Laravel Livewire, form submit: do something first then submit the form - laravel

I have a livewire form which I intent to submit to an external url. However, before submitting, I want to programmatically add some hidden inputs which the user should not be able to edit then finally submit the form:
<form action="some-external-url" wire:submit.prevent="processForm" method="post">
<x-inputs.text-input wire:model="amount" name="amount" />
<x-inputs.button title="Submit" />
Something similar to this jQuery code:
$('form').submit( function(ev){
//fetch and add some additional fields to the form
// finally submit the form
How best can I achieve this using livewire. Please note that I dont intent to use guzzle to submit this form.

If you want in your component you can set the properties, you need and then in your mount method, you initialise the value for those properties.
see forms in livewire
class ComponentName extends Component
public $hidden_val;
public function mount()
$this->hidden_val = "my_hidden_val";
Then pass it with livewire
<input type="hidden" wire:model="hidden_val">
But I also think as #ClémentBaconnier and would suggest to pass to external link the data of form using Http Client provided by laravel in your controller or event within your livewire component.
Http::asForm()->post('some-external-url', ['form_data' => /*your form data*/]);
Follow it here


Crud operation with same modal Livewire

I'm using livewire for a new project so I want my crud operation with modal, in that case, I want to use one modal who responsible for creating and updating like vuejs. I try to do like this but this not work
In my blade
<form class="form" wire:submit.prevent="$editMode ? update : store">
In my component
public $editMode = false;
public function store() {
$this->editMode = false;
// code here
public function update() {
$this->editMode = true;
// code here
Livewire version: 2.x,
Can I achieve this Or do I have to use two modal for this? Thanks in advance
Your Livewire attributes cannot parse PHP, so you need to echo it out using blade. This will then re-render the component with the new submit method when you update the $editMode property in your Livewire component.
<form class="form" wire:submit.prevent="{{ $editMode ? 'update' : 'store' }}">
<!-- The rest of the form -->

Resetting a form generated server-side in vue.js

I am rendering a form with Blade, Laravel's server-side templating language. The default values for the form elements are assigned by Blade. There is no JavaScript involved until now. Now I want to implement a reset button.
When a user presses the reset button the form should be cleared. A simple HTML reset button is not sufficient as it would not reset the "value=something" default values to "null".
In other words:
<input type="text" name="fullname" value="John Doe">
is supposed to be
<input type="text" name="fullname" value="">
after the user pressed the reset button.
With JQuery I would do something like this:
How can I do it with vue.js? Adding av-model and setting the v-model properties to null interferes with the server side default values...
In general: would you suggest to add a DOM manipulating lib to the application for such "hybrid" use cases where vue.js does not control the data?
If you plan on using vue, forget about altering the dom, vue works around states so imagine your input is like this
<input type="text" v-model="test_input">
and when you change the variable test_input the input automaticly changes its value, so just set it to empty in a method.
<button #click="clear_form"> Clear </button>
export default {
data() {
return {
test_input : ''
this.test_input = '';
I ended up writing a reset-form button component. In this component I use plain Javascript to get all input, select, ... fields of the form identified by an id and reseted the values to ''.
I took this option as it was the fastest way to reset the form and I don't have to change anything (e.g. add props, change ajax calls) if my form changes.

Better Way to use Laravel old and Vue.js

Im working using vue.js 2.0 and Laravel 5.4 I would like to know if exits a better way to send data Controllers -> views without lost the value, overwrite by the v-model
Because after charge vue.js this take the value in data that is define in this way
data: {
If I try to do something like that
<input class="form-control" id="ciudad" name="ciudad" type="text" v-model="documento.ciudad" value="{{ $documento->ciudad }}" >
I lost the value sending by the controller
Vue really expects you to init data from the view model which then updates the view, however, you want to use data in the view to update the underlying model data.
I think the easiest approach to this is to write a directive that inits the value from the HTML, so you don't need to directly access the DOM:
Vue.directive('init', {
bind: function(el, binding, vnode) {
vnode.context[binding.arg] = binding.value;
It's a little abstract so it's worth looking at Directive Hook Arguments section of the docs.
This can then be used like:
<input v-model="ciudad" v-init:ciudad="'{{ old('ciudad') }}'">
Here's the JSFiddle:
The easy way to do this for me was in this way:
Laravel Controller
$documento = ReduJornada::where("id_documento",$id)->first();
return view('documentos.redujornada')->with(compact('documento'));
Laravel View
<input class="form-control" id="ciudad" v-model="documento.ciudad" value="{{ old('ciudad', isset($documento->ciudad) ? $documento->ciudad : null) }}" >
data: {
ibanIsInvalid : false,
documento: {
ciudad: $('#ciudad').val(),
In this way I can use the same view to create and edit an object, using the same form, even use laravel validation without lost the data after refresh.
If you know a better way to do that please tell me... Thanks
You have to define your value first, for example :
$oldValue = $request->old('value');
and then pass it to vue component, define props and use it in v-model
export default {
props: {
$oldValue : String,
<input class="form-control" id="ciudad" name="ciudad" type="text" v-model="oldValue">

ajax method return view code instead redirect on view in laravel

I have many buttons in single form that's why i used ajax to call different method on different button click event. But while I call method using ajax and return view, it send code of view as response, And i need to redirect on that view my method code is as below.
public function store(Request $request)
return view('surat.proceed_sell');
can i redirect on other view using ajax? Or any other way to call different methods on different button click event then please let me know.
What you could do is return the url where to redirect as a response in your controller as
return url('the path');
and in your ajax success callback you could redirect to the view as
window.location = data;
The url should be defined in your route file where the view is rendered.
You cannot redirect to a view with Ajax because Ajax expects a response. What you should do is redirect to a page instead, using anchors.
First, define your routes
Route::get('surat/proceed', 'SuratController#proceed');
Then use anchor with a button to go that page. It doesn't matter how many buttons you have in the form, as longs as they are not of type submit, they should not submit the form.
<form method="post" action="">
Go to proceed
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>
If this does not help you, please, update your question with your form code.

jQuery.validate stops my form from being submitted

jQuery.validate stops my form from being submitted. I would like it to just show the user what is wrong but allow them to submit anyway.
I am using the jquery.validate.unobtrusive library that comes with ASP MVC.
I use jquery.tmpl to dynamically create the form and then I use jquery.datalink to link the input fields to a json object on the page. So my document ready call looks something like this.
jQuery(function ($) {
// this allows be to rebind validation after the dynamic form has been created
// submit the answers
$("form").submit(function(e) {
return true;
I note that there is an option
$("form").validate({ onsubmit: false });
but that seems to kill all validation.
So just to recap when my form is rendered I want to show all errors immediately but I don't want to prevent the submit from working.
So after some research (reading the source code) I found I needed to do 2 things
add the class cancel to my submit button
<input id="submitButton" type="submit" class="cancel" value="OK" />
This stops the validation running on submit.
To validate the form on load I just had to add this to my document ready function
Hope this helps someone else
