Branch and bound without assert / retract - prolog

This exercise asked me to find the best combination of three products, given the prices and specific combinations to avoid. The textbook employs assertz and retractall to emulate a state variable.
price(a1, 1900).
price(a2, 750).
price(a3, 900).
price(b1, 300).
price(b2, 500).
price(b3, 450).
price(b4, 600).
price(c1, 700).
price(c2, 850).
incompatible(a2, c1).
incompatible(b2, c2).
incompatible(b3, c2).
incompatible(a2, b4).
incompatible(a1, b3).
incompatible(a3, b3).
:- dynamic bound/1.
solution(A, B, C, P) :-
member(A, [a1, a2, a3]),
price(A, PA),
member(B, [b1, b2, b3, b4]),
\+ incompatible(A, B),
price(B, PB),
P0 is PA + PB,
write('Current bound: '), writeln(Bound),
P0 =< Bound,
member(C, [c1, c2]),
\+ incompatible(A, C),
\+ incompatible(B, C),
price(C, PC),
P is PA + PB + PC,
P =< Bound,
Is it possible to use branch and bound in Prolog without resorting to dynamic predicates?
Is there a consensus on state variables in Prolog?
Is there a way to restrict the scope of a state variable (or whatever the proxy would be) to a single rule?

The biggest problem with this code is that it is not re-entrant. It implicitly assumes that at any point in time there is exactly one instance of searching. But if some part inside wants to use a similar search all by themselves, no warning no error prevents this from happening.
There is not much consensus on how the precise mechanism should look like, existing systems all differ. To understand this, look at the implementation of findall/3 or call_nth/2 where there are specific solutions for SICStus, SWI, and Eclipse. Precisely this mechanism would be needed here too.
But also consider to make this search more generic. Presumably the textbook you are referring to was written prior to the general acceptance of call/N.

Is it possible to use branch and bound in Prolog without resorting to dynamic predicates?
Yes, you just hand the bounds around as additional arguments across recursive calls (as is done in functional programming). IMHO, this is actually a cleaner solutions than asserting into the Prolog database. The trick of changing the database and then performing a redo is confusing, as it's not the same program that is being redone. It's a "neat trick" to put into a textbook though.
Is there a consensus on state variables in Prolog?
Just hand them around as arguments. If need be, you can use Global Variables if supported. See also: Database in SWI-Prolog. To keep argument lists small-ish, you may want to consider using associative arrays (SWI-Prolog dicts, library(assoc)) as "argument bundle". But as usual, this has implications on efficiency.
Is there a way to restrict the scope of a state variable (or whatever the proxy would be) to a single rule?
Evidently, arguments are local, but there is, sadly, nothing beyond. I would like to have "local visibility scopes", especially for predicates so as to unequivocally associate "helper predicates" to their "parent predicate" but "modules" (implemented variously) is the best we have. (This is not made better by a tradition which finds module sizes of enormous size acceptable, something for which I would berate the intern in no uncertain terms, same as writing an object of several thousand lines, but I digress)

