NRules rulesRepo.Compile() slow - nrules

I've started to work with NRules a couple weeks ago. I like it a lot. But the issue I am getting is performance... I have about 1500 rules (may be it's to many?) built dynamically, and my rulesRepo.Compile() takes almost 6 seconds. Is anybody had the same kind of issue?

The intent is for rules to get compiled only once during the application lifetime (generally at application startup). So, that performance cost is something you are supposed to only pay once.
Also, consider a custom expression compiler ( where you can try to hook up to speed up compilation
using FastExpressionCompiler;
public class FastExpressionCompiler : NRules.Extensibility.IExpressionCompiler
public TDelegate Compile<TDelegate>(Expression<TDelegate> expression) where TDelegate : Delegate
return expression.CompileFast();
And use the created expression compiler for rules compilation:
var repository = new RuleRepository();
//Load rules
var compiler = new RuleCompiler();
compiler.ExpressionCompiler = new FastExpressionCompiler();
var factory = compiler.Compile(repository.GetRuleSets());


Recompile assemblies to separate appdomains in NET 5

I have a NET 5.0 console application, from which I am trying to compile and execute external code BUT also be able to update the code, unload the previously created appdomain and re-compile everything.
This is my entire static class that handles code compilation and assembly loading
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using System.Reflection;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Emit;
using System.Runtime.Loader;
namespace Scripting
public static class ScriptCompiler
public static Dictionary<string, AppDomain> _appDomainDict = new();
public static object CompileScript(string scriptpath)
var tree = SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(File.ReadAllText(scriptpath));
//Adding basic references
List<PortableExecutableReference> refs = new List<PortableExecutableReference>();
var assemblyPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(object).Assembly.Location);
refs.Add(MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(Path.Combine(assemblyPath, "mscorlib.dll")));
refs.Add(MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(Path.Combine(assemblyPath, "System.dll")));
refs.Add(MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(Path.Combine(assemblyPath, "System.Private.CoreLib.dll")));
refs.Add(MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(Path.Combine(assemblyPath, "System.Core.dll")));
refs.Add(MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(Path.Combine(assemblyPath, "System.Runtime.dll")));
// A single, immutable invocation to the compiler
// to produce a library
string hash_name = scriptpath.GetHashCode();
if (_appDomainDict.ContainsKey(hash_name))
AppDomain new_domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain(hash_name);
_appDomainDict[hash_name] = new_domain;
var compilation = CSharpCompilation.Create(hash_name)
new CSharpCompilationOptions(OutputKind.DynamicallyLinkedLibrary,
optimizationLevel: OptimizationLevel.Release,
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
EmitResult compilationResult = compilation.Emit(ms);
ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
if (compilationResult.Success)
// Load the assembly
Assembly asm = new_domain.Load(ms.ToArray());
object main_ob = asm.CreateInstance("SomeClass");
return main_ob;
foreach (Diagnostic codeIssue in compilationResult.Diagnostics)
string issue = $"ID: {codeIssue.Id}, Message: {codeIssue.GetMessage()}," +
$" Location: { codeIssue.Location.GetLineSpan()}," +
$" Severity: { codeIssue.Severity}";
Callbacks.Logger.Log(typeof(NbScriptCompiler), issue, LogVerbosityLevel.WARNING);
return null;
Its all good when I am trying load the assembly in the current domain and execute from the instantiated object. The problem with this case is that since I wanna do frequent updates to the code, even if I make sure that the assembly names are different. I'll end up loading a ton of unused assemblies to the current domain.
This is why I've been trying to create a new domain and load the assembly there. But for some reason I get a platform not supported exception. Is this not possible to do in NET 5? Are there any workarounds or am I doing something wrong here.
Ok, it turns out that AppDomain support for NET Core + is very limited and in particular there seems to be only one appdomain
On .NET Core, the AppDomain implementation is limited by design and
does not provide isolation, unloading, or security boundaries. For
.NET Core, there is exactly one AppDomain. Isolation and unloading are
provided through AssemblyLoadContext. Security boundaries should be
provided by process boundaries and appropriate remoting techniques.
And indeed, when trying to use AssemblyLoadContext and create object instances through these contexts everything worked like a charm!
One last note is that if the created context is not marked as collectible, its not possible to unload it. But this can be very easily set during AssemblyLoadContext construction.

