Why is the Vodapay test app not allowing me to reset my PIN? - vodapay-miniprogram

I used the wrong PIN on my account multiple times on the super-app, now its refusing to allow me to reset it. How do I proceed from here?

As a security measure, the account will be blocked for 24hrs and then automatically unblocked. Please avoid continuing to try logging in on that account as you can then be blocked for 7 days. For now, I would suggest that you create a new account and continue with your development work.


How to monitor liabilities in the plaid

I am using Liabilities in my system, but I need to monitor the debt from time to time. Is it possible to do this monitoring without the user having to log into Plaid again? If so, which endpoint do I need to use?
Yes, you can use the /liabilities/get endpoint to do this. The user only needs to log in to Plaid once, unless something happens to break their Plaid connection.

How to expire inactive sessions on Parse Server

In a bid to try and make my Parse powered app more secure I would like to be able to expire sessions on the server side. Upon launching my App (or visiting the Web App) I will run a check to see if the Session Token is valid.
Where I am struggling is actually being able to monitor the activity of a session. Parse.com have alluded to this capability, however it is impossible to find anything mentioned in their documentation on the subject.
Additionally moving to NodeChef has given me the option to 'Expire In Active Sessions' However, it is not mentioned anywhere how it actually functions or how you can interact with this through cloud or client side code.
I do have the option of setting the session expiry time, however this is a hard and fast rule - it will happily expire the session even if the user is active! Not a nice user experience.
Does anyone have any ideas how I can manage this?
I used this solution:
Create cron job (in Linux) or Schedule Task (in windows) with Parse Code Function that will delete your expired token (With your costume logic)

is this braintree testing multi purchase error something I should worry about?

I'm trying to figure out how to test with braintree, and I'm running into what feels like a bandwidth error.
response = ::Braintree::Customer.create(payment_method_nonce: Braintree::Test::Nonce::Transactable)
token = response.customer.credit_card.first.token
#so far so good
response = ::Braintree::Transaction.sale(payment_method_token: token, amount: "1.00")
#still good
response = ::Braintree::Transaction.sale(payment_method_token: token, amount: "1.00")
#response is failure
# => Braintree::ErrorResult ... status: "gateway_rejected"
All that takes place without a pause.
If I wait a bit and run the sale line again it works again..
This of course sets up a problem with test scripts. I can moc-out the actual connection to BT, but I'm slightly worried about this. Should I be?
I work at Braintree. If you have more questions, you can always get in touch with our support team.
You can see what gateway_rejected means on the transaction statuses page of the API docs:
Gateway rejected
The gateway rejected the transaction because AVS, CVV, duplicate or fraud checks failed.
Transactions also have a gateway rejection reason, which in this case will be duplicate.
You can find more information about duplicate checking settings in the control panel docs:
Configure duplicate transaction checking
Duplicate transaction checking is enabled by default with a 30-second window in both the sandbox and production environments. These settings can be updated or disabled by users with Account Admin privileges.
Log into the Control Panel
Navigate to Settings > Processing > Duplicate Transaction Checking
Click Edit to adjust the time window or Enable/Disable to turn the feature on/off
Looks like it may be a rate-limit error. Search their help/docs/site about information related to rate limiting so you can know what the limits are and work around them.
However...if you're talking about testing as in automated tests - I would recommend not using external services in your test suite, and mocking out everything. Ideally you want your test suite to be able to run even when the network connection is down and you don't want it slowing down when 3rd party services are slow or when your network is slow.
If you really want to do a full integration test with all your 3rd party services, you can create a special set of tests that do that that are annotated with something like "#external", and then schedule them to run once a week or something just to flag some weird changes or errors.

Running multiple instances of WebDriver Test on Sandbox paypal environment results in Session time out issue

We are running multiple instances of WebDriver tests which will log in to payPal Sandbox environment, Pay amount and get back to our application.
But this results in Session time out issue.
Error message:
'Your session has timed out, please log in again.'
We want to understand the core reason for this issue.
Is this issue happening because we are using the same account in multiple instances? Will this be fixed if we use different paypal accounts?
what is the ttl (time to live) for session key generated for a paypal account in sandbox?
This might happen because you might be using same login details . Firefox browsers sometimes shares session. so once a thred logs out other also. Try with different login details

What exactly happens when I change number of Azure role instances?

I observe the following weird behavior. I have an Azure web role which is deployed on love Azure cloud. Now I click "Configure" in the Azure Management Portal and change the number of instances - the portal shows some "activity". Now I open the browser and navigate to the URL assigned to my deployment and start refreshing the page something like once per two seconds. The page reloads fine many times and then fro some time it will stop reloading - the request will be rejected, then after something like half a minute the requests are handled normally.
What is happening? Is the web server temporarily stopped? How do I change number of instances so that HTTP requests to the role are handled at all times?
When you change the configuration file, your current instance might be restarted. This might be the reason you met with, which your website didn't response in about 30 seconds.
Please have a look http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.windowsazure.serviceruntime.roleenvironment.changing.aspx and check if it 's because of the role restarting.
What you are doing is manual. Have you looked at the SDK for autoscaling Azure?
Check out the demo at the 18 minute mark. It doesn't answer your question directly, but its a much more configurable/dynamic way of scaling Azure.
Azure updates your roles one update domain at a time, so in theory you should see no downtime when updating the config (provided you have at least two instances). However, if you refresh the browser every couple of seconds, it's possible that your requests go always to the same instance due to keep-alive.
It would be interesting to know what the behavior is if you disable keep-alives for your webrole. Note that this will have a performance impact, so you'll probably want to re-enable keep-alives after the exercise.
