Report Portal Launch is not stopping - format

I have a protractor-cucumber-framework project and am running my test on selenium standalone server. And have set reports in protractor.conf.js file as "format: ['json:reports/results.json', 'progress',${reportPortalFormatter}:${}]"
However once my test execution finished and i check reports in report portal i see Launch is showing in-progress.
Seen all the configuration and specs are file. Not sure how to deal with it.
Version of frameworks I have Below details might help you:
"cucumber": "4.1.0",
"#reportportal/agent-js-cucumber": "5.0.1"
"protractor": "^7.0.0",
"protractor-cucumber-framework": "5.0.0",

I have worked on protractor-cucumber-framework project. For the reports to be generated we used two ways.
Generate parallel reports which can be generated using package: 'protractor-multiple-cucumber-html-reporter-plugin'
Generate the html report when all your tests are executed. Set the report in onComplete event. It will generate the report once all the tests are executed.
Below is the code which I have used in the project for point2.


How to Print logs for JUnit test results while an application in build

I am writing test cases in Junit, and when i build my application, i want to see in my logs which test cases has failed, succeeded , skipped and number of test cases run.
So how can we implement this.
When you build an application you probably run some build tool (Maven, Gradle) to do so.
Maven for example has a plugin (called surefire) for running the tests.
And it also produces a report with all the failures/ successfully run tests.
Since maven also establishes a well-known layout of directories, you'll find this report in the target/surefire-reports folder.
There are even tools that can parse the information about the tests execution and show it in a graphical way in CI tools for example

Cypress allure plugin doesn't generate full report when running "Run x integration specs" in headed mode

I'm using cypress-allure-plugin in order to generate allure reports for cypress tests.
When I try to run all the specs in headed mode automatically I don't get a full report as every other test except the last has a "skipped" status in the report despite that not being the case when I watch the tests being executed.
This issue seems to be exclusive to using the "Run x integrations specs" since running them one by one manually in headed mode doesn't produce this issue and neither does running them in headless mode.
Has anybody encountered a similar issue?
EDIT: I think I found the issue. Sometimes the tests reload wipping current test results and only results that were generated afterwards are used in the report.

How to generate unit test case code coverage report in .pdf for all components using angular9 and Jasmine

Angular support code coverage report in .html format(Index.html). The same code coverage report can it be possible to get in .pdf version using angular 9/Jasmine?
I had tried to modified some settings in Karma.config.js file but no luck. Is any plugin available for it? "Karma-jasmine-html-reporter" same for .pdf file?
How to write unit test cases automatically using SCURI in angular 8 onwards
run "ng test" to see coverage report for these unit tests

Seeing TestNG progress in TeamCity

We are running selenium tests using TestNG in TeamCity.
Is there a way to know the progress of the current run beyond the progress bar and build log?
Information of interest is:
Which tests were run and passed
Which tests were run and failed
As I know testng plugin for teamcity does not have such option. You can try real-time reporter e.g. extentreports. It could be easily connected via testng listener and pass results to report server.
Here is a link to another question which I answered recently which addresses something similar to what you're looking for with ExtentReports.
ITestListener - ExtentReport
TeamCity can report the tests in a build and you should really get that in order to use TeamCity at full power. It can list the test failures in a build with details, display test history, you can assign investigations of a test to your team members or mute the test failures...
If you use TeamCity's Ant or Maven build steps, TestNG tasks should be recognized automatically and build status should turn into something like "Tests failed:​ 1 (1 new),​ passed:​ 301".
Otherwise try to generate XML report in one of supported format and use XML Report build feature in TeamCity.
Yet another alternative is to report the tests in a completely custom way through TeamCity service messages.
All these approaches should update TeamCity build status and details as soon as the test is reported by the build tool. For service messages this is as soon as a test finish is reported, for Ant this is after each test run, for Maven this is after finishing tests of a module and for the XML test report build feature, this is while the XML is being saved on disk, even in incomplete form.
If you are rather looking for a specific test progress, that can be seen in the build log or you can notify TeamCity about stages in the build from within the test/script.

How to analyze jmeter reports ,any open source reporting framework available which helps in analyzing reports after test run?

How to analyze jmeter reports ,any open source reporting framework available which helps in analyzing reports after test run ?
Open Source:
JMeter Result Analysis Plugin
Custom Listeners from JMeter Plugins project
Suggestions and Recipes for Log Analysis
Another option is which is build upon JMeter. It generates reports automatically after the test or it can generate the report additionally even from JMeter results. Read more in this blog post.
