How to get file as a resource with Storage? - laravel

I am trying to lock a file with the flock function but I am not able to do it. I work with Laravel 8 and Storage Class.
The code is as follows:
$disk = Storage::disk('communication');
$file_name = 'received.json';
$file_exists = $disk->exists($file_name);
flock($disk->get($file_name), LOCK_EX);
The problem I'm having is that when I invoke the get() function on the file path, it returns the contents of the file (a string), which causes the following error:
flock() expects parameter 1 to be resource, string given
I need to know how to get file as a resource and not the content of the file.
Could someone help me and tell me how to do it?
Thank you very much in advance.

You can use Storage::readStream() method
flock($stream, LOCK_EX);
As per php doc
flock(resource $stream, int $operation, int &$would_block = null): bool
First param needed stream.flock() allows you to perform a simple
reader/writer model which can be used on virtually every platform
(including most Unix derivatives and even Windows).


How to save an image in a subdirectory on android Q whilst remaining backwards compatible

I'm creating a simple image editor app and therefore need to load and save image files. I'd like the saved files to appear in the gallery in a separate album. From Android API 28 to 29, there have been drastic changes to what extent an app is able to access storage. I'm able to do what I want in Android Q (API 29) but that way is not backwards compatible.
When I want to achieve the same result in lower API versions, I have so far only found way's, which require the use of deprecated code (as of API 29).
These include:
the use of the MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA column
getting the file path to the external storage via Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(...)
inserting the image directly via MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage(...)
My question is: is it possible to implement it in such a way, so it's backwards compatible, but doesn't require deprecated code? If not, is it okay to use deprecated code in this situation or will these methods soon be deleted from the sdk? In any case it feels very bad to use deprecated methods so I'd rather not :)
This is the way I found which works with API 29:
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
String filename = System.currentTimeMillis() + ".jpg";
values.put(MediaStore.Images.Media.TITLE, filename);
values.put(MediaStore.Images.Media.DISPLAY_NAME, filename);
values.put(MediaStore.Images.Media.MIME_TYPE, "image/jpeg");
values.put(MediaStore.Images.Media.DATE_ADDED, System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
values.put(MediaStore.Images.Media.DATE_TAKEN, System.currentTimeMillis());
values.put(MediaStore.Images.Media.RELATIVE_PATH, "PATH/TO/ALBUM");
I then use the URI returned by the insert method to save the bitmap. The Problem is that the field RELATIVE_PATH was introduced in API 29 so when I run the code on a lower version, the image is put into the "Pictures" folder and not the "PATH/TO/ALBUM" folder.
is it okay to use deprecated code in this situation or will these methods soon be deleted from the sdk?
The DATA option will not work on Android Q, as that data is not included in query() results, even if you ask for it you cannot use the paths returned by it, even if they get returned.
The Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(...) option will not work by default on Android Q, though you can add a manifest entry to re-enable it. However, that manifest entry may be removed in Android R, so unless you are short on time, I would not go this route.
AFAIK, MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage(...) still works, even though it is deprecated.
is it possible to implement it in such a way, so it's backwards compatible, but doesn't require deprecated code?
My guess is that you will need to use two different storage strategies, one for API Level 29+ and one for older devices. I took that approach in this sample app, though there I am working with video content, not images, so insertImage() was not an option.
This is the code that works for me. This code saves an image to a subdirectory folder on your phone. It checks the android version of the phone, if its above android q, it runs the required codes and if its below, it runs the code in the else statement.
private void saveImageToStorage(Bitmap bitmap) throws IOException {
OutputStream imageOutStream;
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put(MediaStore.Images.Media.MIME_TYPE, "image/jpeg");
Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES + File.pathSeparator + "AppName");
Uri uri =
imageOutStream = getContentResolver().openOutputStream(uri);
} else {
String imagesDir =
Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES). toString() + "/AppName";
File image = new File(imagesDir, "image_screenshot.jpg");
imageOutStream = new FileOutputStream(image);
bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, imageOutStream);
For old API (<29) I place an image into the external media directory and scan it via MediaScannerConnection.
Let's see my code.
This function creates an image file. Pay attention to an appName variable - it's is a name of an album in which the image will be displayed.
override fun createImageFile(appName: String): File {
val dir = File(appContext.externalMediaDirs[0], appName)
if(!dir.exists()) {
return File(dir, createFileName())
Then, I place an image into the file, and, at last, I run a media scanner like this:
private suspend fun scanNewFile(shot: File): Uri? {
return suspendCancellableCoroutine { continuation ->
arrayOf(imageMimeType)) { _, uri -> continuation.resume(uri)
After some trial and error, I discovered that it is possible to use MediaStore in a backwards compatible way, such that as much code as possible is shared between the implementations for different versions. The only trick is to remember that if you use MediaColumns.DATA, you need to create the file yourself.
Let's look at the code from my project (Kotlin). This example is for saving audio, not images, but you only need to substitute MIME_TYPE and DIRECTORY_MUSIC for whatever you require.
private fun newFile(): FileDescriptor? {
// Create a file descriptor for a new recording.
val date = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(Calendar.getInstance().time)
val filename = "$date.mp3"
val values = ContentValues().apply {
put(MediaColumns.TITLE, date)
put(MediaColumns.MIME_TYPE, "audio/mp3")
// store the file in a subdirectory
put(MediaColumns.DISPLAY_NAME, filename)
put(MediaColumns.RELATIVE_PATH, saveTo)
} else {
// RELATIVE_PATH was added in Q, so work around it by using DATA and creating the file manually
val music = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_MUSIC).path
with(File("$music/P2oggle/$filename")) {
put(MediaColumns.DATA, path)
val uri = contentResolver.insert(MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, values)!!
return contentResolver.openFileDescriptor(uri, "w")?.fileDescriptor
On Android 10 and above, we use DISPLAY_NAME to set the filename and RELATIVE_PATH to set the subdirectory. On older versions, we use DATA and create the file (and its directory) manually. After this, the implementation for both is the same: we simply extract the file descriptor from MediaStore and return it for use.

