I have a long string of about 50,000,000 long... , and I am substituting it part by part
cat FILE | tail -n+2 | awk -v k=100 '{
i = 1
while (i<length($0)-k+1) {
x = substr($0, i, k)
x changed sth
$0 = substr($0,1,i-1) x substr($0,i+k)
i += 1
printf("%s",$0) >> FILE
Are there any ways to replace $0 at position i with x of length k without using this method?
The string is too long and the commands runs extremely slow
sample input:
sample output:
If substring with length k=10 contains >50% of A || a || T || t
(so there are length($0)-k+1 substrings)
substitute A and T with N, a and t with n
The $0 string must maintain it size and sequence (Case sensitive)
I misunderstood the requirement of this problem, and repost the question at here.
read a window of characters to two buffers - scratch buffer and output buffer
if in the scratch buffer there are more then some count of characters ATat
then replace all characters ATat in the output buffer buffer to Nn respectively
output one character from the output buffer
flush one character in both buffers
and go to step 1 to repeat reading the characters into buffers
when the end of line is encountered, just flush output buffer and reset it all
A small C program for sure is going to be the fastest:
// The window size
#define N 10
// The percent of the window that has to be equal to one of [AaTt]
#define PERCENT 50
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
// output a string
static void output(char *outme, size_t n) {
fwrite(outme, n, 1, stdout);
// is one of [AaTt]
static bool is_one_of_them(char c) {
switch(c) {
case 'A':
case 'a':
case 'T':
case 't':
return true;
return false;
// Convert one of characters to n/N depending on case
static char convert_them_to_n(char c) {
// switch(c){ case 'T': case 'A': return true; } return false;
// ASCII is assumed
const char m = ~0x1f;
const char w = 'n' & ~m;
return (c & m) | w;
static const unsigned threshold = N * PERCENT / 100;
// Store the input in buf
static char buf[N];
// Store the output to-be-outputted in out
static char out[N];
// The current position in buf and out
// The count of readed characters
static size_t pos;
// The count of one of searched characters in buf
static unsigned count_them;
static void buf_reset(void) {
pos = 0;
count_them = 0;
static void buf_flush(void) {
output(out, pos);
static void buf_replace_them(void) {
// TODO: this could keep count of characters alrady replaced in out to save CPU
for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
if (is_one_of_them(out[i])) {
out[i] = convert_them_to_n(out[i]);
static void buf_flush_one(void) {
assert(pos > 0);
assert(pos == N);
output(out, 1);
count_them -= is_one_of_them(buf[0]);
memmove(buf, buf + 1, pos - 1);
memmove(out, out + 1, pos - 1);
static void buf_add(char c) {
buf[pos] = out[pos] = c;
count_them += is_one_of_them(c);
// if we reached the substring length
if (pos == N) {
// if the count reached the threshold
if (count_them >= threshold) {
// convert the characters to n
// flush one character only at a time
int main() {
int c;
while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) {
if (c == '\n') {
// If its a newline, just flush what we have buffered
output("\n", 1);
Such a C program is easily transferable to for example an awk script, just one need to read one character at a time. Below I split the characters with split, like:
awk -v N=10 -v percent=50 '
BEGIN{ threshold = N * percent / 100; pos=0 }
function is_one_of_them(c) {
return c ~ /^[aAtT]$/;
function buf_flush(i) {
for (i = 0; i < pos; ++i) {
printf "%s", out[i]
pos = 0
count_them = 0
function buf_replace_them(i) {
for (i = 0; i < pos; ++i) {
if (is_one_of_them(out[i])) {
out[i] = out[i] ~ /[AT]/ ? "N" : "n";
function buf_flush_one(i) {
printf "%s", out[0]
count_them -= is_one_of_them(buf[0])
if(0 && debug) {
printf(" count_them %s ", count_them)
for (i = 0; i < pos-1; ++i) {
printf("%s", buf[i+1])
} printf(" ");
for (i = 0; i < pos-1; ++i) {
printf("%s", out[i+1])
for (i = 0; i < pos-1; ++i) {
buf[i] = buf[i+1]
out[i] = out[i+1]
function buf_add(c) {
buf[pos]=c; out[pos]=c; pos++
count_them += is_one_of_them(c)
if (pos == N) {
if (count_them >= threshold) {
split($0, chars, "")
for (idx = 0; idx <= length($0); idx++) {
printf "\n";
Both programs when run with the input presented in the first line produce the output presented in the second line (note that lone a near the end is not replaced, because there are no 5 charactets ATat in a window of 10 characters from it):
Both solutions were tested on repl.
You need to be careful with how you address this problem. You cannot work on the substituted string. You need to keep track of the original string. Here is a simple example. Assume we have a string consisting of x and y and we want to replace all y with z if there are 8 y in a substring of 10. Imagine your input looks like:
The first substring of 10 reads yyyyyyyyxx and would be translated into zzzzzzzzxx. If you perform the substitution directly into the original string, you get zzzzzzzzxxy. The second substring now reads zzzzzzzxxy, and does not contain 8 times y, while in the original string it does. So according to the solution of the OP, this would lead into inconsistent results, depending on if you start from the front or the back. So a quick solution would be:
awk -v N=10 -v p=50 '
BEGIN { n = N*p/100 }
{ s = $0 }
{ for(i=1;i<=length-N;++i) {
c=gsub(/[AT]/,"N",str) + gsub(/[at]/,"n",str)
if(c >= n) s = substr(s,1,i-1) str substr(s,i+N)
{ print s }' file
There is ofcourse quite some work you do double here. Imagine you have a string of the form xxyyyyyyyyxx, you would perform 4 concatinations while you only need to do one. So the best idea is to minimalise the work and only check the substrings which end with the respective character:
awk -v N=10 -v p=50 '
BEGIN { n = N*p/100 }
{ s = $0 }
{ i=N; while (match(substr($0,i),/[ATat]/)) {
c=gsub(/[AT]/,"N",str) + gsub(/[at]/,"n",str)
if(c >= n) { s = substr(s,1,i+RSTART-N-1) str substr(s,i+RSTART)}
{ print s }' file
To replace $0 at position i with x do:
awk 'BEGIN{i=12345;x="blubber"}
I don't think there is any faster method.
To replace AGCT with N and agct with n use tr. To replace them only within a range and using awk you should do:
awk 'BEGIN{i=12345;n=123}
To do more advanced and faster processing you should consider c/c++.
So I was thinking, how do you convert a decimal fraction into a hexadecimal fraction?
What are some methods for converting and are there short cuts?
You can use this algorithm:
Take a fractional part of the number (i.e. integer part equals to zero)
Multiply by 16
Convert integer part to hexadecimal and put it down
Go to step 1
For instance, let's find out hexadecimal representation for pi = 3.141592653589793...
integer part is evident - 0x3; as for fractional part (0.141592653589793) we have
0.14159265358979 * 16 = 2.26548245743664; int part 2 (0x2); frac 0.26548245743664
0.26548245743664 * 16 = 4.24771931898624; int part 4 (0x4); frac 0.24771931898624
0.24771931898624 * 16 = 3.96350910377984; int part 3 (0x3); frac 0.96350910377984
0.96350910377984 * 16 = 15.41614566047744; int part 15 (0xF); frac 0.41614566047744
0.41614566047744 * 16 = 6.65833056763904; int part 6 (0x6); frac 0.65833056763904
0.65833056763904 * 16 = 10.53328908222464; int part 10 (0xA); ...
So pi (hexadecimal) = 3.243F6A...
Possible (C#) implementation
public static String ToHex(Double value) {
StringBuilder Sb = new StringBuilder();
if (value < 0) {
value = -value;
// I'm sure you know how to convert decimal integer to its hexadecimal representation
BigInteger bi = (BigInteger) value;
value = value - (Double)bi;
// We have integer value in fact (e.g. 5.0)
if (value == 0)
return Sb.ToString();
// Double is 8 byte and so has at most 16 hexadecimal values
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
value = value * 16;
int digit = (int) value;
value = value - digit;
if (value == 0)
return Sb.ToString();
Console.Write(ToHex(Math.PI)); // <- returns "3.243F6A8885A3"
You can get the fractional part by multiplying the input number by a whole number of hex digits. Then you can use regular integer-to-hex conversion. For example, to get 6 characters after the (hexa)decimal point, multiply the fractional part by 0x1000000.
Here is some Java code that will do it.
String toHexFraction(double x, int digits) {
// Get fractional part.
if (x < 0.0)
x = 0.0 - x;
x = x % 1.0;
// Shift left by n digits
long multiplier = (1L << (digits * 4));
long fraction = (long)(x * multiplier);
// Convert integer to hex string.
// String should have at least n digits; prefix with zeros if not.
String hex = Long.toHexString(fraction);
String padding = "000000000000000";
hex = padding.substring(0, digits - hex.length()) + hex;
return hex;
String toHexInteger(double x) {
long whole = (long) x;
String prefix;
if (whole < 0) {
// Long.toHexString treats the number as an unsigned integer.
whole = 0 - whole;
prefix = "-";
} else {
prefix = "";
return Long.toHexString(whole);
String toHex (double x, int digits) {
return toHexInteger(x) + "." + toHexFraction(x, digits);
The number of digits will be limited by the largest integer you can represent in a double.
This should work for other square bases too, e.g. for octal change digits * 4 to digits * 3, and use Long.toOctalString.
