How to send DM specific user with id? -

I want to make a bot that sends me DM, but it has error
It is my code:
member = client.get_user(int(my id))
await member.send('abc')
And error:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'send'

Make sure you replace '1234567890' with your own user ID
user = client.get_user(1234567890)
await user.send("Hi!", tts=True)
Example -
async def dm(ctx):
user = client.get_user(1234567890)
await user.send("Hi!", tts=True)

Before you do anything
First, make sure the bot is in some way connected to you, whether that be you share a guild or you already have a DM channel open with the bot. Second, make sure you allow DMs from shared server members or strangers so that the bot's DM won't be blocked.
Instead of naming your variable "member", let's name it something more appropriate since you are retrieving a User object instead of a Member. Next, you want to test if you and the bot share a DM channel, if not the bot will create one, and then you can send the message.
user = client.get_user(int('0123456789'))
if not (dm_channel := user.dm_channel):
dm_channel = await user.create_dm()
await dm_channel.send('abc')

Related dm User when using the bot?

I want to send to the user a change log message when someone uses the bot!
Is there something like on_command when someone uses the bot they get a dm?
Yes, you can use either before_invoke or after_invoke depending on when you want your log message to run.
async def before_invoke(ctx):
await ctx.send('before invoke')
async def after_invoke(ctx):
await ctx.send('after invoke')
await'Command completed!')

How would i create a private text channel using

I want to make it so when a member says: !contact, it opens a private text channel that only the creator can see, as well as the admins. I am very new to so sorry if this seems like a basic question. Ik there are other questions like this, but none of them seem to work, they say "guild is not defined"
Edit: sorry for not providing code
When posting questions on StackOverflow, you should always try to give examples of what code you have been trying and what you're confused over. Our purpose by answering your questions is to give you a better understanding of a topic and to make sure that you understand what you did wrong, and how to improve.
To get an instance of the current guild that the command is being run in, you can utilize the command context's guild property. Once we have an instance of the guild, we can create a text channel and specify permissions that we want the channel to have. When specifying the channel overwrites, you use a dictionary to map either a role or member to permission overwrite.
import discord
async def contact(ctx):
guild = ctx.guild
admin_role = guild.get_role(0) # Replace with id of admin role
overwrites = {
guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(view_channel=False), discord.PermissionOverwrite(view_channel=True),
admin_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(view_channel=True), discord.PermissionOverwrite(view_channel=True)
await guild.create_text_channel("private-channel", overwrites=overwrites) # Replace with name of text channel how can bot mention a channel by id

I'm trying to make a command that is getting id and mention channel by id. This command is just the test side. I have channels id in a text file. Then i will get channels id from text file then mention channels. But i tried to a test command and it didn't work. How can i do this job with ctx module? I don't have channel names, just using channels id.
here is my code:
async def test(ctx):
How can i fix this problem?
If you're trying to mention your context channel:
await ctx.send(
If you're trying to mention just one channel that you'll hard-code the id for:
await ctx.send(Bot.get_channel(id).mention)
Though a couple notes about that and your code, id is an arg, not a kwarg, so just pass the integer, not id=
If you want to mention a channel where the id is given in the message:
async def test(ctx, arg):
await ctx.send(Bot.get_channel(int(arg)).mention)
though i would advise using a try...except block for that in case its not a valid channel id

How can I role the mentioned user in

I'm working on a bot to manage roles for a specific server, but can't figure out how to give one role and remove another. I'm pretty new to coding, so I've been searching over the web for the correct syntax, but cannot find an answer. My code is a bit insufficient because once again, I recently started code.
#commands.has_any_role("Franchise Owner", "General Manager", "Head Coach")
async def sign(ctx, member = discord.Member):
embed = discord.Embed()
embed.add_field(name="<:Green:786300903065518090> Transaction Complete", value="Thanks, still being worked on. It would be useful if you refrained from using the command. However, if this had been finished, it would say <team_emoji> (ex. <:DallasCowboys:786222692613226506> has signed <user>.) Other commands will be worked on soon as well.")
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
I need my bot to remove the role "Free Agent" and add a new role.
to add a role to a user, you would use the .add_roles(role_name) and to remove a role from a user, you would use the .remove_roles(role_name).
an example:
async def role_remove(self, ctx, member:discord.Member):
await member.add_roles(role_name)
await member.remove_roles(role_name)

'NoneType' object has no attribute 'send' - Discord Bot

What I'm trying to do is to make my discord bot send a message to a channel in my server when I supply it the command "!say" through DM.
I've tried a lot of different codes, but usually, it ends up with the Attribute Error "X object has no attribute Y"
from discord.ext import commands
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!')
async def say(ctx):
channel = bot.get_channel('584307345065246725')
await channel.send(ctx)
The error message always shows up when I DM the bot, expecting for it to send the required message.
There is a pretty simple thing going on with your code snippet that needs to be corrected before it'll do what you're attempting to make it do.
First off, take a look at the API section for Client.get_channel (which you're calling):
Returns a channel with the given ID.
id (int) – The ID to search for.
The returned channel or None if not found.
Return type
Optional[Union[abc.GuildChannel, abc.PrivateChannel]]
So, when you do this: channel = bot.get_channel('584307345065246725'), you're passing an incorrect argument. As per the API, the only parameter must be an int, but you are passing a string. Simply get rid of the single quotes and that should be fine.
Protip: Under "Returns," the API states that it can return None if the channel isn't found, which is what is happening to you, since you're passing in a string. Hence, channel becomes the NoneType object you see in the error. So when you do channel.send... you get the picture.
The channel id is an int, not a string
async def say(ctx):
channel = bot.get_channel(584307345065246725)
await channel.send(ctx)
What I didn't quite understand is why you couldn't just do:
from discord.ext import commands
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!')
async def say(ctx):
await ctx.send(ctx)
But I could be mistaken about what you are trying to do.
