How to determine Big O time complexity of the following recursion: f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-3) + c - algorithm

How can I solve this recursion :
f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-3) + c.
where c is constant
Please help me to solve this

We explicitly solve for the function. First, add c to both sides to get
f(n) + c = (f(n - 1) + c) + (f(n - 3) + c)
Define g(n) = f(n) + c. Then the recurrence for g is
g(n) = g(n - 1) + g(n - 3)
Note that the set of solutions to this equation forms a vector space of dimension 3, since g is determined by g(0), g(1), g(2). So it suffices to find 3 basis elements.
We try an Ansatz of g(n) = k^n for k nonzero. For such an Ansatz, we see that
k^n = k^(n - 1) + k^(n - 3)
In other words, we see that
k^3 = k^2 + 1
This equation has no rational roots, so its roots will be a bit nasty. It turns out that there are three roots, one real and two complex. The roots are approximately
x = 1.47
x = -0.233 +/- 0.793 i
So the three basic solutions are 1.47^n and (-0.233 +/- 0.793 i)^n (approximately).
You did not actually give enough information to find g, since we need to know g(0), g(1), and g(2). But for the basic solutions, it's easy to see that 1.47^n = O(1.47^n) and (-0.233 +/- 0.793 i)^n = O(1), since |(-0.233 +/- 0.793 i)| < 1.
Therefore, in almost all cases (except the ones where we can write g(n) = a (-0.233 + 0.793 i)^n + b (-0.233 - 0.793 i)^n), we have g(n)= Theta(1.47^n) and hence f(n) = g(n) - c = Theta(1.47^n).
Keep in mind that 1.47 is, of course, an approximation. The true value is the unique real solution of k^3 = k^2 + 1.


Analyzing Worst Case Performance of Quicksort by Substitution Method

I am trying to solve the reccurence of the quicksort algorithm by the substitution method:
I can not find any way to proof that this will lead to . What further steps do I have to make to make this work?
The worst case of quicksort is when you choose a pivot element which is the minimum or maximum element from the array, so that all remaining elements go to one side of the partition, and the other side of the partition is empty. In this case, the non-empty partition has a size of (n - 1), and it takes linear time (kn for some constant k > 0) to do the partitioning itself, so the recurrence relation is
T(n) = T(n - 1) + T(0) + kn
If we guess that T(n) = an² + bn + c for some constants a, b, c, then we can substitute:
an² + bn + c = [ a(n - 1)² + b(n - 1) + c ] + [ c ] + kn
where the two square-bracketed terms are T(n - 1) and T(0) respectively. By expanding the brackets and equating coefficients, we get
an² = an²
bn = -2an + bn + kn
c = a - b + 2c
It follows that there is a family of solutions, parameterised by c = T(0), where a = k/2 and b = k/2 + c. This family of solutions can be written exactly as
T(n) = (k/2) n² + (k/2 + c) n + c
which is not just O(n²), but Ө(n²), meaning the running time is a quadratic function, not merely bounded above by a quadratic function. Note that the actual value of c doesn't change the asymptotic behaviour of the function, so long as k > 0 (i.e. the partitioning step does take a positive amount of time).
I have found an answer to my question, the continuation of the previous equation is,
This is true if

