How to run a bash script multiple times with same output? - bash

This seems like a weird question to have, but I need to write a simple bash script that takes two arguments from the command line. The script looks like this:
while getopts a:b: flag; do
case "${flag}" in
a) optionA="${OPTARG}";;
b) optionB="${OPTARG}";;
echo $optionA
echo $optionB
When I run . -a optionA -b optionB it works exactly as expected and echos the two inputs. The issue is if I run the exact same script again, the arguments are not echoed and I just see two blank lines. Only the first time running it produces the correct behavior. If I close the terminal session and try again it works, but I'd like to be able to run it several times in a row.
I was thinking the issue had something to do with the variables remaining and then being overwritten by the next run so I tried something like unset optionA, but it did not help.
I apologize if this is a simple question, but I could not seem to find an answer anywhere else and I would much appreciate any help. Thanks!
EDIT: The simple solution is that I was sourcing the script when I could have been running it. Using bash -a optionA -b optionB works just fine.
EDIT 2: If there is a need to source instead of run, the answer Charles gave also works; use unset OPTIND after each run.

To reset getopts between sourced invocations of your script, unset OPTIND.
This variable tells getopts how many items have already been processed, and thus how many should be skipped.
By contrast, if you just run your script without sourcing it, this variable won't be held over, so there's nothing to reset.


Bash script ignores positional arguments after first time used

I noticed that my script was ignoring my positional arguments in old terminal tabs, but working on recently created ones, so I decided to reduce it to the following:
while getopts 't:' c
case $c in
echo $TAG
And running the script I have:
~ source my_script
~ source my_script -t "test2"
~ source my_script -t "test2"
I thought it could be that c was an special used variable elsewhere but after changing it to other names I had the exact same problem. I also tried adding a .sh extension to the file to see it that was a problem, but nothing worked.
Am I doing something wrong ? And why does it work the first time, but not the subsequent attempts ?
I am on MacOS and I use zsh.
Thank you very much.
The problem is that you're using source to run the script (the . command does the same thing). This makes it run in your current (interactive) shell (rather than a subprocess, like scripts normally do). This means it uses the same variables as the current shell, which is necessary if you want it to change those variables, but it can also have weird effects if you're not careful.
In this case, the problem is that getopts uses the variable OPTIND to keep track of where it is in the argument list (so it doesn't process the same argument twice). The first time you run the script with -t test2, getopts processes those arguments, and leaves OPTIND set to 3 (meaning that it's already done the first two arguments, "-t" and "test2". The second time you run it with options, it sees that OPTIND is set to 3, so it thinks it's already processed both arguments and just exits the loop.
One option is to add unset OPTIND before the while getopts loop, to reset the count and make it start from the beginning each time.
But unless there's some reason for this script to run in the current shell, it'd be better to make it a standard shell script and have it run as a subprocess. To do this:
Add a "shebang" line as the first line of the script. To make the script run in bash, that'd be either #!/bin/bash or #!/usr/bin/env bash. For zsh, use #!/bin/zsh or #!/usr/bin/env zsh. Since the script runs in a separate shell process, the you can run bash scripts from zsh or zsh scripts from bash, or whatever.
Add execute permission to the script file with chmod -x my_script (or whatever the file's actual name is).
Run the script with ./my_script (note the lack of a space between . and /), or by giving the full path to the script, or by putting the script in some directory in your PATH (the directories that're automatically searched for commands) and just running my_script. Do NOT run it with the bash, sh, zsh etc commands; these override the shebang and therefore can cause confusion.
Note: adding ".sh" to the filename is not recommended; it does nothing useful, and makes the script less convenient to run since you have to type in the extension every time you run it.
Also, a couple of recommendations: there are a bunch of all-caps variable names with special meanings (like PATH and OPTIND), so unless you want one of those special meanings, it's best to use lower- or mixed-case variable names (e.g. tag instead of TAG). Also, double-quoting variable references (e.g. echo "$tag" instead of echo $tag) avoids a lot of weird parsing headaches. Run your scripts through; it's good at spotting common mistakes like this.

Use a variable on a script command line when its value isn't set until after the script starts

How to correctly pass to the script and substitute a variable that is already defined there?
My script
echo $1
When I enter:
bash https://example/$TARGETARCH
I want to see
but I actually see
What am I doing wrong?
The first problem with the original approach is that the $TARGETARCH is removed by your calling shell before your script is ever invoked. To prevent that, you need to use quotes:
./yourscript '$TARGETARCH'
The second problem is that parameter expansions only happen in code, not in data. This is, from a security perspective, a Very Good Thing -- if data were silently treated as code it would be impossible to write secure scripts handling untrusted data -- but it does mean you need to do some more work. The easy thing, in this case, is to export your variable and use GNU envsubst, as long as your operating system provides it:
export TARGETARCH=amd64
substitutedValue=$(envsubst <<<"$1")
echo "Original value was: $1"
echo "Substituted value is: $substitutedValue"
See the above running in an online sandbox at
Note the use of yourscript instead of here -- using .sh file extensions, especially for bash scripts as opposed to sh scripts, is an antipattern; the essay at has been linked by the #bash IRC channel on this topic for over a decade.
For similar reasons, changing bash yourscript to ./yourscript lets the #!/usr/bin/env bash line select an interpreter, so you aren't repeating the "bash" name in multiple places, leading to the risk of those places getting out of sync with each other.