Need assistance with unfamiliar syntax, error - e is undefined - Google Apps Script(GAS)

I'm using a script exactly like the one on the tutorial here,
However, despite using the syntax I keep getting e is undefined in the statement:
var fileBlob = e.parameter.dsrFile;
I think that means my function doPost(e) is probably wrong somehow. Here is my entire script below.
// Create Menu to Locate .CSV
function doGet(e) {
var app = UiApp.createApplication().setTitle("Upload CSV");
var formContent = app.createVerticalPanel();
formContent.add(app.createSubmitButton("Start Upload"));
var form = app.createFormPanel();
return app;
// Upload .CSV file
function doPost(e)
// data returned is a blob for FileUpload widget
var fileBlob = e.parameter.dsrFile;
var doc = DocsList.createFile(fileBlob);
e is undefined because you are not passing anything to doPost. You have to pass the needed object to doPost. Check where you call the function and what parameters do you pass to it if any. Even if you pass a parameter to that function, it holds undefined value. Make sure that you are passing the correct objects to your functions.
Your script should work perfectly. e is defined by Google Apps Script, not need to pass anything in particular is contains the fields of your form, in particular in this case the file you uploaded.
I would suspect you may be falling foul to the dev url vs publish url syndrome, where you are executing an old scrip rather that the code you are currently working on.
Be sure you script end with 'dev' and not 'exec'
Let me know if you are still getting the error after running it from the /dev url

