I have errors in the project (springboot) with all code "log." I have followed the advise from the link below (in my case using eclipse with spring tools):
enter link description here
I spent 2 hours delete the project and reopen, clean, build everything and nothing working. I also did mvn compile from command line and this seem to work fine, so it's clearly eclipse problem.
code from pom:
Eclipse ini file:
I run the jar (java application) and specify the ini file. The jar is added
to the eclispe directory but it has no version on it.
Also lombok should appeared in the eclipse about screen and it's not.
In order to solve this problem I had to use STS4 and the same indtallation
for eclpise is work for STS.
lombok is added to the about screen, all good now.
I imported dmn-quarkus-example project into eclipse. the project compiles and shows no errors. when I run mvn clean quarkus:dev, I was able to test the rest endpoint through postman and it works.
but my junit in my eclipse fails with 404.
I read few blogs and updated my application.properties file with the following, still no luck
the other thing I had to do to get my junit working is added the following dependencies in the pom.xml
it working still not able to understand why?
it started working after
mvn clean install and tried maven update on eclipse.....
it random....
This sounds like Eclipse is not configured properly, in general; based on the provided information not possible to even say if it's something related to Quarkus, or just a general Eclipse configuration issue.
Moreover, tested locally with Eclipse 2019-12 and no special configuration and no special plugin, running the JUnit test works out of the box correctly, in the example screenshot below running the unit test of the REST interface for Kogito on Quarkus example:
Please ensure you have no Maven exclusion in your Eclipse configuration, and that Eclipse is allowing to run the necessary Maven phases with M2Eclipse (like running any Maven project with Eclipse)
I am new to maven.
I created a dynamic web project and converted to maven project.
Then from command prompt i cleaned the project using mvn eclipse:clean
I refreshed the project in eclipse
It comes up with an error like JSP Problem : (the server runtime library deleted)
The superclass "javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet" was not found on the
Java Build Path home.jsp
After adding the server runtime library manually the problem solved.
Is there any other way to solve the problem or the problem will not occur at all.
Add below dependency in your pom.xml to avoid the exception:
I'm facing with this problem:
The method getPort(QName, Class<T>) in the type Service is not applicable for the arguments (QName, Class<AcessoDadosGeolocalizacao>, WebServiceFeature[])
I used wsimport to generate my clients, but now my maven application is using the class javax.xml.ws.Service from
How can I use the javax.xml.ws.Service from the JDK 6?
I've added the webservices-api to my pom.xml and the problem is gone.
If I am adding this entry(webservices-api) ;it is giving run time error while accessing JAXB-API.I found that the JDK6 should be the first in the order of classpath and then maven library.I moved up the JDK6 above the Maven library.Then it worked.
I ran into a similar issue with Eclipse and a Dynamic Web Application. Its not Maven related however googling for that error gets you all of about 7 results in Google as of today's date with about three or more of them being relisting at other websites of the same stack exchange question - so I thought in case others had a similar issue I'd add what helped me. The WAR was set to use JBoss AS5, the VM was set to use Java 6. Because its eclipse and I had already consumed the web service - the error was not occurring on import as the stubs had already been created. I ensured the Java facet was set to use 1.6 (it had been 1.5), I cleaned and built but the error persisted. I then noticed I had a reference on my build path to Java EE 1.5. I removed this, cleaned and built and the error went away.
Hope this helps anyone else faced with the same issue!
I have a Maven project in which I use a javaxf WebEngine. I first included javafx by installing e(fx)clipse, and I was able to use it normally.
Now I want to compile my program to a big .jar file with all dependencies included. I first used a <scope>system</scope> and linked to the jfxrt.jar in my JDK (1.7.0_45). I compile my program using mvm package and it works well for the build part.
Then, I installed the jfxrt.jar in maven thanks to this SO answer so I have a javafx-2.2.45.jar with maven.
However, I'm stuck with this error when I run my program and when it comes to instantiate that particular WebEngine:
INFO: com.sun.javafx.css.StyleManager loadStylesheetUnPrivileged Could not find stylesheet: jar:file:/target/project-name-0.1.one-jar.jar!/lib/javafx-2.2.45.jar!/com/sun/javafx/scene/control/skin/caspian/caspian.css
SEVERE: javafx.scene.control.Control impl_processCSS The -fx-skin property has not been defined in CSS for ScrollBarThemeImpl$ScrollBarWidget#5919e0a8[styleClass=scroll-bar]
at com.sun.webpane.sg.theme.ScrollBarThemeImpl.initializeThickness(ScrollBarThemeImpl.java:341)
at com.sun.webpane.sg.theme.ScrollBarThemeImpl.access$100(ScrollBarThemeImpl.java:27)
at com.sun.webpane.sg.theme.ScrollBarThemeImpl$ScrollBarWidget.impl_updatePG(ScrollBarThemeImpl.java:50)
at javafx.scene.Node.impl_syncPGNode(Node.java:425)
at javafx.scene.Scene$ScenePulseListener.syncAll(Scene.java:2106)
at javafx.scene.Scene$ScenePulseListener.syncAll(Scene.java:2115)
at javafx.scene.Scene$ScenePulseListener.syncAll(Scene.java:2115)
at javafx.scene.Scene$ScenePulseListener.synchronizeSceneNodes(Scene.java:2082)
at javafx.scene.Scene$ScenePulseListener.pulse(Scene.java:2193)
at com.sun.javafx.tk.Toolkit.firePulse(Toolkit.java:363)
at com.sun.javafx.tk.quantum.QuantumToolkit.pulse(QuantumToolkit.java:463)
at com.sun.javafx.tk.quantum.QuantumToolkit$9.run(QuantumToolkit.java:332)
at com.sun.glass.ui.InvokeLaterDispatcher$Future.run(InvokeLaterDispatcher.java:76)
I opened this jar and was able to find the caspian.css file where it's supposed to be.
What should I do to be able to use my WebEngine in my "big compiled jar"? I don't care if the solution is a quick, dirty fix such as copy/paste of this css file somewhere else (I already tried that but I might have missed something..)
It's not a good idea to package fx into your jar. Have you tried using http://www.zenjava.com/2013/07/01/javafx-maven-plugin-2-0-released/
You might need to declare your dependency like for not to include JavaFX into the uber jar. You could also exclude javafx packages from when creating this jar, but I don't think it's recommended as in theory resources might not be placed under the javafx package.
Update: the is also a javafx maven plugin as #tomsontom mentioned.
Some of my Roo generated .aj files seem to be generating errors as below. I can see commons-lang3-3.1.jar in my Maven Dependencies. I have added this to my pom.xml
Failed to execute goal
org.codehaus.mojo:aspectj-maven-plugin:1.2:compile (default) on
project AdminDirect-Model: Compiler errors : [ERROR] error at return
I have a multi-module project, and when in STS I try to do a right click and Update Project, I get another annoying error saying "Problems Encountered while setting project description"...although this is probably a separate issue.
As an aside if anyone knows of the correct workflow to create a multi-module spring roo, JSF, JPA application (Model and Web tier under a parent module) that would be greatly appreciated.
I deleted the .m2/repository folder contents and forced a fresh download using Maven Update Project and then forced a refresh of snapshots. Seems to work, jars must have been corrupt?
tomcat server fails to start the server and application in STS