Finding these three algorithm's run time

Hi I am having a tough time showing the run time of these three algorithms for T(n). Assumptions include T(0)=0.
1) This one i know is close to Fibonacci so i know it's close to O(n) time but having trouble showing that:
T(n) = T(n-1) + T(n-2) +1
2) This on i am stumped on but think it's roughly about O(log log n):
T(n) = T([sqrt(n)]) + n. n greater-than-or-equal to 1. sqrt(n) is lower bound.
3) i believe this one is in roughly O(n*log log n):
T(n) = 2T(n/2) + (n/(log n)) + n.
Thanks for the help in advance.
T(n) = T(n-1) + T(n-2) + 1
Assuming T(0) = 0 and T(1) = a, for some constant a, we notice that T(n) - T(n-1) = T(n-2) + 1. That is, the growth rate of the function is given by the function itself, which suggests this function has exponential growth.
Let T'(n) = T(n) + 1. Then T'(n) = T'(n-1) + T'(n-2), by the above recurrence relation, and we have eliminated the troublesome constant term. T(n) and U(n) differ by a constant factor of 1, so assuming they are both non-decreasing (they are) then they will have the same asymptotic complexity, albeit for different constants n0.
To show T'(n) has asymptotic growth of O(b^n), we would need some base cases, then the hypothesis that the condition holds for all n up to, say, k - 1, and then we'd need to show it for k, that is, cb^(n-2) + cb^(n-1) < cb^n. We can divide through by cb^(n-2) to simplify this to 1 + b <= b^2. Rearranging, we get b^2 - b - 1 > 0; roots are (1 +- sqrt(5))/2, and we must discard the negative one since we cannot use a negative number as the base for our exponent. So for b >= (1+sqrt(5))/2, T'(n) may be O(b^n). A similar thought experiment will show that for b <= (1+sqrt(5))/2, T'(n) may be Omega(b^n). Thus, for b = (1+sqrt(5))/2 only, T'(n) may be Theta(b^n).
Completing the proof by induction that T(n) = O(b^n) is left as an exercise.
T(n) = T([sqrt(n)]) + n
Obviously, T(n) is at least linear, assuming the boundary conditions require T(n) be nonnegative. We might guess that T(n) is Theta(n) and try to prove it. Base case: let T(0) = a and T(1) = b. Then T(2) = b + 2 and T(4) = b + 6. In both cases, a choice of c >= 1.5 will work to make T(n) < cn. Suppose that whatever our fixed value of c is works for all n up to and including k. We must show that T([sqrt(k+1)]) + (k+1) <= c*(k+1). We know that T([sqrt(k+1)]) <= csqrt(k+1) from the induction hypothesis. So T([sqrt(k+1)]) + (k+1) <= csqrt(k+1) + (k+1), and csqrt(k+1) + (k+1) <= c(k+1) can be rewritten as cx + x^2 <= cx^2 (with x = sqrt(k+1)); dividing through by x (OK since k > 1) we get c + x <= cx, and solving this for c we get c >= x/(x-1) = sqrt(k+1)/(sqrt(k+1)-1). This eventually approaches 1, so for large enough n, any constant c > 1 will work.
Making this proof totally rigorous by fixing the following points is left as an exercise:
making sure enough base cases are proven so that all assumptions hold
distinguishing the cases where (a) k + 1 is a perfect square (hence [sqrt(k+1)] = sqrt(k+1)) and (b) k + 1 is not a perfect square (hence sqrt(k+1) - 1 < [sqrt(k+1)] < sqrt(k+1)).
T(n) = 2T(n/2) + (n/(log n)) + n
This T(n) > 2T(n/2) + n, which we know is the recursion relation for the runtime of Mergesort, which by the Master theorem is O(n log n), s we know our complexity is no less than that.
Indeed, by the master theorem: T(n) = 2T(n/2) + (n/(log n)) + n = 2T(n/2) + n(1 + 1/(log n)), so
a = 2
b = 2
f(n) = n(1 + 1/(log n)) is O(n) (for n>2, it's always less than 2n)
f(n) = O(n) = O(n^log_2(2) * log^0 n)
We're in case 2 of the Master Theorem still, so the asymptotic bound is the same as for Mergesort, Theta(n log n).

Big O Proof by Induction With Summation

I've been ripping my hair out trying to solve this:
Σ(k=0,n)3k = O(3n)
I've been looking through various things online but I still can't seem to solve it. I know it involves the formal definition of Big O, where
|f(x)| <= C*|g(x)|, x>=k
Since they are the same, I am assuming C is some value I have to find through induction to prove the original statement, and that k=0.
Thanks for your help with this.
= 30 + 31 + ... + 3n
= (1 - 3n+1) / (1 - 3) ; sum of geometric series
= (3/2)*3n - k
<= c*3n ; for c >= 3/2
= O(3n)
Induction is not needed here; that sum is a geometric series and has closed form solution
= 1(1-3^(n + 1))/(1-3) = (3^(n + 1) - 1)/2
= (3*3^n - 1)/2
Pick C = 3/2 and F = 3/2*3^n - 1/2, G = 3^n, and this satisfies the requirement for O(3^n), but really in practice, though it might be thought informal and sloppy, you don't really worry much about an exact constant since any constant will do for satisfying Big-O.
You can rewrite it as 3n * ( 1 + 1/3 + 1/9 + ....1/3n).
There is an upper bound for that sum. Calculate the limit of that infinite series.
From there, it's easy to get a good C, eg: 2.