Your solution is not always using the proper Bound upon backtracking. The problem is that the variable gets bound too soon and then even if the fact gets updated with assertz/retract the variable will still be bound to the previous value. You can see the effects by letting the toplevel backtrack through all the solutions. There are some solutions intersped that have higher cost than a previous one.
Here goes an iterative solution customized to your problem, though you could probably make it more general by using call/N instead of the fixed calls to price/2 and any_incompatible/2
solution2(Bound, Best):-
branch_and_bound([[a1,a2,a3],[b1,b2,b3,b4],[c1,c2]], Bound, [], Best).
branch_and_bound([[]|_], _, Best, Best).
branch_and_bound([[Item|Layer]|Layers], Bound, CurrentBest, Best):-
price(Item, ItemPrice),
( ItemPrice >= Bound
-> Bound1-CurrentBest1=Bound-CurrentBest
; branch_and_bound(Layers, Bound, Bound1, current(ItemPrice, [Item]), CurrentBest, CurrentBest1)
branch_and_bound([Layer|Layers], Bound1, CurrentBest1, Best).
branch_and_bound([], Bound, CurrentPrice, current(CurrentPrice, Items), PreviousBest, [best(CurrentPrice, RItems)|OtherBest]):-
reverse(Items, RItems),
( CurrentPrice==Bound -> OtherBest=PreviousBest ; OtherBest=[] ).
branch_and_bound([[]|_], Bound, Bound, _, Best, Best).
branch_and_bound([[Item|Layer]|Layers], Bound, Bound2, current(CurrentPrice, Items), CurrentBest, Best):-
price(Item, ItemPrice),
NewPrice is CurrentPrice + ItemPrice,
( NewPrice > Bound ; any_incompatible(Items, Item) )
-> Bound1-CurrentBest1=Bound-CurrentBest
; branch_and_bound(Layers, Bound, Bound1, current(NewPrice, [Item|Items]), CurrentBest, CurrentBest1)
branch_and_bound([Layer|Layers], Bound1, Bound2, current(CurrentPrice, Items), CurrentBest1, Best).
any_incompatible([OneItem|Items], Item):-
incompatible(OneItem, Item) -> true ; any_incompatible(Items, Item).
It will list all the best solutions, trimming the search space with the current Bound defined by the currently found best solution.
Sample run:
?- solution2(5000, Best).
Best = [best(1900, [a3, b1, c1]), best(1900, [a2, b1, c2])].


Is it possible to write a prolog interpreter that avoids infinite recursion?

