Could you tell me the purpose of these addresses in XAMPP?
Although I try to launch localhost: 8080 / login my application springs boot but nothing displays in chrome.
I have developed a Jooby-Application which is hosted on a netty server. I can access the application on localhost and tests were fine. Now I want to make the app accessable over internet and dont know what is the best way to reach this goal?
The complete application is hosted on a Windows Server, because it uses Excel. (Read/Write over Apache POI. For macros it has to be Windows) Should I try to connect the running netty-server with IIS or can I just forward the requests from outside to localhost? The last mentioned approach propably is a bad idea regarding security issues.
It works with reverse proxy over IIS. I had to install some features like Application Request Routing and URL Rewrite. Then I can start the jooby application (netty server) as usual on a specific port at localhost and set a reverse proxy to it.
I am not sure why being on a window is necessary, anyways, Netty is just a Java network programming framework, it can run on any platform where Java is installed.
You need to host a server, you can buy a VPS, install windows as OS, install Java, you can run your application as you like.
What I understand is you need to test it, for that you can use any port forwarding service like to enable "world access" to localhost
I'm trying to figure out how to link my Apache2 server running on AWS Lightsail to an application I'm housing that uses http://localhost:3000 when activated—it's a simple Node.js based CMS called Vapid. I have the server linked to my domain name——and I can get Vapid running through the AWS terminal, but it's only the Apache2 landing page that shows up on my domain name. I saw a tutorial here that goes over establishing a proxy pass on an Nginx ran server but I'm not sure how to do the same thing for one using Apache2.
I've tried using the Nginx tutorial and I've also don't some extensive searches into proxy setups for Apache2, but I'm confused about what type of proxy I need when it comes to running an application that uses http//:localhost:3000.
Hi Bitnami Engineer here.
You can include these lines in the /opt/bitnami/apache2/conf/bitnami/bitnami.conf file or in the specific .conf file you created for your application
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /
This way you will access your application when accessing the public IP of your instance or its associated domain.
This guide in our documentation explains the whole process to configure a Node.js application on top of Bitnami.
I have succesfully deployed application on port 8080.
After undeploy and killing all processes "java" and cleaning folders: "domains/domain1/osgi-cache/felix" and "domains/domain1/applications/" then
I tried to redeploy application.
It occured the port is occupied. I could not find that port using netstat (like it was suggested on many other posts) so I guess port should be available.
I managed to deploy on different port (9090). I did again undeploy and rest of actions like killing and stopping domain... it occured the port is still occupied as well and I could not deploy app on port 8080 and 9090 now.
I am using glassfish 4.1.2 and Windows. Anyone have ideas what can I do more?
I also added my hostname under etc/host.
From the description of your post, it sounds like you have tried to follow some instructions intended for Linux on your Windows system. Since you managed to start GlassFish on port 9090, that indicates that the hostname issue does not affect you. The fact that you could not start GlassFish on port 9090 afterwards suggests that you have not shutdown GlassFish properly.
On Windows, it is not always possible to view all Java processes if they were started by another user. So if you have GlassFish installed as a Windows service, then a Windows system user will start GlassFish and the Java process will not be visible to you.
A good way to verify whether or not GlassFish is still running is to visit the endpoint in a browser, in your case http://localhost:9090. If your application is there, then its homepage will show, otherwise GlassFish will serve a 404 which will look a lot like this:
If you manage to get a response in your browser, then you will be certain that GlassFish is still running.
Actually, I did not find answer why the port is occupied. But if someone else found similar issue, this procedure of redeploy works for me:
1: go to admin panel of glassfish (by default :4848). Select application and click undeploy
2: stop domain using console (asadmin stop-domain domain1)
3: start domain using console (asadmin start-domain domain1)
4: go to admin panel(by default :4848), deploy application.
This procedure worked for me, instead of clicking "redeploy" on admin panel.
Glassfish and Windows...
While i am trying to install the Apache service then It shows Service not install. How can i solve this problem?
xampp version:3.2.2enter image description here
That means that apache cannot be currently installed as a service. It happens because the system failed to start apache.
Try to run it pressing the start button, to see if you can get more details about the error.
One of the most common thing is that the port 80 (or the port you have configured to serve web) is being used by another application such as Skype.
In order to solve this, you have to close that application and stop all services using that port and configure the application or service to run in another port.
To see what process is using your port: How can you find out which process is listening on a port on Windows?
I want to install Apache Web server,for this I tried in the following way .
Step 1 :
I downloaded Apache Web server from the following link.
Step 2:
I installed in the following way.
click on Run-->next-->Accepted Terms-->next-->next
click on next-->next-->change..
click OK-->next-->install. here I am facing the problem I got two screens.
after completion of 23 seconds,It shows Finish button in main screen, I click on that.
to my conformation,whether it is working or not. I open following URL
it's not working.
again for my conformation, I open the following window from my right hand side corner of my system.
How can I fix this.
can you suggest me ?
Your port 80 is already in use by another application, you have two options :
Find & Change the port or Deactivate the application that runs in port 80 (IIS, Skype...)
Changing the Apache port from 80 to another value.
There is "something" already listening on port 80 of your system, which will prevent Apache from starting. It could be Skype, or a web-server like IIS or Tomcat.
If you open the command-line (cmd.exe) and run netstat -ona, and look for the local lines that have port 80 in them (ex:,, you can then cross-reference the PID of that "something" with Task Manager's Process list (press Ctrl-Shift-Esc).
Then you can attempt to disable it (if it's a Service) or remove/uninstall it.
A couple of other issues -
You are downlading Apache 2.0, which is completly outdated. You should be at least using Apache 2.2.
Your Apache download will not come with PHP - you'll only be able to do HTML pages. Nor will it be configured for security, performance, multi-site, etc.
Unless you have a reason not to, try a WAMP (Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP) distribution/package that has everything already set up for you. The popular free ones that come to mind are XAMPP and WampServer; and there are commercial ones like Wamp-Developer. Ans also a few others not mentioned, that you can find recommended here on StackOverflow.
use netstat -bano in an elevated command prompt to see what apps are listening on which ports.
But Usually following applications uses port 80 in windows.
World Wide Web Publishing service
IIS Admin Service
SQL Server Reporting services
Web Deployment Agent Service
Stop above applications if running and check!!!