i thought i got the hang of dexie, but now i'm flabbergasted:
two tables, each with a handful of records. Komps & Bretts
output all Bretts
rdb.Bretts.each(brett => {
output all Komps
rdb.Komps.each(komp=> {
BUT: this only outputs the Bretts, for some weird reason, Komps is empty
rdb.Bretts.each(brett => {
rdb.Komps.each(komp=> {
i've tried all kinds of combinations with async/await, then() etc, the inner loop cannot find any data in the inner table, whatever table i want to something with.
2nd example. This Works:
await rdb.Komps.get(163);
This produces an error ("Failed to execute 'objectStore' on 'IDBTransaction…ction': The specified object store was not found.")
rdb.Bretts.each(async brett => {
await rdb.Komps.get(163);
Is there some kind of locking going on? something that can be disabled?
Thank you!
Calling rdb.Bretts.each() will implicitly launch a readOnly transaction limited to 'Bretts' only. This means that within the callback you can only reach that table. And that's the reason why it doesn't find the Comps table at that point. To get access to the Comps table from within the each callback, you would need to include it in an explicit transaction block:
rdb.transaction('r', 'Komps', 'Bretts', () => {
rdb.Bretts.each(brett => {
rdb.Komps.each(komp=> {
However, each() does not respect promises returned by the callback, so even this fix would not be something that I would recommend either - even if it would solve your problem. You could easlily get race conditions as you loose the control of the flow when launching new each() from an each callback.
I would recommend you to using toArray(), get(), bulkGet() and other methods than each() where possible. toArray() is also faster than each() as it can utilize faster IDB Api IDBObjectStore.getAll() and IDBIndex.getAll() when possible. And you don't nescessarily need to encapsulate the code in a transaction block (unless you really need that atomicy).
const komps = await rdb.Komps.toArray();
await Promise.all(
async komp => {
// Do some async call per komp:
const brett = await rdb.Bretts.get(163));
console.log("brett with id 163", brett);
Now this example is a bit silly as it does the exact same db.Bretts.get(163) for each komp it founds, but you could replace 163 with some dynamic value there.
Conclusion: There are two issues.
The implicit transaction of Dexie's operation and the callback to each() lives within that limited transaction (tied to one single table only) unless you surround the call with a bigger explicit transaction block.
Try avoid to start new async operation within the callback of Dexie's db.Table.each() as it does not expect promises to be returned from its callback. You can do it but it is better to stick with methods where you can keep control of the async flow.
I have some tests on an HTML table which add, modify, delete. I'd like a generic function I can apply to clean up previous data to start clean each time.
I currently reset the page, but there's quite a few steps to take to get to the start of testing so an "undo" function would be very useful WRT faster tests.
This is currently what I have (simplified) for a single row
cy.get('tr').should('have.length', 3).eq(0).click()
cy.get('tr').should('have.length', 2)
Now I need to enhance it to handle any number of rows. I tried looping but it didn't work - the test seems to run too fast for the page to keep up, if that makes sense?
To delete rows from a table is tricky if the DOM gets re-written each time you delete.
At minimum use a .should() assertion on the number of rows after each delete, to ensure each step is complete before the next one.
To be really safe, use a recursive function which controls the process, for example
const clearTable = (attempt = 0) => {
if (attempt === 100) throw 'Too many attempts' // guards against too many steps
cy.get('tbody').then($tbody => {
if($tbody.find('tr').length === 0 ) return; // exit condition tested here
cy.get('tr').then($rows => {
cy.wrap($rows).first().click() // action to delete
cy.then(() => {
clearTable(++attempt) // next step queued using then()
I am trying to aggregate/tabulate the results of a set of observables. I have an array of observables that each return a number and I want to total up those results and emit that as the value. Each time the source numbers change, I want the end result to reflect the new total. The problem is that I am getting the previous results added to the new total. This has to do with how I am using the reduce/scan operator. I believe it needs to be nested inside a switchMap/mergeMap, but so far I have been unable to figure out the solution.
I mocked up a simple example. It shows how many cars are owned by all users in total.
Initially, the count is correct, but when you add a car to a user, the new total includes the previous total.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Your scan works perfectly right, the point is that for each update the stream gets all data repetitively, so, the fastest way to fix I think is to set a new instance of the stream at the handleClickAddCar.
I ended up doing this:
this.carCount$ = this.users$.pipe(
map((users: User[]): Array<Observable<number>> => {
let requests = users.map(
(user: User): Observable<number> => {
return this.store.select(UserSelectors.getCarsForUser(user)).pipe(
map((cars: Car[]): number => {
return cars.length;
return requests;
flatMap((results): Observable<number> => {
return combineLatest(results).pipe(
flatMap(data => data),
reduce((accum: number, result: number): number => {
return accum + result;
}, 0)
I think the take(1) ends up doing the same thing as Yasser was doing above by recreating the entire stream. I think this way is a little cleaner.
I also added another stream below it (in the code) that does one level deeper in terms of retrieving observables of observables.
Anyone have a cleaner, better way of doing this type of roll-up of observable results?
