Ansible installation on Eks cluster - ansible

i've createa an eks cluster using terraform, and now i want to deploy this ansible role in the cluster
Unfortunatley, when running the command ansible-playbook i get this error message
status:Failure, message:forbidden: User system:anonymous cannot get path /apis
when the role tries to check if the namespace exists. If i run the same command using kubectl i correctly get an answer.


Ansible having problem authenticating with Google Cloud Platform

We are using Ansible to deploy an image to Google Kubernetes Cluster (GKE).
We have setup Ubuntu 20.04 and Python 3.8.5.
- hosts: localhost
k8s_file_path: /home/pesinn/Documents/...
become: yes
become_method: sudo
- k8s
- name: First Deployment
kubeconfig: /home/pesinn/.kube/config
src: "{{k8s_file_path}}/deployment.yml"
When trying to deploy the image defined in deployment.yml file, by running the playbook, we get this error:
kubernetes.config.config_exception.ConfigException: cmd-path: process returned 1
Cmd: /home/pesinn/y/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud config config-helper --format=json
Stderr: WARNING: Could not open the configuration file: [/root/.config/gcloud/configurations/config_default].
ERROR: (gcloud.config.config-helper) You do not currently have an active account selected.
Please run:
$ gcloud auth login
What we've already done
Initialized the cloud: gcloud init
Logged in and chosen a project gcloud auth login
Run export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="path_to_service_account_key.json"
Run gcloud container clusters get-credentials {gke_project} --region {region}
Run the playbook sudo ansible-playbook playbook.main.yml -vvv
Run gcloud config config-helper --format=json on the local machine without any problems
What is very strange here is that we're logged in for sure. We can access the GKE cluster through kubectl command on the local machine. However, Ansible complains about us not being logged in. Also, in the error logs, we see that it is trying to open /root/.config/gcloud/configurations/config_default. Our default config file is, on the other hand, located in the home folder.
This error occurs randomly. Sometimes Ansible can detect our login and deploys the image, but sometimes it gives us this error. Both scenarios can happens without any code changes being made.
For some reason, ansible does not use GCP's default environment variables for authentication.
You can set

How to get access to Spark shell from Kubernetes?

I've used the helm chart to deploy Spark to Kubernetes in GCE. According to default configuration in values.yaml the Spark is deployed to the path /opt/spark. I've checked that Spark has deployed successfully by running kubectl --namespace=my-namespace get pods -l "release=spark". There is 1 master and 3 workers running.
However when I've tried to check Spark version by executing spark-submit --version from the Google cloud console it returned -bash: spark-submit: command not found.
I've navigated to the /opt directory and the /spark folder is missing. What should I do to be able to open Spark shell Terminal and to execute Spark commands?
You can verify by checking service
kubectl get services -n <namespace>
you can port-forward particular service and try running locally to check
kubectl port-forward svc/<service name> <external port>:<internal port or spark running port>
Locally you can try running spark terminal it will be connected to spark running on GCE instance.
If you check the helm chart document there is also options for UI you can also do same to access UI via port-forward
Access via SSH inside pod
Kubectl exec -it <spark pod name> -- /bin/bash
here you can directly run spark commands. spark-submit --version
Access UI
Access UI via port-forwarding if you have enable UI in helm chart.
kubectl port-forward svc/<spark service name> <external port>:<internal port or spark running port>
External Load balancer
This particular helm chart also creating External Load balancer you can also get External IP using
Kubectl get svc -n <namespace>
Access Shell
If want to connect via LB IP & port
./bin/spark-shell --conf<Load balancer IP> spark.cassandra-connection.native.port=<Port>
Creating connection using port-forward
kubectl port-forward svc/<spark service name> <external(local) port>:<internal port or spark running port>
./bin/spark-shell --conf spark.cassandra-connection.native.port=<local Port>
One way would be login to pod and then run Spark commands
List the pod
kubectl --namespace=my-namespace get pods -l "release=spark"
Now, Login to the pod using following command:
kubectl exec -it <pod-id> /bin/bash
Now, you should be inside the pod and can run spark commands
spark-submit --version
Hope this helps.
This worked for me.
spark-shell --master k8s://localhost:32217
My spark master is a LoadBalancer exposed at localhost:32217

Not able to add host of EC2 to rancher

I got error like this.
Error (Failed to find rancher-agent container)
I added host then docker will be added but when rancher agent part is going to configure then it will show error.
I am using rancher in my localhost using docker.

How to connect to kubernetes cluster locally and open dashboard?

I have a new laptop and kubernetes cluster running on Google Cloud Platform. How can I access that cluster from local machine to execute kubectl commands, open dashboard etc?
That is not clearly stated in the documentation.
From your local workstation, you need to have the gcloud tool installed and properly configured to connect to the correct GCE account. Then you can run:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials [CLUSTER_NAME]
This will setup kubectl to connect to your kubernetes cluster.
Of course you'll need to install kubectl either using gcloud with:
gcloud components install kubectl
Or using specific instructions for your operating system.
Please check the following link for more details:
Once you have kubectl access you can deploy and access the kubernetes dashboard as described here:
The first thing you would need to do once you've installed Cloud SDK is ensure it is authenticated to your Google Cloud Platform account/project. To do this you need to run:
gcloud auth login
And then follow the on screen instructions.
Also you will need to install kubectl to access/control aspests of your cluster:
gcloud components install kubectl
You can also install it through native package management by following the instructions here.
Once your gcloud is authenticated to your project you can run this to ensure kubectl is pointing at your cluster and authenticated:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials CLUSTER_NAME --zone ZONE
You'll now be able to issue commands with kubectl that target the cluster you defined in the previous step.
You can access the dashboard following the instructions here.

Ansible - ELB - EC2

I am new to ansible - I am using ansible to add the instances created by ELB ( my AWS will create instances for ELB) to ansible hosts file and access the instances from ansible server. From a linux machine, i use jumpbox and .pem key to access the ec2instance. How will I do in ansible ?
You should be able to pass in the flag --private-key=. You will probably also want to use -u ec2user to instruct Ansible to login as the correct user.
