Is no-data-found exception not raised implicitly? - oracle

question 1:
I noticed the no-data-found exception not raised implicitly, do we need to raise them manually/explicitly?
Question 2:
I writing a SP package with 4 procedures in it and i'm writing below procedures on a single table.
the exception handling is repetitive in each procedure. is there any guidance/coding standard to keep it in a single place procedure#5 or function and call it there.
I guess if I keep it in a function it would raise the exception and return to the called procedure and continue to run ? but when we raise a exception the program should stop , right?

You have run into the only exception in PL/SQL exception handling - ORA-1403: no data found is suppressed when it is generated by a function called in a SQL context.
No data found exceptions work fine in PL/SQL anonymous blocks:
SQL> declare
2 v_number number;
3 begin
4 select 1 into v_number from dual where 1=0;
5 end;
6 /
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01403: no data found
ORA-06512: at line 4
And no data found also works as expected with a function called in a PL/SQL statement:
SQL> create or replace function exception_no_data_found return number is
2 v_number number;
3 begin
4 select 1 into v_number from dual where 1=0;
5 return v_number;
6 end;
7 /
Function created.
SQL> declare
2 v_number number;
3 begin
4 v_number := exception_no_data_found;
5 end;
6 /
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01403: no data found
ORA-06512: at line 4
But when calling the function in a SQL context, the exception disappears:
SQL> select exception_no_data_found from dual;
I think the reason for this is that SQL internally uses the no data found exception to let the system know there are no more rows, so it's not always an exception. (This behavior is probably a bug but has been around for so long that it'll never change.)
To raise that exception in this situation, you must manually catch and raise a different exception like this:
SQL> create or replace function exception_no_data_found return number is
2 v_number number;
3 begin
4 select 1 into v_number from dual where 1=0;
5 return v_number;
6 exception when no_data_found then
7 raise_application_error(-20000, 'No data found.');
8 end;
9 /
Function created.
SQL> select exception_no_data_found from dual;
select exception_no_data_found from dual
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20000: No data found.
But the above situation is by far the weirdest part about Oracle exception handling. Other than this scenario, in general you are almost always better off by not doing any exception handling. Just let the program break; the exceptions will propagate up, and the application will get an exception that includes the full error message and the exact line number of the error. In practice, that information is almost always enough to debug any problems. Only add custom exception handling when you know for sure that you need to gather extra data.


Exclude Extra Error Information from RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR

I have raised an error message in a PL/SQL trigger and it works fine except that it returns more than the error I specify to the application. In addition to the custom error I get information about the line that the error happened on and the trigger.
For example it will get
ORA-20111: There is a custom error here
ORA-06512: at "{schema_name}.{trigger_name}", LINE 2
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger {schema_name}.{trigger_name}<br>
.Operation canceled.
What I actually want is:
ORA-20111: There is a custom error here
How do I remove the extra information from the error message before it is returned to my application? My testing code below...
RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20111, 'There is a custom error here');
For example,
2 custom_err EXCEPTION;
3 PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT( custom_err, -20099 );
5 raise_application_error( -20099, 'This is a custom error' );
7 WHEN custom_err THEN
8 dbms_output.put_line( sqlerrm );
9 END;
10 /
ORA-20099: This is a custom error
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT is to give a custom error number, which could vary in a range from -20001 to -20999
However, you need to take care of the already-defined exceptions from being raised.
For example,
2 custom_err EXCEPTION;
3 PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT( custom_err, -20099 );
4 v number;
6 SELECT empno INTO v FROM emp WHERE empno = 1234;
7 raise_application_error( -20099, 'This is a custom error' );
9 WHEN custom_err THEN
10 dbms_output.put_line( sqlerrm );
11 END;
12 /
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01403: no data found
ORA-06512: at line 6
There is a NO_DATA_FOUND exception thrown. You could suppress that, however, it will leave the error stack with additional messages.
2 custom_err EXCEPTION;
3 PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT( custom_err, -20099 );
4 v number;
6 SELECT empno INTO v FROM emp WHERE empno = 1234;
7 raise_application_error( -20099, 'This is a custom error' );
9 WHEN no_data_found THEN
10 raise_application_error( -20099, 'This is a custom error' );
11 WHEN custom_err THEN
12 dbms_output.put_line( sqlerrm );
13 END;
14 /
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20099: This is a custom error
ORA-06512: at line 10
I would always want to log the errors as verbose as possible. The raise_application_error is good for a custom message to be displayed on the application, however, I would log all the errors in the program.
Please have a look at:

procedure to insert into tabl

I am trying to insert values into status table using the following procedure. I'm getting compilation errors. Can anyone please explain the problem to me?
SQL> create or replace procedure statusupdate(ptid in train.tid%type,pdate in da
2 is
3 pseats train.totalseats%type;
4 begin
5 select totalseats into pseats from train where tid=ptid;
6 insert into status values(ptid,pdate,pseat);
7 exception
8 dbms_output.put_line('something wrong...ERROR!');
9 end;
10 /
Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors.
create or replace procedure statusupdate(ptid in train.tid%type, pdate in date)
pseats train.totalseats%type;
select totalseats into pseats from train where tid = ptid;
insert into status values(ptid, pdate, pseats);
exception when others then
dbms_output.put_line('something wrong...ERROR!');
Errors I found in your version:
Line 6: wrong name "pseat"
Line 7: wrong syntax of "exception catching" block. You have to tell Oracle which exceptions you want to handle in with a WHEN clause