I searched for the usage of defer in RxJS but still I don't understand why and when to use it.
As I understand neither Observable methods is fired before someone subscribes to it.
If that's the case then why do we need to wrap an Observable method with defer?
An example
I'm still wondering why it wrapped Observable with defer? Does it make any difference?
var source = Rx.Observable.defer(function () {
return Rx.Observable.return(42);
var subscription = source.subscribe(
function (x) { console.log('Next: ' + x); },
function (err) { console.log('Error: ' + err); },
function () { console.log('Completed'); } );
Quite simply, because Observables can encapsulate many different types of sources and those sources don't necessarily have to obey that interface. Some like Promises always attempt to eagerly compete.
var promise = $.get('https://www.google.com');
The promise in this case is already executing before any handlers have been connected. If we want this to act more like an Observable then we need some way of deferring the creation of the promise until there is a subscription.
Hence we use defer to create a block that only gets executed when the resulting Observable is subscribed to.
Observable.defer(() => $.get('https://www.google.com'));
The above will not create the Promise until the Observable gets subscribed to and will thus behaves much more in line with the standard Observable interface.
Take for example (From this article):
const source = Observable.defer(() => Observable.of(
Math.floor(Math.random() * 100)
Why don't just set the source Observable to of(Math.floor(Math.random() * 100)?
Because if we do that the expression Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) will run right away and be available in source as a value before we subscribe to source.
We want to delay the evaluation of the expression so we wrap of in defer. Now the expression Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) will be evaluated when source is subscribed to and not any time earlier.
We are wrapping of(...) in the defer factory function such that the construction of of(...) happens when the source observable is subscribed to.
It would be easier to understand if we consider using dates.
const s1 = of(new Date()); //will capture current date time
const s2 = defer(() => of(new Date())); //will capture date time at the moment of subscription
For both observables (s1 and s2) we need to subscribe. But when s1 is subscribed, it will give the date-time at the moment when the constant was set. S2 will give the date-time at the moment of the subscription.
The code above was taken from https://www.learnrxjs.io/operators/creation/defer.html
An example, let's say you want to send a request to a server. You have 2 options.
Via XmlHttpRequest
if you do not subscribe to an existing Observable Observable.create(fn) there would not be any network request. It sends the request only when you subscribe. This is normal and as it should be via Observables. Its the main beauty of it.
Via Promise (fetch, rx.fromPromise)
When you use Promises it does not work that way. Whether you subscribed or not, it sends the network requests right away. To fix this, you need to wrap promises in defer(fn).
Actually you can fully replace defer with regular function. But you have to call the function before subscribing.
function createObservable() {
return from(fetch('https://...'));
In case of defer you only need to pass createObservable function to defer.
Let's say you want to create an observable which when subscribed to, it performs an ajax request.
If you try the code below, the ajax request will be performed immediately,
and after 5 seconds the response object will be printed, which is not what you want.
const obs = from(fetch('http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1'));
setTimeout(()=>obs.subscribe((resp)=>console.log(resp)), 5000)
One solution is to manually create an Observable like below.
In this case the ajax response will be performed after 5 seconds (when subscribe() is called):
let obs = new Observable(observer => {
setTimeout(()=>obs.subscribe((resp)=>console.log(resp)), 5000)
defer achieves the above in a more straightforward way, and also without the need to use from() to convert promise to observable:
const obs = defer(()=>fetch('http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1'))
setTimeout(()=>obs.subscribe((resp)=>console.log(resp)), 5000)
I'm building a Flux app using MartyJS (which is pretty close to "vanilla" Flux and uses the same underlying dispatcher). It contains stores with an inherent dependency relationship. For example, a UserStore tracks the current user, and an InstanceStore tracks instances of data owned by the current user. Instance data is fetched from an API asynchronously.
The question is what to do to the state of the InstanceStore when the user changes.
I've come to believe (e.g. reading answers by #fisherwebdev on SO) that it's most appropriate to make AJAX requests in the action creator function, and to have an AJAX "success" result in an action that in turn causes stores to change.
So, to fetch the user (i.e. log in), I'm making an AJAX call in the action creator function, and when it resolves, I'm dispatching a RECEIVE_USER action with the user as a payload. The UserStore listens to this and updates its state accordingly.
However, I also need to re-fetch all the data in the InstanceStore if the user is changed.
Option 1: I can listen to RECEIVE_USER in the InstanceStore, and if it is a new user, trigger an AJAX request, which in turn creates another action, which in turn causes the InstanceStore to update. The problem with this is that it feels like cascading actions, although technically it's async so the dispatcher will probably allow it.
Option 2: Another way would be for InstanceStore to listen to change events emitted by UserStore and do the request-action dance then, but this feels wrong too.
Option 3: A third way would be for the action creator to orchestrate the two AJAX calls and dispatch the two actions separately. However, now the action creator has to know a lot about how the stores relate to one another.
One of the answers in Where should ajax request be made in Flux app? makes me think option 1 is the right one, but the Flux docs also imply that stores triggering actions is not good.
