#Bean method requires to return null conditionally - spring-boot

I have basic authentication enabled in my system and now I am trying to integrate the SAML auth using Spring-security-SAML. I have created a method that returns the RelyingPartRegistrationRepository bean. In a condition While the user-configured values are not sufficient to Create the RelyingPartRegistration, I would have to either create a RelyingPartRegistrationRepository with Empty array which is not possible because there are checks to be not empty. another option is to return null from the Bean method. which is also a failure case because context initialization will fail in that case. All I want is to either not initialize this bean or at least not prevent context initialization. So that I can at least switch back to Basic Authentication.

You can use #ConditionalOn... to selectively enable/disable particular beans, based on things like properties
class MyConfiguration {
#ConditionalOnProperty(name = "saml-enabled", havingValue = "true")
public RelyingPartRegistrationRepository() { ... }
See this article on Baeldung, and another article which covers a few other conditionals which may be useful, and of course the official documentation.


Spring inject component into non-spring managed interface/abstract class and its subclasses

TLDR: I need an interface/abstract class and all classes implementing it to have access to a Spring managed bean. Can Spring inject a bean into an interface/abstract-class and its subclasses simply via #Autowired ?
I am working on an API built with Spring Webflux + Cloud Gateway that depending on the cookie JWT authorized party, identifies the User's policy group and assign an Attribute ENUM "InterfaceID" to the ServerWebExchange via exchange.getAttribute().put("InterfaceID",InterfaceID.A) after the JWT is validated, and currently uses "InterfaceID" to represent the different groups of users/different interface the user entered from.
JWTValidationFilter.java [Current]
//if user is from company A or its partners
case "a":
case "aa":
case "b":
For certain API endpoints (say /api/getSessionDocument), different "InterfaceID" fetches data from different DB/apis, as well as have different permission checking on top of that.
RequestController.java [Current]
APICallerUtil apiCallerUtil;
// call api B but check for permission from api D first
The endpoint's controller now has another switch statement, and to many code analyzers this have been a code smell. I have been trying to refactor this entire bit of code to use polymorphism to handle the different "getSessionDocument" flows, but i run into issues regarding the injection of util classes that calls specific APIs.
APICallerUtil.java class, exisiting class from the project, would prefer not to refactor this.
public class APICallerUtil{
#Value("${some uri to some API}") //different by environment and therefore cant be static final
private String uri1;
#Value("${some auth to some API}") //confidential
private String uri1AuthHeader;
public JSONObject getDataFromApiA(String somekey){ //cant be static since uri1 is not static
//Some code that uses uri1 and apache httpclient
return data;
interface IBaseAccess{
default Mono<JSONObject> getSesssionDocument(ServerWebExchange e){return Mono.error("not implemented");}
RequestController.java [new]
APICallerUtil apiCallerUtil;
return exchange.getAttribute.get(InterfaceID).getSessionDocument(exchange);
public class NormalAccess implements IBaseAccess{
//can i autowire APICallerUtil here?
//use constructor to pass the Util class reference here?
Mono<JSONObject> getSesssionDocument(ServerWebExchange e){
//need to call ApiA here
//need to call ApiC here
NormalAccess needs to call APICaller.getDataFromApiA(), but it needs a reference to the Spring managed instance of APICaller. What would be the "correct" way to pass the reference/autowire API caller into NormalAccess, or even better IBaseAccess (so that the implementing classes can use the Util bean)?
JWTValidationFilter.java [new]
//if user is from company A or its partners
case "a":
case "aa":
exchange.getAttribute().put("InterfaceID",new CompanyAAccess(/*pass the util class here?*/));
case "b":
exchange.getAttribute().put("InterfaceID",new NormalAccess(/*pass the util class here?*/));
I have tried several methods, but either I lack the knowledge on the specific Spring feature, or that method is deeemed a bad design choice by some, including:
Making the methods and fields in APICallerUtil static, via suggestions from Spring: How to inject a value to static field? and Assigning private static final field member using spring injection , then the Access classes can call the static methods.
Creating a contructor for IBaseAccess that consumes the APICallerUtil reference and store it inside. The JWTfilter would hold an autowired APICallerUtil and pass it in when the attribute is assigned.
Create a static class that provides the application context and Access classes use applicationContext.getBean("APICallerUtil"); to obtain the bean.
Use the #Configurable annotation? I could not find much documentation on how this works for interfaces/abstract-class.
I understand that there might not exist an absolute answer for this question, but regardless I'd like suggestion/feedback on which of these approaches are viable/good. Especailly concerning whether the APIUtil class should be static or not.