What exact exception to be caugth while calling TO_DATE in pl/sql code

I have below code to_date('1311313', 'yymmdd') which actually throws exception with saying invalid month. Which is can manage as
when others then
sop('date format is wrong');
Here the problem is everything will get caught which I do not want to do as if some other error will occur then also it will pass the message date format is wrong. I also do not want to create a user defined exception. Just want to know which exception is being thrwon out so that I can use in my code like below
when name_of_exception then
sop('date format is wrong');
The Internally Defined Exceptions section of the Oracle Database PL/SQL Language Reference says:
An internally defined exception does not have a name unless either PL/SQL gives it one (see "Predefined Exceptions") or you give it one.
You code throws the exception ORA-01830:
SQL> select to_date('1311313', 'yymmdd') from dual
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string
Since it is not one of the Predefined Exceptions, you must give it a name yourself:
ex_date_format exception;
pragma exception_init(ex_date_format, -1830);
v_date date;
select to_date('1311313', 'yymmdd')
into v_date
from dual;
when ex_date_format then
sop('date format is wrong');
There are at least two approaches to handle different exceptions raised during an attempt to convert character literal to a value of DATE data type:
Define as many exception names and associate them with Oracle error codes, using exception_init pragma, as many exceptions to_date() function is able to raise.
Create a stand alone, or part of a package, wrap-up function for to_date() function, with one when others exception handler.
Personally I lean toward the second one.
SQL> create or replace package util1 as
2 function to_date1(
3 p_char_literal in varchar2,
4 p_date_format in varchar2
5 ) return date;
6 end;
7 /
Package created
SQL> create or replace package body util1 as
3 function to_date1(
4 p_char_literal in varchar2,
5 p_date_format in varchar2
6 ) return date is
7 begin -- in this situation it'll be safe to use `when others`.
8 return to_date(p_char_literal, p_date_format);
9 exception
10 when others then
11 raise_application_error(-20001, 'Not a valid date');
12 end;
14 end;
15 /
Package body created
Now, there is only one exception to handle, -20001 Not a valid date, and your PL/SQl block might look like this:
SQL> set serveroutput on;
-- [1] otherwise, for '1311313' the ORA-01830 exception would be raised
SQL> declare
2 not_a_valid_date exception;
3 pragma exception_init(not_a_valid_date, -20001);
4 l_res date;
5 begin
6 l_res := util1.to_date1('1311313', 'yymmdd');
7 exception
8 when not_a_valid_date then
9 dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm);
10 -- or other handler sop('date format is wrong');
11 end;
12 /
ORA-20001: Not a valid date
-- [2] otherwise, for '000000' the ORA-01843(not a valid month)
-- exception would be raised
SQL> declare
2 not_a_valid_date exception;
3 pragma exception_init(not_a_valid_date, -20001);
4 l_res date;
5 begin
6 l_res := util1.to_date1('000000', 'yymmdd');
7 exception
8 when not_a_valid_date then
9 dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm);
10 -- or other handler sop('date format is wrong');
11 end;
12 /
ORA-20001: Not a valid date

How can I get the procedure/function name where an exception occurs, in PLSQL?

How can I get a procedure/function name where an exception occurs in PLSQL?
I need this to create a log of the procedures that have problems in a package.
Unfortunately there is no way to get a stored procedure name, that is wrapped in a package, at run time. Any method, whether it $$PLSQL_UNIT inquiry directive or FORMAT_ERROR_BACKTRACE function of dbms_utility package, that allows you to do that in a case of a stand-alone stored procedure will always give you the anonymous block instead of a name in a case of a stored procedure that is wrapped in the package. Hence your only choice is to capture a package name and the line number on which an error has occurred by using dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace for example.
SQL> create or replace package some_pkg
2 as
3 procedure some_proc;
4 end;
5 /
Package created
SQL> create or replace package body some_pkg
2 as
3 procedure Some_Proc
4 is
5 l_var number;
6 begin
7 l_var := 1/0;
8 exception
9 when others
10 then dbms_output.put_line(dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace);
11 end;
12 end;
13 /
Package body created
SQL> exec some_pkg.some_proc;
ORA-06512: at "HR.SOME_PKG", line 7
Did u mean get all procedures that has 'exception' in their source ?
if so then :
select distinct from user_source t
where upper(t.text) like '%EXCEPTION%' or
upper(t.text) like '%RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR%';
I hope it helps you :)

ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error appears on the first call

I have the below pl/sql procedure
PROCEDURE insert_p(
p_batch_rec IN ra_batches%rowtype,
p_batch_id OUT NOCOPY ra_batches.batch_id%type,
batch_id is NUMBER(18,0) and p_name is VARCHAR2(50 CHAR)
I'm calling the procedure with
insert_p (l_batch_rec, p_batch_id, p_name);
where p_batch_id:=NULL and p_name:=NULL
I get the conversion error only on the first time I run the procedure. If I run again without changes, it runs fine. To reproduce the error, I disconnect and connect again.
Any ideas why does this error come and how should I resolve the same???
Does the error happen in the initialization part of a package that is used by the function?
You should be able to easily find exactly where the error happens. By default, Oracle will display the object and the line number of the error. (Although, to my great frustration, I find that it is very common for people to write when others then [poor logging that throws out line number].)
SQL> --Create package
SQL> create or replace package test_package is
2 procedure test_procedure;
3 conversion_error number;
4 end;
5 /
Package created.
SQL> --Create package body. Note the initialization part that will fail.
SQL> create or replace package body test_package is
2 procedure test_procedure is
3 begin
4 null;
5 end;
6 begin
7 conversion_error := 'This is not a number';
8 end;
9 /
Package body created.
SQL> --This will fail the first time
SQL> begin
2 test_package.test_procedure;
3 end;
4 /
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error
ORA-06512: at "JHELLER.TEST_PACKAGE", line 7
ORA-06512: at line 2
SQL> --But will now work until you reconnect, or run DBMS_SESSION.RESET_PACKAGE.
SQL> begin
2 test_package.test_procedure;
3 end;
4 /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
