Where can I find the database Room.DataBaseBuilder(...).build() creates? - android-room

I'm quite new to android and I am currently working on a app which should utilize a Room database. Following the documentation a room database can be created through the following lines:
myDatabase = Room.databaseBuilder(appContext, MyDatabase.class, "MyDB")
Now where did room create the database file?
It can't be found in my project folder.
The documentation doesn't mention anything about it and -generally speaking- barely gives any information about how this thing works.
Where is the database?
Does DatabaseBuilder.build() manage, to open the existing database created from previous app launches?
The list of questions is long.
Any information about the .build() thing aswell as further information about Room (misconceptions etc.) are very appreciated, for the documentation doesn't really make things clear for me.
Thank you!

Now where did room create the database file?
The database (a file) will be placed at the default location on the actual device which is data/data/<the_package_name>/database/MyDB.
In your case, as you have coded :-
myDatabase = Room.databaseBuilder(appContext, MyDatabase.class, "MyDB")
Then the database files will be: -
It can't be found in my project folder.
The database file is not part of the project, it is a file that is created and maintained on the actual device on which the App has been installed.
However, you can use Database Inspector (now App Inspection) on Android Studio to view the database e.g. :-
You can also view the files, if whatever device you test on allows access, by using Device File Explorer. e.g.
Does DatabaseBuilder.build() manage, to open the existing database created from previous app launches?
Yes, if the file exists then it is opened otherwise the file is created. If you uninstall the App this effectively delete's the file. The whole idea of a database is that it persists.
The build() undertakes various tasks, primarily seeing if the underlying file exists and then opening the file. In doing so it
extracts the version number that is stored in the file and compares the number against the number coded within the App (via the #Database).
If the version number from the App is greater then an attempt is tried to find a Migration (recently AutoMigration's have been added to Room).
compares the expected schema (according to the entities defined as part of the #Database), against what is found in the file.
A mismatch will result in the app crashing, so fixes would have to be made.
Note references to file is a simplification, by default Room uses a loggin mode called WAL (Write-Ahead Logging). In WAL mode there will be an additional 2 files that the SQLite routines maintain (you don't need to do anything):-
the database file name suffixed with -wal is the primary wal file into which changes are written (they are applied to the main database automatically).
the database file name suffixed with -shm (this is a WAL file for the WAL file).


iMessage app storage location - why is chat.db-wal updated instantly but chat.db takes awhile?

So playing around with iMessages and thinking of ways to back them up and various things.
I found their location at ~/Library/Messages.
There are three files
1. chat.db
2. chat.db-wal
3. chat.db-shm
If I run a node script that watches for file changes while sending a iMessage to someone I see chat.db-wal is changed instantly but chat.db takes awhile to update.
I would like to get the messages as soon as possible, but I am not sure I can read the .db-wal file. Anyone know if I can read that file? Or why the .db file seems to take longer to update?
Everything is fine. Your data is there. This is just how SQLite works.
In order to support ACID transactions, where your data is guaranteed to be stored properly in the case of crashes or power-offs, SQLite first writes your data into a "write-ahead log" (the *-wal file). When the database is properly closed, or the write-ahead log gets too full, SQLite will update the database file with the contents of the log.
SQLite, when reading, will consult the write-ahead log first, even if multiple connections are using the same database. Data in the log is still "in the database".
SQLite should apply the log to the database as part of closing the database. If it does not, you can run PRAGMA wal_checkpoint; to manually checkpoint the log file.
Corollary to this: do not delete the -wal file, especially if you have not cleanly closed the database last time you used it.
More information about write-ahead logging in SQLite can be found in the SQLite documentation.

How to release an app with preloaded coreData ? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to use a pre-populated database on a coredata context
(2 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I try to find the best way to release an app with some preoloaded data.
I have an app that have 2 tables. I want to fill this tables with some data. The problem is that data is not only text info. 1 entity contains about 40 attributes (numbers, strings, transformable data), so to embedded that in code it's not a solution.
Thanks for help.
Write a very small CLI OS X app that stands up your existing Core Data stack.
This CLI creates a pre-populated SQLite file in a known location.
Run this CLI as part of your build procedure
Include the created SQLite file as part of your app bundle
On launch, if the destination SQLite file does not exist (NSFileManager will tell you this); copy the SQLite file from your app bundle.
Launch as normal.
This makes the procedure scriptable and consistent. It reuses your existing code structure to build the pre-populated database and lets you keep it up to date.
Here's how I handle it:
I use the default setup, where the backing store for Core data is an SQL file.
I set up my app to set up the persistent store coordinator with the SQL file in the app's documents directory.
I build my pre-populated Core Data database on the simulator.
I then go to the app's documents directory on the sim and copy the sql file into the app's bundle.
At the beginning of my app's didFinishLaunching method in the app delegate, I check to see if the Core data database's sql file exists in the documents directory. If not, I copy it from the bundle into the documents directory.
Then I invoke the code that creates the persistent store coordinator, which expects the sql file in the documents directory. On first launch, this is the initial file copied from the bundle. On subsequent launches, it's the working file in the documents directory that has the current data in it.
When the user first attempts to access the data, run a check to see if there are any objects in the persistent store by either executing a fetch request or getting the count of the objects in the persistent store.
If the results of the fetch request is nil, or the count of objects of the fetch request is 0, load data from some file (JSON, plist, XML) into Core Data by hand.