Time complexity of the program using recurrence equation

I want to find out the time complexity of the program using recurrence equations.
That is ..
int f(int x)
if(x<1) return 1;
else return f(x-1)+g(x);
int g(int x)
if(x<2) return 1;
else return f(x-1)+g(x/2);
I write its recurrence equation and tried to solve it but it keep on getting complex
T(n) =T(n-1)+g(n)+c
Kth time …..
=kc+g(n)+g(n-1)+g(n-3)+g(n-4).. .. . … +T(n-k)
Let at kth time input become 1
Then n-k=1
Now i end up with this..
T(n)= (n-1)c+g(n)+g(n-1)+g(n-2)+g(n-3)+….. .. g(1)
I ‘m not able to solve it further.
Any way if we count the number of function calls in this program , it can be easily seen that time complexity is exponential but I want proof it using recurrence . how can it be done ?
Explanation in Anwer 1, looks correct , similar work I did.
The most difficult task in this code is to write its recursion equation. I have drawn another diagram , I identified some patterns , I think we can get some help form this diagram what could be the possible recurrence equation.
And I came up with this equation , not sure if it is right ??? Please help.
T(n) = 2*T(n-1) + c * logn
Ok, I think I have been able to prove that f(x) = Theta(2^x) (note that the time complexity is the same). This also proves that g(x) = Theta(2^x) as f(x) > g(x) > f(x-1).
First as everyone noted, it is easy to prove that f(x) = Omega(2^x).
Now we have the relation that f(x) <= 2 f(x-1) + f(x/2) (since f(x) > g(x))
We will show that, for sufficiently large x, there is some constant K > 0 such that
f(x) <= K*H(x), where H(x) = (2 + 1/x)^x
This implies that f(x) = Theta(2^x), as H(x) = Theta(2^x), which itself follows from the fact that H(x)/2^x -> sqrt(e) as x-> infinity (wolfram alpha link of the limit).
Now (warning: heavier math, perhap cs.stackexchange or math.stackexchange is better suited)
according to wolfram alpha (click the link and see series expansion near x = infinity),
H(x) = exp(x ln(2) + 1/2 + O(1/x))
And again, according to wolfram alpha (click the link (different from above) and see the series expansion for x = infinity), we have that
H(x) - 2H(x-1) = [1/2x + O(1/x^2)]exp(x ln(2) + 1/2 + O(1/x))
and so
[H(x) - 2H(x-1)]/H(x/2) -> infinity as x -> infinity
Thus, for sufficiently large x (say x > L) we have the inequality
H(x) >= 2H(x-1) + H(x/2)
Now there is some K (dependent only on L (for instance K = f(2L))) such that
f(x) <= K*H(x) for all x <= 2L
Now we proceed by (strong) induction (you can revert to natural numbers if you want to)
f(x+1) <= 2f(x) + f((x+1)/2)
By induction, the right side is
<= 2*K*H(x) + K*H((x+1)/2)
And we proved earlier that
2*H(x) + H((x+1)/2) <= H(x+1)
Thus f(x+1) <= K * H(x+1)
Using memoisation, both functions can easily be computed in O(n) time. But the program takes at least O(2^n) time, and thus is a very inefficient way of computing f(n) and g(n)
To prove that the program takes at most O(2+epsilon)^n time for any epsilon > 0:
Let F(n) and G(n) be the number of function calls that are made in evaluating f(n) and g(n), respectively. Clearly (counting the addition as 1 function call):