Main features
I recently have been looking to make a Prolog meta-interpreter with a certain set of features, but I am starting to see that I don't have the theoretical knowledge to work on it.
The features are as follows :
Depth-first search.
Interprets any non-recursive Prolog program the same way a classic interpreter would.
Guarantees breaking out of any infinite recursion. This most-likely means breaking Turing-completeness, and I'm okay with that.
As long as each step of the recursion reduces the complexity of the expression, keep evaluating it. To be more specific, I want predicates to be allowed to call themselves, but I want to prevent a clause to be able to call a similarly or more complex version of itself.
Obviously, (3) and (4) are the ones I am having problems with. I am not sure if those 2 features are compatible. I am not even sure if there is a way to define complexity such that (4) makes logical sense.
In my researches, I have come across the concept of "unavoidable pattern", which, I believe, provides a way to ensure feature (3), as long as feature (4) has a well-formed definition.
I specifically want to know if this kind of interpreter has been proven impossible, and, if not, if theoretical or concrete work on similar interpreters has been done in the past.
Extra features
Provided the above features are possible to implement, I have extra features I want to add, and would be grateful if you could enlighten me on the feasibility of such features as well :
Systematically characterize and describe those recursions, such that, when one is detected, a user-defined predicate or clause could be called that matches this specific form of recursion.
Detect patterns that result in an exponential number of combinatorial choices, prevent evaluation, and characterize them in the same way as step (5), such that they can be handled by a built-in or user-defined predicate.
Here is a simple predicate that obviously results in infinite recursion in a normal Prolog interpreter in all but the simplest of cases. This interpreter should be able to evaluate it in at most PSPACE (and, I believe, at most P if (6) is possible to implement), while still giving relevant results.
eq(E, E).
eq(E, F):- eq(E,F0), eq(F0,F).
eq(A + B, AR + BR):- eq(A, AR), eq(B, BR).
eq(A + B, B + A).
eq(A * B, B * A).
eq((A * B) / B, A).
eq(E, R):- eq(R, E).
Example of results expected :
?- eq((a + c) + b, b + (c + a)).
?- eq(a, (a * b) / C).
C = b.
The fact that this kind of interpreter might prove useful by the provided example hints me towards the fact that such an interpreter is probably impossible, but, if it is, I would like to be able to understand what makes it impossible (for example, does (3) + (4) reduce to the halting problem? is (6) NP?).
If you want to guarantee termination you can conservatively assume any input goal is nonterminating until proven otherwise, using a decidable proof procedure. Basically, define some small class of goals which you know halt, and expand it over time with clever ideas.
Here are three examples, which guarantee or force three different kinds of termination respectively (also see the Power of Prolog chapter on termination):
existential-existential: at least one answer is reached before potentially diverging
universal-existential: no branches diverge but there may be an infinite number of them, so the goal may not be universally terminating
universal-universal: after a finite number of steps, every answer will be reached, so in particular there must be a finite number of answers
In the following, halts(Goal) is assumed to correctly test a goal for existential-existential termination.
This uses halts/1 to prove existential termination of a modest class of goals. The current evaluator eval/1 just falls back to the underlying engine:
eval(Input) :- Input.
:- \+ \+ halts(halts(eval(_))).
safe_eval(Input) :-
?- eval((repeat, false)).
C-c C-cAction (h for help) ? a
% Execution Aborted
?- safe_eval((repeat, false)).
The optional but highly recommended goal directive \+ \+ halts(halts(eval(_))) ensures that halts will always halt when run on eval applied to anything.
The advantage of splitting the problem into a termination checker and an evaluator is that the two are decoupled: you can use any evaluation strategy you want. halts can be gradually augmented with more advanced methods to expand the class of allowed goals, which frees up eval to do the same, e.g. clause reordering based on static/runtime mode analysis, propagating failure, etc. eval can itself expand the class of allowed goals by improving termination properties which are understood by halts.
One caveat - inputs which use meta-logical predicates like var/1 could subvert the goal directive. Maybe just disallow such predicates at first, and again relax the restriction over time as you discover safe patterns of use.
This example uses a meta-interpreter, adapted from the Power of Prolog chapter on meta-interpreters, to prune off branches which can't be proven to existentially terminate:
eval((A,B)) :- eval(A), eval(B).
eval((A;_)) :- halts(eval(A)), eval(A).
eval((_;B)) :- halts(eval(B)), eval(B).
eval(g(Head)) :-
clause(Head, Body),
So here we're destroying branches, rather than refusing to evaluate the goal.
For improved efficiency, you could start by naively evaluating the input goal and building up per-branch sets of visited clause bodies (using e.g. clause/3), and only invoke halts when you are about to revisit a clause in the same branch.
The above meta-interpreter rules out at least all the diverging branches, but may still have an infinite number of individually terminating branches. If we want to ensure universal termination we can again do everything before entering eval, as in the existential-existential variation:
:- \+ \+ halts(halts(\+ \+ eval(_))).
safe_eval(Input) :-
halts(\+ \+ eval(Input)),
So we're just adding in universal quantification.
One interesting thing you could try is running halts itself using eval. This could yield speedups, better termination properties, or qualitatively new capabilities, but would of course require the goal directive and halts to be written according to eval's semantics. E.g. if you remove double negations then \+ \+ would not universally quantify, and if you propagate false or otherwise don't conform to the default left-to-right strategy then the (goal, false) test for universal termination (PoP chapter on termination) also would not work.

