Not able to update my browser from Internet Explorer-8 - internet-explorer-8

I inherited a neglected system with an old fileserver running Server 2003 with Internet Explorer 8. Now I need to do some basic updates in order to migrate to a newer server but I can't update IE 8 because I can't use IE8 to browse to a site to download something more current. Am I permanently stuck in this catch-22?

In the Start Menu right click on my Computer and click Properties > Automatic Updates Tab > Download and Choose.
Then Go to the Group Policies and go to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update > Here Specifiy an Internal Path to: for both settings
Restart the Server.
Then Type in Run:
wuauclt /detectnow
After some Time your Server should Display a Yellow Shield with an Expclamation Mark
and it is for Updates Download and Install these Updates.<
This Works because you will be using a Distant WSUS


Permission Issue for laravel APP QUEUE in windows server 2012

We have a laravel app (Version 5.5*) deployed in WIndows Server 2012 R2. But our development stack is LEMP. Same codebase works fine in development STACK but fails in WINDOWS SERVER.
In our App, there is a REPORT DOWNLOAD queueable job which reads data from database table and generates an excel file using box/spout package(version 2.7) depending on user input date range (daily,weekly,monthly, etc) .
When running the queue:work command from cmd as administrator,
$writer->openToFile(‘path/to/file’) throws an error : failed to open stream : no such file or directory.
See this image for code snippet throwing error
Solutions I tried:
Setting right permissions(full control Read & write) for Storage folder of my project (For Users, IIS_IUSRS,IUSR)
Setting right permissions(full control Read & write) for C:windows\Temp folder (For Users, IIS_IUSRS,IUSR)
Created symlink for storage folder inside public
OS: windows server 2012 r2
PHP: 7.2*
Laravel: 5.5.*
box/Spout package: 2.7.*
You can follow the following procedure:
Go to IIS Manager
Select your desired project (For example: listed under Sites
Go to Security tab and you'll see the users listed with their permissions on the folder.
Now, click Edit button to go to a new window and click Add. In the text box,type IIS AppPool\MyApplicationPoolName.In our example it should be IIS AppPool\
Click Check Name and you'll see the test change with underline.
Click Ok. Add the appropriate permission(Modify,read,write) to the newly created user.
That's it!!!
Thanks to all for responding.

Unable to upgrade XAMPP

I've spent the last 3 years attempting to get a website partner for an International trading website, but now I have given up on that idea and decided to learn development alone, although still open to a partnership, however at first I installed XAMPP version 1.7.7 and added a CodeIgniter based registration script, but now get this message - Unable to connect to your database server using the provided settings. Filename: C:\xampp\htdocs\system\database\DB_driver.php Line Number: 124
With that problem, together with the CodeIgniter changes and the XAMPP new version 5.6.8 I've decided to upgrade both. However I want to keep the old versions to enable retrieving data that has been entered into the old versions. I prefer to keep the old versions separate so that I know what portions are old and new.
I have attempted to change the name of the old version of XAMPP but I'm unable to do that and get this response - "The action can't be completed because the folder or a file is open in another program." I guess the referred folders are "Apache" and "MySQL". I've gone into XAMPP Control Panel and note "Apache" and "MySQL" are "Running" and if I click "Stop" I get ERROR messages and they don't stop. I've done some research and found that I need to be logged in as "Administrator". I've gone into Win7 Control Panel - User Accounts - and found that I'm listed as "Administrator" password protected. I've tried rebooting but that does not help. I now need guidance but open to suggestions on alternative methods to upgrade that has the same effects as in the previous paragraph.
Being an administrator under XAMPP and an administrator under Win7 are two different things.
Right click the control panel exe file in XAMPP folder and click "Run as administrator" and then Exit the control panel.
If the XAMPP control panel is running the above can't be done and I found I had to reboot to start the control panel fresh, then carry out the above.
Once all of that was done, I renamed the XAMPP folder.

