Inertia.js shared data security - laravel

I'm developing a personal project using Laravel with Inertia.js. I tried retrieving data from back-end to front-end through HandleInertiaRequests Middleware. I was wondering how will malicious people could get advantage of the data I show up in front-end. Inertia.js webpage discourages retrieving sensible data in this way, but I can't figure out how that will be possible. I apologize if my answer sound a little naive, still pretty new to Laravel ad never used Inertia before. Thanks for your time!

The HandleInertiaRequests Middleware is nothing but a way to merge data into the array that will be available to your JavaScript components (Vue, React, Svelte) on the client side.
It is just a way to avoid repeating yourself on every controller for things that you'll probably need on a lot of pages. For example, instead of getting the data for a Menu component on every controller, you do this only in the HandleInertiaRequests Middleware.
So, they only warn you to be careful with what type of data you put into it. For example, you probably don't want to pass the user password through this in the same way you wouldn't do that using a Blade view instead of Inertia.


Sharing Data Between Pages - Laravel Vue

I am currently looking into Vue, as my front for my Laravel backend. Before doing anything I would like to ask a few things.
Let's assume I have a master template - a users Profile. When I first access a users profile, I get all his data (let's assume address - as another tab, personal data as another tab, and n Tabs specific ). Whenever I would access a user /user/1 I query all his sub-tabs and share this data between the tabs ( to reduce calls API ). Is such attempt possible?
When I took my first look at Vue, the first concern was that it uses Axios ( ajax ), and I do not really want to expose my endpoints, the profile data is publicly accessible so its not as simple as just gate it behind authentication. Is there a way to prerender data?
Thanks for any help.
Yes, definitely - Vue to Laravel communication is mainly done through API, especially if you cover entire front-end in Vue.js and not a mix of Vue and Bladee.
There are ways to 'kinda' prevent any abuses of your public API, but let's face it - anything can be walked around because limiting your public API will limit how your website works.
One approach would be to configure session to wipe-on-close and then generate token when someone enters the website - this way, only people who have a valid token (are currently on the website) can use public API.. but it's a two-edged sword.
I think the solution to both of your concerns would be to pass the data you need from the controller to your Blade template, and from there you echo it as json, and on you Vue side, you accept it as a component prop.
An example:
:data="{{ $user }}"
The important part here is :data={{ $user }}. Here you are echoing out the $user php variable, and Laravel will automatically convert it to json.
If you are not familiar with Vue component props, here is the documentation:

what is the best way to handle access control in laravel and vuejs?

I'm new to Vue and I trying to change my old laravel application to SPA, I watch this tutorial and on it, the instructor stores the user data in window.user to make it available on all components. but it can easily be changed and honestly, I think it is the worst idea ever.
is there any better solution for ACL in the front end?
please help me out.
by the way, I'm using laravel 5.7 and previously I've used Laratrust for ACL purpose.
this is tutorial's link

Practical use of VueJS with Laravel

I'm starting a new large-scale application and after hearing a lot about VueJS + Laravel combination i thought of using it. I followed Laracasts' Learn Vue 2: Step By Step series and some tutorials to understand how it works.
But have few questions in mind:
Why do we even need to use Vue with Laravel. I understand that we can create component like <user-profile></user-profile> in Vue, and then use it in Laravel Blade. But it looks like over-complication things? Firstly we pass data from controller to blade, and then further pass it to vue. Why do we need to do that?
Laravel and Vue both have their own routing system. Which one to use?
How to structure an app using Laravel + Vue
PS. I'm making an application that will mostly be used on mobile devices.
moved from comment
Why do we even need to use Vue with Laravel.
Although you probably already knew, Vue is just one of many javascript frontend frameworks (libs?) You can consume the data send from the server any way you want. Vue is just the sister-framework of Laravel. The only thing you can probably say as to why they are mentioned together is that you can "talk" (interface) easily between them using json objects. Javascript is meant to make your page interactive, have behaviour. Use it when you need this.
Laravel and Vue both have their own routing system. Which one to use?
Whatever you want, do you want a "single page" (blade) that is rendered in 3 different pages by Vue, say like some kind of Wizard form. It really depends on where you want to put the load. I think you can think of use-cases where client side page rendering would be better, but most of the time server sided will be a great choice.
Single page applications are more snappy (faster) after initial load, but server side rendered applications are better for SEO in general. There are also ways to let a SPA render on the server to improve SEO however. And this we we can keep the discussion going for some while.
How to structure an app using Laravel + Vue
Laravel has already an example vue file under resources/assets/js/app.js. So it is safe to assume you can put everything there.

Laravel: changing from Blade to JS frontend framework

I have a Laravel application which is using Blade as the frontend. I'm feeling the better (more future proof) option would be to switch to Angular, Vue or React, (not entirely sure yet which one I will use but that's not the question of this post)
I've always thought that the backend code should expose an API in order for these JS frontend frameworks to work. I currently don't expose any sort of API.
I basically designed it in the normal way:
define route pointing to controller
create controller function and direct it to a view
create the Blade view
Couple of questions:
Should I redesign my backend to expose such an API?
Can I call Angular/Vue/React code from my controllers, similar to what I'm
doing with Blade?
In case the answer is yes to question 1,
shouldn't I consider changing to Lumen then?
using frontend framework means you would most likely build you backend as an API,
a common scenario is:
a single route the points to a controller which loads the angular/vue app
the angular/vue app would handle views and templates.
once the app is loaded you only need to communicate with the server through the exposed api's
you can't call you js code from laravel controller and you probably won't need to.
as for your question lumen vs laravel, I think it's up to you to decide that. both have pro's con's.

SPA using DurandalJS and laravel

im trying to create a Single Page Website with DurandalJS in the frontend and Laravel as the Backend. Do you think this is a good Idea?
If yes how would I do the following:
What would your recommendation for the basic interaction between both frameworks be?
Would you rather have all the computation done in JS instead of Laravel sending calculated and styled returns?
How Do I setup Laravels controller in order to only get dynamic Data for, say a Div, instead of a whole page?
How can I adjust the browser URLs?
I hope I was specific enough, thank You in advance.
Laravel does not actually care about what framework you use to build the Frontend. Laravel is just a framework that helps you build your application with. It gives you great advantage with respect to the time spent and effort.
You can use any frontend framework that you want to build your app with. I have actually not used Durandal, but from the first look of it here is my opinion.
Durandal is built on top of jQuery, knockoutJS and requireJS. It also has a MV* architecture in place with support for eventing as well. So you could basically define routes on Laravel and initiate the communication between both the frameworks through events and ajax. Again this completely depends on the functionality that you are building.
In the overall flow of your app, consider Laravel as a Model that just gives data from a source to your app and Durandal as your views and controllers. This way, it will keep your data flow cleaner and easier to build. Computation of your functionality depends on how important and secretive the app is. If there are functionalities/implementations that you need to be secretive about, you can keep it on Laravel and just send computed data to Durandal. If its a web app that you are building, then keeping all implementation on the JS is just a right click away from knowing what and how you have built it. One can just see how the implementation is done just looking at the Javascript source of the web app. If you are building Mobile Device App, then the case is different.
Take a look at Restful Controllers. Will give you an idea on how to setup controllers to return only data. But if you need to return the div itself, then you can make use of the Basic Controllers of Laravel to perform them.
You can setup cleaner routes for the browser URL's. Take a look at Laravel Routing
