How to compressed file in Minio (Spring, Docker) - spring

I have a Spring project that runs in Docker, back, web are launched through the docker-compose file, minio is also there, I don't know how to set up compression, I tried all the different options, it doesn't work. Please help)
This is my Docker-compose file
MINIO_SECRET_KEY: miniominio
or it might be worth placing compression in the application.propert.yml

The easiest way is to remove the env vars and enable it through the configuration through mc. If your cluster is set up as myminio in mc:
mc admin config set myminio compression enable=on allow_encryption=off extensions= mime_types=
The configuration will be stored on your cluster. Note that if you have encryption enabled, you need to enable this separately as well.
Compression is fully transparent, so it requires manual inspection of backend files to see if it is correctly applied.


Can we have more than one installation of Rundeck in a Linux server?

I have one installation of Rundeck in a Linux server and it is up & running on port 4440. But I want to have one more installation of it and expecting it to run on other port. Is it possible? This question may look weird but I want to have additional setup of Rundeck due to personal reasons.
Eagerly looking for help. Thanks in advance.
You can test your "Personal instance" with a docker container without touch the "real instance" (or use two docker containers if you want), in both cases, you need to specify different ports (for example 4440 for "real" instance/container and 5550 to "test" container).
Here you have the official docker image, here about how to run, check the "Environment variables" section to specify the TCP port of each container (also, you have a lot of params to test).
And here you have a lot of configurations to test (LDAP, DB backends, etc..).
If you use Rundeck with Docker you must change the
He is responsible of configuration overwrite at each container creation, so all your configuration updates are lost.
Doing this also avoid to have clear configuration params i' your docker-compose file...
The steps are :
create docker-compose file as mentioned on Rundeck Docker hub
map volumes on your host so you can save rundeck's files and directory
stop your container
comment config overwrite in
restart your container
You can then update rundeck's config on the fly and just restart rundeck container to see the changes...

spring cloud config properties from both local filesystem and git repo

I am using spring cloud config server to host a centralized location for all the property files configurations to be used in the project.
I tried using the config files from a local file system using below and it works fine:${HOME}/Documents/test-config/cloud-config-properties/
I also used the git repo using:
I would like to try using a combination of this in my project.
Example - for dev/test profile - i would like to use from local filesystem and for the production - I would like to use Git repository.
I enabled both the git uri and native profiles in my in config server application. But the properties are always picked up from the local file system. Is this possible?
Not supported out of the box, however there is a workaround for this. You can define the basedir for the configuration server, which is where it saves the files it fetches from the remote server, by setting the property (in the config server):<your_dir>
If you are working with docker, you can map this directory to the host filesystem.
Now whatever file you put in there will be picked up by configuration-server if it matches any of the application/profile in the request. For example you could put a file there called, and have all your clients use dynamic as the last profile, for example,dynamic
This way everything you will put in will override whatever is defined in your config repo.
One thing to notice though is that you need to add the file only after configuartion server starts, because it deletes this folder during startup.
Needles to say, it's not a good practice doing this in production (for example a restart will cause the file to be deleted), but for test/dev this is the best option.

How to specify docker image path on command line without editing configuration setting?

I have my docker container images in different directories. And I would like to specify the path of the directory in the docker -run command. There is a method to change this path by editing the '-g' option in the configuration file, but it requires to restart the docker deamon. Is there any way to specify the docker image path in the docker-run command itself?
Docker must have the knowledge of not just your image physical location, but its complete tree. because docker image is made up of layers, where each layer is built with one Dockerfile command.
Hence, you should let docker register / know all the images from the directory where the images are present. Moreover, if you have physically copied these images from another machine, they would not work unless they are registered / tagged within Docker engine.
The short answer to your question is NO, it is not possible.
Docker engine itself should manage the images, you could do all what docker engine is doing by changing all the configuration files it maintains internally, because all of them are plain text. But it is definitely not worth your time, and you are better off with docker managing the images itself.

Location of hue.ini to set share_jobs in CDH 4.7

I'm attempting to set the share_jobs setting described HERE to false.
The documentation HERE says to visit http://myserver:port/dump_config to find the location of the HUE config. For me it gives /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/73-hue-HUE_SERVER/.
As you may guess from it being in /var/run/ the directory is recreated every time on boot so changes to the hue.ini are not saved and do not seem to affect the config listed at http://myserver:port/dump_config.
I ran find / -name hue.ini to see if there was another hue.ini to change. It returned:
I've changed the config in each of these files to no avail. Where exactly is the hue.ini that I need to change?
I've also been looking around the Cloudera Manager for the jobbrowser section in the configuration but I have not been able to find it.
hue.ini file inside the server configuration directory (/var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/73-hue-HUE_SERVER/) should be modified that too not directly, should use CM instead. Location of the configuration directory will be changed during restart or applying new configurations.
Usually important service configurations will be listed in the cloudera manager configuration section. Configuration properties which are unimportant or new may not be listed, in that case these properties are supplied in the safety_val sections.
Go to CM Hue service configuration section search for hue_safety_valve_server.ini, then add the following
Save and restart. Now if you go and check the /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/XXX-hue-HUE_SERVER/hue.ini file you can see the change. What ever contents you are giving in safety_val will get appended to hue.ini file.

how do I change the location of the httpd.conf for Apache on windows?

I am working on setting up a load balancing cluster on windows server 2012 and have a shared drive where I want the configuration files for Apache to exist at. This way each member of the LB can load the exact same config files. How do I change where the config file is located independently of where the ServerRoot is?
Start the Apache process with the -d parameter and give your alternative ServerRoot as an argument, though I'd imagine it would be a much better idea for you to use some mechanism to sync the files locally to each server.
Also read, as it's advised if you're running from a networked file system.
If you just want to specify the main config file, start the process with the -f parameter and the path to the config file as an argument.