Why does my app sometimes create a file "A.myappextension-shm" in addition to the file "A.myappextension"?

I have a Document based Core Data app that saves with SQLite. While testing I save to a test file A.myappextension. Sometimes another file---"A.myappextension-shm"---is also created. Why is that?
Assuming that A.myappextension is your Core Data persistent store file, it happens because of SQLite journaling. You might also see A.myappextension-wal. Both of these extra files are SQLite journal files, and a lot of your data may actually be stored in them instead of in the main file. If you ever copy these files, or remove them, or do anything else that treats them as files instead of SQLite data, you'll need to copy/remove/whatever all of them.

Copy / Backup Persistent Store

Normally when I backed up the core data file for my app, I would just copy the .sqlite file to another location while the app was running. But now that journaling (wal) is enabled, this does not work anymore. I cannot see a way for NSPersistentStoreCordinator or NSManagedObjectContext to write a new file. I'm guessing maybe I have 2 methods:
Close the persistent store and opening it again with #{#"journal_mode" : #"DELETE"} and then copy the .sqlite file.
Add another persistent store and maybe copy from the original ps to the new one ?
Any better ideas ?
Thank you.
Changing the journal mode will eliminate the journal files, so it's simple. I don't know that I'd trust it for your use, though-- because there's no guarantee that Core Data has actually flushed all new changes to the SQLite file. It might be OK, but there might be some in-memory changes that Core Data hasn't written out yet. This is almost certainly safe, but there's a small chance that it won't work right once in a while.
Option 2 would be safer, though more work. I'd create the second persistent store using NSPersistentStoreCoordinator's migratePersistentStore:toURL:options:withType:error: method (which the docs specifically mention as being useful for "save as" operations). Telling Core Data to create the copy for you should ensure that everything necessary is actually copied. Just don't do this on your main persistent store coordinator, because after migration, the PSC drops the reference to the original store object (the file's still there, but it's no longer used by that PSC). The steps would be
Create a new migrate-only NSPersistentStoreCoordinator and add your original persistent store file.
Use this new PSC to migrate to a new file URL.
Drop all reference to this new PSC, don't use it for anything else.

Read application log written on Windows Azure

I have 10 applications they have same logic to write the log on a text file located on the application root folder.
I have an application which reads the log files of all the applicaiton and shows details in a web page.
Can the same be achieved on Windows Azure? I don't want to use the 'DiagnosticMonitor' API's. As I cannot change logging logic of application.
Even if technically this is possible, this is not advisable as the Fabric Controller can re-create any role at a whim (well - with good reasons, but unpredictable none-the-less) and so whenever this happens you will lose any files stored locally on a role.
So - primarily you should be looking for a different place to store those logs, and there are many options, but all require that you change the logging logic of the application.
You could do this, but aside from the issue Yossi pointed out (the log would be ephemeral; it could get deleted at any time), you'd have a different log file on each role instance (VM). That means when you hit your web page to view the log, you'd see whatever happened to be on the log on that particular VM, instead of what you presumably want (a roll-up of the log files across all VMs).
Windows Azure Diagnostics could help, since you can configure it to copy log files off to blob storage (so no need to change the logging). But honestly I find Diagnostics a bit cumbersome for this. It will end up creating a lot of different blobs, and you'll have to change the log viewer to read all those blobs and combine them.
I personally would suggest writing a separate piece of code that monitors the log file and, for each new line, stores the line as an entity (row) in table storage. This bit of code could be launched as a startup task and just run continuously as a separate process (leaving everything else unchanged). Then modify the log viewer to read the last n entities from table storage and display them.
(I'm assuming you can modify the log viewer even if you can't modify the apps that log to the file.)
What about writing logs to something like azure storage table? Just need to define unique ParitionKey/RowKey, then you can easily retrieve the log for the web page.
