fatal error: An error occurred (404) when calling the HeadObject operation: Key " " does not exist - bash

This is my setup:
I use AWS Batch that is running a custom Docker image
The startup.sh file is an entrypoint script that is reading the nth line of a text file and copying it from s3 into the docker.
For example, if the first line of the .txt file is 'Startup_00001/ Startup_000018 Startup_000019', the bash script reads this line, and uses a for loop to copy them over.
This is part of my bash script:
Startup_FileNames=$(sed -n ${LINE}p file.txt)
for i in ${Startup_FileNames}
echo $Startup_FileURL
aws s3 cp ${Startup_FileURL} /home/CM_Projects/ &
Here is the log output from aws:
Completed 727 Bytes/727 Bytes (7.1 KiB/s) with 1 file(s) remaining download: s3://cmtestbucke/Config/Startup_000018 to Data/Config/Startup_000018
Completed 731 Bytes/731 Bytes (10.1 KiB/s) with 1 file(s) remaining download: s3://cmtestbucke/Config/Startup_000017 to Data/Config/Startup_000017
fatal error: *An error occurred (404) when calling the HeadObject operation: Key
"Config/Startup_000019 " does not exist.*
My s3 bucket certainly contains the object s3://cmtestbucke/Config/Startup_000019
I noticed this happens regardless of filenames. The last iteration always gives this error.
I tested this bash logic locally with the same aws commands. It copies all 3 files.
Can someone please help me figure out what is wrong here?

The problem was with EOL of the text file. It was set to Windows(CR LF). The docker image is running Ubuntu which caused the error. I changed the EOL to Unix(LF). The problem was solved.


schema file at path is invalid because no version is specified

I run my dbt command in a loop and save its contents to a .yml file. This works well and generates a schema in my .yml file accurately:
for file in models/l30_mart/*.sql; do
table=$(basename "$file" .sql)
dbt run-operation generate_model_yaml --args "{\"model_name\": \"$table\"}" > test.yml
However, in the example above, I am just saving the test.yml file in the root directory. When I try to save the file in another path for example models/l30_mart/test.yml, it doesn't work:
for file in models/l30_mart/*.sql; do
table=$(basename "$file" .sql)
dbt run-operation generate_model_yaml --args "{\"model_name\": \"$table\"}" > models/l30_mart/test.yml
In this case, when I open the test.ymlfile, I see this:
12:06:42 Running with dbt=1.0.1
12:06:43 Encountered an error:
Compilation Error
The schema file at models/l30_mart/test.yml is invalid because no version is specified. Please consult the documentation for more information on schema.yml syntax:
It's probably a syntax mistake. Do I need any quotes to specify the path? or brackets? Why can't I save the .yml file in the same folder? Similarly, something like this and try to save different files with the tablename, it also doesn't work:
for file in models/l30_mart/*.sql; do
table=$(basename "$file" .sql)
dbt run-operation generate_model_yaml --args "{\"model_name\": \"$table\"}" > models/l30_mart/$table.yml
In this case, the files either have this output:
20:39:44 Running with dbt=1.0.1
20:39:45 Encountered an error:
Compilation Error
The schema file at models/l30_mart/firsttable.yml is invalid because no version is specified. Please consult the documentation for more information on schema.yml syntax:
or this (eg in the second tablename.yml file):
20:39:48 Running with dbt=1.0.1
20:39:49 Encountered an error:
Parsing Error
Error reading dbt_4flow: l30_mart/firstablename.yml - Runtime Error
Syntax error near line 2
1 | 20:39:44 Running with dbt=1.0.1
2 | 20:39:45 Encountered an error:
3 | Compilation Error
4 | The schema file at models/l30_mart/firsttablename.yml is invalid because no version is specified. Please consult the documentation for more information on schema.yml syntax:
5 |
Raw Error:
mapping values are not allowed in this context
in "<unicode string>", line 2, column 31
Note that the secondtablename.yml mentions the firsttablename.yml.

Mainframe pkunzip generates PEX013W Record(s) being truncated to lrecl=

I'm sending binary .gz files from Linux to z/OS via ftps. The file transfers seem to be fine, but when the mainframe folks pkunzip the file, they get a warning:
PEX013W Record(s) being truncated to lrecl= 996. Record# 1 is 1000 bytes.
Currently I’m sending the site commands:
200 SITE command was accepted
200 SITE command was accepted
200 SITE command was accepted
200 SITE command was accepted
200 Representation type is Image
250 Transfer completed successfully.
221 Quit command received. Goodbye.
They could read the file after the pkunzip, but having a warning is not a good thing.
Output from pkunzip:
PCM123I Authorized services are unavailable.
PAM030I INPUT Archive opened: TEST.FTP.SOA5021.GZ
PAM560I ARCHIVE FASTSEEK processing is disabled.
PEX013W Record(s) being truncated to lrecl= 996. Record# 1 is 1000 bytes.
PEX003I Extracted to TEST.FTP.SOA5021I.TXT
PAM140I 1 0 0 0
PMT002I PKUNZIP processing complete. RC=00000004 4(Dec) Start: 12:59:48.86 End
Is there a better set of site commands to transfer a .gz file from Linux to z/OS to avoid this error?
**** Update ****
Using SaggingRufus's answer below, it turns out it doesn't much matter how you send the .gz file, as long as it's binary. His suggestion pointed us to the parameters sent to the pkunzip for the output file, which was VB and was truncating 4 bytes off the record.
Because it is a variable block file, there are 4 bytes allocated to the record attributes. Allocate the file with an LRECL of 1004 and it will be fine.
Rather than generating a .zip file, perhaps generate a .tar.gz file and transfer it to z/OS UNIX? Tar is shipped with z/OS by default, and Rocket Software provides a port of gzip that is optimized for z/OS.

