Failed to get #Query Result - spring-boot

Hello I'm trying to read tables related with ManyToOne , i get the result when i execute the query in Navicat :
but when i try to display data in the front with angular i failed i get only the main tables
this is the query :
//like this
#Query(value = "SELECT\n" +
"\tnotification.idnotif,\n" +
"\tnotification.message,\n" +
"\tnotification.\"state\",\n" +
"\tnotification.title,\n" +
"\tnotification.\"customData\",\n" +
"\tnotification.\"date\",\n" +
"\tnotification.receiver,\n" +
"\tnotification.sender,\n" +
"\tnotification.\"type\",\n" +
"\thospital.\"name\",\n" +
"\thospital.\"siretNumber\",\n" +
"\tusers.firstname,\n" +
"\tusers.\"isActive\" \n" +
"FROM\n" +
"\tnotification\n" +
"\tINNER JOIN hospital ON notification.receiver = :reciver\n" +
"\tINNER JOIN users ON notification.sender = :sender",nativeQuery = true)
List<Notification> findNotificationCustomQuery(#Param("reciver") Long reciver,#Param("sender") Long sender);
please what can i do to resolve this problem !

You are doing inner join in the native query. Follow as below. Change the return type to Object[] from Notification.
#Query(value = "SELECT\n" +
"\tnotification.idnotif,\n" +
"\tnotification.message,\n" +
"\tnotification.\"state\",\n" +
"\tnotification.title,\n" +
"\tnotification.\"customData\",\n" +
"\tnotification.\"date\",\n" +
"\tnotification.receiver,\n" +
"\tnotification.sender,\n" +
"\tnotification.\"type\",\n" +
"\thospital.\"name\",\n" +
"\thospital.\"siretNumber\",\n" +
"\tusers.firstname,\n" +
"\tusers.\"isActive\" \n" +
"FROM\n" +
"\tnotification\n" +
"\tINNER JOIN hospital ON notification.receiver = :reciver\n" +
"\tINNER JOIN users ON notification.sender =
:sender",nativeQuery = true)
List<Object []> findNotificationCustomQuery(#Param("reciver")
Long reciver,#Param("sender") Long sender);
Then you have to loop the result as below and get the attributes.
for(Object[] obj : result){
String is = obj[0];
//Get like above


Reading data from oracle using Flink

I'm trying to use Flink to work with Oracle. Just do a simple task copy data from table to a new one.
EnvironmentSettings settings = EnvironmentSettings.inStreamingMode();
TableEnvironment tEnv = TableEnvironment.create(settings);
tEnv.executeSql("CREATE TABLE ExistedTable(\n" +
" quoteid BIGINT,\n" +
" requestid BIGINT,\n" +
" createddt DATE,\n" +
") WITH (\n" +
" 'connector' = 'jdbc',\n" +
" 'url' = '',\n" +
" 'table-name' = 'TableName',\n" +
" 'driver' = 'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver',\n" +
" 'username' = 'UserName',\n" +
" 'password' = 'Password'\n" +
tEnv.executeSql("CREATE TABLE NewTable (\n" +
" quoteid BIGINT,\n" +
" requestid BIGINT,\n" +
" createddt DATE,\n" +
") WITH (\n" +
" 'connector' = 'jdbc',\n" +
" 'url' = '',\n" +
" 'table-name' = 'NewTableName',\n" +
" 'driver' = 'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver',\n" +
" 'username' = 'UserName',\n" +
" 'password' = 'Password'\n" +
Table data= tEnv.from("ExistedTable");
When running I've got error
The program finished with the following exception:
org.apache.flink.client.program.ProgramInvocationException: The main method caused an error: Unable to create a source for reading table ''.
Table options are:
at org.apache.flink.client.program.PackagedProgram.callMainMethod(
at org.apache.flink.client.program.PackagedProgram.invokeInteractiveModeForExecution(
at org.apache.flink.client.ClientUtils.executeProgram(
at org.apache.flink.client.cli.CliFrontend.executeProgram(
at org.apache.flink.client.cli.CliFrontend.parseAndRun(
at org.apache.flink.client.cli.CliFrontend.lambda$main$10(
at org.apache.flink.client.cli.CliFrontend.main(
Caused by: org.apache.flink.table.api.ValidationException: Unable to create a source for reading table ''.
Is there any error in my sqlconnection. I couldn't found any example for working with oracle.
Which version of Flink are you using? Support for Oracle JDBC is available since Flink 1.15, which hasn't been released yet.

