Shiny + Prism + Platform Service Example - xamarin

I am attempting to update a Prism 8.1 app to use Shiny v2.
In trying to turn one of my services into a Job I keep getting a container resolution error (using Unity). I am not sure what the pattern is for registering platform implementations of services. The Job has a service that is from my platform project but at the time the services.RegisterJob() is called I guess the platform initializer has not run.
Can someone post an example of how you are supposed to register platform implementations with Shiny?

Well, I'm not sure if this is the intended design but I solved the platform services this way.
I added a constructor parameter to my ShinyStartup like this:
public Startup(IPlatformInitializer platformInitializer) : base(PrismContainerExtension.Current)
_platformInitializer = platformInitializer;
and then in my AppDelegate I used this:
Shiny.ShinyHost.Init(new Shiny.ApplePlatform(), new Startup(new iOSInitializer()));
Where iOSInitializer is my Prism IPlatformInitializer.
Then in Startup I added:
protected override void RegisterServices(IContainerRegistry containerRegistry)
As far as the IJob not resolving dependencies when using RegisterJob, I moved job registration to App.OnStart using IJobManager.Register and it works. Also not sure if this is the intended design.
I did all my container wire up before calling RegisterJob and it still failed to resolve so there must be something under the covers that is happening in the Prism+Shiny world.


How to register HealthCheck in Autofac module

Im using .NET 6 and Autofac to register my dependencies, all works great.
However I was wondering how can I register a healthcheck in my module (not in the startup.cs), ex:
public class InfrastructureModule : Module
protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
// builder.AddCheck<MyServiceHealthCheck>("Service ACheck"); <- not working
Short answer is: you can't. You can't mix and match Microsoft registrations with Autofac registrations like that. That's why there's ConfigureServices separate from ConfigureContainer.
Longer answer is: if you want to go spelunking through the code of AddHealthCheck and figure out what it's doing under the covers, you could make your own Autofac version of that and it would work. But it's work for you to do, not something Autofac provides, and it'd be supported only by you.
However, reading the intent of the question, it sounds like you want to do MS registrations in an Autofac module and that's not a supported thing.

Example of new abstract new abstract CreateContainerExtension method in

Does anyone have an example of the new abstract method CreateContainerExtension that is in Prism.Wpf We are using the common service locator and have essentially bypassed IOC in Prism because we need to resolve things before the Bootstrapper has run.
You should remember that Prism is open source and the source code is in itself a form of documentation.
If you're using the classic Bootstrapper, you'll notice that it has been deprecated in favor of PrismApplication. Since your question is extremely vague as to what container you're even trying to use, it's impossible to tell exactly which Container Extension to use, but I will provide an example using Unity for your reference.
Whether you look at the UnityBootstraper or the Unity PrismApplication, you'll see that it simply returns an instance of the UnityContainerExtension.
protected override IContainerExtension CreateContainerExtension()
return new UnityContainerExtension();

Dependency Injection Android

I am not sure how to use Dependency Injection on Xamarin Android project solution. Currently my Android solution holds a reference to another class library solution. I have used Unity on my service layer and registered the container via WebApiConfig.cs.
My question is, how do i go about using Unity on Android side in order to run on start up, would be grateful if code was included. I dont want to new-up the container through main activity of Android. I want the container to register behind the process i.e. AppStart or Global asax where it does it for you for MVC apps. Is there a way to do it for Android? Also I noticed on Main Activity I am unable to create constructor. I guess this isnt possible but how do I go about holding object reference to my Class Library solution ? example that i attempted to do:
private IExample _ex;
MainActivity(IExample ex){
_ex = ex; //depedency Injection rather than newing it up
public void DoSomething(){
Is there a way to do it via Attribute ? Also for each of my layer do I need to install and create container in order to resolve current solution dependency ? or can I use container from android which would resolve all dependency in each layer as DDD architecture goes from outer to inner ?
In terms of setting up DI at startup you can create a custom Application implementation like so:
// Must include this attribute so that Android knows we want to use this as our Application implementation
[Application(Icon = "#drawable/Icon", Label = "#string/ApplicationName")]
public class MyApplication : Application
public override void OnCreate()
// Do your DI initialization/registration here
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by not being able to create a constructor on the main activity. You can create constructors for any activity you feel like. You don't always see it though because people tend to put their initialization logic in OnCreate.

