How can I add time range filter in Kibana Discover page? - elasticsearch

I deployed Kibana 7.10.1 and Elasitcsearch 7.10.1. I am able to query from Kibana discover page. But I found the time range filter on the top right disappeared. How can I add it in the discover page?

I found the reason is that I didn't pick up a timestamp index when create the index pattern in kibana.

It's because you clicked in the search bar and when the search bar has the focus, the time picker disappears. Click outside of it and the time picker will be back.
I fell into the same trap a while ago and it didn't make sense to me. it's not really intuitive, but I guess the reason was to give as much screen real estate to the search bar while users are typing into it.


Jump to search text in Stackdriver Logs Viewer

When looking for a specific problem in the logs, I will enter a search term in the Stackdriver Log Viewer filter. However, this is very awkward as I often need to look at previous or subsequent entries. I often have to re-enter a new search specifying a time window or just jumping to the time in question. And if I want to look for other examples I then have to go through the whole process again which I find very frustrating.
Is there any way to search backwards from my current position until I hit an entered search term? This would make troubleshooting via the logs far more convenient.
If I understood it correctly, you want to set a starting point for your next search term at a specific point found during a previous search. In that case, you could facilitate your navigation through the logs by pinning a log at the specific moment you want to “fixate” you search on.
According to the Viewing logs documentation, after you pinned a log, you are free to change the filter and the Logs Viewer will automatically center around the pinned log.

How to convey on-scroll loading has reached the end

I have implemented an on-scroll loading which fetches some chunk of data every time the scroll reaches the end of the viewing area. After some point of time when there would be no more new data to be shown, how should I convey to this to the end-user from a UX point of view?
I was thinking of few options such as displaying a tooltip which automatically vanishes after few seconds. Other option would be something similar to rubber banding scrolling from Apple. Any other approach that can be used here?
Without knowledge of what the use-case is (i.e. has user performed a search or just scrolling a list from elsewhere), in general, two good options:
Follow Slack's "You are upto date! + icon" little image on the last
elastic scroll at bottom. Or, for example, "That's all we've got just
yet! Check your email for more or Search for [term] instead".
Use a progress-bar type of indicator like when you read an article on
Medium --> as people scroll down, they'll have a live indicator of
getting to the bottom of the list.
I don't like dead ends in my applications. If the user hits the bottom of your list and is still searching, he probably has the wrong search terms. I'd place a box along the line of "Haven't found what you're looking for? Try a different search term" and link that to the search box.
Even if it's not a search, once the user hits the bottom without successfully finding what they where looking for provide them with an alternative.
Hope this helps you.

XCode documentation search takes forever

When I type something into the search field in XCode's doc browser, the first couple characters appear and then the spinning beach ball shows up for several seconds before anything happens. Obviously this is very annoying.
Is there some sort of cache that I could clear or other setting that might help?
I'm running XCode 4.2 on OSX 10.7 (Lion).
right, this one is REALLY_ANNOYING, a workaround: limit search by clicking the magnifying glass in the search field, pick the doc sets you are interested in, if you can limit to 2 doc sets search time will be reasonable. Check this post: Xcode 4.2 Organizer - Documentation unreasonably slow

Showing a list of events

Our site, has events that you can register for which are listed in an accordion control by each month ..
I've been getting feedback that says people aren't looking past the first open month as they are not too familiar with the whole accordion thing ..
Can anyone post any suggestions on what type of control I could use that would work - I wanted to do something which wasn't just a normal boring table, but I haven't been really able to think of anything as of yet .. let me know if you have any suggestions..
How about a tree view, or something like the MacOS Finder? On the left a scrolling pane with each month, saying "January: 12 Events" or similar on each line. Then clicking that updates the right pane to a scrollable list of the events...
Done with unobtrusive javascript of course so it degrades nicely. No clues in your tags if you're doing this in Flash...
You might want to consider keeping the control and just do something to draw attention to it. For example, add a "swoopy" arrow that points to the second month with the words "click here for more events!". Just make sure you can disable that once someone expands that second month.

How can I show NSSearchField menu programmatically?

I want to implement an NSSearchField showing search results similar to Safari's, but I cannot figure out how to show the menu programmatically. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Update: I tried doing this programmatically by calling #-performClick:# on the #NSButtonCell# object that represents the search button inside the search field's search field cell, but while I have confirmed that performClick is indeed called, it does not trigger the menu.
Safari seems to use some kind of custom or private API to show search results. It's probably a window that looks like a menu. The problem I found is that a normal pop-up menu will take the keyboard focus away from the search field, which is not what you want, which is to be able to keep typing in the search field while the menu updates. I couldn't find a simple way of doing that, but I suspect it needs to be a child window that looks like a menu.
Here's a blog which documented adding something similar to Camino:
