Liferay 7.3 adt - freemarker

Can anyone help me with this error i get when i create a adt template in liferay 7.3?
Denied access to method or field setAttribute of class org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationHttpRequest
it shows in this line of my adt
${request.setAttribute("viewURL", viewURL )}
Adt works fine in my liferay 7.2 version, Also I can see contents of asset publisher only when i am logged in as admin.
Thank you in advance

it's probably due to the default restrictions. Try this:
go to control panel, configuration, system settings, template engines, freemarker.
there is probably one restricted class with value org.apache.*, if you remove that restriction, it should work.
About the problem with asset publisher, check if Guest user is assigned the permission to view the contents you are showing in the asset publisher, and reindex the site (as asset publisher uses the elastic index to show results)


How to customize "Return" link in Laravel Spark?

I'm using Laravel Spark (not classic, v11) to scaffold out my newest SaaS application. Everything is going well, but the only thing I'm not able to customize is the "Return to [Application Link]" once users are actually in the billing portal.
Right now, it defaults to, which returns users to my home page. Instead, I'd like it to return users to
I've read every page of the documentation thoroughly, but don't see any sort of default customization built in for this.
I'm using Spark-Stripe (as opposed to Spark-Paddle) if it makes a difference, though I don't think it would.
Thanks in advance.
That URL should default to /dashboard, but you can customize it by adding this line to your spark.php config file:
'dashboard_url' => '/dashboard',
For more details on how Spark is using this config value, see these files:

Sitefinity cannot add RelatedMedia with content type

I am currently having issues adding a relatedmedia field type to a content type inside a module. The issue isn't when I add the field, but when I try and edit/create the content and where it says:
Content from this type cannot be selected because the module or the source providing its content is deleted or deactivated.
There is already a field called profileimage of type Media which seems to be working just fine. From what I've read Media is pre sitefinity 7.0 and RelatedMedia is for 7.0 and above.
I looked through some of the other sites that are on this setup, and some of the other content types have RelatedMedia field types set up and working. I have also looked at this G+ page but not sure if this is the culprit.
We are running sitefinity 7.2.5310.0.
When you set up the related media you had a choice for the provider if you didn't select "default site source" I could see why it wouldn't be able to find media items.
Make sure to set "default site source" as your provider if you only want to access that sites media, or select the proper provider for the site you are if you are only using it on one multisite, make sure to only enable the module on that site as well

Folder metadata displaying ID instead of folder Name

I am new to Oracle UCM(already hate it) and I have this bug on the standart "Content information" page when displaying "Folder" meta - instead of DCOLLECTIONNAME I get DCOLLECTIONID from COLLECTIONS table. Now we have two versions of UCM installed on different servers, one with our custom module and one without it, you can guess which one works fine :-) I checked settings in admin aplet / Configuration manager and they are the same on both servers, so my next thought was there must be some problem with page template(I found some function named getCollectionPathFromID somewhere which does exactly what I need but dont know where to put it to make it work). Can anyone point me to the right direction? I found some template called std_page.htm but it contains realy huge amount of code... Any help would be appreciated.
What specific versions of WebCenter Content are you using? Are the two instances on the exact same version? You can find this information on the Configuration for instance name page.
How are you trying to view the data?
Are you calling &IsSoap=1 or &IsJava=1? Or are you meaning the display of the folder name/path on the page is showing dCollectionID?
I assume that based on dCollectionID you are using the Folders_g (Contribution Folders) component and not FrameworkFolders.
Can you provide a link to download your custom component? It sounds like this may be the culprate.

Joomla v1.5.14 Admin top menu elements are missing

My client has Joomla! ver 1.5.14 installed on the remote server. I logged in using the url /administrator/ with login 'admin'. When landed on the admin page after successful login, I observed that the top menu has only two elements, Site and Help. All other elements like Menus, Content, Components, Extensions etc are not there.
Also I do not find any way to access those elements (menus, components). There are not icons on the screen to access them.
Could someone please help me figure out this issue?
Thanks in advance
Following is the screenshot of the admin page
user admin belogs to the group 'Super Administrator'
Thank you
It's very strange that this should happen unless your client has been fiddling with the core Joomla files or database tables.
Update the site to the latest version of the 1.5 series (1.5.26)
Download the full Joomla package, extract the administrator, components, includes, libraries, modules and plugins folder, zip them up and upload to the server, replacing the current folder. Not to worry, this will only override the core files which I assume haven't been edited.
Try downloading and installing another admin template.
Else the only other thing I can think of is reconstructing the website which might take a while, depending on the amount of work that went into it.
In Joomla! 1.5.x a common security step was to create an alternate "super user" and downgrade the default admin account to a standard registered. Due to issues in early versions of 1.5 though it wasn't recommended to delete or disable this account.
This sounds like what is going on with your admin account.
You can check this by looking at the database checking the table jos_users look for the username admin and see what it's usertype is set to. At the same time look for a user that has an usertype of Super Administrator (yes, really the words Super Administrator).
Once you have the username of the Super Administrator, you will need to find the password. If the client doesn't know it then you will have to recover the admin password.

Joomla 1.6 backend admin area blank

For some reason, when I log into my joomla 1.6 backend, it is now empty, displaying only a logout button. Any Ideas?
I just went through the same problem but on J!1.7.3. There may be many, many reasons but please check using just URL if you can see for example:
[YourDomainHere]/administrator/index.php?option=com_content or
If content is listing and you're missing just Admin-menu and sub-navigation in back-end --> this means you messed-up with access levels and viewing access.
If you can't see content listing - ignore the rest of this post :-)
...with access levels and viewing access. To check that, try entering [YourDomainHere]/administrator/index.php?option=com_users&view=levels and enter each position in the list. Joomla backend navigation module usually has Access set to Special, so focus on this one. When enter Special - manager, author and super administrator should be ticked. If everything empty in any from the list - this is your issue :)
You need to add manager, author and super administrator to your Special access level. Obviously you can't see Save button, so you need to use database. [wrrr :) sounds scary?] Not a big deal, just go there using for example phpMyAdmin and find _viewlevels table. In there just edit Special and add [6,2,8] values to set up manager, author, super.....
Update database. Try to log-in one more time (close browser and clean cache before).
I hope if this wasn't helpful for you, will be for somebody else.
p.s. There may be a way of 'saving' changes in you joomla access levels with URL. Then you don't need to go to DB .. but I don't know if this is feasible at all :)
Check the rewrite of htaccess and the $mosConfig_absolute_path variable in config.php
Apparently, the Bluestork Template (admin template) has some security issues. In my case there were some missing files in the template folder /administrator/templates/bluestork/ that caused the administrator screen to appear blank. I've copied a clean version of the template in the bluestork folder and after that I was able to see the backend admin area.
I've removed the bluestork templates entirely for now, which seems to be the best option. Joomla installs 2.5.8, 2.5.6, 2.5.2, 1.7.0, 1.6.3 are affected. The Blustork Template is a target for hacks with old Joomla.
this happening becoz of admin user lost his permissions. see below article to fix this issue
