Windows application build using flutter not working on every windows machine - windows

I am trying to build windows app using flutter. After successful build i have added msvcp140.dll, vcruntime140.dll, vcruntime140_1.dll as instructed. but still in some windows 10 and on all windows 7 machine it is crashing. Any suggestion what to do?
My release tree looks like follows:
build -> windows -> runner -> release

bitsdojo_window doesn't support all the versions of Windows that Flutter does. It unconditionally links against APIs that are only present in newer versions of Windows 10.


dart compilation for windows not work for every version? is there are any work arounds?

so recently I have created a program in dart and compiled that program to exe file on my windows10 machine. Using dart compile exe main.dart and then main.exe is generated, but the problem is when I try to run this script on different version of windows like windows 11, windows server 2016 or windows server 2012. It didn't seem to run the program.
Note that actually there is no folder missing, still it is giving FileSystemException but only for windows server 2012, windows 11, and windows server 2016 not for windows 10.
I am only saying is that why is this error not occurred in windows 10 my guess is because I created the binary in windows 10.
I have searched about this but couldn't find a way is there is any way I can compile this binary, so it works in all version of windows? Or like dart compile exe --windows11 for windows 11.
Does dart only compile for Windows version specific binary, not for general win32 APIs?

How can I debug a Windows build using Goland running on a Mac?

I have noticed some issues that happen only on Windows build. However, I develop on Golang running on Mac. How can I debug the Windows build using Goland running on a Mac?
I found the answer of how to debug for Windows while developing on Mac. We need to change the target OS in Goland.
Go to Preferences → Go → Build Tags & Vendoring and choose OS to Windows.

Build an existing ionic2 app using windows phone platform

I have ionic2 app that already works on (Android & IOS) platforms.
After I have copied the source folder to Win7 and downloaded the requirements
I did
1) ionic cordova platform add windows#6.0.0
2) cordova build windows -- --appx=8.1-phone
I got a .sln file in platform/windows folder and output in platforms/windows/AppPackages folder.
but the output .appx file was too small (3.625 K) just like an empty app with splashscreen (contains cordova icon).
Here is the end of the second command
The cordova requirements
I have solved this issue by creating a new ionic app
ionic start MyIonicProject tutorial
and replaced the src folder and every thing what I need from my app with the current .
and after that
ionic cordova platform add windows#6.0.0
cordova run windows
It works like a charm :)
I tried every thing else and didn't get any result.
To build apps for Windows Universal, download and install Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition. During the installation, Select “Tools for Cross Platform Development” as well as the SDK for Windows Universal Apps.
With everything installed, you’ll be able to add a windows platform from the command line with this command:
ionic cordova platform add windows
By default the build command produces two packages: Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1, which Ionic does not support. To upgrade Windows package to version 10 the following configuration setting must be added to configuration file (config.xml).
<preference name="windows-target-version" value="10.0" />

sqlite in the xamarin android player

I have clicked on Tools -> Android -> Android Device Monitor in VS 2015 and got the following error, but my xamarin android player works fine.
Is there a way to access to local database (sqlite) in the xamarin android player simulator not on the physical device?
I am using adb and getting the following error
Failed to load the JNI shared library "C:/XXXXX/jvm.dll"`.
This is a sign of a mixed 32/64 Java bit Java install and/or the wrong version is installed.
Xamarin on Windows requires a Windows x86 version of v1.7
It is essential to install the 32-bit version of the Java JDK even if you're using 64-bit Windows. It is also important that v1.7 of the Java JDK is installed (although it is fine to have 1.8 or newer installed at the same time).
So I would start by installing Java v1.7, since the error is pointing to v1.6 and retrying to open the Android Device Monitor.
Installing the Java SDK (JDK)
The JDK can be downloaded from any browser by visiting Oracle’s website and browsing to the section with the heading Java SE Development Kit 7u79
Solution 1:
I run tools->android-> android adb command prompt in visual studio
I have followed the followings to access the database
step1. >adb shell
step2. >cd data/data
step3. >ls -l|grep "com.xxxx"
step4. >cd "com.xxxx"
Then I used the following to copy sql file to my workstation
adb shell "run-as com.xxxx chmod 666 /data/data/com.xxxx/files"
adb pull /data/data/com.xxxx/files/xx.sql
adb shell "run-as com.xxxx chmod 600 /data/data/com.xxxx/files"
Then I have downloaded sqlite browser to open the file and see the tables.
Solution 2:
Alternatively, you can go to following directory and double click the exe file

Windows 8.1 Robocopy Running on Windows 7

I would like to copy the Robocopy.exe file from a Windows 8.1 system and run it on a Windows 7 PC. Both PC's are running the 64bit variant of their respective OS. Is this possible in any way?
At present I just get the error that it "is not a valid Win32 application".
The reason I wish to run it is because the newer version has the /J switch.
This doesn't work. You can't run programs from a newer Windows version in an older Windows version. A you already noticed you get the is not a valid Win32 application error because the new exe is compiled for the higher Windows version (You can see this in Depends.exe under OS Ver).