Setup TYPO3 for development on Windows (Apache + OpenSSL)

Setting up TYPO3 on Windows using an Apache server poses some problems I've noticed. Solutions are sporadic and/or incomplete in many instances.
There are the requirements, not being able to connect to the backend, openssl not working and a few more.
So, how to setup TYPO3 on a Windows machine for development?
This answer was made with:
Windows 8.1
Ampps (Apache/MySQL)
Setting up Typo3 on a Windows machine using a local server
Apache & MySQL
Make sure you have a local server with Apache and MySQL, such as WAMP, XAMPP, Ampps or another.
Settings this up we'll call the "project" we're going to start: typotest
Create a folder in the "www" or "wwwroot" of your Apache server called "typotest"
Create a virtual domain for your project, in Ampps go to localhost/ampps/index.php?act=ampps_domainmanage (Make sure the server is up and running first!), called "typotest". This will make your project accessible through http:// typotest/ (remove space)
On your machine, go to `C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\` and open the "hosts" file in the folder with administrator. Add a record at the bottom: ` typotest`. Save it and make sure it's there.
Open the Apache `httpd.conf` file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Ampps\apache\conf
Make sure the following lines are **not** commented in the file (remove `#`)
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
LoadModule ssl_module modules/
At the bottom of the file, add the following code
<IfModule mpm_winnt_module>
ThreadStackSize 8388608
Save the file
Open the `php.ini` file in `C:\Program Files (x86)\Ampps\php` and make sure the following lines aren't commented (remove ';')
//edit these lines to be the same
post_max_size = 32M
max_execution_time = 240
We're done with Apache.
Go to here, or if the link is still active, straight here. Download the most recent 32-bit release of OpenSSL for Windows. I used 2 installations, not sure which one was the correct one.
Visual C++ 2008 Redistrubutable 1.7MB installer (Description: Having problems with error messages when trying to run OpenSSL? This will likely fix the problem. Only works with Windows 2000 and later. Although there is a "newer version" of this installer, this is the correct version to install.)
Win32 OpenSSL v1.0.1j (Description: Installs Win32 OpenSSL v1.0.1j (Recommended for software developers by the creators of OpenSSL). Note that this is a default build of OpenSSL and is subject to local and state laws. More information can be found in the legal agreement of the installation.)
That should take care of having OpenSSL installed on your Windows machine.
Additional software
By default, Typo3 cannot handle images out of the box. For it to be able to handle these you need to install GraphicMagick and a setting needs to be modified. The setting we'll get to later during the configuration of Typo3 itself.
The software you'll need is this, download the latest version of GraphicMagick. Get the version that's right for your system (and preferably corresponds to your server). You have the choice between 32/64bit, obviously, but also Q8 and Q16, these correspond to image quality (higher is better).
To setup Windows to have globally usable variables we need to add them to the system settings. I again used two methods and it might be a question of either/or.
Go to "System" (Windows key + Pause/Break key) (Control Panel/System)
Select on the left: "Advanced system settings"
Go to tab: "advanced"
Hit button: "Environment variables..."
Click "New..." to add a new variable
Name this new variable: "OPENSSL_CONF"
Remember, I used Ampps, so the Variable Value for me is: `C:\Program Files (x86)\Ampps\apache\conf\openssl.cnf` -> Press "OK"
Scroll down in the variables list and select variable: "Path"
Click "Edit..."
Behind the existing variable add: `;C:\Program Files (x86)\Ampps\apache\bin` (including the semicolon at the front!!!)
Save it
Reboot Windows at this time
Open PHPMyAdmin and create a new database named "typotest". Also create a user for this database with the same name and password. (This is for convenience's sake of this setup, these 3 are ideally different and this practice should never happen on a production environment!)
Typo3 Installation
Download Typo3, I've used v6.2.6. Extract it to the earlier created folder in the "www" or "wwwroot" folder of your local server. Next:
Create a file in the "/www/typotest" or "/wwwroot/typotest" called "FIRST_INSTALL", no extension for this file.
Now start the installation by going to `typotest/typo3/install` in a browser.
Follow the 5 steps of the installation, entering values created above where necessary
**Stop** before you log into the backend!
Open the file `/www/typotest/typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php` in an editor
Search for the following variables and edit to settings below:
'loginSecurityLevel' => 'normal'
'devIPmask' => '*'
'displayErrors' => 2
Now refresh the login page and login.
In the left menu go to "Install" and select the "Unlock the Install Tool" button
Enter password and continue
Go to "All configuration"
Select "Toggle all" below
Search for "rsa"
Where it says: "[BE][loginSecurityLevel] = rsa" change "rsa" to "normal" in the inputfield below.
Modify [FE][activateContentAdapter] = 1 //This enables the viewing of images [source](
Modify [GFX][im_path] to the path of your GraphicMagick installation (e.g.: C:\Program Files\GraphicsMagick\ )
Modify [GFX][im_path_lzw] to the path of your GraphicMagick installation (e.g.: C:\Program Files\GraphicsMagick\ )
Modify [GFX][im_version_5] to "gm" (short for GraphicMagick)
Choose "Write configuration" at the bottom of the page. This saves this setting from becoming reset to default "rsa" for BackEnd ([BE]) login. (Make sure to change this back when going to production!)
This might not help everyone out there but it's all the stuff I had to change to get Typo3 to work and it might help a few future souls that have the same or similar troubles.