SWI-Prolog: Understanding Infinite Loops

I am currently trying to understand the basics of prolog.
I have a knowledge base like this:
p(X) :- p(X).
If I enter the query p(b), the unification with the fact fails and the rule p(X) :- p(X) is used which leads the unification with the fact to fail again. Why is the rule applied over and over again after that? Couldn't prolog return false at this point?
After a certain time I get the message "Time limit exceeded".
I'm not quite sure why prolog uses the rule over and over again, but since it is, I don't understand why I get a different error message as in the following case.
To be clear, I do understand that "p(X) if p(X)" is an unreasonable rule, but I would like to understand what exactly happens there.
If I have a knowledge base like this:
p(X) :- p(X).
There is no chance to come to a result even with p(a) because the fact is below the rule and the rule is called over and over again. For this variant I receive a different error message almost instantly "ERROR: Out of local stack" which is comprehensible.
Now my question - what is the difference between those cases?
Why am I receiving different error messages and why is prolog not returning false after the first application of the rule in the above case? My idea would be that in the above case the procedure is kind of restarted each time the rule gets called and in the below case the same procedure calls the rule over and over again. I would be grateful if somebody could elaborate this.
Update: If I query p(a). to the 2nd KB as said I receive "Out of local stack", but if I query p(b). to the same KB I get "Time limit exceeded". This is even more confusing to me, shouldn't the constant be irrelevant for the infinite loop?
Let us first consider the following program fragment that both examples have in common:
p(X) :- p(X).
As you correctly point out, it is obvious that no particular solutions are described by this fragment in isolation. Declaratively, we can read it as: "p(X) holds if p(X) holds". OK, so we cannot deduce any concrete solution from only this clause.
This explains why p(b) cannot hold if only this fragment is considered. Additionally, p(a) does not imply p(b) either, so no matter where you put the fact p(a), you will never derive p(b) from these two clauses.
Procedurally, Prolog still attempts to find cases where p(X) holds. So, if you post ?- p(X). as a query, Prolog will try to find a resolution refutation, disregarding what it has "already tried". For this reason, it will try to prove p(X) over and over. Prolog's default resolution strategy, SLDNF resolution, keeps no memory of which branches have already been tried, and also for this reason can be implemented very efficiently, with little overhead compared to other programming languages.
The difference between an infinite deduction attempt and an out of local stack error error can only be understood procedurally, by taking into account how Prolog executes these fragments.
Prolog systems typically apply an optimization that is called tail call optimization. This is applicable if no more choice-points remain, and means that it can discard (or reuse) existing stack frames.
The key difference between your two examples is obviously where you add the fact: Either before or after the recursive clause.
In your case, if the recursive clause comes last, then no more choice-points remain at the time the goal p(X) is invoked. For this reason, an existing stack frame can be reused or discarded.
On the other hand, if you write the recursive clause first, and then query ?- q(X). (or ?- q(a).), then both clauses are applicable, and Prolog remembers this by creating a choice-point. When the recursive goal is invoked, the choice-point still exists, and therefore the stack frames pile up until they exceed the available limits.
If you query ?- p(b)., then argument indexing detects that p(a) is not applicable, and again only the recursive clause applies, independent of whether you write it before or after the fact. This explains the difference between querying p(X) (or p(a)) and p(b) (or other queries). Note that Prolog implementations differ regarding the strength of their indexing mechanisms. In any case, you should expect your Prolog system to index at least on the outermost functor and arity of the first argument. If necessary, more complex indexing schemes can be constructed manually on top of this mechanism. Modern Prolog systems provide JIT indexing, deep indexing and other mechanisms, and so they often automatically detect the exact subset of clauses that are applicable.
Note that there is a special form of resolution called SLG resolution, which you can use to improve termination properties of your programs in such cases. For example, in SWI-Prolog, you can enable SLG resolution by adding the following directives before your program:
:- use_module(library(tabling)).
:- table p/1.
With these directives, we obtain:
?- p(X).
X = a.
?- p(b).
This coincides with the declarative semantics you expect from your definitions. Several other Prolog systems provide similar facilities.
It should be easy to grasp the concept of infinite loop by studying how standard repeat/0 is implemented:
repeat :- repeat.
This creates an infinite number of choice points. First clause, repeat., simply allows for a one time execution. The second clause, repeat :- repeat. makes it infinitely deep recursion.
Adding any number of parameters:
repeat(_, _, ..., _).
repeat(Param1, Param2, ..., ParamN) :- repeat(Param1, Param2, ..., ParamN).
You may have bodies added to these clauses and have parameters of the first class having meaningful names depending on what you are trying to archive. If bodies won't contain cuts, direct or inherited from predicates used, this will be an infinite loop too just as repeat/0.

