Proper syntax for psexec.exe hostname with filename to start - cmd

I'm trying to use psexec.exe to fire up Excel and then use Excel to open a specific .xlsx file.
I've just started learning psexec and I have written commands that work 'incrementally' in order to be sure my initial building blocks were correct along the way. Decided to actually start with NOTEPAD and a specific TEXT FILE to start:
(Please note, my goal is to execute this process on the local machine, not a remote machine, and for it to be Interactive, thus the -i switch)
This Works (just opens a blank Notepad window)
"C:\Users\Username\OneDrive - OrgName\Desktop\RunAs Test\psexec.exe" -i -u domain\username -p Password C:\Windows\system32\notepad.exe
This does not work - and I am positive the exe path and the file path are correct, I've tried them separately
"C:\Users\Username\OneDrive - OrgName\Desktop\RunAs Test\psexec.exe" -i -u domain\username -p Password C:\Windows\system32\notepad.exe \\server\data\mpsc-users\UserName\Test\sadf.txt
(It just returns the boilerplate 3 lines copyright, but with no mention of Error Code or results at all. Nothing else happens)

PsTools.chm is very clear on why it wont work
"Arguments to pass (note that file paths must be absolute paths on the
target system)"
"psexec.exe" -i \\somewhere.... C:\Windows\system32\notepad.exe c:\users\Isaac\desktop\hello.txt
should work (if the file exists on the remote system)


How to save cmd output as file name

I'm running a command line script on multiple PC's and i'm trying to save username as a file name so i can see who's information i'm viewing later on.
In the command line script i run Whoami and i'd like to save it as "user"."file type". I'm trying to do this in a command line script because I always do it manually in command line and am trying to automate this process so I can do it faster.
If you know how to do it in a better way do share.
whoami > test.txt
tells it to go to a file and "test.txt" will be generated wherever your CMD CurDir is.
You may use Windows Environment variables %USERNAME% and possibly %USERDOMAIN% if the domain is needed.
%USERNAME% does not return the domain by itself.
Full list of standard environment variables: How-to: Windows Environment Variables
Use these in the command as needed. For example:
dir > %USERNAME%.txt
If you need the domain in there:
(using _ to separate domain and username instead of \ since filename cannot contain \)
Remember to use >> instead of > if you don't want the file to be overwritten each time the command is run.
You may want to direct errors and standard output as needed: Redirecting error messages from Command Prompt: STDERR/STDOUT

Run a remote bash script on a Mac using PuTTy

I want to run a bash script on a mac remotely from a batch script on a windows machine. On Windows I have this:
#echo off
echo bash /applications/snowflake/table-updater/; exit>tmp_file
putty -ssh User#remote_machine -pw password -m tmp_file
And here is on the remote machine
7za x -y -o/Applications/snowflake/applications
When the batch file runs it logs in successfully, but for some reason fails to run the bash file. However the bash file runs fine from mac terminal, where it unzips the files perfectly. What could be happening here?
Please note is actually in Applications/snowflake/table-updater as specified in the batch file. And the tmp file does write fine as well. My aim is to have a script to access a further 10 remote machines with the same directory structure.
Thanks in advance
The standard program which resembles the scriptable Unix command ssh in the PuTTy suite is called plink, and would probably be the recommended tool here. The putty program adds a substantial terminal emulation layer which is unnecessary for noninteractive scripting (drawing of terminal windows, managing their layout, cursor addressing, fonts, etc) and it lacks the simple feature to specify a command directly as an argument.
plink user#remote_machine -pw password /Applications/snowflake/table-updater/
From your comments, it appears that the problem is actually in your script, not in how you are connecting. If you get 7za: command not found your script is being executed successfully, but fails because of a PATH problem.
At the prompt, any command you execute will receive a copy of your interactive environment. A self-sufficient script should take care to set up the environment for itself if it needs resources from non-standard locations. In your case, I would add the following before the 7za invocation:
which augments the standard PATH with the location where you apparently have 7za installed. (Any standard installation will take precedence, because we are adding the nonstandard directory at the end of the PATH -- add in front if you want the opposite behavior.)
In the general case, if there are other settings in your interactive .bashrc (or similar shell startup file) which needs to be set up in order for the script to work, the script needs to set this up one way or another. For troubleshooting, a quick and dirty fix is to add . /Users/you/.bashrc at the top of the script (where /Users/you should obviously be replaced with the real path to your home directory); but for proper operation, the script itself should contain the code it needs, and mustn't depend on an individual user's personal settings file (which could change without notice anyway).

