Unreal: Diagnosing why Windows cannot load a DLL - windows

I'm trying to set up a Windows Server-based continuous integration server to completely build and package an Unreal Engine 4 project. The vast majority of the process works, but at the content cooking stage I keep running into the following errors:
********** COOK COMMAND STARTED **********
Running UE4Editor Cook for project C:\workspace\CEIT_ingame-native-plugins_PR-44\sampleProjects\unreal\ShooterGame26\ShooterGame.uproject
Commandlet log file is C:\Unreal426\Windows\Engine\Programs\AutomationTool\Saved\Cook-2021.07.05-13.56.23.txt
Running: C:\Unreal426\Windows\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-Cmd.exe C:\workspace\CEIT_ingame-native-plugins_PR-44\sampleProjects\unreal\ShooterGame26\ShooterGame.uproject -run=Cook -TargetPlatform=WindowsClient -fileopenlog -ddc=DerivedDataBackendGraph -unversioned -abslog=C:\Unreal426\Windows\Engine\Programs\AutomationTool\Saved\Cook-2021.07.05-13.56.23.txt -stdout -CrashForUAT -unattended -NoLogTimes -UTF8Output
LogInit: Display: Running engine for game: ShooterGame
LogModuleManager: Warning: ModuleManager: Unable to load module 'C:/Unreal426/Windows/Engine/Binaries/Win64/UE4Editor-OpenGLDrv.dll' because the file couldn't be loaded by the OS.
LogModuleManager: Warning: ModuleManager: Unable to load module 'C:/Unreal426/Windows/Engine/Plugins/Lumin/MagicLeap/Binaries/Win64/UE4Editor-MagicLeap.dll' because the file couldn't be loaded by the OS.
Took 14.257796s to run UE4Editor-Cmd.exe, ExitCode=1
ERROR: Cook failed.
(see C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\C+Unreal426+Windows\Log.txt for full exception trace)
AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=25 (Error_UnknownCookFailure)
Specifically, UE4Editor-OpenGLDrv.dll and UE4Editor-MagicLeap.dll cannot be loaded, but there's not any clear indication as to why this is, just that "the file couldn't be loaded by the OS". The log files written to disk don't tell me much more than the information above. I've verified that both DLLs are actually present on the CI server, so I suspect that there is some other sub-dependency missing.
I've tried running Dependencies on the Unreal executable and the DLLs mentioned in the logs to work out which DLLs might be missing on the server machine itself, but this takes over three hours to run to completion, so is a bit awkward and time-consuming to do repeatedly. I've followed the advice regarding missing dependencies from this page, and have gone through all of the likely DLLs that were reported as not found by the Dependencies utility (mostly DirectX/OpenGL related ones), but the build still fails and I'm running out of ideas.
Is there any easy way in Windows to work out exactly why a DLL fails to load? I seem to remember that Windows DLL loading error messages are nowhere near as informative as on Linux, but perhaps there's a tool or an easier method to work it out that I'm not familiar with.
EDIT: I've narrowed things down somewhat - if I attempt to load glu32.dll completely dynamically in a program of my own, I get the load error Could not load C:\Windows\System32\glu32.dll: The specified procedure could not be found. As this is on the load attempt, rather than attempt at looking up a function, it implies that some procedure is missing on a sub-dependency of glu32.dll, but I don't know how I'd go about identifying which one it is.

You can try to delete Engine/Intermediate and click GenerateProjectFiles.bat to regenerate the whole project if you use UE Source code to start up, see UE documentation and rebuild with Visual Studio.
If you use the UE4-Editor to start up lacking dll, just add dependency within YourProject.build.cs like a third party, see UE document.


Why is "shadow-cljs compile app" returning "build complete" but the process keeps running without exit?