F(0) = 1; F(n) = F(n-1) + G(n) + 1
G(1) = 1; G(n) = F(n-1) + G(n/2) + 1
Then one can prove:
F and G are monotonic
F > G
Define H(1) = 2; H(n) = 2 * H(n-1) + H(n/2) + 1
clearly, H > F
for all n, H(n) > 2 * H(n-1)
hence H(n/2) / H(n-1) -> 0 for sufficiently large n
hence H(n) < (2 + epsilon) * H(n-1) for all epsilon > 0 and sufficiently large n
hence H in O((2 + epsilon)^n) for any epsilon > 0
(Edit: originally I concluded here that the upper bound is O(2^n). That is incorrect,as nhahtdh pointed out, but see below)
so this is the best I can prove.... Because G < F < H they are also in O((2 + epsilon)^n) for any epsilon > 0
Postscript (after seeing Mr Knoothes solution): Because i.m.h.o a good mathematical proof gives insight, rather than lots of formulas, and SO exists for all those future generations (hi gals!):
For many algorithms, calculating f(n+1) involves twice (thrice,..) the amount of work for f(n), plus something more. If this something more becomes relatively less with increasing n (which is often the case) using a fixed epsilon like above is not optimal.
Replacing the epsilon above by some decreasing function ε(n) of n will in many cases (if ε decreases fast enough, say ε(n)=1/n) yield an upper bound O((2 + ε(n))^n ) = O(2^n)
Let f(0)=0 and g(0)=0
From the function we have,
f(x) = f(x - 1) + g(x)
g(x) = f(x - 1) + g(x/2)
Substituting g(x) in f(x) we get,
f(x) = f(x-1) + f(x -1) + g(x/2)
∴f(x) = 2f(x-1) + g(x/2)
Expanding this we get,
f(x) = 2f(x-1)+f(x/2-1)+f(x/4-1)+ ... + f(1)
Let s(x) be a function defined as follows,
s(x) = 2s(x-1)
Now clearly f(x)=Ω(s(x)).
The complexity of s(x) is O(2x).
Therefore function f(x)=Ω(2x).
I think is clear to see that f(n) > 2n, because f(n) > h(n) = 2h(n-1) = 2n.
Now I claim that for every n, there is an ε such that:
f(n) < (2+ε)n, to see this, let do it by induction, but to make it more sensible at first I'll use ε = 1, to show f(n) <= 3n, then I'll extend it.
We will use strong induction, suppose for every m < n, f(m) < 3m then we have:
f(n) = 2[f(n-1) + f(n/2 -1) + f(n/4 -1)+ ... +f(1-1)]
but for this part:
A = f(n/2 -1) + f(n/4 -1)+ ... +f(1-1)
we have:
f(n/2) = 2[f(n/2 -1) + f(n/4 -1)+ ... +f(1-1]) ==>
A <= f(n/2) [1]
So we can rewrite f(n):
f(n) = 2f(n-1) + A < 2f(n-1) +f(n/2),
Now let back to our claim:
f(n) < 2*3^(n-1) + 2*3^(n/2)==>
f(n) < 2*3^(n-1) + 3^(n-1) ==>
f(n) < 3^n. [2]
By [2], proof of f(n)&in;O(3n) is completed.
But If you want to extend this to the format of (2+ε)n, just use 1 to replace the inequality, then we will have
for ε > 1/(2+ε)n/2-1 → f(n) < (2+ε)n.[3]
Also by [3] you can say that for every n there is an ε such that f(n) < (2+ε)n actually there is constant ε such that for n > n0, f(n)&in;O((2+ε)n). [4]
Now we can use wolfarmalpha like #Knoothe, by setting ε=1/n, then we will have:
f(n) < (2+1/n)n which results on f(n) < e*2n, and by our simple lower bound at start we have: f(n)&in; Θ(2^n).[5]
P.S: I didn't calculate epsilon exactly, but you can do it with pen and paper simply, I think this epsilon is not correct, but is easy to find it, and if is hard tell me is hard, and I'll write it.