NServiceBus/MVC injection - Autofac doesn't like IControllerFactory?

all. I am getting started with NServiceBus and have a pretty good handle on the basics thanks to Pluralsight and the internet. I have an stock MVC 4 project and I have setup dependency injection for my controllers (thanks to this blog post).
Here is how I have my bus setup in Global.asax:
_bus = Configure.With()
I am assigning it to a local private variable because I need access to the bus in Global so I can do some stuff on Session_End. However, when I run, I get the following error:
The requested service 'System.Web.Mvc.IControllerFactory' has not been
registered. To avoid this exception, either register a component to
provide the service, check for service registration using
IsRegistered(), or use the ResolveOptional() method to resolve an
optional dependency.
According to my stack trace, the failure point is when Autofac tries to resolve the type. For the sake of sanity, I removed the private variable and used just the Configure statement, same thing. I also have Ninject wired up in this app because that is my IoC of choice. Thinking that it was interfering with Autofac in some way, I removed Ninject from the equation, still not working.
So my question is, what am I doing wrong? Am I missing something? This is my first time with NServiceBus, but from everything I've seen, this should just work. Any info would be super helpful. Thanks.
Have a look at our MVC4 sample (this is running against v4, the next major release):
I found the solution from your code, John! Here was my issue. This is what I had in my Dependency Resolver Adapter:
public object GetService(Type serviceType)
What I needed to do was what you did in your MVC4 example:
public object GetService(Type serviceType)
return (Configure.Instance.Configurer.HasComponent(serviceType)) ? _builder.Build(serviceType) : null;
Once I did that, it all sorted itself out. Thanks again for the help!

Use Container/DependencyResolver in other dll

I'm trying to get myself familiar with MVC3 and autofac but I've encountered small problem that I'm having trouble resolving.
I am using autofac integrated with MVC3 and all works well, pages are loading correctly, dependencies are being injected and that's cool. What's bugging me is how to use autofac's Container or MVC's DependencyResover in class library project.
I'm trying to create static class that will help me handle domain events. I simply want to be able to call the method with event parameter and everything should be handeled by this class. Here is code:
public static IContainer Container { get; set; }
public static void Raise<T>(T e) where T : IDomainEvent
foreach (var eventHandler in DomainEventManager.Container.Resolve<IEnumerable<EventHandlers.Handles<T>>>())
As you can see it's pretty straightforward and everything would work great if it wasn't MVC approach. Some of my dependencies are registeres as InstancePerHttpRequest (NHibernate' session), while other are registered as InstancePerDependency or SingleInstance. Thus when I try to use container created in my UI project, I get exception that there is no httpRequest tag available.
How can i reuse the Container created in web project to get access to all of it's features, including InstancePerHttpRequest and httpRequest tag?
Or maybe there is other solution to my problem? I was thinking about using delegate function to obtain event handlers, but I cannot (can I?) create generic delegate that I would not need to initialize with concrete type at time of assignment.
Why I want to do this using static class is basically every entity and aggregate or service needs to be able to raise domain event. Injecting EventManager into every one of these would be troublesome and static class is exactly what would resolve all my problems.
If anyone could help me get my head around it I would be grateful.
Cheers, Pako
You shouldn't be referencing your container directly from your app code. This looks like the Service Locator anti-pattern. The correct action is to pass your objects the services they need to do their jobs, usually done through constructor parameters. BUT... if you are going to insist on depending on a global static, then at least model EventManager as a singleton, such that usage would look like:
and then you can set EventManager.Current equal to a properly constructed instance when your app is initialized.