How to get Datasource JDBC Driver Properties with WLST

I have a problem getting some properties of the JDBC Driver of a Datasource in a weblogic server using WLST.
Altough I can get many properties of the DS like this:
allJDBCResources = cmo.getJDBCSystemResources()
for jdbcResource in allJDBCResources:
dsname = jdbcResource.getName()
dsResource = jdbcResource.getJDBCResource()
dsJNDIname = dsResource.getJDBCDataSourceParams().getJNDINames()[0]
dsInitialCap = dsResource.getJDBCResource().getJDBCConnectionPoolParams().getInitialCapacity()
I'm still unable to retrieve the values from this (image for better understanding of the problem):
I'm able to get the driver class name but not the propierties in that field. I need to retrieve through WLST:
I've seen lots of pages through google but only to "set" the properties not a way to get that values.
Any help is appreciated.
Well, I achieved what I needed in this way:
try :
user = ls("/JDBCSystemResources/"+ dsname +"/Resource/" + dsname + "/JDBCDriverParams/" + dsname + "/Properties/" + dsname + "/Properties/user")
readTimeOut = ls("/JDBCSystemResources/"+ dsname +"/Resource/" + dsname + "/JDBCDriverParams/" + dsname + "/Properties/" + dsname + "/Properties/oracle.jdbc.ReadTimeout")
conTimeOut = ls("/JDBCSystemResources/"+ dsname +"/Resource/" + dsname + "/JDBCDriverParams/" + dsname + "/Properties/" + dsname + "/Properties/")
streamAsBlob = ls("/JDBCSystemResources/"+ dsname +"/Resource/" + dsname + "/JDBCDriverParams/" + dsname + "/Properties/" + dsname + "/Properties/SendStreamAsBlob")
except WLSTException:
And after that I had the information I needed, just in an horrible string but I'll parse it with python.

MongoDB Native Query vs C# LINQ Performance

I am using the following two options, the Mongo C# driver seems to be taking more time. I'm using StopWatch to calculate the timings.
Case 1: Native Mongo QueryDocument (takes 0.0011 ms to return data)
string querytext = #"{schemas:{$elemMatch:{name: " + n + ",code : " + c + "} }},{schemas:{$elemMatch:{code :" + c1 + "}}}";
string printQueryname = "Query: " + querytext;
BsonDocument query1 = MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.BsonSerializer.Deserialize<BsonDocument>(querytext);
QueryDocument queryDoc1 = new QueryDocument(query1);
var queryResponse = collection.FindAs<BsonDocument>(queryDoc1);
Case 2: Mongo C# Driver (takes more than 3.2 ms to return data)
Schema _result = new Schema();
_result = (from c in _coll.AsQueryable<Schema>()
where c.schemas.Any(s => s.code.Equals(c) && ) &&
c.schemas.Any(s => s.code.Equals(c1))
select c).FirstOrDefault();
Any thoughts ? Anything wrong here ?

