Firebird UDF that calls an external url - user-defined-functions

I'm new to Firebird and just wanted to know if it's possible to create a UDF in Firebird that makes a GET call on a URL and how can I do this.


Is Oracle Database Supported in Joomla?

I would like to use Oracle database instead of MySQL in Joomla. Is this possible with Joomla, is there a workaround or a solution on how to implement Oracle database with Joomla? Any information will be greatly appreciated.
It is said that it can be done, but it is not a job for beginners and took those guys 3 working days to do it.
Here's why that combination doesn't work by default:
The database and table creation script does not work without modification.
The connection and the database class are written to connect to MySQL and not to Oracle (so they all use MySQL functions).
Some of the extensions use native MySQL functions directly, instead of connecting using the Joomla Database interface (class).
This is what they did to make it work:
We fix the SQL installation script to accommodate the Oracle database in case of a new installation. In case of an existing installation, we export all the database, as well as its data to a SQL file, and then we modify the SQL file (using find and replace) to make it work with an Oracle database.
We load the modified installation file or the modified exported SQL file into the Oracle database.
We then create a copy of the Joomla database class, and then we modify all the functions to work with Oracle instead of MySQL.
We ensure that the Oracle drivers are properly installed and loaded by the php.ini file.
We rename the original MySQL database (you will know in the next step why) to something like database_name_old.
We switch to the new database class and fully test the website to see if some extensions are not working. If an extension ceases to work then it is a sign that this extensions is calling the original MySQL database (which no longer exists because it was renamed) directly.
Hopefully, you aren't a beginner and those guidelines will help you do it. Otherwise, check how much it might cost by visiting the page.

How to use Oracle's Jdbc OCI driver for Direct Path inserts?

Trying to see if there's a good programmatic way to implement Direct Path inserts using OCI. Has anyone here tried to use the jdbc OCI driver for Direct Path and succeeded? If so, can you please give out the details for doing so?
I see that for oci to work one might have to download the oracle sql client. I just want to be sure that oci driver supports Direct Path inserts via OCI JNI calls before actually trying it out.

Porting application which uses Oracle mod_plsql to PostgreSQL

I need to port an application that uses Oracle mod_plsql to PostgreSQL. Currently database procedures are called over HTTP with the use of Apache + mod_plsql. The procedures are easily ported to PostgreSQL, but I can not find a replacement for the Apache + mod_plsql part. Does anybody have any experience on ho to do it and what to use?
UPDATE (to make stuff more clear):
See: for how mod_plsql work.
What I need is a way to call a function on postgrsql as:
You could fork my NodeJS based implementation of web_plsql as a starting point and "simply" replace the Oracle access with PostgreSQL.
You should be able to use pretty much all of the logic in NodeJS and only need to change the way how the code interacts with the database in the oracle.js module.

accessing a database from ruby using an odbc driver (Remedy)

I have the Remedy odbc driver installed on my machine. I am able to pull down data from Remedy via excel just fine specifying this driver in my connection.
Is there any way I could use this driver from within Ruby / Ruby on rails to connect to and read from the DB?
Many thanks!
I have not found a way to use the Remedy ODBC driver from Ruby. Also, I am suspecting that using the driver which seems to be quite antiquated and is already throwing some arcane errors when used from Excel might not be simple to use.
I was able to connect through R via RODBC and thus an R script that would pull the data for you and write to CSV might be a solution.
What I am actually using - which to my mind is the simplest way of achieving this - is talking directly to the Remedy SQL backend. All that you will have to do is parse the data upon pulling it from DB which is very easy to set up (priorities, service types, statuses are stored as integers and not actual names and timestamps are in epoch format).

ODBC hook / shim

I have an old app that I need to get functioning. Right now it uses some invalid SQL. It connects to the db using ODBC. I would just like to shim the ODBC so I could watch for the invalid SQL and replace it with some valid commands.
Any ideas?
MySQL proxy would fit the bill if it would fly over ODBC.
Easiest way is to write a shim yourself, and have the legacy app load your shim which then proxies all ODBC function calls except SQLPrepare and SQLExecDirect to the original ODBC driver. You can then alter any relevant SQL queries passed in through these two functions. All other functions pass arguments through unchanged.
You'll need to "install" your shim as an ODBC driver in the registry (if on Windows) under HKLM\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI (for the driver) and ODBC.INI (for the DSN). You can then point your old app to your shim, which will load the original driver dynamically.
