I want to export a GLTF file. I selected the apply modifier option on export to show my full mesh (I used a mirror modifier) but doing so removed all my morph targets. How do I export the file with the mirror modifier and keep all my targets?
blender 2.9
After importing a textureless model from a glTF file using GLTFLoader, the object's material contains a field named "format". Without removing this field, some changes to the material are not applied.
E.g. the following code example:
material.opacity = 0.5
material.transparent = true
requires the additional cleanup:
delete material.format
material.needsUpdate = true
In the documentation, "format" appears to be a property of textures and not of materials, thus I do not understand the meaning of it when the imported model contains no textures. Is this a problem with the glTF file or with threeJS? or Am I missing something else?
The property material.format was a temporary change in a few versions of three.js, and has been removed in three.js r137. I believe it existed only for versions r132–r136, but those versions do require the additional cleanup you mention, in order to enable alpha blending transparency on the material.
Is there any way to export the whole scene from Maya to Three.js.
Exported elements should be:
all mesh, textures, cameras, including the lights, shadows etc.
So that I can get the proper rendered effect that is been in the maya.
If you read the doc for the Maya exporter, it currently doesn't support exporting lights. You'll have to create the manually in your three.js code.
I don't know the current status of three.js loaders as I havn't used for a while now but back then Collada and FBX exporters were shaky. And still seem to be. You can try exporting from Maya to FBX and convert it (FBX file format supports lights).
OBJ file format doesn't support support lights of animation but this is the easiest way to go.
Long story short, export your models with the correct materials and create and place your lights manually.
PS: You can't export shadows.
Blender has the ability to set a material to Flat or Smooth.
In the Blender exporter for three.js, when I check "Export Normals" to JS model, I always export all materials as Smooth. The exported file is twice bigger.
Is there a way to export models with Flat Shaded and Smooth shaded faces without need to set it manually in three.js ?
There is no flatshading/noshading/smoothshading equivalent in blender. However as few other features (blending, depthwrite, depthtest) it could be proposed in the 'threejs' part of the material pannel.
You could do it yourself by editing the following files in the addon :
(copy the way blending types work for example)
You would just pay attention that the blender io-three addon yet has a shading field for materials, used to define phong or lambert materials. You would just have to chose an other name.
Finally you would also have to edit threejs so the JSONLoader can parse the new property you add.
That said, it is a bit longer than setting your materials properties in your code, since you will always need to write material=new THREE.Mesh****Material(properties)...
I have made a pipe in Maya, on which I have animated the thickness (Below is an example of 4 of the keyframes in the animation). Unfortunately when I export it as an fbx file, the animation of the of the thickness is not saved. Is there a way to save an animation that would be something similar to this one or some help on getting this solution to work?
I'm fairly new to Maya so there might be something I'm missing. Hope you can help me.
Default FBX won't export the changes in the geometry - it will give you the position, rotation and scale of the object over time but not changes to vertex positions within the object.
You can turn on the 'Geometry Cache' option in the fbx export dialog:
Vertex Animation stored in FBX file without using Point Cache?
However not all applications that use FBX support geometry caches - you'll have to see what your target software supports. Other options might be to export a series of .OBJ files (1 per frame) and use the vertex data from those, or to use an animated geometry specific format like Alembic
I have a complete blender file which has an animated character with two actions and I want to export it as an fbx so i can view it in unity. I did it and for some reason it is only exporting my actions and not the mesh or camera or anything else only exports the actions. Why is it not exporting my mesh I have everything selected and i have apply modifiers and include animation selected. Thanks for the help
Sounds like you are exporting in Blender with Selected Objects options set. In this case you have to select the mesh itself in object mode to export both. Selecting the armature will export animations only.
If you do have a mesh in Unity3D but can't see it in the scene, you have to fix the scale factor. It's set to 0.01 by default. So change it to 1 to see the mesh in its original size.