Getting a specific date in elasticsearch? - elasticsearch

I have searched a lot of sites. This code is given. But by writing this all the entries containing "2021" are displayed when I need only the entries having date as "10-10-2021". pls guide what to do
{ "query": { "term": { "date": { "value": "10-10-2020" } } } }

Is your field indexed as a date or a keyword? Index it as a date and instead of a terms query you should use a range query to get documents within a specific span of time:


elasticsearch match only date of date field

Following is the mapping for date field in elasticsearch index
"type": "date",
"format": "yyyy-MM-dd"
Now I want to search all the persons whose birthday is on 5th of any month.
Thanks in advance.
you can do that without reindexing! With a reindex of a date in text field, you can't search with range query against that field anymore. The best practice is to use a painless script doc['dob'].date.dayOfMonth Take a look here:
So, with above solutions help. I made the query this way
"script_fields": {
"isDOBMatch": {
"script": {
"inline": "",
"params": {
"dob_match_vals": [**pass the value which u want to match**]
The above query returns true/false value.

Can Elasticsearch filter by a date range without specifying a field?

I have multiple date fields and I want to have a single date range query to filter by any of them.
For example, I may have books in my index, and each book may have a published date, edition date, print date, and the author's birth date.
The mapping is straightforward (generated using Nest):
"printDate" : {
"type" : "date",
"format" : "strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis"
I looked at range queries and query string ranges - both need the name of the field explicitly and don't seem to support wildcards.
For example, this doesn't find anything, but works if I use a real field name instead of "*Date":
"filter": [
"range": {
"*Date": {
"gte": "2010-01-01T00:00:00",
"lte": "2015-01-01T00:00:00"
I also tried placing [2010-01-01 TO 2015-01-01] in a query string, but the dates aren't parsed correctly - it also finds 2010 or 01 as part of other strings (and seemingly other dates).
Another option is to list each field under a "should" clause and specifying "minimum_should_match":1, but that will make me maintain a list of all date fields, which seems inelegant.
Is there a way of searching for a date range on all date fields?
Try this query:
"query": {
"query_string": {
"default_field": "*Date",
"query": "[2010-01-01T00:00:00 TO 2015-01-01T00:00:00]"

Scope Elasticsearch Results to Specific Ids

I have a question about the Elasticsearch DSL.
I would like to do a full text search, but scope the searchable records to a specific array of database ids.
In SQL world, it would be the functional equivalent of WHERE id IN(1, 2, 3, 4).
I've been researching, but I find the Elasticsearch query DSL documentation a little cryptic and devoid of useful examples. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Here is an example query which might work for you. This assumes that the _all field is enabled on your index (which is the default). It will do a full text search across all the fields in your index. Additionally, with the added ids filter, the query will exclude any document whose id is not in the given array.
"bool": {
"must": {
"match": {
"_all": "your search text"
"filter": {
"ids": {
"values": ["1","2","3","4"]
Hope this helps!
As discussed by Ali Beyad, ids field in the query can do that for you. Just to complement his answer, I am giving an working example. In case anyone in the future needs it.
GET index_name/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"field": "your query"
"ids" : {
"values" : ["0aRM6ngBFlDmSSLpu_J4", "0qRM6ngBFlDmSSLpu_J4"]
You can create a bool query that contains an Ids query in a MUST clause:
By using a MUST clause in a bool query, your search will be further limited by the Ids you specify. I'm assuming here by Ids you mean the _id value for your documents.
According to es doc, you can
Returns documents based on their IDs.
GET /_search
"query": {
"ids" : {
"values" : ["1", "4", "100"]
With elasticaBundle symfony 5.2
$query = new Query();
$IdsQuery = new Query\Ids();
$this->finder->find($query, $limit);
You have two options.
The ids query:
GET index/_search
"query": {
"ids": {
"values": ["1, 2, 3"]
The terms query:
GET index/_search
"query": {
"terms": {
"yourNonPrimaryIdField": ["1", "2","3"]
The ids query targets the document's internal _id field (= the primary ID). But it often happens that documents contain secondary (and more) IDs which you'd target thru the terms query.
Note that if your secondary IDs contain uppercase chars and you don't set their field's mapping to keyword, they'll be normalized (and lowercased) and the terms query will appear broken because it only works with exact matches. More on this here: Only getting results when elasticsearch is case sensitive

How check elasticsearch unique document

As I understand it, ES can't create unique constraints on index.
But, on creation and updating of the documents, I need to check that some fields are unique in index.
Can ES find matches of content, not a query? Thanks!
After you've updated your record you'd have to run a query to find how many others have that field value. Something like:
GET index1/test/_search
"size": 0,
"query": {
"filtered": {
"filter": {
"term": {
"field123": 10
Note the size of zero, this will save time by not returning any records, but it will still return you the total number of records matching.

Elastic Search Date Range

I have a query that properly parses date ranges. However, my database has a default value that all dates have a timestamp of 00:00:00. This means that items that are still valid today are shown as expired even if they should still be valid. How can I adjust the following to look at just the date and not the time of the item (expirationDate).
"range": {
"expirationDate": {
"gte": "now"
An example of the data is:
"expirationDate": "2014-06-24T00:00:00.000Z",
Did you look into the different format options for dates stored in ElasticSearch? If this does not work for you or you don't want to store dates without the time you can try this query, which will work for your exact use case I guess:
"range": {
"expirationDate": {
"gt": "now-1d"
You can also round down the time so that your query returns anything that occurred since the beginning of the day:
Assuming that
now is 2017-03-07T07:00:00.000,
now/d is 2017-03-07T00:00:00.000
Your query would be:
"range": {
"expirationDate": {
"gte": "now/d"
elastic search documentation on rounding times