rsync script expands variable incorrectly

I have a script that takes in a unique location number from a file. These are formatted like this 7325-05, 5269-09 and 7479-14, for example. The first four numbers are what the folder is called and the second number is the first two characters of the filename unique within each folder.
So I wrote this script to use locate and find to get the full path of the folder and then use a wildcard to download the specific file using rsync. Here's the script that I have right now:
while read line;
track=${line: -2}
folderlocation="$(locate -r '/'$folder'$')"
filelocation="$(find "$folderlocation" -type f -name "$track*")"
rsync -vazhn --progress "$filelocation" /cygdrive/c/
# mkdir /cygdrive/c/test/"$folder"
# cp -rvi "$filelocation" /cygdrive/c/test/"$folder"
echo "";
done < $1
The code using cp that is commented out works just fine. I would just really prefer to use rsync, mainly due to better feedback and more accurate progress reporting, as far as I can tell.
Using the code as pasted above (with rsync) throws this error:
./filelocator classic-locations.txt
sending incremental file list
rsync: change_dir "/home/emil//\\sandrew-nas/SMMUSIC/MMIMUSIC/7001-8000/7201-7300/7252/Unknown Album (29-12-2012 09-52-02)" failed: No such file or directory (2)
sent 20 bytes received 12 bytes 64.00 bytes/sec
total size is 0 speedup is 0.00 (DRY RUN)
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1165) [sender=3.1.1]
sending incremental file list
rsync: change_dir "/home/emil//\\sandrew-nas/SMMUSIC/MMIMUSIC/7001-8000/7201-7300/7252/Unknown Album (29-12-2012 09-52-02)" failed: No such file or directory (2)
sent 20 bytes received 12 bytes 64.00 bytes/sec
total size is 0 speedup is 0.00 (DRY RUN)
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1165) [sender=3.1.1]
As you can see, my home folder (where I issue the command) is suddenly included in the script, leading me to believe that a variable or wildcard is being expanded in the local shell, but no amount of escape characters seem to accomplish what I want with rsync.

Logrotate does not upload to S3

I've spent some hours trying to figure out why logrotate won't successfully upload my logs to S3, so I'm posting my setup here. Here's the thing--logrotate uploads the log file correctly to s3 when I force it like this:
sudo logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.d/haproxy
Starting S3 Log Upload...
WARNING: Module python-magic is not available. Guessing MIME types based on file extensions.
/var/log/haproxy-2014-12-23-044414.gz -> s3://my-haproxy-access-logs/haproxy-2014-12-23-044414.gz [1 of 1]
315840 of 315840 100% in 0s 2.23 MB/s done
But it does not succeed as part of the normal logrotate process. The logs are still compressed by my postrotate script, so I know that it is being run. Here is my setup:
/etc/logrotate.d/haproxy =>
/var/log/haproxy.log {
size 1k
rotate 1
su root root
create 777 syslog adm
/usr/local/admintools/upload.sh 2>&1 /var/log/upload_errors
/usr/local/admintools/upload.sh =>
echo "Starting S3 Log Upload..."
# Perform Rotated Log File Compression
filename=/var/log/haproxy-$(date +%F-%H%M%S).gz \
tar -czPf "$filename" /var/log/haproxy.log.1
# Upload log file to Amazon S3 bucket
/usr/bin/s3cmd put "$filename" s3://"$BUCKET_NAME"
And here is the output of a dry run of logrotate:
sudo logrotate -fd /etc/logrotate.d/haproxy
reading config file /etc/logrotate.d/haproxy
Handling 1 logs
rotating pattern: /var/log/haproxy.log forced from command line (1 rotations)
empty log files are rotated, old logs are removed
considering log /var/log/haproxy.log
log needs rotating
rotating log /var/log/haproxy.log, log->rotateCount is 1
dateext suffix '-20141223'
glob pattern '-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'
renaming /var/log/haproxy.log.1 to /var/log/haproxy.log.2 (rotatecount 1, logstart 1, i 1),
renaming /var/log/haproxy.log.0 to /var/log/haproxy.log.1 (rotatecount 1, logstart 1, i 0),
copying /var/log/haproxy.log to /var/log/haproxy.log.1
truncating /var/log/haproxy.log
running postrotate script
running script with arg /var/log/haproxy.log : "
/usr/local/admintools/upload.sh 2>&1 /var/log/upload_errors
removing old log /var/log/haproxy.log.2
Any insight appreciated.
It turned out that my s3cmd was configured for my user, not for root.
ERROR: /root/.s3cfg: No such file or directory
ERROR: Configuration file not available.
ERROR: Consider using --configure parameter to create one.
Solution was to copy my config file over. – worker1138

Vowpal Wabbit: make test failing for me at test 59

For some reason I am having trouble with the make test statement while installing ```Vowpal Wabbit``. I am getting the following error:
RunTests: test 59: '/usr/bin/timeout 20 ../vowpalwabbit/vw -d train-sets/argmax_data -k -c --passes 20 --search_rollout oracle --search_alpha 1e-8 --search_task argmax --search 2 --holdout_off' failed (exitcode=1)
Anyone have a clue what this could be?
Just run the command which failed (in single quotes) directly from the test directory, and the reason would become obvious.
It is missing data file:
Reading datafile = test/train-sets/argmax_data
can't open: test/train-sets/argmax_data, error = No such file or directory
vw: std::exception
The issue was introduced in a recent check-in and should soon be fixed (hopefully).
Update (2014-05-31): fixed in the most recent commit.