Prolog manual or custom labeling

I am currently writing a solver for a floor planning problem in Prolog and have some issues with the labeling part.
The current problem is my constraints are posted but when I launch the labeling, it takes forever to find a solution. I would like to bring in some heuristics.
My question is, how do I manually label my variables ? I am afraid that after defining a clpfd variable like this :
X in Xinf..Xsup
and constraining it, If I do something like :
fd_sup(X, Xmax),
X = Xmax,
in my custom label, I won't be using the backtrack ability of Prolog to test the other values of X's domain. Am I wrong ?
Also, is there a smarter way to label my variables than writing custom labeling procedures ? My idea of heuristics would consist in trying extrema of a variable domain alternatively (like max(X), min(X), max(X-1), min(X-1) etc...)
Hope you can help me :)
It is not difficult to write a custom labeling procedure, and with most real problems you will eventually need one anyway in order to incorporate problem-specific heuristics.
The two main components of a labeling procedure are
variable selection: from all the remaining (i.e. not yet instantiated) problem variables, pick one to consider next.
value selection or branching: explore, via backtracking, two or more alternative sub-problems by reducing the chosen variable's domain in (usually) complementary ways.
Using this scheme, the default labeling procedure can be written as
label(Xs) :-
( select_variable(X, Xs, Xs1) ->
true % done, no variables left
select_variable(X, [X|Xs], Xs). % 'leftmost' strategy
branch(X) :- indomain(X).
You can now redefine select_variable/3 to implement techniques such as "first-fail", and redefine branch/1 to try domain values in different orders. As long as you make sure that branch/1 enumerates all of X's domain values on backtracking, your search remains complete.
Sometimes you want to try just one domain value first (say, one suggested by a heuristics), but, if it is no good, not commit to another value immediately.
Let's say that, as in your example, you want to try the maximum domain value first. You could write this as
branch(X) :-
fd_sup(X, Xmax),
X = Xmax % try the maximum
X #\= Xmax % otherwise exclude the maximum
Because the two cases are complementary and cover all possible values for X, your search is still complete. However, because of the second alternative, branch/1 can now succeed with an uninstantiated X, which means you must make sure in the labeling procedure that you don't lose this variable from your list. One possibility would be:
label(Xs) :-
( select_variable(X, Xs, Xs1) ->
( var(X) -> append(Xs1, [X], Xs2) ; Xs2=Xs1 ),
true % done, no variables left
First, always try built-in heuristics. ff is often a good strategy.
For custom labeling strategies, it is often easiest to first convert the domain to a list, then reorder the list, and then simply use member/2 to assign the values of the domain using the new order.
A good building black is dom_integers/2, relating a finite CLP(FD) domain to a list of integers:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
dom_integers(D, Is) :- phrase(dom_integers_(D), Is).
dom_integers_(I) --> { integer(I) }, [I].
dom_integers_(L..U) --> { numlist(L, U, Is) }, Is.
dom_integers_(D1\/D2) --> dom_integers_(D1), dom_integers_(D2).
Your specific strategy is easily expressed on a list of such ordered integers, relating these integers to a second list where the values occur in the order you describe:
outside_in([]) --> [].
outside_in([I]) --> [I].
outside_in([First|Rest0]) --> [First,Last],
{ append(Rest, [Last], Rest0) },
Sample query and result:
?- phrase(outside_in([1,2,3,4]), Is).
Is = [1, 4, 2, 3] ;
Combining this with fd_dom/2 and dom_integers/2, we get (bindings for variables other than X omitted):
?- X in 10..20,
fd_dom(X, Dom),
dom_integers(Dom, Is0),
phrase(outside_in(Is0), Is),
member(X, Is).
X = 10 ;
X = 20 ;
X = 11 ;
X = 19 ;
X = 12 ;
X = 18 ;
Nondeterminism is preserved by member/2.
Make sure to distinguish labeling strategies from additional propagation. These two aspects are currently a bit mixed in your question.
In SWI-Prolog, there is a predicate called clpfd:contracting/1. It does what you describe: It tries values from the domain boundaries, and removes values that can be seen as inconsistent, i.e., for which it is known that no solution exists.
Therefore, if you have a list of variables Vs, you can try: clpfd:contracting(Vs), and see if this helps.
Note that this can also significantly slow down the search, though on the other hand, also help significantly to reduce the search space before even trying any labeling!
To complement the other answers (one contrasting labeling and propagation, one showing a dedicated labeling method), I now tackle a further very important aspect of this question:
Very often, when beginners complain about the speed of their code, it turns out that their code in fact doesn't even terminate! More efficiency would not help in that case.
Hence, this answer points you towards first ensuring actual termination of your relation.
The best way to ensure termination of CLP(FD) programs is to separate them into 2 parts:
the first, called the core relation, simply posts all constraints.
the second uses labeling/2 to perform the actual search.
Have you done this in your program? If not, please do. When this is done, make sure that the core relation, say solution/2 (where the arguments are: a term denoting the task instance, and the list of variables to be labeled) terminates universally by querying:
?- solution(Instance, Vs), false.
If this terminates, then the following also terminates:
?- solution(Instance, Vs), label(Vs), false.
Of course, in larger tasks, you have no chance to actually witness the termination of the latter query, but a good chance to witness the termination of the first query, because setting up the constraints is often much faster than actually obtaining even a a single solution.
Therefore, test whether your core relation terminates!
This follows up on this previous answer by #mat.
If you have got some more CPU cycles to burn, try shave_zs/1 as defined in this previous answer.
shave_zs/1 kind of works like the auxiliary library predicate clpfd:contracting/1. Unlike contracting/1, however, all values are "up for grabs"—not just the ones at the boundary. YMMV!