enabling aspectj with environment variables

How can we enable/disable an aspect using environment variables?
I know it is possible to enable/disable aspectj in spring boot application using following properties
auto: true
And removing #EnableAspectJAutoProxy, but this stops all of our other aspects / joins.
This is the one I want to disable, how do I do it
public class SomeAspect {
public Object doSomething(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, SomeAnnotation sa) throws Throwable {
// ...
In order to dynamically deactivate a single advice inside an aspect class, you can use an if() pointcut.
If you want to completely disable an aspect (or any other Spring bean or component) based on conditions like e.g. a property in application.config, have a look at #Conditional and its special cases #ConditionalOn*. For example:
#ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "org.acme.myapp", name = "aspect_active")
public class SomeAspect {
// ...
Something like this in application.config would deactivate the aspect:
The aspect would also be inactive if there was no such property in the application config at all. If you rather want to default to an active aspect, just use
#ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "org.acme.myapp", name = "aspect_active", matchIfMissing = true)
You can further fine-tune the behaviour as described in the javadoc.
See also:
In order to dynamically deactivate a single advice inside an aspect class, you can use an if() pointcut.
Oops, sorry, I am a native AspectJ user and forgot that Spring AOP does not support the if() pointcut designator. So probably the best you can do is an if expression at the beginning of your advice, depending on a #Value property.
private boolean adviceActive;
public Object doSomething(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, SomeAnnotation sa) throws Throwable {
// Skip advice logic if inactive, simply proceed and return original result
if (!adviceActive)
return joinPoint.proceed();
// Regular advice logic if active
// Either also proceed or do whatever else is the custom advice logic, e.g.
// - manipulate method arguments,
// - manipulate original return value,
// - skip proceeding to the original method altogether and return something else.
return joinPoint.proceed();
Of course, you can also use my original solution and just factor out the advice you wish to deactivate into a separate aspect class, if you need that kind of granularity. That would be less hassle, and the advice method code would be more readable.

What is the correct way in Spring WS to configure own replacement of DefaultMethodEndpointAdapter?

We have the situation we need to read the parameters sent to the Spring Ws endpoint before the endpoint method is reached. For this purpose we made a descendant of the class
org.springframework.ws.server.endpoint.adapter.DefaultMethodEndpointAdapter, for example in this way:
public class MyMethodEndpointAdapter extends DefaultMethodEndpointAdapter {
protected Object[] getMethodArguments(
MessageContext aMessageContext, MethodEndpoint aMethodEndpoint) throws Exception {
Object[] locResult = super.getMethodArguments(aMessageContext, aMethodEndpoint);
MethodParameter[] parameters = aMethodEndpoint.getMethodParameters()
Object locPayloadObject = null;
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
if (parameters[i].hasParameterAnnotation(RequestPayload.class)) {
locPayloadObject = locResult[i];
// ... some custom code here dealing with resolved request payload object
The solution works well, but the real issue here is the configuration. We use the XML configurations to make the things more transparent and manageable, so we defined in the configuration file for web service following settings:
<bean id="defaultMethodEndpointAdapter"
but still after specifying it in this way, the original implementation DefaultMethodEndpointAdapter is instantiated too. Then there are two adapters which are checked and it depends on the order of the configuration loading, which one gets instantiated first - and which one then gets the request when the correct handling instance is evaluated. Even the definition of the bean with name instead of Id
<bean name="defaultMethodEndpointAdapter"
did not help.
Going through with debugger I found out, there is generated the bean name for instantiation of the singletons, named org.springframework.ws.server.endpoint.adapter.DefaultMethodEndpointAdapter#0 which is used by the instantiated default instance. So, finally, after specification of the bean definition like
<bean id="defaultMethodEndpointAdapter"
We were able to bring Spring to the situation, only one (our) adapter is instantiated and we get the expected behavior.
But this seems to be ugly to us, the dynamically generated name
org.springframework.ws.server.endpoint.adapter.DefaultMethodEndpointAdapter#0 seems to be a unstable way how to reference the replaced adapter implementation.
Is there some better way how to do it to bring Spring to the situation not to instantiate the default adapter at all?

