.getAttributeNames();
String key = attrs1.nextElement();
But I didn't see whether the "elementList" or the test value which I added just before print. And I do can get some value by
List<Element> elementList = (List<Element>) session.getAttribute("elementList");
and the elementList I get changed after calling service method, just like I posted before. Where my elementList stored? not in the session?
My goal is to show the elementList to the users in a table, and let them pick one of them, then I get the row number of the table and take it as a index of the elemntList, so I'll know which elemnt object the user picked. Are there any better way to do this so I can get rid of that problem?
Thanks again.
