Controller for custom update query using Spring Boot - spring-boot

I am trying to make a rating counter on a website. When the like button is clicked, the rating value will be increased by one. I want to do this by using a custom update query. I have no idea how to write the controller class since this doesn't involve a request body. I tried to use patch mapping but obviously it's not right.
// model
#Table(name = "review")
public class Review implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1467739098650796381L;
Integer reviewId;
String subject;
String recommendation;
#Column(name="RATING", columnDefinition = "integer default 0")
Integer rating;
String time;
public interface ReviewRepository extends JpaRepository<Review, Integer>{
#Query("UPDATE review set rating = rating + 1 WHERE reviewid = ?1")
void addOneRating(Integer reviewId);
public class ReviewService {
ReviewRepository reviewRepository;
public void addRating(Integer id) {
public class ReviewController {
public void addRating(#PathVariable Integer id) {

u are returning nothing u should redirect to the page again after updating and u can use #PostMapping also u should write #Transactional top on ReviewRepository
public class ReviewController {
public void addRating(#PathVariable Integer id) {


CascadeType Merge is ignored when Persist is set

Hy all
I'm having a hard time solving the following spring jpa problem.
Let's say I have the following simple data model (two entities with a one direction relationship between the two)
#Accessors(chain = true) #Getter #Setter #NoArgsConstructor #AllArgsConstructor
public class AbstractEntity {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Long id;
private Long version;
#Accessors(chain = true) #Getter #Setter #NoArgsConstructor #AllArgsConstructor
public class Entity1 extends AbstractEntity {
private String name;
#Accessors(chain = true) #Getter #Setter #NoArgsConstructor #AllArgsConstructor
public class Entity2 extends AbstractEntity {
private String name;
private Entity1 entity1;
and the following plumbing to store them
public interface Entity1Dao extends JpaRepository< Entity1, Long >, JpaSpecificationExecutor< Entity1 > {
Entity1 findByName(String name);
public interface Entity2Dao extends JpaRepository< Entity2, Long >, JpaSpecificationExecutor< Entity2 > {
Entity2 findByName(String name);
public class StoreService {
Entity1Dao dao1;
Entity2Dao dao2;
public Entity1 saveEntity1(Entity1 e) {
public Entity2 saveEntity2(Entity2 e) {
public Entity1 loadEntity1ByName(String name) {
return dao1.findByName(name);
public class JpaDemoApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
And the following test
#TestMethodOrder(value = MethodOrderer.OrderAnnotation.class)
class JpaDemoApplicationTests {
StoreService store;
void contextLoads() {
void insertEntity1() {
store.saveEntity1(new Entity1("test entity1"));
Entity1 saved = store.loadEntity1ByName("test entity1");
void insertEntity2WithNewEntity1() {
store.saveEntity2(new Entity2("with new entity1", new Entity1("new entity1")));
void insertEntity2WithExistingEntity1() {
store.saveEntity2(new Entity2("with saved entity1", store.loadEntity1ByName("test entity1")));
the last test (i.e. insertEntity2WithExistingEntity1) fails with the following exception
org.hibernate.PersistentObjectException: detached entity passed to
persist: com.example.jpaDemo.Entity1
If I change the CascadeType in Entity2 to MERGE, that test passes but the insertEntity2WithNewEntity1 fails with the following exception
org.hibernate.TransientPropertyValueException: object references an
unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before
flushing : com.example.jpaDemo.Entity2.entity1 ->
I've tried multiple combination of cascading types bute it seems that as soon as PERSIST is used, the last test fails (and ALL includes PERSIST).
I would have expected that if MERGE and PERSIST are set, they would both be active but form the test it looks like MERGE is ignored when PERSIST is set.
Any clues, tips, hints at what I'm doing wrong so that both tests run???
The tests are suppose to mimick the behaviour of a REST service endpoint reveiving and saving json reprensentation of an Entity1.
The json for the third test would be
{ name: "with new entity1", entity1: { name: "new entity1"}}
The json for the fourth would be
{ name: "with new entity1", entity1: { id: 1, version: 0, name: "test entity1"}}
JPA should persists the entity1 in the third test because it's id is null but should merge the one in the fourth test because it's id is not null.
I am however unable to do both, it's either one or the other.
I've modified Entity1 slightly to have a reference to the list of Entity2 associated to it and annotated it with #OneToMany and the same cascading type as in Entity2 and it's the same behavior.
When I set the cascading type to MERGE and only Merge, I'm able to save a new entity that has a reference with an existing one but I can't save a new entity with a reference to a new one.
When I set the cascading type to PERSIST (i.e PERSIST on its own, PERSIST and MERGE or ALL), it's the oppposit; I can save a new entity with a reference to anther new entity but I can't save a new entity with a reference to an already existing one.
So it's seem that when PERSIST is set, it overrides the behavior of MERGE. That, to me, is a bug. Is it not?
I've uploaded the source to github in case you want to experiment or take a look at it yourself.
You need to add #Transactional on your last test. The entity loaded is detached as there is no outer transaction, you can't persist it.
void insertEntity2WithExistingEntity1() {
store.saveEntity2(new Entity2("with saved entity1", store.loadEntity1ByName("test entity1")));
I'm not sure if this is relevant anymore, but the code below works as I would expect. Removing "cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST" will fail the persist test with "object references an unsaved transient instance".
I also noticed in your github repo that you are attempting to do cascading both from parent to child and child to parent. I think this is the root cause of your issues.
#Table(name = "users")
public class User {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
UUID id;
#ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST)
Address address;
public class Address {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
Long id;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "address")
List<User> user;
public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, UUID> {
public interface AddressRepository extends JpaRepository<Address, UUID> {
class UserRepositoryTest {
private UserRepository userRepository;
private AddressRepository addressRepository;
void testMerge() {
var address = new Address();;
var user = new User();
void testPersist() {
var address = new Address();
var user = new User();

