How to get all Normalized values for a LUIS list entity? - azure-language-understanding

I have a List entity named 'ChatBot'. Its Normalized values are the following
If my input text has keyword VA, then LUIS result will return 'ChatBot' entity. I want to get all other normalized values for this entity. For the above example if VA is there in the input, then I need 'qna bot', 'chat bot', 'Virtual Assistant' in my result. Is there anyway I can get all of its list values from a list entity ?


Is there a way to compare each item to a aggreated value?

I'm new to graphQL and Hasura. I'm trying(in Hasura) to let me users provide custom aggregation (ideally in the form of a normal graphQL query) and have then each item the results compared against the aggreation.
Here's a example. Assume I have this schema:
I created a relationship in hasura and I can query the data but my users want to do custom scoring of users' income level. For example, one user may want to query the data broken down by country and gender.
For the first example the result maybe:
{Country : Canada
{ gender : female
{ userID: 1,
Name: Nancy Smith,..
#data below is on aggregated results
rank: 1
%fromAverage: 35%
Where I'm struggling is the data showing the users info relative to the aggregated data.
for Rank, I get the order by sorting but I'm not sure how to display the relative ranking and for the %fromAverage, I'm not sure how to do it at all.
Is there a way to do this in Hasura? I suspected that actions might be able to do this but I'm not sure.
You can use track a Postgres view. Your view would have as many fields as you'd like calculated in SQL and tracked as a separate "table" on your graphql api.
I am giving examples below based on a simplification where you have just table called contacts with just a single field called: id which is an auto-integer. I am just adding the id of the current contact to the avg(id) (a useless endeavor to be sure; just to illustrate...). Obviously you can customize the logic to your liking.
A simple implementation of a view would look like this (make sure to hit 'track this' in hasura:
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW contact_with_custom AS
SELECT id, (SELECT AVG(ID) FROM contacts) + id as custom FROM contacts;
See Extend with views
Another option is to use a computed field. This is just a postgres function that takes a row as an argument and returns some data and it just adds a new field to your existing 'table' in the Graphql API that is the return value of said function. (you don't 'track this' function; once created in the SQL section of Hasura, you add it as a 'computed field' under 'Modify' for the relevant table) Important to note that this option does not allow you to filter by this computed function, whereas in a view, all fields are filterable.
In the same schema mentioned above, a function for a computed field would look like this:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION custom(contact contacts)
RETURNS Numeric AS $$
SELECT (SELECT AVG(ID) from contacts ) +
Then you select this function for your computed field, naming it whatever you'd like...
See Computed fields

How to get normalized value for List type Entity from Microsoft.Bot.Builder.RecognizerResult?

We're trying to leverage LUIS to get normalized value for a given synonyms from the user input.
In BF V3, we have the EntityRecommendation, and it has the Resolution property we can use for this purpose, like below.
But how do we archive the same goal in V4? the Microsoft.Bot.Builder.RecognizerResult does not contain the Resolution property while when we directly query LUIS Rest API, the response has it.
EntityRecommendation serviceNameEntityRecommendation;
if (luisResult.TryFindEntity("ServiceNames", out serviceNameEntityRecommendation))
if (serviceNameEntityRecommendation != null)
var resolutions = serviceNameEntityRecommendation.GetResolutions();
You'll need to know what entity type is being returned. For example, I created a LUIS App with nothing by the "number" pre-built entity.
I then used the NLP with LUIS Sample
If I type "one thousand", I can retrieve the normalized, "1000" in recognizerResult.Entities["number"][0].
Here's everything that RecognizerResult returns:

Odoo 10 - Duplicate supplier info for a given product_template

I have:
a) given product_template_id (i.e. id 100) and
b) a duplicated product_template_id (i.e. id 200) created using copy() method
copy() method copies only product.template model, so suppliers for that specific product are not copied.
I would like to duplicate all suppliers for that model, but now I am wondering which is the right way to do it in Odoo.
If I understood the model properly suppliers prices for a given product are stored in product_supplierinfo table, where each record that points to a given product_tmpl_id specifices a supplier price/qty for a given product_template.
Which would be the way in Odoo to search for all records that point to a given product_tmpl_id (i.e. 100), duplicate them changing product_tmpl_id to the new one (i.e. 200)?
Excerpt from the ORM Documentation:
copy (bool) -- whether the field value should be copied when the record is duplicated (default: True for normal fields, False for One2many and computed fields, including property fields and related fields)
The field you're referring to is seller_ids, whose field definition is below:
seller_ids = fields.One2many('product.supplierinfo', 'product_tmpl_id', 'Vendors')
The copy attribute is not explicitly defined, so it is False by default (as explained in the documentation above). If you want this field to copy along with the other values during the standard product "Duplicate" (copy method), you can do this:
class ProductTemplate(models.Model):
_inherit = 'product.template'
# This only changes the copy attribute of the existing seller_ids field.
# All other attributes (string, comodel_name, etc.) remain as they are defined in core.
seller_ids = fields.One2many(copy=True)
If you want to only have the field copied sometimes, you can extend the copy method to look for a specific context value and only copy based on that.
# This may take some tweaking, but here's the general idea
def copy(self, vals):
new_product = super(YourClass, self).copy(vals)
if vals.get('copy_sellers'):
new_product.seller_ids = self.seller_ids.copy({'product_id':})
return new_product
# Whatever you have calling the copy method will need to include copy_sellers in vals
vals.update({'copy_sellers': True})

Cant get CanonicalForm for LUIS List entity in LuisResult/EntityRecommendation

Is there any way of getting the CanonicaForm in the C#-code after an intent? The LuisResult contains EntityRecommendation(s) but no info about which canonicalForm/sublist, just the written entity/synonym in EntityRecommendation.Entity and the name of the WHOLE List Entity in EntityRecommendation.Type.
Assume "MyEntity" is a List entity, and one of its normalized values is "Check Out" with a synonym of "checkout"
If LUIS returns the synonym ("checkout") as the entity, the normalized value ("Check Out") can be retrieved as follows:
bool isEventType = result.TryFindEntity("MyEntity", out EntityRecommendation entityRecommendationEventType);
if (isEventType)
stringSynonym = entityRecommendationEventType.Entity;
stringNormalized = ((List<object>)entityRecommendationEventType.Resolution["values"])[0].ToString();
There is no way to retrieve this from LUIS. The only way you can do this is to export the list from LUIS and store it in your bot. You can do this via the JSON file exported from LUIS.

Converting Object to Class object

in my Spring MVC project i m using Hibernate, by using Criteria API i am applying Group BY and Order BY clause. Query get executed on DB successfully and it brings result also but its an array of Object--
Here is code of Criteria API
Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(DashboardSubindicatorSubmission.class, "DashboardSubindicatorSubmission")
List<DashboardSubindicatorSubmission> dashboardSubindicatorSubmissionList = (List<DashboardSubindicatorSubmission>)criteria.list();
return dashboardSubindicatorSubmissionList;
I am casting criteria.list() to List<DashboardSubindicatorSubmission> but when i try to do dashboardSubindicatorSubmissionList.get(i) on controller it gives me exception java.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to mkcl.accreditation.model.DashboardSubindicatorSubmission.
i come to know that, though i m casting it to List<DashboardSubindicatorSubmission> still its an list of object[] thats why i cant do dashboardSubindicatorSubmissionList.get(i) because it returns me object of DashboardSubindicatorSubmission. (Correct me if i am wrong)
So how can i convert my result into list of DashboardSubindicatorSubmission class?
Does setResultTransformer() helps me in this case?
You have two options. When you use projections, Hibernate doesn't know how to respect each field because it uses the name of each field to build objects and he doesn't know the names yet.
Thus, your first option is to name the fields grouped so that they match the names of object properties. This is necessary even if the string you use in projection is already the name of the object field. Something like:
.add(Projections.groupProperty("fkAccademicYearId"), "fkAccademicYearId") // same value
.add(Projections.groupProperty("fkAssessmentPlanID"), "other") // other value
The second option is to do what you yourself suggested, create your own implementation of ResultTransformer. I reckon this a interesting option if you want to extract other object of this query, as when you make a report.
