Kafka error: Unknown partition (unknown_partition) - ruby

I am using https://github.com/zendesk/racecar (which uses https://github.com/appsignal/rdkafka-ruby under the hood, a Ruby wrapper for https://github.com/edenhill/librdkafka/) to consume a Kafka stream and every now and then I receive this error Local: Unknown partition (unknown_partition)
"/app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/rdkafka-0.8.1/lib/rdkafka/consumer.rb:339:in `store_offset'",
"/app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/racecar-2.3.0/lib/racecar/consumer_set.rb:51:in `store_offset'"
This error seem to be raised when calling rd_kafka_offset_store, responsible to store offset of a message to be used in the next commit of this consumer.
Inspecting logs with config.log_level = "debug" looks like the error above always is preceded by:
rdkafka: [thrd:sasl_ssl://a1-abc-d1er1.eu-east-2.aws.confluent.cloud:9092/2]: sasl_ssl://a1-abc-d1er1.eu-east-2.aws.confluent.cloud:9092/2: Disconnected (after 3600185ms in state UP)
(try 1/10): Error for topic subscription #<struct Racecar::Consumer::Subscription topic="my.topic", start_from_beginning=true, max_bytes_per_partition=1048576, additional_config={}>: Local: Broker transport failure (transport)
First time using Kafka here and I don't have an idea what might be.


Using dead letter queue with Kafka MirrorMaker2

Kafka Connect converters provide the feature of dead letter queue (DLQ) that can be configured (errors.deadletterqueue.topic.name) to store failing records. I tried configuring it on a MirrorMaker2 setup but it doesn't seem to be working as expected. My expectation is that messages that failed to replicate to target cluster are stored in the dead letter queue topic.
To test this, I simulated failures by bringing down the target cluster and expected MirrorMaker2 to create a DLQ on source cluster with failed message but didn't see the dead letter queue topic created. The Kafka documentation is not very clear on whether this configuration option works for MirrorMaker2.
Below is the configuration I used:
clusters = sourceKafkaCluster,targetKafkaCluster
sourceKafkaCluster.bootstrap.servers = xxx
targetKafkaCluster.bootstrap.servers = yyy
sourceKafkaCluster->targetKafkaCluster.enabled = true
targetKafkaCluster->sourceKafkaCluster.enabled = false
#Not sure which one of the below ones are correct.
Does the deadletterqueue configuration option work with MirrorMaker2?

IBM MQ version 7.5 error AMQ7472: Object %CHLBATCH.706, type scratchpad damaged

We are currently having an issue with an MQ Cluster were a CLUSSDR channel is going into retry as the receiving MQ object is showing as damaged.
Configuration is many QMGR's (STAT00-11) sending messages to the Cluster of 4 QMGR's, 2 FullRepos (HUB01-02 and 2PartialRepos HUB03-04)
Problem is that on the STAT02 QMGR the CLUSSDR channel to HUB01 is in a retry state
with the MQ log error;
AMQ9506: Message receipt confirmation failed.
and on HUB01 the MQ log errors;
AMQ7472: Object %CHLBATCH.706, type scratchpad damaged. (many)
AMQ9999: Channel 'TO_HUB01' to host 'server02 (n.n.n.n)' ended abnormally.
AMQ9588: Program cannot update queue manager object. (single instance)
AMQ9587: Program cannot open queue manager object (many)
I have now stopped the CLUSSDR on STAT02 to HUB01 and there is no longer any log entries, however as the QMGR's have linear logging the log files are not being released on the HUB01 QMGR
this has introduced a new error
AMQ7084: Object syncfile, type syncfile damaged.
which is filling up the disk.
I have so far tried to recover the damaged object, the command used was on the HUB01 QMGR
rcrmqobj -m HUB01 -t channel TO_STAT02
and this returned the result, AMQ7085: Object TO_STAT02, type channel not found., although the following results contradict this;
outputs a list of all the STAT* QMGR's which includes the TO_STAT02 channel
and the channel status
shows all the channels in a RUNNING state, including the supposed non-existent TO_STAT02
Anyone had similar issues please, note that this is the second occurrence we have had in the last month to different clusters and last time we had to take the drastic action of rebuilding the QMGR once the disk space was exhausted and the QMGR crashed
rcrmqobj -m HUB01 -t syncfile
is the correct way to rebuild a corrupt syncfile and if using linear logging this will also repair any damaged scratchpad objects. Damaged scratchpad objects should only ever occur through operational or filesystem error, for example if files were deleted or partially restored from backup and so having a large number is something that you should try and identify the root cause.
rcrmqobj -t channel will be able to recover damage to channel object definitions, but it is the synchronization data and its index (syncfile) that is damaged/missing. TO_STAT02 sounds like it is a cluster sender that MQ clustering maintains from information shared within the cluster - you can check on whether a cluster channel has a local channel definition using DEFTYPE on DISPLAY CLUSQMGR.