I have been using Clojure, ClojureScript, lein, shadow-cljs, re-frame, reagent, Emacs, and CIDER to work on a Clojure/ClojureScript dynamic web app project.
Usually, I build the project by executing shadow-cljs watch app. It works fine. I can use the application and watch changes.
Currently, I am working on a Continuous Integration project via GitHub Actions. In this new environment, I wanna use a different command: shadow-cljs compile app.
But, I am having problems. Both on GitHub Actions env and in my local env (which is reproducing the steps on GitHub Actions).
The result returned by the command is quite weird. First, it says the compilation went well, Build completed, and the terminal displays some non-harmful warnings:
shadow-cljs compile app
shadow-cljs - config: /Users/pedro/projects/my_project/shadow-cljs.edn
WARNING: random-uuid already refers to: #'clojure.core/random-uuid in namespace: portal.runtime.browser, being replaced by: #'portal.runtime.browser/random-uuid
[:app] Compiling ...
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details.
WARNING: abs already refers to: #'clojure.core/abs in namespace: day8.re-frame-10x.inlined-deps.garden.v1v3v10.garden.color, being replaced by: #'day8.re-frame-10x.inlined-deps.garden.v1v3v10.garden.color/abs
WARNING: abs already refers to: #'clojure.core/abs in namespace: garden.color, being replaced by: #'garden.color/abs
[:app] Build completed. (1121 files, 27 compiled, 8 warnings, 45.85s)
------ WARNING #1 - :redef -----------------------------------------------------
(... omitted ...)
Unfortunately, the terminal stays like this forever. It behaves like the watch command... But, compile is not supposed to be like this.
The terminal does not finish the process. There is no exit. Even though the build is complete, as stated in the last line before WARNING.
Feels like a deadlock situation. The terminal is still responsive because I can cancel the process with Control-c. But, besides canceling it, it is frozen. This can be catastrophic on GitHub actions since you are going to be paying for an ongoing process.
On shadow-clj.edn, I tried commenting out compilation-options:
;:compiler-options {:optimizations :none}
But it did not make any difference. The same problem happens with shadow-cljs release app.
After finding a GitHub issue with a similar problem, I also tried:
:js-options {:resolve {"highlight.js" {:target :npm :require "highlight.js/lib/core"}}}
One of my hypotheses is that highlight.js is causing some trouble while parsing strings and/or files...
I am also afraid the problem could be some REPL being fired up by some dependency and blocking the process for the exit... But I am not sure where to look for it.
Why is this happening? What could be causing this? How can I solve it?
After #thomasheller kind answer, I tried some things. I believe all of the hints can be discarded for the present situation, except for the macros:
1 - The project does not use user.clj
2 - Build hooks is the default setting which is basically a comment:
:build-hooks [;; this will create a build report for every release build
;; which includes a detailed breakdown of the included sources
;; and how much they each contributed to the overall size:
{:output-to "build-reports/report.html"})]
3- There is no shadow-cljs start, server, or watch process going before trying to compile. The problem of an endless compile app happens just after re-starting my MacBook, on the CI, in others' people's PC... So, it is unrelated.
Ok. Now, let's talk about the macros... The project's main repository has 6 defmacros - according to a git grep (I have not checked the dependencies).
I am suspicious about one of the macros which is involved in reading files:
(defmacro slurp [file & [default]]
(if (.exists (io/file file))
(clojure.core/slurp file)
Why does this exist? Well, it is being used inside another macro that reads config files related to environment variables:
(defmacro read-open-config [env-var]
(clojure.edn/read-string (slurp (str "config/" (System/getenv env-var) "-open.edn"))))
We have multiple config files for different purposes (I know it is not the standard practice...).
It feels like too much dynamicity...
First of all a few clarifications.
compile produces a development build, no optimizations are applied. Setting anything related to that does nothing.
CI systems should likely use release. This avoid including all the development related code (eg. highlight.js, re-frame-10x).
A dependency cannot "fire up a REPL". The shadow-cljs "server mode" provides it, which compile or release don't normally enter.
highlight.js errors would fail earlier with a visible error, you would not get to "Build completed."
This could be happening for a variety of reasons, very hard to debug without seeing the build config/setup. A few guesses:
You have a user.clj on the classpath, which starts additional "stuff" when the process is launched and this namespace is loaded? Clojure will load this unconditionally and shadow-cljs cannot prevent whatever that may do.
You have configured :build-hooks that launches additional stuff. It could launch an addition css watch process that doesn't exit?
You use a macro that launches additional stuff without shutting it down?
You previously started a shadow-cljs start, server or watch process? Coupled with the above that may then wait for the server to stop. On your local machine is the watch maybe still running? You can prevent the attempted server connect via npx shadow-cljs release build --force-spawn, but that is only useful if it is actually running.
Normally shadow-cljs will shut down after compile or release. I'm not aware of anyone ever having any issues with this after a successful build. The issue you linked is not related to yours, since that never got to a completed build.
After a long research process, it was discovered that the problem came from tests inside a private dependency. Apparently, some tests with asynchronous processes profile were holding the compilation process from finishing.
After commenting-out some olds tests, the compilation happened as expected.

UnityPlayer_UAP_ARM64_release_il2cpp.pdb not loaded

I've installed several packages in a Unity (2020) app I'm building. Namely: World Locking Tools, MRTK, PUN2. World Locking Tools provides some examples that are built with assemblies defining scripting symbols that any derived files I want to build would need access to. I'd like to create my own version of certain files from one of these examples. To do this and have access to the scripting symbols in one of those examples, I created an assembly reference to reference the assembly for that example code within World Locking Tools package installed in my project space. In so doing, I kept running into the common "...not found, are you missing an assembly reference" issue, which ultimately led me to creating assembly references for many of the assemblies provided by the various packages I needed to use (not just the particular example code I initially wanted to modify). Once my project finally built successfully in unity, I then tried to upload to a Hololens 2 headset in Visual Studio. This provided the error in the title of this post. Coincidentally, the app also appears to fail to start on the headset. Before I tried to alter my codebase with modified versions of files from that World Locking Tools example and with assembly references, the code would successfully build in Unity and successfully deploy to the Hololens 2 headset.
Does the behavior and missing .pdb error I describe mean that I'm missing assembly references for yet other packages even though Unity successfully builds the project?
This is my first foray into using assemblies so be please be gentle :)
For the .pdb message, that one is ignorable since will not have that symbol available. However, the app not starting is definitely likely due to a missing component or loading issue. When ran in debugger, may get a better idea on what is missing or from a debugger log in Unity.