I just saw that this could technically work, the only mistake I couldn´t resolve was the last ASCII character that gets printed everytime I test it out, I also tested this out without using the name variable, I mean just making a substraction of 32 to any lower case letter in ASCII should give me their upper case one and it does, but I´m curious on why I´m getting an additional char, wich from what I see in screen is apparently Û.
#include <stdio.h>
char name[22];
int i;
fputs("Type your name ",stdout);
for (i = 0; name[i] != '\0'; i = i + 1)
printf("%c",(name[i])-32); /*This will convert lower case to upper */
/* using as reference the ASCII table*/
Perhaps there is a line break character at the end of the string.
You can check the chararacter code, so that you only convert characters that actually are lower case letters:
for (i = 0; name[i] != '\0'; i = i + 1) {
char c = name[i];
if (c => 97 && c <= 122) {
c -= 32;
printf("%c", c);
void read_chararray(char in_array[], int* Length)
int Indx = 0, Indx2 = 0, Indx3 = 0; // int declarations for indexs of some loops
char cinput = { 0 }, word[255] = { 0 }, word2[255] = { 0 }; // declaration of cinput and first char array before punctiation removed
for (Indx = 0; (cinput = getchar()) != '\n'; Indx++) { // Loop for getting characters from user stop at <enter>
word[Indx] = cinput; // Placing char into array while changing to lowercase
Indx2 = Indx; // Set Indx2 to Indx for loop operation
for (Indx = 0; Indx < Indx2; Indx++) { // Loop to check and replace upper characters with lower
cinput = word[Indx];
if (cinput >= 65 && cinput <= 90) { // If cinput is within the ASCII range 65 and 90, this indicates upper characters
cinput += 32; // Add 32 to cinput to shift to the lower character range within the ASCII table
in_array[Indx] = cinput; // Input new value into array pointer
else if (cinput >= 97 && cinput <= 122) // scans if character are lower ASCII, places them in array irraticating punctuation and whitespce
in_array[Indx] = cinput; // Input remaining lower case into array pointer
*Length = Indx; // final size of array set to Length variable for future use
void upper(char);
void main()
char ch;
printf("\nEnter the character in lower case");
scanf("%c", &ch);
void upper( char c)
printf("\nUpper Case: %c", c-32);
I wanted to make a custom ITOA function to put large numbers into small strings, this is what I have coded :
printf("itoa(2000000000,36)= '%s'",itoa(2000000000,36));
printf("itoa(36,36)= '%s'",itoa(36,36));
printf("itoa(37,36)= '%s'",itoa(37,36));
return 1;
stock itoa(val, base)
new buf[1024] = {0,...};
new i = 1023;
new LETTERZ[37] = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z',0};
for(; val && i; --i, val /= base)
buf[i] = LETTERZ[val % base];
return buf[i+1];
It's based on 'C' code from this page: http://www.jb.man.ac.uk/~slowe/cpp/itoa.html
But somehow this is the output:
[20:34:35] itoa(2000000000,36)= 'X'
[20:34:35] itoa(36,36)= '1'
[20:34:35] itoa(37,36)= '1'
And this is totally wrong, I don't know which output to expect but 36 and 37 for sure can't be the same output and 2 000 000 000 can't be just 'X', as X is suposed to be 35, not 2 000 000 000,
ZZ should be 1295 I think... I want to base this on the hexadecimal system, but with all the alfabet letters.
Could anyone tell me what's wrong here?
I'm working with a typeless language called PAWN (also known as SMALL) and later i want to use this code in VB.NET
/* itoa example */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main ()
int i;
char buffer [33];
printf ("Enter a number: ");
scanf ("%d",&i);
itoa (i,buffer,10);
printf ("decimal: %s\n",buffer);
itoa (i,buffer,16);
printf ("hexadecimal: %s\n",buffer);
itoa (i,buffer,2);
printf ("binary: %s\n",buffer);
return 0;
You only give the number and the base, but parameter 2 needs a pointer to char already allocated. Use a buffer or try NULL, so the function will return the result.
THe solution seemed to be simple, the return buf[i+1] just returned one character so what I did is make it return an array:
new _s#T[4096];
#define sprintf(%1) (format(_s#T, SPRINTF_MAX_STRING, %1), _s#T)
new num = atoi("ABCDEFG",36);
return 1;
stock itoa(val, base)
new buf[1024] = {0,...};
new LETTERZ[37] = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z',0};
for(new pos = 0; val;++pos,val = floatround(val/base,floatround_floor))
strins(buf,sprintf("%c",LETTERZ[val % base]),0);
return buf;
stock atoi(val[], base)
new CURRNUM = 0;
new len = strlen(val);
new LETTERZ[37] = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z',0};
for(new i = 0; i < len; ++i)
for(new x = 0; x < base; ++x)
new y = (len-i)-1;
if(val[y] == LETTERZ[x])
CURRNUM += x*floatround(floatpower(base,i));
return CURRNUM;