Reset Spring Boot Kafka Stream Application on modifying topics

I'm using a spring-kafka to run Kafka Stream in a Spring Boot application using StreamsBuilderFactoryBean. I changed the number of partitions in some of the topics from 100 to 20 by deleting and recreating them, but now on running the application, I get the following error:
Existing internal topic MyAppId-KSTREAM-AGGREGATE-STATE-STORE-0000000092-changelog has invalid partitions: expected: 20; actual: 100. Use 'kafka.tools.StreamsResetter' tool to clean up invalid topics before processing.
I couldn't access the class kafka.tools.StreamsResetter and tried calling StreamsBuilderFactoryBean.getKafkaStreams.cleanup() but it gave NullPointerException. How do I do the said cleanup?
The relevant documentation is at here.
Step 1: Local Cleanup
For Spring Boot with StreamsBuilderFactoryBean, the first step can be done by simply adding CleanerConfig to the constructor:
// Before
new StreamsBuilderFactoryBean(new KafkaStreamsConfiguration(config));
// After
new StreamsBuilderFactoryBean(new KafkaStreamsConfiguration(config), new CleanupConfig(true, true));
This enables calling the KafkaStreams.cleanUp() method on both before start() & after stop().
Step 2: Global Cleanup
For step two, with all instances of the application stopped, simply use the tool as explained in the documentation:
# In kafka directory
bin/kafka-streams-application-reset.sh --application-id "MyAppId" --bootstrap-servers --input-topics x --intermediate-topics first_x,second_x,third_x --zookeeper
What this does:
For any specified input topics: Reset the application’s committed consumer offsets to "beginning of the topic" for all partitions (for consumer group application.id).
For any specified intermediate topics: Skip to the end of the topic, i.e. set the application’s committed consumer offsets for all partitions to each partition’s logSize (for consumer group application.id).
For any internal topics: Delete the internal topic (this will also delete committed the corresponding committed offsets).

UNKNOWN_PRODUCER_ID When using apache kafka streams (scala)

I am running 3 instances of a service that I wrote using:
Scala 2.11.12
kafkaStreams 1.1.0
kafkaStreamsScala 0.2.1 (by lightbend)
The service uses Kafka streams with the following topology (high level):
Parse to known Type
Clear messages that the parsing failed on
split every single message to 6 new messages
on each message run: map.groupByKey.reduce(with local store).toStream.to
Everything works as expected but i can't get rid of a WARN message that keeps showing:
15:46:00.065 [kafka-producer-network-thread | my_service_name-1ca232ff-5a9c-407c-a3a0-9f198c6d1fa4-StreamThread-1-0_0-producer] [WARN ] [o.a.k.c.p.i.Sender] - [Producer clientId=my_service_name-1ca232ff-5a9c-407c-a3a0-9f198c6d1fa4-StreamThread-1-0_0-producer, transactionalId=my_service_name-0_0] Got error produce response with correlation id 28 on topic-partition my_service_name-state_store_1-repartition-1, retrying (2 attempts left). Error: UNKNOWN_PRODUCER_ID
As you can see, I get those errors from the INTERNAL topics that Kafka stream manage. Seems like some kind of retention period on the producer metadata in the internal topics / some kind of a producer id reset.
Couldn't find anything regarding this issue, only a description of the error itself from here:
UNKNOWN_PRODUCER_ID 59 False This exception is raised by the broker if it could not locate the producer metadata associated with the producerId in question. This could happen if, for instance, the producer's records were deleted because their retention time had elapsed. Once the last records of the producer id are removed, the producer's metadata is removed from the broker, and future appends by the producer will return this exception.
Hope you can help,
It seems that the WARN message does not pop up on version 1.0.1 of kafka streams.

KafkaProducerException on sending message to a topic

Spring boot properties for kafka producer:
#spring.kafka.producer.acks= # Number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete.
#spring.kafka.producer.buffer-memory= # Total bytes of memory the producer can use to buffer records waiting to be sent to the server.
#spring.kafka.producer.compression-type= # Compression type for all data generated by the producer.
spring.kafka.producer.key-serializer= org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer
#spring.kafka.producer.retries= # When greater than zero, enables retrying of failed sends.
spring.kafka.producer.value-serializer= org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer
#spring.kafka.properties.*= # Additional properties used to configure the client.
I am getting below exception when i am trying to send message to a kafka topic :
Caused by: org.springframework.kafka.core.KafkaProducerException: Failed to send; nested exception is org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Expiring 1 record(s) for bam-0 due to 30004 ms has passed since last append
at org.springframework.kafka.core.KafkaTemplate$1.onCompletion(KafkaTemplate.java:255)
at org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.RecordBatch.done(RecordBatch.java:109)
at org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.RecordBatch.maybeExpire(RecordBatch.java:160)
at org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.RecordAccumulator.abortExpiredBatches(RecordAccumulator.java:245)
at org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender.run(Sender.java:212)
at org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender.run(Sender.java:135)
... 1 more
Caused by: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Expiring 1 record(s) for bam-0 due to 30004 ms has passed since last append
I am not able to figure our why i am getting this exception. Can some one please help ?
The producer is timing out trying to send messages. I notice you are using localhost in your bootstrap. Make sure a broker is available locally and listening on port 9092.
Issue resolved by setting advertised.listeners in server.properties to PLAINTEXT://<ExternalIP>:9092.
Note: Kafka is deployed over aws.
