What is the equivalent of the --set functionality for helm install command, when using ansible community.kubernetes.helm plugin? - ansible

I want to deploy helm chart using ansible-playbook,
my command looks like this:
helm install istio-operator manifests/charts/istio-operator --set operatorNamespace=istio-operator
however I could not find the equivalent for the --set arguments in the ansible plugin.

The bad news is the documentation fails to document the values: parameter, but one can see its use in the Examples section
- community.kubernetes.helm:
name: istio-operator
chart_ref: manifests/charts/istio-operator
operatorNamespace: istio-operator
If for some reason that doesn't work, using --set is (plus or minus) the same as putting that key-value pair in a yaml file and then calling --values $the_filename, so you'd want to do that same operation only manually: create the file on the target machine (not the controller), then invoke c...k...helm: with the documented values_files: pointed at that newly created yaml file


Helm, evaluate linux env variable in values.yaml

I have the following variable JVM_ARGS
PORT: 8080
SPRING_PROFILE: my-local-profile
Values file are evaluated is the order:
I need JVM_ARGS to be evaluated against SPRING_PROFILE and so far I cannot make it work.
What is the best way to do something like that?
I'm new to helm and Kubernetes and have a feeling that I'm missing something basic.
What I tried:
defining JVM_ARGS surrounded with double quotes and without them.
The problem was that I had some custom Helm charts built by the other devs and I had little knowledge how those charts worked. I only worked with values files which were applied against the chart templates.
I wanted the property to be resolved by helm to
At the end I decided to see how Spring Boot itself resolves properties and came up with the following:
Since spring.profiles.active is a regular property, env variables are allowed there and Spring will resolve the property at the runtime which worked for me.
I'm a bit confused: are you referring to an environment variable (as in the title of the question) or to a helm value?
Helm does not evaluate environment variables in the value files. $(SPRING_PROFILE) is treated as a literal string, it's not eveluated.
Actually Helm does not evaluate ANYTHING in the value files. They are source of data, not templates. Placeholders (actually GO templates) are evaluated only inside template files.
As a consequence of the point 3., you cannot reference one helm variable from another.
If you really need to get Spring Profiles from a Linux environment variable, you could achieve it by setting Helm variable when calling helm install and the like (although using --set is considered a bad practice):
helm install --set app.env.spring_profile=$SPRING_PROFILE ...
Although even than, app.env.spring_profile couldn't be evaluated inside base-values.yaml. You would need to move it directly to your template file, e.g.:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: my-app
- name: my-app
SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE: {{- .Values.app.env.spring_profile }},test

How do I create a serverless template from a local boiler template

I have a boiler template saved in my local. How do I create a template using it? I tried the below command, but it did not work:
serverless create --template-path '.\Boiler plate\' --name UserRegistration
I got the following error:
TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received undefined
at validateString (internal/validators.js:120:11)
at Object.join (path.js:375:7).....
None of the solutions I find online worked for me.
The error says the serverless command argument path is undefined. On the serverless create documentation page, there is an example listed that says:
serverless create --template-path path/to/my/template/folder --path path/to/my/service --name my-new-service
This will copy the path/to/my/template/folder folder into path/to/my/service and rename the service to my-new-service.
In order to solve your problem, you need to provide a valid template-path pointing to a local Serverless template and provide a 'target path' using --path to which your template will be copied. So you command will probably look like this:
serverless create --template-path '.\Boiler plate' --path /target/for/your/template.yml --name UserRegistration
Note: I haven't adjusted '.\Boiler plate\' in this command. Are you sure it's correct using a backslash \ after . ?

Is it possible to generate tags dynamically in Google Cloud Build?

First of all: I am somewhat new to cloud build. Compared to previously used methods, I find it a wrenching, unripe and fairly annoying framework. Endless time is spend getting builders to work that supposedly work out of the box (like the helm builder for example), and it's limitations are astonishing and frustrating. Perhaps the following problem is a good example:
I would like to build and push a docker image. According to the documentation, the images to be pushed to the docker repository at the end (I'm using GCR for this) reside in the following configuration section in my cloudbuild.yaml file:
- 'eu.gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/my-project:${_TAG}'
- 'eu.gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/my-project:latest'
I can set the _TAG substitution manually by using the section:
_TAG: x.y.z
but that means I have to manually fix the version number in this file every time. Worse still: if I branch out, I need to maintain the version number all the time. I have a python project in this case and it uses setuptools, the version is naturally contained in the setup.py file and I can parse it out with no problem. Attempts to parse the number into a specific file and use $(cat VERSION) in the images section fail, because the system claims it can't substitute the $(cat VERSION) part. So how can I overwrite the _TAG variable inside of another build step such, that it appears correct in the 'images' section?
If you are using triggered builds from Cloud Source Repositories, GitHub, or Bitbucket you can tag your commit and use the $TAG_NAME default substitution variable.
- 'eu.gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/my-project:$TAG_NAME'
- 'eu.gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/my-project:latest'
On the other hand if you are using the Cloud SDK to submit the Cloud Build build you can provide values with the --substitutions argument:
gcloud builds submit [SOURCE] --config config.yaml --substitutions _TAG=x.y.z
Also I believe you would find this GitOps-style continuous delivery with Cloud Build tutorial very helpful. It explains how to create a continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipeline on Google Cloud Platform using Cloud Build.
You can tag your image with several tags using cloudbuild.yaml and define the Docker build step with:
- name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker
- build
- '--no-cache'
- '-t'
- '-t'
- .
- '-f'
- Dockerfile.prod
id: Build
And resulting images with:

google deployment manager, can you import files in jinja template that you call directly with --template?

I can deploy a template directly like this: gcloud deployment-manager deployments create a-single-vm --template vm_template.jinja
But what if that template depends on other files that need to be imported? If using a --config file you can define import in that file and call the template as a resource. But you cant pass parameter/properties to a config file. I want to call a template directly to pass --properties via the command line but that template also needs to import other files.
EDIT: What I needed was a top level jinja template instead of a config. My confusion was that you cant use imports in a jinja template without a schema file- it was failing and I thought it wasnt supported. So the solution was just swap out the config with a jinja template (with schema file) and then I can use --properies
Maybe you can try importing the dependent files into your config file as follows:
- path: vm-template.jinja
- path: vm-template-2.jinja
# In the resources section below, the properties of the resources are replaced
# with the names of the templates.
- name: vm-1
type: vm-template.jinja
- name: vm-2
type: vm-template-2.jinja
and Set Arbitrary Metadata insito create a special variable that you can pass and might use in other applications outside of Deployment Manager:
type: integer
default: 2
description: Number of Mongo Slaves
variable-x: ultra-secret-sauce
More info about gcloud deployment-manager deployments create optional flags and example can be found here.
More info about passing properties using a Schema can be found here
Hope it helps

Custom templates with phpDocumentor 2

I've been trying to get a custom template to work with PHPDocumentor (2) without much luck. The documentation on their site is incomplete and I'm kind of stumped.
What I've done is downloaded a copy of a complete template and reference it in my command, like so:
php phpdoc.php
-d /path/to/php/source/files
-t /path/to/generated/content/
The command runs fine: it generates the documentation correctly but appears to be ignoring the --template option - at least, any changes I make to the template files in the /customtemplate folder are ignored.
Anyone have any idea?
(Thanks in advance!)
Instead of declaring the template command on the CLI you might try changing your phpdoc.dist.xml configuration file so that it pulls the template name or path from there directly.
