Category name on post - laravel

On my posts page, I want to display the category name rather than the ID. I've tried searching and trying every solution I can find here but still struggling, so any help would be massively appreciated.
In my policy resource controller, I have:
public function show(Policy $policy)
return view('',compact('policy'));
In my Policy model, I've got.
public function category()
return $this->belongsTo(Category::class);
I've got cat_id in my policies table, and in my categories table, it is id and category_name. So, of course, I can show the category ID on the policy page by doing the following.
{{ $policy->cat_id }}
But I need to convert that into the category name. I know this is a basic question, but I've only recently started getting into Laravel. I have done a lot of searching, and none of the solutions seem to work for me.


How to search for all associations in a relationship tree in Laravel?

I'm having a problem. I have tables that relate:
I also have their respective models.
My doubt is:
How do I get all the data associated with users from the top of the tree (internal_clients)
I'm trying to follow the Laravel documentation using hasManyThrough.
However, in the documentation it explains only how to do it in a chain of three tables. They teach how to place an intermediate table (model) as the second parameter of the hasManyThrough method (BaseClasse::class, IntermediaryClass::class).
However, in my case that has several tables between users and internal_clients, how would I do this? What would be the intermediate table?
I would like to make a query that returns the user's internal_client, subsidiary, department and jobTitle (associated with users).
I'm trying to do it this way:
Model InternalClient
public function users()
return $this->hasManyThrough(User::class, InternalClient::class);
Controller UserController
public function allRelations($internalClientId)
$internalClient = InternalClient::find($internalClientId);
$users = $internalClient->users;
return response()->json($users, 201);
The InternalClient id arrives at the controller above.
When I access the route, the error below is returned:
In short: I would like to know if there is a way to get all the data (from all tables that are in this hierarchical tree) that are associated with the User.
I couldn't find an answer on the Stackoverflow PT-BR.
Thank you!

Laravel - why is a Model's relations not being loaded?

I have a Laravel 5.3 site and I think maybe I have some weird things going on due to some actions happening in API controllers and some happening in the regular controllers.
Or maybe an issue where at some times I am dealing with a Model, and sometimes with an Eloquent Collection.
The issue is, I am trying to retrieve relations on a Model and am getting null.
For instance, I have course Model that relates to week Model.
In course Model I get week items as
public function weeks()
return $this->hasMany(Week::class, 'course_id');
In backend, these relations get sent in this way:
All is good.
But when course item gets deleted and I try and take action in the week controller as
static::deleting(function($course) {
$course->weeks is null. At that time I see in the database that all is good and this course items does indeed have a week item related, but $course shows 0 relations.
So something odd is happening where $course->webinars is not grabbing the week items related.
Is there something that I am fundamentally doing wrong? Maybe it is because in the models I have these sorts of statements:
protected $table = 'Week';
Are these preventing the relations from being pulled? I always thought that is I had some function in a model that returns relations that those relations would always be available when I use syntax $course->weeks.
Thanks again,
You can simply setup migrations to automatically delete from weeks if you delete a course, provided you have foreign key relationship.
If you have a column course_id in weeks table then add this into your migration
I think you can use Observers. In your AppServiceProvider, first register the observer.
public function boot()
Now, add an Observer class.
class CourseObserver
public function deleting(Course $course)

How i can prevent duplicate name on the table using eloquent query in laravel

I am currently working on a desktop management application with laravel 5.6. According to the management rule a patient can have one or more consultations according to given dates. When I display the list of consultations, I have the same name that repeats, the name that repeats corresponds to the patient who had several consultations, my question of how to avoid this. What I want is the name, and all the dates for these consultations.
class Consultation extends Model
public function patient()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Patient');
class Patient extends Model
public function consultations()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Consultation');
Here is the query :
$consultations = Consultation::all();
The simplest (but not the prettiest) way to do this is to simply find all patients with consultations. Put those patients in an array, and then in your blade you would loop through these patients and show the consultations individually.
Controller Code:
$active_patients = [];
foreach(Patient::all() as $patient) {
Pass $active_patients to your view, then loop over it as shown below. Obviously, I don't know all of the attribute names for your Patient or Consultation models and you will need to fix html markup as required, but you can get the picture:
#foreach($active_patients as $patient)
#foreach($patient->consultations as $consultation)
Disclaimer: This is not the most robust way to do this. It's simply the most straightforward approach. The best way to do this is to use scoped queries combined with appended attributes. For instance, you would make a scope on the Patients model for all patients that have a consultation by using the 'whereHas' eloquent query method to find patients that have consultations scheduled. Then you could just reference them directly as ActivePatient rather than having to build an array each time you reference them. You could also append an attribute to the Consultations model that does the same thing and grabs each consultation for the specific users and makes a nested model collection, but that's much more involved. I'd be happy to share that method with you if you want, but the above code would at least provide you with a working method to achieve what you requested.

Laravel retrieving single related attribute

I have a laravel app that allows users to post posts. Each post has a price (stored as an integer), and belongs to a university, which in turn belongs to a country, which has a currency.
Every-time I retrieve the posts, I want to return the currency as well. I could do with('') but that would return all the details for both the university and country.
I could add a getCurrencyAttribute and define the logic there, but that seems not what mutators are for, especially since if I get all the posts, each post will further run two of its own queries just to get the currency. That's 3 queries to get one post, which quickly takes its toll when returning more than 10 posts.
public function getCurrencyAttribute() {
return $this->university->country->currency;
public function getPriceAttribute($value) {
return "{$this->currency}{$value}";
^ example above: no need for appends because price is automatically overwritten. This is the problem as seen on DebugBar (two new queries are being called on the Post model, which while expected, becomes inefficient when retrieving lots of posts):
What's the best way to get a single related field, every-time?
Full code on GitHub.
You can limit the eager loading columns:
If you always need it, add this to your Post model:
protected $appends = ['currency'];
protected $with = ['webometricUniversity:uni-id,country_id',
public function getCurrencyAttribute() {
return $this->webometricUniversity->country->currency;
Then you can just use Post::get() and $post->currency.

Pulling a value from related table in a controller

I'm using Yii2 framework for the first time, trying to implement it in a project.
I've got a dropdown list of customers where i'd like to also show customer's company next to customer's name.
Customer and Company tables are related. Here's what it looks like in a Customer model:
public function getCompany()
return $this->hasOne(Company::className(), ['id' => 'company_id']);
So now i'm forming a dropdown list containing customer's name, email, phone and company name. Name, email, and phone belong to one table, so there's no problem with pulling them together. Here's what it looks like in Customer model:
public function getfullInfo()
return $this->name.' '.$this->phone.' '.$this->email;
I don't really understand this framework's logic. How do I pull in Company's name in above code?
Thank you guys.
Here's the correct code:
public function getfullInfo()
return $this->name.' '.$this->phone.' '.$this->email.' '.$this->company['name'];
This was so easy and I've wasted so much time on this.