Something like option 3 seems like the cleanest solution to me, followed by option 1. My reasoning:
Option 2 deviates from the expected way of handling dependencies between stores (waitfor), and you'd have to check after each change event to figure out which ones are relevant and which ones can be ignored, or start using multiple event types; it could get pretty messy.
I think option 1 is viable; as Bill Fisher remarked in the post you linked, it's OK for API calls to be made from within stores provided that the resulting data is handled by calling new Actions. But OK doesn't necessarily mean ideal, and you'd probably achieve better separation of concerns and reduce cascading if you can collect all your API calls and action initiation in one place (i.e. ActionCreators). And that would be consistent with option 3.
However, now the action creator has to know a lot about how the stores
relate to one another.
As I see it, the action creator doesn't need to know anything about what the stores are doing. It just needs to log in a user and then get the data associated with the user. Whether this is done through one API call or two, these are logically very closely coupled and make sense within the scope of one action creator. Once the user is logged in and the data is obtained, you could fire two actions (e.g. LOGGED_IN, GOT_USER_DATA) or even just one action that contains all the data needed for both. Either way, the actions are just echoing what the API calls did, and it's up to the stores to decide what to do with it.
I'd suggest using a single action to update both stores, because this seems like a perfect use case for waitfor: when one action triggers a handler in both stores, you can instruct InstanceStore to wait for UserStore's handler to finish before InstanceStore's handler executes. It would look something like this:
UserStore.dispatchToken = AppDispatcher.register(function(payload) {
switch (payload.actionType) {
case Constants.GOT_USER_DATA:
...(handle UserStore response)...
InstanceStore.dispatchToken = AppDispatcher.register(function(payload) {
switch (payload.actionType) {
case Constants.GOT_USER_DATA:
...(handle InstanceStore response)...
Option 1 seems the best choice conceptually to me. There are 2 separate API calls, so you have 2 sets of events.
It's a lot of events in a small amount of code, but Flux relies always using the simple, standard Action->Store->View approach. Once you do something clever (like option 2), you've changed that. If other devs can no longer safely assume that any Action flow works the exact same as every other one, you've lost a big benefit of Flux.
It won't be the shortest approach in code though. MartyJS looks like it will be a little neater than Facebook's own Flux library at least!
A different option; if logins must always refresh the InstanceStore, why not have the login API call include all of the InstanceStore data as well?
(And taking it further; why have 2 separate stores? They seem very strongly coupled either way, and there's no reason you couldn't still make calls to the InstanceStore API without re-calling login anyway)
I usually use promises to resolve such situation.
For example:
// UserAction.js
var Marty = require( 'marty' );
var Constants = require( '../constants/UserConstants' );
var vow = require( 'vow' );
module.exports = Marty.createActionCreators({
handleFormEvent: function ( path, e ) {
var dfd = vow.defer();
var prom = dfd.promise();
this.dispatch( Constants.CHANGE_USER, dfd, prom );
// UserStore.js
var Marty = require( 'marty' );
var Constants = require( '../constants/UserConstants' );
module.exports = Marty.createStore({
id: 'UserStore',
handlers: {
changeUser : UserConstants.CHANGE_USER
changeUser: function ( dfd, __ ) {
$.ajax( /* fetch new user */ )
.then(function ( resp ) {
/* do what you need */
dfd.resolve( resp );
// InstanceStore.js
var Marty = require( 'marty' );
var UserConstants = require( '../constants/UserConstants' );
module.exports = Marty.createStore({
id: 'InstanceStore',
handlers: {
changeInstanceByUser : UserConstants.CHANGE_USER
changeInstanceByUser: function ( __, prom ) {
prom.then(function ( userData ) {
/* OK, user now is switched */
$.ajax( /* fetch new instance */ )
.then(function ( resp ) { ... });
I'm trying to use Rx to write an asynchronous DataContext for linq-to-sql on Windows Phone 7.5. My idea is to define a method in the DataContext:
IObservable<List<Fact>> GetFacts(Func<MyDataContext, IQueryable<Fact>> selector)
var selectFacts = Observable.FromAsyncPattern<MyDataContext, IQueryable<Fact>>(selector.BeginInvoke, selector.EndInvoke);
return selectFacts(db).Select((query) => query.ToList());// db variable is MyDataContext instance, and is not null during the call or later
This method should then be called from the client code, like this:
var q = GetFacts((database) => from item in database.Facts select item)
.Do((facts) => MessageBox.Show(facts.Count.ToString()))
The problem I'm facing is quite strange. When the client selector (from item in database.Facts select item) is actually called, the database parameter in it's context is null! Therefore, I'm obviously getting the NullReferenceException. But when the selectFacts is called, the db value is non-null, and points to correct instance.
Are there any explanations to this fact? How to overcome it?
Thanks in advance.
I think you're going about this in a very strange way. If you want to run code in the background and have it return an IObservable<T> (like Task), you should use Observable.Start:
IObservable<List<Fact>> factsFuture = Observable.Start(
() => selectFacts(db).Select(query).ToList(),