LoadLibraryExW() fails, last error is ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND, but no missing dependencies?

A customer is using our dll which is creating a child process which uses an open source library, which ultimately fails because of a call to LoadLibraryExW(), the last error returned is ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND. This occurs on WinXP 32-bit, but not on other machines. But we know the correct set of dependencies is installed and even in the same directory.
So we thought naturally, to use Dependency Walker to look for what dependency is missing on that particular machine. Unfortunately it doesn't show any missing, just some delay-load warnings that aren't direct dependencies of the library. In my experience using depends.exe has always revealed what the missing dependency is.
So at this point I've pulled my hair out trying to understand why I'm getting ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND if all of the library's dependencies are there? The only other thing that makes this machine unique is it's very secure because it's used by the government, but if we were having an access/permissions issue I'd expect a different type of error code.
I've built a small Win32 executable that does nothing but call LoadLibraryExW() on the said library, when it's run from the same directory as the library is located, it loads the library without issue, on the customer's problematic machine.
One thing is that our product is an ActiveX plugin which launches a child process, the child process calls into the 3rd party library, the 3rd party library has the problematic LoadLibraryExW() call. So maybe why it's failing is the context it's running (e.g. from the browser)?
Use the Profiling option of the Dependency Walker on your application. Possibly the library is trying to resolve some APIs dynamically (using LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress) and this won't show up in the static dependencies.
The best way is to use loader snaps. Basically you use gflags.exe (which is included with windbg) to enable loader snaps; then, run the process with the debugger attached. Loader snaps will enable the loader to print out dbg messages of the process and it will print the failures.
gflags.exe -i yourcode.exe +sls
windbg yourcode.exe
Your dependencies might be present on the system but they could be in a folder that is not part of the search order during LoadLibraryExW().
A SetDllDirectory() or AddDllDirectory() call would ensure that the folder containing the dependencies is searched during the LoadLibraryExW() call

QBSDK Distribution for VB6 App

Ok, I went through great lengths but I finally got my integration to quickbooks working on my VB6 application. It works perfectly on my build machine. I actually installed the qbdsk11 on my build machine and worte and tested the code. The ONLY new reference in the project is the QBFC11.dll.
So, I added the QBFC11.dll to my innosetup, told it to do a regsvr on the dll, and hoped this was enough.
First, during install, I get a failure to register the dll. Apparently, this DLL isnt meant to be registered?
But the .DLL was put in Windows System32, so I tried my program anyways...
NOPE. Doesnt work. I get a runtime 91, about an object variable not set. Which makes sense, if it cant create the object.
So, for grins, I moved a copy of the .DLL into the program folder, next to my executable.
Same thing. Runtime error 91.
So, i then grab the whole qbsdk11 installer and install it on this machine. I figure I can make it an additional download for people who want to use this extra functionality.
But no, even with the whole SDK installed, I still get the same runtime error.
I have not been able to find any CLEAR information on how to proceed. I'd prefer for this to be part of my base install. But apparently something still just isn't right.
What did I miss? How do I fix this? I don't even know what to try next.
If you're using QBFC11, you must install the QBFC11 redistributable components with your application. You can find instructions on how to do this in the QBSDK Programmer's Guide in the section titled Redistributing SDK Components With Your Application, subsection Using Installers and Merge Modules.
The most likely cause of the runtime error you're currently getting is the manipulation of the QBFC11.DLL that you did before you installed the SDK. I would start again with a clean OS image so that you can get the proper procedure down.

Access violation when compiling in debug

I'm trying to profile a C++ project in Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010. To do this I wanted to use AQTime, but I'm running into a bit of a problem.
I can compile and run the application in release mode. But when I compile in debug mode, using the settings mentioned at http://smartbear.com/support/viewarticle/18053/, I get an access violation.
... faulted with message: 'access
violation at 0x062324bd: read of
address 0x62324bd'. Process stopped.
Use Step or Run to continue.
It seems to come when I load a bunch of dll's at the startup. But since it goes well in release mode I can't seem to figure out what could be the cause.
When the access violation occurs I get thrown out into assembly and that isn't one of the languages I'm fluent in ;)
EDIT : When scanning the .exe with Dependency Walker I get a message saying that the following files can't be found
Could this be the problem somehow? Are these debugspecific or is Dependency Walker not giving me correct information? The same files are said to be missing when I try a release compiled version to.
I'm running on Windows 7 x64, if that could be part of the issue. I have had problems before with the symlink-look-alike (user/AppData/Local...) that MS used for some folders. Notably when I ran an apache server and the htdocs folder actually wasn't located where the server thought it was (and where it appeared to be) :)
Have you tried disabling dynamic rtl which can be found in the C++ builder linker options pane?
