I am trying to change the check_interval time for a single domain to 5 minutes but icinga2 doesn't override it. The checks are done every 1 minute. Here is my conf.
The main domain examplemanager.com Icinga checks for 5 minutes but I want test.examplemanager.com to be checked every 7 minutes and examplemanager.com/test/admin to check every 5 minutes. how can I do that?
configuration file
lastchek details in icinga2 dashboard
check_interval doesn't inherit from vars.
THis way it's vars.check_interval and not check_interval.
I always have an generic service include that does
if (service.vars.check_interval) {
check_interval = service.vars.check_interval
I have 8 threads in JMeter, which i am executing for every 5 minutes using Task scheduler.
Now i have included 2 threads which want to run for 5 times per day only (ex: at 12am, 5am,10am...)
when the moment comes, the execution shall be 8+2 & remaining time, it shall be only 8 threads.
Is it possible to configure such usecase in Jmeter..
If you're going to use the same .jmx script and want to execute either 8 or 10 "threads" (whatever it is), you can go for:
If Controller - for conditional execution of this or that test elements
__groovy() function to check current time, an example condition which trigger the test at i.e. 5 AM would be:
${__groovy(Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) == 5 && Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MINUTE) == 0,)}
I have a shell script that collects some data and send it to destination. Part of the data should be copied every 5 minutes and other every 20 minutes. How can this be achieved in a single script? As of now i'm collecting the data every 5 minutes by scheduling with cron.
Best practice would be to use to separate files with two different cron entries. If you need to reutilize part of your code consider using functions.
If you still want to do it in only one file, you should run it every 5 minutes and on each run check whether or not you should execute the other part (every 20 min) or not.
modulo=$((`date +%_M)` % 20))
//do whatever has to be done every 5min
//check for modulo of current minute / 20
if [ $modulo -eq 0 ]; then
echo Current minute is `date +%_M)`, must execute part 2
//whatever has to be done every 20min
//do nothing
The reason why the variable modulo is defined in the first line is because what has to be done every 5min can potentially take longer than 1min to execute so by the time it is done minute is no longer 20 but 21. Defining the variable before is a safeguard to overcome this.
I have the following scenario:
every 1/2 hour a user send a file to the server
every 5 seconds a user pings the server
do it for 4000 users during 24 hours
my question is, can i do the following and achieve the same results?
every 15 minutes a user send a file to the server
every 2.5 seconds a user pings the server
do it for 2000 users during 24 hours
Add Thread Group to your Test Plan and configure it to have 4000 virtual users, loop forever and run for 84600 seconds (24 hours * 60 minutes per hour * 60 seconds per minute)
Add a HTTP Request to ping the server
Add Constant Throughput Timer as a child of the HTTP Request sampler and configure it to fire 12 times per minute (60 seconds in minute / 5 seconds)
Amend Calculalte throughput based on dropdown value according to your test scenario (whether each user or any user should ping the server each 5 seconds)
Apply the similar configuration for remaining use cases.
I need to test a REST method for saving an object. In order to have the ability to save it I need to request an authToken that is updating each 100 seconds.
Right now I have a thread containing both requests , and the login request is executed each time the saving does. How can I make the login execute once at the start of the thread and then each 100 seconds ?
P.S. I've tried separating it in 3 threads , one for the initial login , the other with a loop and a 100 seconds timer and finally the one with the actual test. It does work ,but it seems like a bad solution.
How about:
|-Loop n times
n being number of times that will be just about less than 100ms?
|-If login valid?
| |-NO: Login
option 3:
|- Login
|- Beanshell update shared token
|- Constant throughput timer
|- Beanshell fetch shared token
|- Save
A constant throughput timer allows you to run at a set throughput. Once every 100 seconds is 0.6 samples per minute, I'm not certain you can do fractions, but even 1 sample a minute should work for you.
Like a lot of users i've some problems configuring Magento cronjobs (my cartrules doesn't update properly on Magento 1.8.1. I also modified my cron.php adding $isShellDisabled = true;).
A tried a lot of things, but it doesn't work. Installed AOE scheduler, and i see all my tasks as pending!
My hosting let me to call cron.php once a day (3 am, and it's working, becase it generates the tasks at that time), so i'm wondering if is useless having settings like this:
Generate Schedules Every 15
Schedule Ahead for 1
Missed if Not Run Within 60
History Cleanup Every 120
Success History Lifetime 1400
Failure History Lifetime 1400
If i run manually the cron.php, it generates tasks for a hour, all pending (for example, my cart rules XML are set to update every 15 minutes, so i get 4 cartrules tasks)
If i run it again (after few minutes), all tasks between this time change form Pending to Success.
So, have i to call it at least twice a day? Or i have to change my cron settings?
thank you for the help
Use this cron expression for each hour:
<cron_expr>0 * * * *</cron_expr>
This will make it run at 12.00, 1.00 and so on.
If you want to make it run at 12.30, 1.30 and so on replace 0 with 30