Prolog, testing labeling heuristics

I'm working on some experiments for comparing different labeling heuristics in Sicstus Prolog.
But I keep getting into 'Resource error: insufficient memory'.
I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong in my testcode.
The following code will replicate my problem:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
:- use_module(library(lists)).
atest( R, C ):-
X is R * C,
length( M, X),
domain( M, 0, X),
all_distinct( M ),
statistics(walltime, [_,_SinceLast]),
labeling( [],M ),
statistics(walltime, [_,SinceLast]),
write('Labeling time: '), write(SinceLast),write('ms'),nl.
% Testcode for looping through alot of variations and run one test for each variant
Cm = 1000,
Cr = 1000,
for(C,0, Cm),
for(R, 0, Cr ),
atest( C, R )
A short time after I call the t1 predicate, I get a 'Resource error: insufficient memory' exception.
I guess I should do something after I call atest to release resources?
Also: Is this the correct way to measure labeling-time? Any better way to do this?
You are not doing anything strictly wrong, but you are trying to run
length(Xs,N), domain(Xs,0,N), all_distinct(Xs), labeling([],Xs).
for N up to 1000000. The system constructs a search tree with depth N, and has to store intermediate states of the variables and the constraint system for each level. This takes a lot of memory for large N, and it is quite possible that you get a memory overflow already for a single run with large N.
The second issue is that you are running your benchmarks in a recursive loop, i.e. you are effectively creating a conjunction
atest(0,0), ..., atest(1000,1000)
and since each call to atest/2 succeeds with its first solution and keeps its search state around, this means you are trying to create a search tree with 250500250000 levels...
The simplest improvement is to cut each search after the first solution by changing your code to once(atest(C,R)). A further improvement is to run the benchmarks in a failure-driven loop
which will free memory sooner and faster, and reduce distortion of your measurements due to garbage collection.
Toplevel hides alternate answers
If you are testing t1 on SICStus' toplevel shell with some smaller values you might get the wrong impression that t1 has exactly one answer/solution. However, this is not the case! So the toplevel hides from you the other answers. This is a special behavior in the SICStus toplevel which does not show further answers if the query does not contain variables. But there is a total of x! many solutions for your labeling, x! for each test case and the timing for the other solutions is some random value. You are out of memory because for each test case, Prolog keeps a record to continue producing the next solution for each test case.
I do not recommend using a failure driven loop for testing, instead, use the following loop which is very similar but much safer:
\+ (
between(0, Cm, C),
between(0, Cr, R),
\+ atest(C, R)
The big difference to a failure driven loop is when atest/2 accidentally fails for some C and R. In a failure driven loop this will go essentially unnoticed, whereas above construct will fail.
Some systems provide a predicate forall/2 for this purpose.
If you do timing, better only use the first element of the list and compute the difference:
statistics(walltime, [T0|_]),
statistics(walltime, [T1|_]),
D is T1 - T0.
In this manner alternate answers to Goal will give you a more meaningful value.