User mycomputer\myloginName does not have required permissions

I am trying to access the report manager url for SSRS. But, I keep on getting the error below -
User mycomputer\myloginName does not have required permissions. Verify that sufficient permissions have been granted and Windows User Account Control (UAC) restrictions have been addressed.
I tried to run my browser as admin as described here - User '' does not have required permissions, SSRS 2008 on Windows 8
with no success. I also don't see the 'site settings' on top-right corner as mentioned by so many people. Also, I cannot go through the pain of reinstalling SQL server all over again. I don't want to disable UAC.
I am unable to do anything because of this problem.
How do I fix this problem?
This solution is for Internet Explorer. I don't know how it can be done for firefox or chrome.
Link 1 -
See the solutions by Chirag Shah. Follow only up to step 13. I could not follow Step 14 because I found no home dialog box.
In the steps Chirag talks about some URL's. I don't really understand the meaning of any of those URL's. So, I used the URL under "Report Manager URL" in "Reporting Services Configuration Manager". It was
The 8080 is a port number.
Once you finished this, go to the link below and follow all the steps -
In the 7th step, I saw a lot of check boxes. I selected all of them.
Finally, I can rest in peace. Hope it works for you too.
Also, when making the accounts described in the above link, you might see "BUILTIN\Administrators" account. Ignore it - thats what i did.
Steps taken from Chirag Shah's post -
Configure the report server for local administration. To access the report server and Report Manager locally, follow these steps:
Start Windows Internet Explorer.
On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
Click Security.
Click Trusted Sites.
Click Sites.
Under Add this Web site to the zone, type http://ServerName. If you are not using HTTPS for the default site, click to clear the Require server certification (https:) for all sites in this zone check box.
Click Add.
Repeat step 7f and step 7g to add the http localhost URL, and then click Close.
Note This step enables you to start Internet Explorer and open either the localhost or the network computer name of the server for both the Report Server application and the Report Manager application.
Create role assignments that explicitly grant you access together with full permissions. To do this, follow these steps:
Start Internet Explorer together with the Run as administrator option. To do this, click Start, click All Programs, right-click Internet Explorer, and then click Run as administrator.
Open Report Manager. By default, the Report Manager URL is http://ServerName/reports. If you use SQL Server Express with Advanced Services SP2, the Report Manager URL is http://ServerName/reports$sqlexpress. If you use a named instance of Reporting Services, the Report Manager URL is http://ServerName/reports$InstanceName
i was receiving blank page after i was logging exactly 3 times on my report server URL.
i've Turn Off Internet Explorer Enhanced Security. On different OS's it is in different location. find the location and turn it off.
I hope this will help you.

Cant add solution to RocketSvn Repositories

I have been trying to set up RocketSVN server on win server 2008 R2 and the plug in client for Visual studio's 2010 but have been have a lot of trouble so will list what i have had issues with and what i did to get them working and where i am up to.
First I was having trouble connecting to the server through a browser which came down to the fact that i hadn't installed the Basic and windows Authentication on the server IIS features Doh! (fresh install :)) although it still didn't work until i went through the windows updates, After these steps i could connect to the Admin portal through a browser add add repositories and users yay!
Then i moved on to the Visual Studio's plugin and was having trouble being authenticated while trying to add or open a project from svn so back to Google and found a solution here but was not using windows authentication which i wanted and was now getting another issue, I found that changing the binding in the IIS to HTTPS and setting a certificate let me use windows authentication and got me to the same position but now I'm stuck again....
tried to add images but wont let me Grrrr.... Edit : I can add images now :)
every time i try to add a solution i don't get a folder to save it to and the "Create Folder" button is greyed out all i get is the
Subversion Repositories
https://<server name>:8080
so am missing the svn/testrep/(testrep being my repository) folder to select and add my solution to..
I am using the repository URL found on the admin portal..
The error i get if i try and open a solution (even though i don't have any solutions in the repository i thought i might be able to browse it?) is
"server sent unexpected return value (405 not allowed) in response to propfind"
i hope some body can help me with this as I'm losing the will to live with this one :( i thinking its still a server set up issue but cant find any more info let my no if any 1 wants to see any server logs / config's / settings.
Cheers in advance