Spring Cloud Stream 3 RabbitMQ consumer not working

I'm able to make Spring+Rabbit work with the non-functional way (prior to 2.0?), but I'm trying to use with the functional pattern as the previous one is deprecated.
I've been following this doc: https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-stream/docs/3.1.0/reference/html/spring-cloud-stream.html#_binding_and_binding_names
The queue (consumer) is not being created in Rabbit with the new method. I can see the connection being created but without any consumer.
I have the following in my application.properties:
which is replacing:
And the new class
public class ApprovedReceiver {
public Consumer<String> approved() {
// I also saw that it's recommended to not use Consumer, but use Function instead
// https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-stream/docs/3.1.0/reference/html/spring-cloud-stream.html#_consumer_reactive
return value -> log.info("value: {}", value);
which is replacing
// BindableApprovedChannel.class
public interface BindableApprovedChannel {
SubscribableChannel getApproved();
// ApprovedReceiver.class
public class ApprovedReceiver {
public void handleMessage(String payload) {
log.info("value: {}", payload);
If you have multiple beans of type Function, Supplier or Consumer (which could be declared by third party libraries), the framework does not know which one to bind to.
Try setting the spring.cloud.function.definition property to approved.
In the event you only have single bean of type java.util.function.[Supplier/Function/Consumer], you can skip the spring.cloud.function.definition property, since such functional bean will be auto-discovered. However, it is considered best practice to use such property to avoid any confusion. Some time this auto-discovery can get in the way, since single bean of type java.util.function.[Supplier/Function/Consumer] could be there for purposes other then handling messages, yet being single it is auto-discovered and auto-bound. For these rare scenarios you can disable auto-discovery by providing spring.cloud.stream.function.autodetect property with value set to false.
Gary's answer is correct. If adding the definition property alone doesn't resolve the issue I would recommend sharing what you're doing for your supplier.
This is also a very helpful general discussion for transitioning from imperative to functional with links to repos with more in depth examples: EnableBinding is deprecated in Spring Cloud Stream 3.x

Obtaining handle to Collection/Array object in #PreFilter and #PostFilter in Spring Security

In Spring Security, #PreFilter and #PostFilter can be used to trim/prune the argument/return object and filterObject references each element in the object and is used to loop through the argument/return Collection/Array.
However, I need to get a handle to the actual Collection/Array as a whole and not specific elements in the context. Is there any way to do this?
The reason is that I am creating an externalized authorization service that is used by Spring Security to query and prune the collection/array and this service supports querying for multiple answers in a single question. Once I get a reference to the object as a whole, I can iterate though the elements myself to create this request to the externalized service.
Can this be done in Spring Security? I am implementing this as an custom express handler.
Assuming the return value is modifiable, you can use #PostAuthorize. For example:
#PostAuthorize("#mySecurityFilter.filter(authentication, returnObject)")
List<String> findAllMessages();
This assumes you created a Bean by the name of "mySecurityFilter" that looks something like this:
public class MySecurityFilter {
public boolean filter(Authentication authentication, List<String> domain) {
// submit to service and get back all allowed values
List<String> allowed = Arrays.asList("Hello");
Iterator<String> iValues = domain.iterator();
while(iValues.hasNext()) {
String value = iValues.next();
if(!allowed.contains(value)) {
return true;
