Windows terminal, start two commands in tabs - windows-terminal

I'd like to create a script that starts two shell processes in two different tabs of Windows Terminal. There is a parameter called "new-tab" but I can't make it work at all.
Is it possible to create a single script that opens Windows Terminal and run two console applications in two different tabs?

By script, I hope you mean batch script, in which case try this:
wt.exe -w 1 nt PowerShell -c node "sample.js"
wt.exe -w 1 nt PowerShell -c npm test
To change the title of the tab use the --title argument.
wt.exe --title MyCoolTab
The full list of available command line arguments can be viewed here:


Executing a script in MSYS2/MinGW

On Windows, if I start c:\msys64\mingw64.exe, it opens a shell, where I can build my project, let's say by calling a release bash script (to simplify). Everything works fine.
Now, I would like to execute my release script on mingw64 directly, without interaction.
I tried:
c:\msys64\mingw64.exe /c/the/full/path/release
A window opens and closes, it does not work.
I attempted to use bash directly, but it seems the environment is not correctly set:
> c:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -c ls
/usr/bin/bash: ls: command not found
> c:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -c /bin/ls
... it works ...
So it is obvious that the environment is not the same as when execute c:\msys64\mingw64.exe then call ls.
How to execute my release script as if I were in the shell started by mingw64.exe?
To run a Bash shell script in MSYS2 without showing a window, you should right-click on your Desktop or somewhere else in Windows Explorer, select "New", select "Shortcut", and then enter something like this for the shortcut target:
C:\msys64\usr\bin\mintty.exe -w hide /bin/env MSYSTEM=MINGW64 /bin/bash -l /c/Users/rom1v/project/
Note that there are 4 paths in here. The path to mintty and are absolute paths that you will need to adjust. The paths to env and bash are relative to your MSYS2 installation directory. Note also that the first path must be a standard Windows path, since Windows expects that when it is running a shortcut.
It might seem odd to use MinTTY for a non-interactive script, but we need to use some program that was compiled for the Windows subsystem (-mwindows option to GCC), or else Windows will automatically start a new console when we run the program. We pass the -w hide option to MinTTY to tell it not to actually show a window. Everything after that option is interpreted by MinTTY as a command to run.
So MinTTY will run /bin/env from the MSYS2 distribution and pass the remainder of the arguments on to it. This is a handy utility that is actually a standard part of Linux as well as MSYS2. It sets the MSYSTEM environment variable to MINGW64 (which is important later) and then it runs /bin/bash with the remainder of the command-line arguments.
We pass -l to Bash so that it acts as a login script, and runs certain startup scripts. In particular, the /etc/profile script from MSYS2 is essential because it looks at the MSYSTEM environment variable, sees that it is MINGW64, and then sets a bunch of other environment variables (e.g. PATH) to give you the MinGW 64-bit shell environment.
Finally, we pass the name of your script as the main argument to bash, so it will run that script after running the initialization scripts.
Error handling
Note that if your Bash script has an error, you won't get any notification, because the shortcut above doesn't open any console windows. I personally would find that pretty annoying. I'd probably remove the -w hide option, then make a wrapper bash script that just does something like:
run_my_main_script || sleep 10000
So if the main script is successful, exit right away, otherwise keep the window open for 10000 seconds. You don't have to even put that wrapper script in its own file, you can just put it in the shortcut as the argument to Bash's -c option (don't forget to wrap it in double quotes).
Thanks to the answers from #David Grayson, I managed to call my release script with msys2/mingw from a Windows console (cmd), with additional directories (for Java and Meson) in $PATH:
c:\msys64\usr\bin\env MSYSTEM=MINGW64 c:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -l -c "PATH=\"/c/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.X_XXX/bin:/c/Program Files/Meson:$PATH\" /c/Users/rom1v/project/release"
add an supplement to the above: if u want to the output of shell script
-l, --log FILE|-
Copy all output into the specified log file, or standard output if a dash is given instead of a file name. (Implies -o Logging=yes.)
If FILE contains %d it will be substituted with the process ID. See description of equivalent option "Log file" (Log=) below for further formatting options and hints.
Note that logging can be toggled from the extended context menu.
Add A complete example:
C:\msys64\usr\bin\mintty.exe -w hide -l - c:\msys64\usr\bin\env MSYSTEM=MINGW64 c:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -l -c "PATH=\"$PATH\" /C/Users/Administrator/Desktop/myProject/Demo_C_C++/shell/textProcess/" | find /v "/v:Displays all lines that don't contain the specified"