Resolve actual Reference path using Microsoft.Build.Evaluation

I'm doing some introspection and analysis of csproj files using the Microsoft.Build.Evaluation tools in a small C# console app. I want to locate the actual location of Reference items, using the same heuristics as MSBuild itself ie the locations described here. I'm heading towards auto conversion of build artifacts into packages, similar to what's outlined on the JetBrains blog here
The only examples I can find expect the HintPath to be correct, for example this project, and I know there are some HintPaths that are not currently correct, I don't want to trust them. This project very close what I'm trying to do, with the added complication that I want to use real resolution behaviour to find dependencies.
I have an instance of a Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.Project object for my csproj, and I can't see any methods available on it that could exersize the resolution for me. I think what I'm hoping for is a magic Resolve() method for a Reference or a ProjectItem, a bit like this method.
I can probably find an alternative by constraining my own search to a set of limited output paths used by this build system, but I'd like to hook into MSBuild if I can.
The reference resolution is one of the trickiest parts of MSBuild. The logic of how assemblies are located is implemented inside the a standard set of tasks:
ResolveAssemblyReference, ResolveNativeReference, etc. The logic is how this works is very complicated, you can see that just by looking at number of possible parameters to those tasks.
However you don't need to know the exact logic to find the location of referenced files. There are standard targets called "ResolveAssemblyReferences", "ResolveProjectReferences" and some others more specialized for native references, COM references. Those targets are executed as part of the normal build. If you just execute those targets separately, you can find out the return values, which is exactly what you need. The same mechanism is used by IDE to get location of refereces, for Intellisense, introspection, etc.
Here is how you can do it in code:
using Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine;
using Microsoft.Build.Execution;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Program
static int Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length < 1)
Console.WriteLine("Usage: GetReferences.exe <projectFileName>");
return -1;
string projectFileName = args[0];
ConsoleLogger logger = new ConsoleLogger(LoggerVerbosity.Normal);
BuildManager manager = BuildManager.DefaultBuildManager;
ProjectInstance projectInstance = new ProjectInstance(projectFileName);
var result = manager.Build(
new BuildParameters()
DetailedSummary = true,
Loggers = new List<ILogger>() { logger }
new BuildRequestData(projectInstance, new string[]
PrintResultItems(result, "ResolveProjectReferences");
PrintResultItems(result, "ResolveAssemblyReferences");
return 0;
private static void PrintResultItems(BuildResult result, string targetName)
var buildResult = result.ResultsByTarget[targetName];
var buildResultItems = buildResult.Items;
if (buildResultItems.Length == 0)
Console.WriteLine("No refereces detected in target {0}.", targetName);
foreach (var item in buildResultItems)
Console.WriteLine("{0} reference: {1}", targetName, item.ItemSpec);
Notice, the engine is called to invoke specific targets in the project. Your project usually does not build, but some targets might be invoked by pre-requisite targets.
Just compile it and will print a sub-set of all dependencies. There might be more dependencies if you use COM references or native dependencies for your project. It should be easy to modify the sample to get those as well.

What is the best way to wire up ReactiveCommand to invoke a webservice

I am some need help understanding the latest recommended approach to wire up and use reactiveui for a WPF project.
In doing research on the internet on reactiveui I came across various (few) posts spanning a long time period during which the library evolved with the unfortunate result that some of these how-to articles now refer to older ways of doing things which are no longer applicable
I am trying to understand the recommended way to wire up commands (usually to invoke web service which returns a DTO) and I’ve found multiple ways mentioned to do it.
My current understanding is that
// this is the first thing to do
MyCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create()
// variations to wire up the delegates / tasks to be invoked
// this seems to be only way to wire handler for receiving result
// not sure if these below are obsolete?
Could someone try to explain which of these variations is the latest API and which are obsolete, with perhaps a few words about when to use each of them
The changes on the ReactiveCommand API are documented in this blog post:
The first option - ReactiveCommand.Create() - just creates a reactive command.
To define a command which asynchronously returns data from a service you would use :
MyCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncTask(
canExec, // optional
async _ => await api.LoadSomeData(...));
You may use the Subscribe method to handle data when it is received:
this.Data = new ReactiveList<SomeDTO>();
MyCommand.Subscribe(items =>
foreach (var item in items)
Though, the simplest thing is to use instead the ToProperty method like this:
this._data = MyCommand
.Select(items => new ReactiveList<SomeDTO>(items))
.ToProperty(this, x => x.Data);
where you have defined an output property for Data:
private readonly ObservableAsPropertyHelper<ReactiveList<SomeDTO>> _data;
public ReactiveList<SomeDTO> Data
get { return _data.Value; }

