Is it possible to have 'prisma introspect' create models for views in Postgres ?
Currently not, but we have a request for that here that you can follow for more updates. As a workaround, you can manually add that view to schema.prisma as a model and then query as you do for normal models.
I'm new in Laravel world!
I created a Database in MySql with 8 Tables!
now i just want to know that do I need to create Migration for all 8 tables?
or just need to create model for each table?
It is up to you. If you don't need migration for those tables (ie. for testing/seeding, migration to another database or creating new local setup), then it is not necessary.
Also models are not required but if you want to use Eloquent and other fancy Laravel things, then create them.
From my point of view there is no reason to not have migrations and models.
I'm new to laravel backpack so what did is created a CRUD of title and description. And everything in admin panel works fine, but now I need to get that data to another blade view file through a controller like in a vanilla laravel but I cant seem to find how to do it.
If I understand your question correctly, there's absolutely NOTHING special you need to do - just do it "the normal Laravel way", by using your Model to query the database. It's usually something like Career::all() or Career::find($id) or Career::where('something', $value)->get(), depending on what you need to fetch from the database.
That's because Backpack uses your existing Eloquent Models, or creates the models if you don't have them already (usually in app\Models). So whenever you create/edit/delete an entry using the Backpack interface (aka CRUD), what Backpack does is use that Model to interact with the database. If you want to interact with the database, you should do the same thing - use the Model. That's the expected and recommended way of doing things in Laravel. To have Models for all your major database tables and do most (or all) of your interactions with the database using the Eloquent Models.
You can use view like this:
list, create etc.
all available files, you can find here: vendor/backpack/crud/src/resources/views/crud
If you want to override the template, please copy vendor template to your project
vendor/backpack/crud/src/resources/views/crud/show.blade.php > resources/views/vendor/backpack/crud/show.blade.php
Laravel Version: 5.26.27
Voyager Version: 1.1.3
PHP Version: 7.2.1
Database Driver & Version: MySQL 5.6.38
I'm new to Voyager but have already managed to create tables, populate them and configure their access privileges for BREAD.
But I need one option to see in the posts the custom roles can view just himself post, I see one option
#foreach($dataTypeContent->where('author_id','=', Auth::user()->id) as $data)
But this code modifies all views because is in the view. I need some more generic in the model
Is this possible with Voyager or it calls for custom code?
Thanks in advance!
Your question is a little confusing to read, but it sounds like you're asking if it's possible to override Voyager views or add custom views and the answer is, yes you can.
They have a video here:
and written documentation here:
The short of it is, create a directory resources/views/vendor/voyager/slug-name where slug-name is the slug for the corresponding table view you want to override. Put an edit-add.blade.php file in that folder along with a browse.blade.php file. I would just copy Voyagers default view logic into those files and then modify them to suit your needs.
By using codeigneiter, I want to connect one controller and one model with another database.
Is it possible?
I am following this post Codeigniter - I am looking to use/connect to a different database for one of my controllers and one model, but I'm not getting any result.
Use CodeIgniter documentation for Connecting to Multiple Databases
Or try it Codeigniter - multiple database connections
I created a new module following with this url:
In my module i created a registration form.
So now i want to insert the data entered into my registration form.
How is it possible?
Take a look at these instructions about models and database access:
This should get you up and running.
You need a custom db table with a custom model and collection of this table. There are lots of way but this is the magento way.
This link will help you