Running a mapreduce job on cloudera demo cdh3u4 (airline data example)

I'm doing the R-Hadoop tutorial (october 2012) of Jeffrey Breen.
At the moment I try to populate hdfs and then run the commands Jeffrey published in his tutorial in RStudio. Unfortunately I got some troubles with it:
UPDATE: I now moved the data folder to:
/home/cloudera/data/hadoop/wordcount (and same for airline-Data)
No when I run I get the following output:
[cloudera#localhost ~]$ /home/cloudera/TutorialBreen/bin/
mkdir: cannot create directory /user/cloudera: File exists
mkdir: cannot create directory /user/cloudera/wordcount: File exists
mkdir: cannot create directory /user/cloudera/wordcount/data: File exists
mkdir: cannot create directory /user/cloudera/airline: File exists
mkdir: cannot create directory /user/cloudera/airline/data: File exists
put: Target /user/cloudera/airline/data/20040325.csv already exists
And then I tried the commands in RStudio as shown in the tutorial but I get errors at the end. Can someone show me what I did wrong?
> if (LOCAL)
+ {
+ rmr.options.set(backend = 'local')
+ = 'data/local/airline'
+ = file.path(, '20040325-jfk-lax.csv')
+ hdfs.out.root = 'out/airline'
+ hdfs.out = file.path(hdfs.out.root, 'out')
+ if (!file.exists(hdfs.out))
+ dir.create(hdfs.out.root, recursive=T)
+ } else {
+ rmr.options.set(backend = 'hadoop')
+ = 'airline'
+ = file.path(, 'data')
+ hdfs.out.root =
+ hdfs.out = file.path(hdfs.out.root, 'out')
+ }
> asa.csvtextinputformat = make.input.format( format = function(con, nrecs) {
+ line = readLines(con, nrecs)
+ values = unlist( strsplit(line, "\\,") )
+ if (!is.null(values)) {
+ names(values) = c('Year','Month','DayofMonth','DayOfWeek','DepTime','CRSDepTime',
+ 'ArrTime','CRSArrTime','UniqueCarrier','FlightNum','TailNum',
+ 'ActualElapsedTime','CRSElapsedTime','AirTime','ArrDelay',
+ 'DepDelay','Origin','Dest','Distance','TaxiIn','TaxiOut',
+ 'Cancelled','CancellationCode','Diverted','CarrierDelay',
+ 'WeatherDelay','NASDelay','SecurityDelay','LateAircraftDelay')
+ return( keyval(NULL, values) )
+ }
+ }, mode='text' )
> = function(key, val) {
+ if ( !identical(as.character(val['Year']), 'Year')
+ & identical(as.numeric(val['Cancelled']), 0)
+ & identical(as.numeric(val['Diverted']), 0) ) {
+ if (val['Origin'] < val['Dest'])
+ market = paste(val['Origin'], val['Dest'], sep='-')
+ else
+ market = paste(val['Dest'], val['Origin'], sep='-')
+ output.key = c(val['Year'], market)
+ output.val = c(val['CRSElapsedTime'], val['ActualElapsedTime'], val['AirTime'])
+ return( keyval(output.key, output.val) )
+ }
+ }
> = function(key, val.list) {
+ if ( require(plyr) )
+ val.df = ldply(val.list, as.numeric)
+ else { # this is as close as my deficient *apply skills can come w/o plyr
+ val.list = lapply(val.list, as.numeric)
+ val.df = data.frame(, val.list) )
+ }
+ colnames(val.df) = c('crs', 'actual','air')
+ output.key = key
+ output.val = c( nrow(val.df), mean(val.df$crs, na.rm=T),
+ mean(val.df$actual, na.rm=T),
+ mean(val.df$air, na.rm=T) )
+ return( keyval(output.key, output.val) )
+ }
> = function (input, output) {
+ mapreduce(input = input,
+ output = output,
+ input.format = asa.csvtextinputformat,
+ output.format='csv', # note to self: 'csv' for data, 'text' for bug
+ map =,
+ reduce =,
+ backend.parameters = list(
+ hadoop = list(D = "mapred.reduce.tasks=2")
+ ),
+ verbose=T)
+ }
> out =, hdfs.out)
Error in file(f, if (format$mode == "text") "r" else "rb") :
cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning message:
In file(f, if (format$mode == "text") "r" else "rb") :
cannot open file 'data/local/airline/20040325-jfk-lax.csv': No such file or directory
> if (LOCAL)
+ {
+ results.df = from.dfs(out, structured=T) )
+ colnames(results.df) = c('year', 'market', 'flights', 'scheduled', 'actual', 'in.air')
+ print(head(results.df))
+ }
Error in to.dfs.path(input) : object 'out' not found
Thank you so much!
First of all, it looks like the command:
/usr/bin/hadoop fs -mkdir /user/cloudera/wordcount/data
Is being split into multiple lines. Make sure you're entering it as-is.
Also, it is saying that the local directory data/hadoop/wordcount does not exist. Verify that you're running this command from the correct directory and that your local data is where you expect it to be. several rooms in Construct2