How to open multiple ConEmu/CygWin Bash terminals at different directories

I have a Windows environment set up using ConEmu and CygWin64 and I frequently have to open up four different Windows directories and run a script there to launch a server.
In total I have these four things running in order to have a local version of our environment operating.
Like so;
So far I have just been manually opening new ConEmu/CygWin Bash tabs and navigating via command line to each directory I need then running the scripts. This is tedious though and I figure there must be a way to have ConEmu launch multiple CygWin Bash tabs in different, specific directories (and maybe even run a script in each directory) but I am at a loss as to how to accomplish this.
I considered trying to do this via a Windows batch script too but I couldn't figure out how to launch ConEmu/CygWin bash windows from a batch file. I'm thinking it's not possible.
I have followed the documentation for ConEmu Tasks but the docs for Task parameters and commands are still confusing me. I tried following the answer in this question as well with little success;
ConEmu: Open multiple Git Bash tabs on different locations
Anyway, here is how I have my current ConEmu CygWin Bash task set up, which works great when opening single tabs in my home directory (had to provide a link, I keep getting errors when trying to upload an image here);
ConEmu CygWin Bash Task config
Bash::CygWin bash
Task parameters
set CHERE_INVOKING=1 & %ConEmuDrive%\cygwin64\bin\sh.exe --
login -i -new_console:C:"%ConEmuDrive%\cygwin64\Cygwin.ico"
Is it actually possible with a ConEmu/CygWin64/CygWin Bash set up to accomplish what I want?
Tasks allow to run as many tabs/panes as you wish.
Docs explain how to run your shell in specific directory.
Ways to execute some command in bash shell on startup.
Example for two tabs with directories
set CHERE_INVOKING=1 & %ConEmuDrive%\cygwin64\bin\sh.exe -l -i -new_console:d:"C:\code\project1\private-api" -new_console:C:"%ConEmuDrive%\cygwin64\Cygwin.ico"
set CHERE_INVOKING=1 & %ConEmuDrive%\cygwin64\bin\sh.exe -l -i -new_console:d:"C:\code\project2\public-api" -new_console:C:"%ConEmuDrive%\cygwin64\Cygwin.ico"
I know nothing about ConEmu, but you should be able to run a shell script like:
mintty --dir /c/code/project1 --exec ./task1 &
mintty --dir /c/code/project2 --exec ./task2 &
mintty --exec /c/code/project1/task1 &
mintty --exec /c/code/project2/task2 &

AppleOS Terminal to MS Command Prompt translation

How do I translate the Terminal command -o filename.txt -t tag filename.pdf
for the Command Prompt on a Windows machine?
The commands are arguments passed to the script and they depend on the code inside the file, not on any terminal/command prompt constraints. So, the code remains exactly the same

Suppress command window when running console application on Windows

Is there a way to suppress showing the command window when running a console application on Windows XP?
Details: I am calling a (console-based) program from Vim. I would like to avoid the command window being shown every time I do this.
Try start /B <program name> to start the program without a new window.
Did you try shell.vim?
The xolox#shell#execute() function
This function enables other Vim
plug-ins to execute external commands
in the background (i.e.
asynchronously) without opening a
command prompt window on Windows.
i can't believe no one has suggested simply using :silent
for example, I have the following in my .vimrc (gvim on Win7)
"open windows explorer to the directory of the current file
:map <leader>ex :silent !Explorer %:p:h<CR>
When I didn’t want to see the output of external commands called from the Vim command line, I would prepend them with :silent. However, this results in a command window momentarily flashing on screen when running GVim under MS Windows. After a short while, I got annoyed by this behaviour so I researched alternative solutions (which is how I came across this question).
The best solution I came up with was to use Vim’s inbuilt system function which runs shell commands without opening an external command window. While the output of the shell command is not printed, its exit status is conveniently available via v:shell_error. It also has the advantage that it’s portable across (all) platforms.
Example (the echo statement should print 0 if C:\Windows exists):
call system("dir c:\windows")
echo v:shell_error
You could maybe use some autohotkey script of this kind:
Loop {
WinWait, my command window title
I was trying to use git-bash as my shell from vim on Windows but having the command prompt open whenever a command was run, as you described. My eventual solution was to install the plugin xolox/vim-shell and add the following snippet to .vimrc:
if has('win32')
set shell=bash\ -c
set shellcmdflag=
set shellxquote='
set shellquote=
set shellredir=>
set noshelltemp "This prevents an external window from opening.
This utility will also do the job:

Linux equivalent of the DOS "start" command?

I'm writing a ksh script and I have to run a executable at a separate Command Prompt window.
xdg-open is a similar command line app in linux.
see for details on its use.
I believe you mean something like xterm -e &
Don't forget the final &
maybe it´s not a seperate window that gets started, but you can run some executables in background using "&"
./myexecutable &
means your script will not wait until myexecutable has finished but goes on immediately. maybe this is what you are looking for.
xdg-open is a good equivalent for the MS windows commandline start command:
xdg-open file
opens that file or url with its default application
xdg-open .
opens the currect folder in the default file manager
One of the most useful terminal session programs is screen.
screen -dmS title executable
You can list all your screen sessions by running
screen -ls
And you can connect to your created screen session (also allowing multiple simultaneous/synchronized sessions) by running
screen -x title
This will open up the emulated terminal in the current window where executable is running. You can detach a screen session by pressing C-a C-d, and can reattach as many times as you wish.
If you really want your program started in a new terminal window, you could do something like this:
xterm yourtextmodeprogram
gnome-terminal -e yourtextmodeprogram
konsole -e mc
Trouble is that you cannot count on a particular terminal emulator being installed, so (again: if you really want to do this) you would need to look for the common ones and then execute the first one encountered.
As Joachim mentioned: The normal way to do this is to background the command (read about shell job control somewhere, if you want to dig deeper).
There are also cases where you want to start a persistent shell, i.e. a shell session which lives on when you close the terminal window. There are two ways to do this:
batch-oriented: nohup command-to-run &
interactive: screen
if you want a new windows, just start a new instance of your terminal application: in kde it's
konsole -e whatever
i'm sure the Gnome terminal has similar options
Some have recommended starting it in the background with &, but beware that that will still send all console output from the application you launch to the terminal you launched it from. Additionally, if you close the initial terminal the program you loaded will end.
If you're using a desktop environment like KDE or GNOME, I'd check the alt+f2 launching apps (gnome-open is the one for GNOME, I don't know the name of the KDE app) and see if you can pass them the command to launch as an argument.
Also, if your intention is to launch a daemon, you should check the nohup documentation.
I used nohup as the following command and it works:
nohup <your command> &
then press enter and enter!
don't forget the last &
for example, I ran a python code listening to port 5000:
nohup python3 -W ignore &
then I made sure of running by netstat -tulnp | grep :5000 and it was ok.