Can you record accessed methods in Visual Studio?

I'm retroactively documenting and writing unit tests for some C# code. I would like to determine what code is actually being used and when.
In Visual Studio 2012, is there a way to record all the methods accessed and in what order while walking through specific scenarios?
You could run your application with a profiler attached, which will give you all accessed methods, call chains, counts, etc.
The Visual Studio Profiler will give you the time spent in each method, and let you inspect the call heirarchy. I don't know if it will give you the exact order they were called in though.
EDIT: Apparently attaching the profiler to a running unit test is harder in VS2012.
Are you wanting to execute a test method that make sure that a particular method on a class was invoked ? If so i dont know of a way to do it in VS alone, but you can use a mock framework to create dependency mocks and check values on them. Here is a snippet of a unit test:
public void HttpPostPrivacyPolicyFacadeSvcErrorTest()
var controller = ControllerHelper.GetRouteController();
controller.Session[SessionVariable.User] = new UserInfo() { UserName = Config.Data.Username };
var idmSvcMock = new Mock<IUserServiceDAO>();
var facadeSvcMock = new Mock<IFacadeSvcDAO>();
//setup the facade mock to throw exception to simulate FacadeServiceException
facadeSvcMock.Setup(x => x.SetPrivacyAcceptanceStatus(It.IsAny<UserInfo>())).Throws<Exception>();
var userCollectorMock = new Mock<IUserInfoCollector>();
userCollectorMock.Setup(x => x.GetUserInfo()).Returns(new UserInfo() { UserName = Config.Data.Username });
controller.FacadeSvc = facadeSvcMock.Object;
controller.UserServiceDAO = idmSvcMock.Object;
controller.UserCollector = userCollectorMock.Object;
controller.DefaultErrorId = "Route_errors_Unabletoprocess";
var res = controller.Privacy(new FormCollection());
//make sure we go to the right controller, action, with the correct params.
res.AssertActionRedirect().ToController("Errors").ToAction("Index").WithParameter("id", "Route_errors_Unabletoprocess");
//did we call setprivacy once on the mock?
facadeSvcMock.Verify(x => x.SetPrivacyAcceptanceStatus(It.IsAny<UserInfo>()), Times.Exactly(1));
In the test above i check that SetPrivacyAcceptance was invoked once and only once on my facadeSvcMock instance. More on moq here: Moq
this block of code is actually checking how many times SetPrivacyAcceptanceStatus was invoked:
//did we call setprivacy once on the mock?
facadeSvcMock.Verify(x => x.SetPrivacyAcceptanceStatus(It.IsAny()), Times.Exactly(1));
the It.IsAny() is the one parameter to that method, so the line above says basically "For any input parameter of type UserInfo verify that we invoked SetPrivacyAcceptanceStatus exactly once."