I am working on a game in Construct2 at the moment.
It is a HTML5 Javascript Engine.
I probably implement inside it.
My question however is about "Rooms" also helps with Rooms. However I am not sure If I will take that offer.
So when I want to limit the users per game to 10 for example. Would I then need to run two servers?
The server recives and returns data.. But would two games running with each 10 people not confuse the servers data? When person A on server A shoots some1, that this information could somehow end up on Person B on server B?
Or do the assigned ID's prevent this somehow?
Here is the Example Server that I want to upgrade for my needs:
var entities = [], count = 0;
var io = require("").listen(8099);
var INITIAL_X = 5;
var INITIAL_Y = 5;
var INITIAL_VEL_X = 0;
var INITIAL_VEL_Y = 0;
io.set('log level', 1);
io.sockets.on("connection", function (socket) {
var myNumber = count++;
//assign number
var mySelf = entities[myNumber] = [myNumber, INITIAL_X, INITIAL_Y, INITIAL_VEL_X, INITIAL_VEL_Y];
//Send the initial position and ID to connecting player
console.log(myNumber + ' sent: ' + 'I,' + mySelf[0] + ',' + mySelf[1] + ',' + mySelf[2]);
socket.send('I,' + mySelf[0] + ',' + mySelf[1] + ',' + mySelf[2]);
//Send to conencting client the current state of all the other players
for (var entity_idx = 0; entity_idx < entities.length; entity_idx++) {
//send initial update
if (entity_idx != myNumber) {
entity = entities[entity_idx];
if (typeof (entity) != "undefined" && entity != null) {
console.log(myNumber + ' sent: C for ' + entity_idx);
socket.send('C,' + entity[0] + ',' + entity[1] + ',' + entity[2]);
//send the client that just connected the position of all the other clients
//create new entity in all clients
'C,' + mySelf[0] + ',' + mySelf[1] + ',' + mySelf[2]);
socket.on("message", function (data) {
//if (myNumber == 0)
// console.log(myNumber + ' sent: ' +data);
var new_data = data.split(',');
if (new_data[0] == 'UM') {
mySelf[1] = new_data[1];
mySelf[2] = new_data[2];
mySelf[3] = new_data[3];
mySelf[4] = new_data[4];
//Update all the other clients about my update
'UM,' + mySelf[0] + ',' + mySelf[1] + ',' + mySelf[2] + ',' + mySelf[3] + ',' + mySelf[4]);
else if (new_data[0] == 'S') { // a s message
var shoot_info = [];
shoot_info[0] = new_data[1]; //ini x
shoot_info[1] = new_data[2]; //ini y
shoot_info[2] = new_data[3]; //degrees
//Update all the other clients about my update
'S,' + mySelf[0] + ',' + shoot_info[0] + ',' + shoot_info[1] + ',' + shoot_info[2]);
}); has rooms that you can limit the broadcasts to, see:
Then rather than use socket.broadcast.emit you would use'roomname').emit
A good way to mesh this with is to have the room name be the (in the Construct 2 plugin that's the RoomId expression). When the room fills up (in C2 there's a condition for that), create the room using that unique ID and put the players who "Rooms Filled" was just called for in that room.
I know it's a bit different since it's a game written in CoffeeScript instead of Construct 2, but we're using rooms + rooms in our Slime Volley game. Here is the code.