How to get XPages and JSON to not put variable names in Uppercase

I'm trying to do the following update using XPages Extension Library.
#{javascript:var mydata = {
product: getComponent("inputProduct").getValue()
var params = [1, 2];,
#JdbcUpdate("mssql","table_name",mydata,"order_no=? AND order_line_no=?",params)};
I get the error:
Error while executing JavaScript action expression
Script interpreter error, line=6, col=1: Error while executing function '#JdbcUpdate'
Invalid column name 'PRODUCT'.
The problem is that XPages when it converts the JSON it puts product to PRODUCT.
Can you set the extension library to respect the case of the JSON and not convert to Uppercase? Or can anyone point to where this setting could be set if not the extension library?
The problem is
public static void appendColumnName(StringBuilder b, String colName) {
colName = colName.toUpperCase();
This just needs changing to not upper case the variable.
There may be other methods that need changing if other variables are getting upper cased.

Accessing temporary file from upload in django view

Just as the title says, I want to know how to access the data from the temporary file stored by Django, when a file is uploaded, inside a view.
I want to read the data uploaded values so I can make a progress bar. My methodology is to perform a jquery getJSON request:
function update_progress_info() {
$.getJSON(progress_url, function(data, status){
if (data) {
var progress = parseInt(data.uploaded) / parseInt(data.length);
var width = $progress.find('.progress-container').width()
var progress_width = width * progress;
$progress.find('.progress-info').text('uploading ' + parseInt(progress*100) + '%');
window.setTimeout(update_progress_info, freq);
where progress_url is the view I have that handles the uploaded file data:
# (I don't know what to do here):
def upload_progress(request):
for line in UploadedFile.temporary_file_path
response = (line)
return response
Django handles uploaded files with UploadHandler defined in with this name FILE_UPLOAD_HANDLERS that defaults to this tuple:
The behavior with file uploads is that if the file is less than 2.5 mg then it will be kept on memory, hence, they will not be written in disk as temporary files.
If the file weights more, it will be written in chunks in the FILE_UPLOAD_TEMP_DIR in the That's the file you'll have to query to know how many bytes have been uploaded.
You can access the uploaded/uploading files through your request variables in views like this: file = requests.FILES['file'] . There, file variable will have the type UploadedFile which contains a method temporary_file_path with the address of the file in the disk being uploaded. (Note: only files larger than 2.5 mg will have this methods) so there you may get the size of the file being uploaded.
Another way to do this is create your own UploadHandler like a ProgressBarUploadHandler and add it to your file upload handlers. This is the way the docs recommend it. Here are some snippets and tutorials for doing it.
If you need any more info the doc is really well documented.
I hope you find this helpful. Good luck.

Mutliple URL Segments to Index Function With CodeIgniter

Please excuse me if this is an incredibly stupid question, as I'm new to CodeIgniter.
I have a controller for my verification system called Verify. I'd like to be able to use it something like, but I only want to use the index function, so both URL segments need to go to it.
I'm sure this can be done with URL routing somehow, but I can't figure out how to pass both URL segments into Verify's index function..
Something like this in routes.php should do the job:
$route['verify/(:any)/(:any)'] = "verify/index/$1/$2";
I'm pretty sure you can just pass any controller method in CodeIgniter multiple arguments without modifying routes or .htaccess unless I misunderstood the problem.
function index($arg_one, $arg_two)
$arg_one representing the 123 and $arg_two representing the abcd in your example URI.
You will either need to edit the routes or write an htaccess rule, however i didn't understand why you want to limit to just the index function.
If you didnt wanna use routes for some reason, then you could add this function to the controller in question.
public function _remap($method_in, $params = array()) {
$method = 'process_'.$method_in;
if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
return call_user_func_array(array($this, $method), $params);
array_unshift($params, $method_in);
Basically it does the same as default behavior in CI, except instead of sending a 404 on 'cant find method', it sends unfound method calls to the index.
You would need to alter your index function to take an array as the first argument.
OR if you know that you only ever want 2 arguments, you could change the last 2 lines to
$this->index($method_in, $params[0]);
Of course both solutions fail in someone uses an argument which is the same as a method in your controller.