Spring Boot locking code to get an unique id

I wrote a controller that must return an unique String. The requirement is that two calling of this controller never return the same String, even after years and even if the code will scale to more VMs.
My question is if the following code is correct to achieve to declared purpose, or if you have any hint.
public class UtilityController {
UtilityServices utilityServices;
public String uniqueIdentifier() {
return utilityServices.getUniqueIdentifier();
public class UtilityServices {
private UniqueIdRepository uniqueIdRepository;
public String getUniqueIdentifier() {
String uniqueId = RandomString.getSecureRandomString();
while (uniqueIdRepository.existsById(uniqueId)) {
uniqueId = RandomString.getSecureRandomString();
} UniqueId(uniqueId));
return uniqueId;
public class UniqueId implements Serializable {
private String uniqueId;
public interface UniqueIdRepository extends CrudRepository<UniqueId, String> {
That's all. I omit the code the RandomString class because it's not relevant in this context: I wrote a code based on SecureRandom, it is very likely that each time it returns a different String, but I have no guarantees about it. Let's assume that sooner or later my RandomString.getSecureRandomString() method can return the same String.
I'm not sure if the #Transactional annotation guarantees that the getUniqueIdentifier() method never throws an error.
The much better idea at your case will be using UUID:
Thus, anyone can create a UUID and use it to identify something with near certainty that the identifier does not duplicate one that has already been, or will be, created to identify something else. Information labelled with UUIDs by independent parties can, therefore, be later combined into a single database or transmitted on the same channel, with a negligible probability of duplication.
public class UtilityServices {
private UniqueIdRepository uniqueIdRepository;
public String getUniqueIdentifier() {
String uniqueId = String.format("%s-%s",
UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace("-", "")
// you could left this check
while (uniqueIdRepository.existsById(uniqueId)) {
uniqueId = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace("-", "");
} UniqueId(uniqueId));
return uniqueId;
BTW you could use #Data for Model:
public class UniqueId implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
private String uniqueId;
And don't forget about serialVersionUID.
Useful references:
What is a serialVersionUID and why should I use it?
thanks to #M.Deinum for #Data details for entitites