"ERROR: Invalid syntax. Default option is not allowed more than '2' time(s)." using SETX

I thought I had this working at one time but recently my command quit working. My research here and abroad is not turning up anything I have not attempted already. Perhaps there is some other variable I am missing that SETX is looking at?
My command:
setx /s servername PATH "%Path%";"c:\program files (x86)\java\jre7\bin";"c:\program files (x86)\java\jre7\bin\client" /m
I have tried the same command against a couple of Win2k8 servers to no avail. This has worked but is now producing the error above. I usually run this within a batch file against a list of several servers to push Java out. (Path to java is not being set unless we manually create the entries when remotely installed.)
The existing path on the server I am attempting to update is this:
I did clean up a couple duplicate path entries. Aside from that I did not find anything unusual to me.
Tweaking the command to remove some of the quotation marks does allow it to run but with that, it imports the path of the local system replacing the remote systems path and appends the desired path entries.
The revised command:
setx /s servername PATH "%Path%;c:\program files (x86)\java\jre7\bin;c:\program files (x86)\java\jre7\bin\client" /m
In hopes of fixing this new problem, I am attempting to run the command with psexec. Doing so brings me back to my original problem, "Default option is not allowed more than '2' time(s)". Depending on how I modify the quotes when using psexec I can get "To many Arguments" or command succeeded, path truncated which ends up being the local path being applied on the remote server once again.
The most promising of my attempts:
psexec \\servername -u domain\user -p p#ssw0rd "c:\windows\system32\setx" "Path "%Path%;c:\program files (x86)\java\jre7\bin;c:\program files (x86)\java\jre7\bin\client" /M"
Using the "-s" option on psexec produces the same error, just less detail.
I was able to update the path value on remote systems by creating a batch file to be executed remotely.
Contents of "setJava7path.cmd"
setx Path "%Path%";"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\java\jre7\bin";"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\java\jre7\bin\client" /m
To execute I utilized psexec which copied the batch file to the remote system and executed the command.
psexec \\systemname -c setJava7path.cmd
It adds / changes a line to my overall deployment script but that is livable.