Can not figure out complexity of this recurrence

I am refreshing on Master Theorem a bit and I am trying to figure out the running time of an algorithm that solves a problem of size n by recursively solving 2 subproblems of size n-1 and combine solutions in constant time.
So the formula is:
T(N) = 2T(N - 1) + O(1)
But I am not sure how can I formulate the condition of master theorem.
I mean we don't have T(N/b) so is b of the Master Theorem formula in this case b=N/(N-1)?
If yes since obviously a > b^k since k=0 and is O(N^z) where z=log2 with base of (N/N-1) how can I make sense out of this? Assuming I am right so far?
ah, enough with the hints. the solution is actually quite simple. z-transform both sides, group the terms, and then inverse z transform to get the solution.
first, look at the problem as
x[n] = a x[n-1] + c
apply z transform to both sides (there are some technicalities with respect to the ROC, but let's ignore that for now)
X(z) = (a X(z) / z) + (c z / (z-1))
solve for X(z) to get
X(z) = c z^2 / [(z - 1) * (z-a)]
now observe that this formula can be re-written as:
X(z) = r z / (z-1) + s z / (z-a)
where r = c/(1-a) and s = - a c / (1-a)
Furthermore, observe that
X(z) = P(z) + Q(z)
where P(z) = r z / (z-1) = r / (1 - (1/z)), and Q(z) = s z / (z-a) = s / (1 - a (1/z))
apply inverse z-transform to get that:
p[n] = r u[n]
q[n] = s exp(log(a)n) u[n]
where log denotes the natural log and u[n] is the unit (Heaviside) step function (i.e. u[n]=1 for n>=0 and u[n]=0 for n<0).
Finally, by linearity of z-transform:
x[n] = (r + s exp(log(a) n))u[n]
where r and s are as defined above.
so relabeling back to your original problem,
T(n) = a T(n-1) + c
T(n) = (c/(a-1))(-1+a exp(log(a) n))u[n]
where exp(x) = e^x, log(x) is the natural log of x, and u[n] is the unit step function.
What does this tell you?
Unless I made a mistake, T grows exponentially with n. This is effectively an exponentially increasing function under the reasonable assumption that a > 1. The exponent is govern by a (more specifically, the natural log of a).
One more simplification, note that exp(log(a) n) = exp(log(a))^n = a^n:
T(n) = (c/(a-1))(-1+a^(n+1))u[n]
so O(a^n) in big O notation.
And now here is the easy way:
put T(0) = 1
T(n) = a T(n-1) + c
T(1) = a * T(0) + c = a + c
T(2) = a * T(1) + c = a*a + a * c + c
T(3) = a * T(2) + c = a*a*a + a * a * c + a * c + c
note that this creates a pattern. specifically:
T(n) = sum(a^j c^(n-j), j=0,...,n)
put c = 1 gives
T(n) = sum(a^j, j=0,...,n)
this is geometric series, which evaluates to:
T(n) = (1-a^(n+1))/(1-a)
= (1/(1-a)) - (1/(1-a)) a^n
= (1/(a-1))(-1 + a^(n+1))
for n>=0.
Note that this formula is the same as given above for c=1 using the z-transform method. Again, O(a^n).
Don't even think about Master's Theorem. You can only use Masther's Theorem when you're given master's theorem when b > 1 from the general form T(n) = aT(n/b) + f(n).
Instead, think of it this way. You have a recursive call that decrements the size of input, n, by 1 at each recursive call. And at each recursive call, the cost is constant O(1). The input size will decrement until it reaches 1. Then you add up all the costs that you used to make the recursive calls.
How many are they? n. So this would take O(2^n).
Looks like you can't formulate this problem in terms of the Master Theorem.
A good start is to draw the recursion tree to understand the pattern, then prove it with the substitution method. You can also expand the formula a couple of times and see where it leads.
See also this question which solves 2 subproblems instead of a:
Time bound for recursive algorithm with constant combination time
May be you could think of it this way
n = 1, T(1) = 1
n = 2, T(2) = 2
n = 3, T(3) = 4
n = 4, T(4) = 8
n = 5, T(5) = 16
It is easy to see that this is a geometric series 1 + 2+ 4+ 8 + 16..., the sum of which is
first term (ratio^n - 1)/(ratio - 1). For this series it is
1 * (2^n - 1)/(2 - 1) = 2^n - 1.
The dominating term here is 2^n, therefore the function belongs to Theta(2^n). You could verify it by doing a lim(n->inf) [2^n / (2^n - 1)] = +ve constant.
Therefore the function belongs to Big Theta (2^n)