protobuf-net concurrent performance issue in TakeLock

We're using protobuf-net for sending log messages between services. When profiling stress testing, under high concurrency, we see very high CPU usage and that TakeLock in RuntimeTypeModel is the culprit. The hot call stack looks something like:
*Our code...*
ProtoBuf.Serializer.SerializeWithLengthPrefix(class System.IO.Stream,!!0,valuetype ProtoBuf.PrefixStyle)
ProtoBuf.Serializer.SerializeWithLengthPrefix(class System.IO.Stream,!!0,valuetype ProtoBuf.PrefixStyle,int32)
ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel.SerializeWithLengthPrefix(class System.IO.Stream,object,class System.Type,valuetype ProtoBuf.PrefixStyle,int32)
ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel.SerializeWithLengthPrefix(class System.IO.Stream,object,class System.Type,valuetype ProtoBuf.PrefixStyle,int32,class ProtoBuf.SerializationContext)
ProtoBuf.ProtoWriter.WriteObject(object,int32,class ProtoBuf.ProtoWriter,valuetype ProtoBuf.PrefixStyle,int32)
ProtoBuf.BclHelpers.WriteNetObject(object,class ProtoBuf.ProtoWriter,int32,valuetype
ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel.GetKey(class System.Type&)
ProtoBuf.Meta.RuntimeTypeModel.GetKey(class System.Type,bool,bool)
ProtoBuf.Meta.RuntimeTypeModel.FindOrAddAuto(class System.Type,bool,bool,bool)
I see that we can use the new precompiler to get a speed boost, but I'm wondering if that will get rid of the issue (sounds like it doesn't use reflection); it would be a bit of work for me to integrate this, so I haven't tested it yet. I also see the option to call Serializer.PrepareSerializer. My initial (small scale) testing didn't make the prepare seem promising.
A little more info about the type we're serializing:
public class SomeMessage
public SomeEnumType SomeEnum { get; set; }
public long SomeId{ get; set; }
public string SomeString{ get; set; }
public DateTime SomeDate { get; set; }
[ProtoMember(5, DynamicType = true, OverwriteList = true)]
public Collection<object> SomeArguments
Thanks for your help!
Thanks for your response! We're going to try the workaround you suggest and see if that fixes things.
This code lives in our logging system so, in the SomeMessage example, SomeString is really a format string (e.g. "Hello {0}") and the SomeArguments collection is a list of objects used to fill in the format string, just like String.Format. Before we serialize, we look at each argument and call DynamicSerializer.IsKnownType(argument.GetType()), if it isn't known, we convert it to a string first. I haven't looked at the ratios of data, but I'm pretty sure we have a lot of different strings coming in as arguments.
Let me know if this helps. If you need, I'll try to get more details.
TakeLock is only used when it is changing the model, for example because it is seeing a type for the first time. You shouldn't normally see TakeLock after the first time a particular type has been used. In most cases, using Serializaer.PrepareSerializer<SomeMessage>() should perform all the necessary initialization (and similar for any other contracts you are using).
However! I wonder if perhaps this is also related to your use of DynamicType; what are the actual objects being used here? It might be that I need to tweak the logic here, so that it doesn't spend any time on that step. If you let me know the actual objects (so I can repro), I will try to run some tests.
As for whether the precompiler would change this; yes it would. A fully compiled static model has a completely different implementation of the ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel.GetKey method, so it would never call TakeLock (you don't need to protect a model that can never change!). But you can actuallydo something very similar without needing to use precompile. Consider the following, run as part of your app's initialization:
static readonly TypeModel serializer;
var model = TypeModel.Create();
model.Add(typeof(SomeMessage), true);
// TODO add other contracts you use here
serializer = model.Compile();
This will create a fully static-compiled serializer assembly in memory (instead of a mutable model with individual operations compiled). If you now use serializer.Serialize(...) instead of Serializer.Serialize (i.e. the instance method on your stored TypeModel rather than the static method on Serializer) then it will essentially be doing something very similar to "precompiler", but without the need to actualy precompile it (obviously this will only be available on "full" .NET). This will then never call TakeLock, as it is running a fixed model, rather than a flexible model. It does, however, require you to know what contract-types you use. You could use reflection to find these, by looking for all those types with a given attribute:
static readonly TypeModel serializer;
var model = TypeModel.Create();
Type attributeType = typeof(ProtoContractAttribute);
foreach (var type in typeof(SomeMessage).Assembly.GetTypes()) {
if (Attribute.IsDefined(type, attributeType)) {
model.Add(type, true);
serializer = model.Compile();
But emphasis: the above is a workaround; it sounds like there's a glitch, which I'll happily investigate if I can see an example where it actually happens; most importantly: what are the objects in SomeArguments?