postgres COPY (...) TO PROGRAM on Windows giving error

I am trying to dump PostgreSQL tables using a COPY statement. I am using COPY instead of pg_dump because I need to perform a transformation on one of the columns as it comes out.
The statement I would like to execute is essentially this
COPY ( SELECT 'punt' ) TO PROGRAM '7z a -si C:/Users/Public/Documents/punt';
but I am getting the generic error
ERROR: program "7z a -si C:/Users/Public/Documents/punt" failed
DETAIL: child process exited with exit code 1
I am trying to pass the COPY output through 7zip similar to the fourth example in the COPY documentation in order to compress the output as the database is about 130 GB and I'm ideally working with SSDs. The following command works fine:
COPY ( SELECT 'punt' ) TO 'C:/Users/Public/Documents/punt';
with result COPY 1. I have executed the following command on the psql prompt and it also works which makes me fairly confident about syntax and permissions:
\! echo 'punt' | 7z a -si C:/Users/Public/Documents/punt
Am I missing something about the cmd pipeline or the 7zip executable permissions?
EDIT: Postgres version is 9.3.3
I'm still getting the same error after changing the dir permissions to NETWORK SERVICE based on Craig Ringer's answer. This, however, did not fix the problem and the error is identical. Even after changing the target directory's permissions giving full control to Everyone, I still got the same error. I also tried changing the permission on the 7zip executable and the 7zip Program Files Directory to no avail.
In experimentation, I ran the following, taking the input from copy out of the equation:
COPY ( select '1' ) TO PROGRAM 'echo punt | 7z a -si C:/Users/Public/Documents/punt';
and curiously got the failure message, but instead with exit code 255, which for 7zip has the meaning "User stopped the process". Can't seem to find a reason for this myself.
It'll be a permissions issue.
The PostgreSQL server runs as NETWORKSERVICE for 9.2 and above, or user postgres for 9.1 and below, by default. COPY runs server-side as the user PostgreSQL its self runs as.
Neither of these are likely to have the right to write to C:\Users\Public\Documents.
You'll need to grant the PostgreSQL service user the right to write there using the Windows security properties dialog, or choose another location it can write to.
It works with \! because psql is running as your user, which will have permissions to write there, and \! runs the command client-side as the user running psql.
Strikethrough the 7zip bit in my edit, the 255 error code is actually from cmd not finding the 7zip exe. I plopped 7zip.exe on C:/ (couldn't figure out escaping the space in Program Files) and ran
COPY ( SELECT 'punt' ) TO PROGRAM 'C:/7z a -si C:/Users/Public/Documents/punt';
and this worked. I'm guessing the NETWORKSERVICE user doesn't have the path environment variable loaded, but I'm not sure about that.
I set the permissions on C:/Users/Public/Documents back to its default and the COPY ... TO PROGRAM still worked so file permission wasn't an issue in this specific case. I would still look to Craig Ringer's suggestion first if I encountered a problem like this again.
CMD doesn't recognize a path with spaces.
COPY FROM PROGRAM doesn't have access to PATH variables.
Just wrap your PROGRAM_NAME like RESOURCE_NAME in double apostrophes and you are done:
COPY ( SELECT 'punt' ) TO PROGRAM '"C:/Program Files/bla/bla/7z.exe" a -si "C:/Users/Public/Documents/punt"';

Batch file - Remote Copy and Execute issue

I have a batch file that part of it copies a folder and its content to a local directory and then continues through the batch process which then tries to execute the contents of the folder . locally run it works on all wintel os and copies the files from \networkshare\folder*.* to %systemdrive%\temp\ .
I have attempted to use e.g psexec #serverlist.txt -c batfile.bat -s -f -d to copy the file and then execute it remotely how ever the issue is that this will not copy the files when run remotely . I think its a authentication issues after you a have remotely executed the batch file the remote system will not allow me to access/authenticate the networkshare
i have tried xcopy , copy , robocopy .
AFAIK you can only authenticate against the next hop using implicit credentials. Connection attempts from the first hop to a second hop will fail, even if your user has the required permisssions. See e.g. here for an explanation.
Try this:
psexec #serverlist.txt -u %USERDOMAIN%\%USERNAME% -d -c batfile.bat
Use explicit credentials so you're authenticated against the remote host. With that the second hop will be the next hop for your authenticated session. Don't run the script as LOCAL SYSTEM (-s), because that account is restricted to local resources.
I've had this issue in the past. Instead of trying to copy/run the BAT file just run the script things from a UNC path if you are able to. I think the problem lies in the BAT file not actually able to run through PSEXEC and copy like you think. Does it give an exit code?
Here's an example I used a while ago to install Adobe reader. I tried to do it through a batch file but no dice. I could not get it to run within the batch file whether I copied it or not. I can't remember the exact reason, I think it had something with the way a batch file is called in the system and runs in some sort of local context. Don't quote me on that though as I can't remember the exact why.
Here is my code example:
psexec /accepteula \\%computer% -s cmd /c msiexec /i "\\UNC\Software\adobe\Adobe Reader 7.0.9.msi" TRANSFORMS="acrobat7.mst" /qn