Hibernate: How to display data from multiple table

I am new in spring/hibernate technologies, I have tried to find an information about it, but failed, so if you can help I will be so thankful!
I need to display a JSON response in browser of multiple tables, one of the table has primary key for another one.
My entities:
public class Book {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = AUTO)
private Long book_id;
private String name;
#Column(length = 1000000)
private String text;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Author author;
// ....get/set methods
Another one:
public class Page {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = AUTO)
private Long id;
#Column(length = 1000000)
private String text;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
#JoinColumn(name = "book_id")
private Book book;
// ...get/set methods
My controllers:
public class BookController {
private final BookRepo bookRepo;
public BookController(BookRepo bookRepo) {
this.bookRepo = bookRepo;
public List<Book> getAll() {
return bookRepo.findAll();
public Book getOne(#PathVariable("id") Book book) {
return book;
Another one:
public class AuthorController {
private final AuthorRepo authorRepo;
public AuthorController(AuthorRepo authorRepo) {
this.authorRepo = authorRepo;
public List<Author> getAll() {
return authorRepo.findAll();
public Optional<Author> getOne(#PathVariable("id") Long id) {
return authorRepo.findById(id);
And also repo for interaction with DB (they are the similar):
public interface AuthorRepo extends JpaRepository<Author, Long> {
So when I make a request for get all books, I take the following JSON:
enter image description here
Bit I want different result, something like:
"book_id" : 1,
"name": "name 1 book",
"author" :
"author_id" : 1,
"name": "some_name"
Also, when I tried to make a request for /authors/1, I will get the following response (something like recursion) :
enter image description here
So any help how can I handle with it? Thank you!
You can use a #NoRepositoryBean
like in this example:
public interface MappedTypeRepository<T extends AbstractMappedType>
extends Repository<T, Long> {
#Query("select new com.example.YourObjectWithConstructor(e.attribute, sub.sub_attribute) from entity e inner join e.subtable sub where e.attribute = ?1")
List<YourObjectWithConstructor> findAllByAttribute(String attribute);
My example may not be 100% correct, I did not check the syntax. Feel free to explore it
Check this also:
JPQL Create new Object In Select Statement - avoid or embrace?

Redis - Why details are saving both as HASH and SET using Spring Data Redis?

I am new to Redis and developing Spring Boot + Spring Data Redis example. I am using CrudRepository, Example and ExampleMatchers API to do the searching from the Redis Key value store DB.
Now when I simply run my code, I saw that persons data saved as SET and HASH as well. Is this correct ? What's the use of saving the Person details both as SET and HASH
Showing all my code
public enum Gender {
public String toString() {
return "Superwoman";
public class Species {
private String name;
public class Person {
private String id;
private String firstname;
private String lastname;
private Gender gender;
private List<String> nicknames;
private Integer age;
private Map<String, String> physicalAttributes;
private Person relative;
private Species species;
public interface PersonRepository extends CrudRepository<Person, String>, QueryByExampleExecutor<Person> {
public class RedisExampleDemoApplication implements CommandLineRunner{
RedisMappingContext mappingContext = new RedisMappingContext();
ExampleQueryMapper mapper = new ExampleQueryMapper(mappingContext, new PathIndexResolver(mappingContext));
private PersonRepository personRepository;
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
Person person = Person.builder().firstname("Walter").gender(Gender.MALE).age(50).build();
Person person1 = Person.builder().firstname("Savani").gender(Gender.FEMALE).age(35).build();;;
// [firstname:Walter, gender:MALE, age:50]
RedisOperationChain operationChain = mapper.getMappedExample(Example.of(person, ExampleMatcher.matchingAny()));
Person p = Person.builder().lastname("Foo").build();
RedisOperationChain roc = mapper.getMappedExample(Example.of(p));
System.out.println(" == "+roc.getOrSismember());
System.out.println("-- "+roc.getSismember());
May be it is late to answer now , the reason that SET is visible is because of the secondary Index. I.e in your example First name is annotated as Indexed. Redis consider this as secondary index which is default a SET.

Spring Data postgresql 10 insertion does not work

I am working on spring boot application with RestController, Service a Repository and an Entity.
My problem is when I call the web service to save my data in the data base, it seems it works fine and there is no exception thrown but when I check my data base I find that the table was created but I find no data saved. and here is what I get in the output(for each element in my list):
(columnOne, columnTwo)
(?, ?)
Here is my code:
#RequestMapping(path = "/api/")
public class myController {
private MyService myService;
public void myControllerMethod(#PathParam("year") Year year) {
public class MyService {
MyRepository myRepository;
public void myServiceMethod(Year year) {
List<MyEntity> myEntityList = this.parseMyEntityList(year);
public interface MyRepository extends CrudRepository<MyEntity, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<InseeLibelle> {
#Table(name = "table_name", indexes = {
#Index(name = "columnOne_idx", columnList = "columnOne"),
#Index(name = "columneTwo_idx", columnList = "columnTwo"),
public class MyEntity{
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long columnId;
private Integer columnOne;
private String columnTwo;
public Integer getColumnOne() {
return columnOne;
public void setColumnOne(Integer columnOne) {
this.columneOne = colmunOne;
public String getColumnTwo() {
return columnTwo;
public void setColumnTwo(String columnTwo) {
this.columnTwo = columnTwo;
I tried to add this line in the repository but it does not work too:
<S extends MyEntity> Iterable<S> save(Iterable<S> entities) ;
Perhaps the problem is with the pgAdmin (like my case), it does not show the data but they exist in the database, try findAll method in the repository or check them with select * directly.
