Heroku pipeline (for GitHub review app) keeps disappearing - heroku

We're setting up review apps with GitHub integration.
We followed this:
and created a default dummy app for our review app pipeline.
It works fine in the first couple of builds and review apps...
Then the pipeline keeps disappearing from our dashboard :( (seems deleted).
Why and how to fix that?


Cannot find the Slack App we created in the list of apps created inside "Your Apps"

We built a Slack app a few months ago and set everything up except getting it approved and listed on the Slack App Marketplace.
We have been doing improvements on it but all have been on the bot side and have not touched our configuration within Slack.
Now, we feel like we can submit it to the marketplace but cannot seem to find our app in "https://api.slack.com/apps/" where we're supposed to find our app.
At first we thought we must have created our app using a different defunct workspace but upon checkin our app inside our current workspace, we get the tag:
This app was created by a member of your workspace, *****.The permissions this app requests have not been reviewed by Slack.
Thus, we're sure it was created with this current workspace. But, https://api.slack.com/apps/ is empty. And we are only prompted to make a new app.
I cannot be sure but there might be possibility that the app was created using an account that is not part our workspace anymore. Could this be the case? If so, what are we supposed to do?
Thank you very much!

How to upload to Apple's My Apps from a Xamarin project

I specifically need help getting the app build into my apps. I am so new to the MAC ecosystem. I need to get my app build from my windows 10 box (parallels) running VS2017/Xamarin Forms project uploaded to My Apps. What i have found is helpful if you are using xcode on the mac.
I have read tons of pages and help files and with all of that what I have includes:
created an app in VS2017/Xamarin that runs happily on the emulator from the MAC (MacBook Pro)
purchased the app dev subcription from apple
created a Production certificate (I don't need this yet but I was in there so...)
created a Development certificate
created a key pair from the Dev cert (that show up in the keychain)
created an App Group
created my app's placeholder under My Apps on App Store Connect
added my iPhone to devices via connecting to the Mac getting the UDID from iTunes
created a development provisioning profile for my iPhone (Not sure how this helps my testflight plight)
You must submit for review the same way for both TestFlight and Prod release to the actual store.
You don't need to open the app in xcode outside Xamarin
There is a tool or concept I am missing out on.
For development outside of Xcode, you will want to use Apple's Application Loader App to upload your app to App Store Connect.
As I said in comment to Matt below his correct answer to my actual question above, I needed to get the project right to get to that point.
Here are the more intimate details for the lurkers. I hope this helps some of you.
I was getting, or trying, to get all of this in place manually instead of letting VS do it's work getting this stuff together while I got to coding. FastLane FTW
Open the account management window, go to Tools > Options > Xamarin > Apple Accounts
Add your AppleID
Click on your appleID
Click the add button
Select your id in the lower text area
then add your distro cert. As is proper you deploy to TestFlight as a prod release.
Then get over to to your iOS project properties:
Make sure that your project is outputting an IPA. (Not Beer ;) )
These are my settings that worked. There could be other configurations that work as well.
I never get the automatic provisioning to work. And while this bundle signing settings look like it will not work, it does. I have received my apple approval for beta and users are in testflight.
Also, make sure you update the version of the app in the plist for subsequent releases. This change is not carried through from the AssemblyInfo.cs as one might expect. viola.
If you see this during debug make sure your debug version has Developer (Automatic) set for your debug settings.
FWIW - My VS2017:
While this does not perfectly match the info # https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/cross-platform/macios/apple-account-management?tabs=windows it worked for me. That page was key to the solution and deserves citing. Your mileage may vary.
If I missed something please reach out and I will update this.

No option to open the app when deploying using a Heroku button

When I use the Hasura GraphQL Engine Heroku Button, I don't see a green tick for the Deploy to Heroku stage of the deployment and the buttons to manage/view the app are also missing. Reference screenshot:
This is how the deployment screen used to look before I ran into this error:
But this app actually gets deployed as you can see from this screenshot of the dashboard:
The deployment clearly went through without any errors and I can access the `Manage app' button in the app's settings page:
All the reference screenshots were taken after about 5-10 mins of the deployment process, which is more than enough time for it be completed. The issue was also reproduced consistently multiple times.
How to reproduce
1) Go to https://elements.heroku.com/buttons/hasura/graphql-engine-heroku
2) Click on the Deploy to Heroku on the top right

iOS 10 Notification Service Extension

I'm working on the iOS 10 APNs function, trying to add Notification Service Extension to an existing App, add the function of pushing an image to the App.
After the extension was added, it did receive the pushed message. But couldn't receive the image, the function(wrote in the extension) of downloading the pushed image didn't execute during debugging. I checked the content in the App package, confirmed that the extension was installed in the App, it just didn't work.
What made me confused was that: I built a new testing project with same bundle id. The testing app could receive the pushed message and show the image correctly.(please see below screen shot)
What's wrong with the existing project? I tried to find the difference between the existing project and the testing project, yet found nothing in the code, setting, environment.
Does anyone encountered this before? I have been struggling in this for a week...
WWDC 2016 APNS Guide: https://willowtreeapps.com/ideas/wwdc-2016-rich-notifications-in-ios-10
Apple notification guide:https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/RemoteNotificationsPG/ModifyingNotifications.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008194-CH16-SW1
Finally this bug was fixed, please see the attached image. XCode recommends setting the architecture as automatic and I did so, then the notification service extension worked and could receive the pushed image. I don't know why this setting caused the problem, but I'm sure it works.

Xcode 5 - What should I change on development version of my app, before uploading to store

My app is ready to upload. Everything works fine in development side. I wonder what I should change (about SSL or something else) before uploading to store?
This is a complex topic and we may not be able to answer this in once sentence.
For submission you may need a Distribution Profile from the Apple Dev Center. Depending on the functionality you're using in your app, and depending on if it's an iOS or Mac App, you may be able to use the provisioning profile Xcode has generated for you. You can set this under Build Settings - Code Signing - Provisioning Profile.
You also need to setup your app in iTunes Connect so you can submit it (this includes screenshots, App Store Category, description, etc).
To check if the submission will be successful, head over to Product - Archive, and from the screen that opens hit "Validate". This will tell you if you're missing anything.
Take a look at the App Distribution Guide for details on how to submit an app to the App Store. There's a whole chapter on Push Notifications in there too which deserve special attention: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/SubmittingYourApp/SubmittingYourApp.html
Those technicalities aside, make sure that any NSLog and NSAssert statements that you may have used while developing are removed or not compiled before submission.