Execute command that results from execution of a script whose name is in a variable

When posting this question originally, I totally misworded it, obtaining another, reasonable but different question, which was correctly answered here.
The following is the correct version of the question I originally wanted to ask.
In one of my Bash scripts, there's a point where I have a variable SCRIPT which contains the /path/to/an/exe which, when executed, outputs a line to be executed.
What my script ultimately needs to do, is executing that line to be executed. Therefore the last line of the script is
so that $SCRIPT is expanded to /path/to/an/exe, and $(/path/to/an/exe) executes the executable and gives back the line to be executed, which is then executed.
However, running shellcheck on the script generates this error:
In line 7:
^--------^ SC2091: Remove surrounding $() to avoid executing output.
For more information: -- Remove surrounding $() to avoid e...
Is there a way I can rewrite that $($SCRIPT) in a more appropriate way? eval does not seem to be of much help here.
If the script outputs a shell command line to execute, the correct way to do that is:
eval "$("$SCRIPT")"
$($SCRIPT) would only happen to work if the command can be completely evaluated using nothing but word splitting and pathname expansion, which is generally a rare situation. If the program instead outputs e.g. grep "Hello World" or cmd > file.txt then you will need eval or equivalent.
You can make it simple by setting the command to be executed as a positional argument in your shell and execute it from the command line
set -- "$SCRIPT"
and now run the result that is obtained by expansion of SCRIPT, by doing below on command-line.
This works in case your output from SCRIPT contains multiple words e.g. custom flags that needs to be run. Since this is run in your current interactive shell, ensure the command to be run is not vulnerable to code injection. You could take one step of caution and run your command within a sub-shell, to not let your parent environment be affected by doing ( "$#" ; )
Or use shellcheck disable=SCnnnn to disable the warning and take the occasion to comment on the explicit intention, rather than evade the detection by cloaking behind an intermediate variable or arguments array.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# shellcheck disable=SC2091 # Intentional execution of the output
By disabling shellcheck with a comment, it clarifies the intent and tells the questionable code is not an error, but an informed implementation design choice.
you can do it in 2 steps
and it's clean in shellcheck

Echo-ing an environment variable returns string literal rather than environment variable value

I have two bash scripts. The first listens to a pipe "myfifo" for input and executes the input as a command:
[ -p $fifo_name ] || mkfifo $fifo_name;
while true
if read line; then
done <"$fifo_name"
The second passes a command 'echo $SET_VAR' to the "myfifo" pipe:
command='echo $SET_VAR'
command_to_pass="echo $command"
$command_to_pass > myfifo
As you can see, I want to pass 'echo $SET_VAR' through the pipe. In the listener process, I've set a $SET_VAR environment variable. I expect the output of the command 'echo $SET_VAR' to be 'var_value,' which is the value of the environment variable SET_VAR.
Running the first (the listener) script in one bash process and then passing a command via the second in another process gives the following result:
I expected to "var_value" to be printed. Instead, the string literal $SET_VAR is printed. Why is this the case?
Before I get to the problem you're reporting, I have to point out that your loop won't work. The while true part (without a break somewhere in the loop) will run forever. It'll read the first line from the file, loop, try to read a second line (which fails), loop again, try to read a third line (also fails), loop again, try to read a fourth line, etc... You want the loop to exit as soon as the read command fails, so use this:
while read line
# something I'll get to
done <"$fifo_name"
The other problem you're having is that the shell expands variables (i.e. replaces $var with the value of the variable var) partway through the process of parsing a command line, and when it's done that it doesn't go back and re-do the earlier parsing steps. In particular, if the variable's value included something like $SET_VAR it doesn't go back and expand that, since it's just finished the bit where it expands variables. In fact, the only thing it does with the expanded value is split it into "words" (based on whitespace), and expand any filename wildcards it finds -- no variable expansions happen, no quote or escape interpretation, etc.
One possible solution is to tell the shell to run the parsing process twice, with the eval command:
while read line
eval "$line"
done <"$fifo_name"
(Note that I used double-quotes around "$line" -- this prevents the word splitting and wildcard expansion I mentioned from happening before eval goes through the normal parsing process. If you think of your original code half-parsing the command in $line, without double-quotes it gets one and a half-parsed, which is weird. Double-quotes suppress that half-parsing stage, so the contents of the variable get parsed exactly once.)
However, this solution comes with a big warning, because eval has a well-deserved reputation as a bug magnet. eval makes it easy to do complex things without quite understanding what's going on, which means you tend to get scripts that work great in testing, then fail incomprehensibly later. And in my experience, when eval looks like the best solution, it probably means you're trying to solve the wrong problem.
So, what're you actually trying to do? If you're just trying to execute the lines coming from the fifo as shell commands, then you can use bash "$fifo_name" to run them in a subshell, or source "$fifo_name" to run them in the current shell.
BTW, the script that feeds the fifo:
command='echo $SET_VAR'
command_to_pass="echo $command"
$command_to_pass > myfifo
Is also a disaster waiting to happen. Putting commands in variables doesn't work very well in the shell (I second chepner's recommendation of BashFAQ #50: I'm trying to put a command in a variable, but the complex cases always fail!), and putting a command to print another command in a variable is just begging for trouble.
bash, by it's nature, reads commands from stdin. You can simply run:
bash < myfifo

new to bash scripting; trying to figure out why SOURCE command doesn't execute

I have made a really sincere effort to figure this out, and I just can't. This is my very simple bash script. The lines that begin "export" and "echo" seem to work, so I know my script is executing. If I enter the line that begins "source" at the prompt in the terminal I get a lot of printed output that indicates that the command is running, but if I execute my script, nothing happens (and in fact subsequent efforts to use Freesurfer indicate that it hasn't worked). I have a feeling there may be something very basic I don't get about bash scripting, but I can't figure out what that thing is from looking at tutorials.
export FREESURFER_HOME=/foo/freesurfer
echo "starting freesurfer"
export SUBJECTS_DIR=/bar/my_dir
If you run your script using ./ it is exexuted in a subshell. Every variable that is set there etc cannot change the environment of the parent shell. In order to do so you need to source the script.
See eg. this question on superuser