How to avoid using assert and retractall in Prolog to implement global (or state) variables

I often end up writing code in Prolog which involves some arithmetic calculation (or state information important throughout the program), by means of first obtaining the value stored in a predicate, then recalculating the value and finally storing the value using retractall and assert because in Prolog we cannot assign values to variable twice using is (thus making almost every variable that needs modification, global). I have come to know that this is not a good practice in Prolog. In this regard I would like to ask:
Why is it a bad practice in Prolog (though i myself don't like to go through the above mentioned steps just to have have a kind of flexible (modifiable) variable)?
What are some general ways to avoid this practice? Small examples will be greatly appreciated.
P.S. I just started learning Prolog. I do have programming experience in languages like C.
Edited for further clarification
A bad example (in win-prolog) of what I want to say is given below:
:- dynamic(value/1).
:- assert(value(0)).
adds :-
NewX is X + 4,
mults :-
NewY is Y * 2,
start :-
Then we can query like:
?- start.
Here, it is very trivial, but in real program and application, the above shown method of global variable becomes unavoidable. Sometimes the list given above like assert(value(0))... grows very long with many more assert predicates for defining more variables. This is done to make communication of the values between different functions possible and to store states of variables during the runtime of program.
Finally, I'd like to know one more thing:
When does the practice mentioned above become unavoidable in spite of various solutions suggested by you to avoid it?
The general way to avoid this is to think in terms of relations between states of your computations: You use one argument to hold the state that is relevant to your program before a calculation, and a second argument that describes the state after some calculation. For example, to describe a sequence of arithmetic operations on a value V0, you can use:
state0_state(V0, V) :-
operation1_result(V0, V1),
operation2_result(V1, V2),
operation3_result(V2, V).
Notice how the state (in your case: the arithmetic value) is threaded through the predicates. The naming convention V0 -> V1 -> ... -> V scales easily to any number of operations and helps to keep in mind that V0 is the initial value, and V is the value after the various operations have been applied. Each predicate that needs to access or modify the state will have an argument that allows you to pass it the state.
A huge advantage of threading the state through like this is that you can easily reason about each operation in isolation: You can test it, debug it, analyze it with other tools etc., without having to set up any implicit global state. As another huge benefit, you can then use your programs in more directions provided you are using sufficiently general predicates. For example, you can ask: Which initial values lead to a given outcome?
?- state0_state(V0, given_outcome).
This is of course not readily possible when using the imperative style. You should therefore use constraints instead of is/2, because is/2 only works in one direction. Constraints are much easier to use and a more general modern alternative to low-level arithmetic.
The dynamic database is also slower than threading states through in variables, because it performs indexing etc. on each assertz/1.
1 - it's bad practice because destroys the declarative model that (pure) Prolog programs exhibit.
Then the programmer must think in procedural terms, and the procedural model of Prolog is rather complicate and difficult to follow.
Specifically, we must be able to decide about the validity of asserted knowledge while the programs backtracks, i.e. follow alternative paths to those already tried, that (maybe) caused the assertions.
2 - We need additional variables to keep the state. A practical, maybe not very intuitive way, is using grammar rules (a DCG) instead of plain predicates. Grammar rules are translated adding two list arguments, normally hidden, and we can use those arguments to pass around the state implicitly, and reference/change it only where needed.
A really interesting introduction is here: DCGs in Prolog by Markus Triska. Look for Implicitly passing states around: you'll find this enlighting small example:
num_leaves(nil), [N1] --> [N0], { N1 is N0 + 1 }.
num_leaves(node(_,Left,Right)) -->
More generally, and for further practical examples, see Thinking in States, from the same author.
edit: generally, assert/retract are required only if you need to change the database, or keep track of computation result along backtracking. A simple example from my (very) old Prolog interpreter:
findall_p(_,_,N) :-
collect_found(S,L) :-
getnext(X) :-
X \= '$mark'.
findall/3 can be seen as the basic all solutions predicate. That code should be the very same from Clockins-Mellish textbook - Programming in Prolog. I used it while testing the 'real' findall/3 I implemented. You can see that it's not 'reentrant', because of the '$mark' aliased.
