need more info on dolphindb's snapshot engine - snapshot

I'm trying to monitor the latest data for each stock using dolphindb. But the data is not sorted in order. I'm wondering whether the snapshot engine can be used under this circumstance?
I just learned some basic examples from the tutorials. Could you please illustrate the prerequisites and limitations of the snapshot engine in detail?

DolphinDB provides the snapshot engine for the dfs tables. The engine saves snapshots of the latest data for each group upon data importing. When querying the latest records, DolphinDB only needs to retrieve the snapshots instead of the whole tables. Therefore, the engine's optimal performance is not affected by the number of records in a table. Note that the engine is only supported in standalone mode.
It is recommended to use the snapshot engine if the following conditions are met:
you want to quickly query the latest records for each stock;
the data is organized in chronological order;
the system has sufficient memory left.
However, it is not appropriate to use the engine if the data cannot be sorted in chronological order. Otherwise, the acquired data may not be the latest.
The snapshot engine saves the snapshots for each group, so it will occupy more memory with a great number of data groups. It is not recommended to use the engine if memory is limited.


Is Elasticsearch optimized for inserts?

I develop for a relatively large online store with a PHP backend, and it uses elasticsearch for some things (like text search, logging... etc).
Now, I'd like to start storing all kinds of information about user activity in ES. For instance, every page view (for instance: user enter product page/category page ,etc).
Is ES optimized for such a heavy load of continuous inserts, or should I consider some alternatives, like for instance having some sort of a buffer layer where I store all of my immediate inserts in memory, and then every minute or so, insert them into ES in bulk?
What is the industry standard? Or am I worrying in vain and ES is optimized for that?
Elasticsearch, when properly sized to handle your load, is definitely a valid alternative for such a use case.
You might decide, however, to store that streaming data into another cluster which is different from your production cluster, so as to not impact the health of the production cluster too much.
There are a lot variables to arrive at the correct decision, and we don't have enough information here, but it's definitely a valid way.

ETL + sync data between with Redshift and Dynamodb

I need to aggregate data coming from DynamoDB to AWS Redshift, and I need to be accurate and in-sync. For the ETL I'm planning to use DynamoDB Streams, Lambda transform, Kinesis Firehorse to, finally, Redshift.
How would be the process for updated data? I find it's all fine-tuned just for ETL. Which should be the best option to maintain both (Dynamo and Redshift) in sync?
These are my current options:
Trigger an "UPDATE" command direct from Lambda to Redshift (blocking).
Aggregate all update/delete records and process them on an hourly basis "somehow".
Any experience with this? Maybe is Redshift not the best solution? I need to extract aggregated data for reporting / dashboarding on 2 TB of data.
Redshift COPY command supports using a DyanmoDB table as a data source. This may or may not be a possible solution in your case as there are some limitations to this process. Data types and table naming differences can trip you up. Also this isn't a great option for incremental updates but can be done if the amount of data is small and you can design the updating SQL.
Another route to look at DynamoDB Stream. This will route data updates through Kinesis and this can be used to update Redshift at a reasonable rate. This can help keep data synced between these databases. This will likely make the data available for Redshift as quickly as possible.
Remember that you are not going to get Redshift to match on a moment by moment bases. Is this what you mean by "in-sync"? These are very different databases with very different use cases and architectures to support these use cases. Redshift works in big chunks of data changing slower than what typically happens in DynamoDB. There will be updating of Redshift in "chunks" which happen a more infrequent rate than on DynamoDB. I've made systems to bring this down to 5min intervals but 10-15min update intervals is where most end up when trying to keep a warehouse in sync.
The other option is to update Redshift infrequently (hourly?) and use federated queries to combine "recent" data with "older data" stored in Redshift. This is a more complicated solution and will likely mean changes to your data model to support but doable. So only go here if you really need to query very recent data right along side with older and bigger data.
The best-suited answer is to use a Staging table with an UPSERT operation (or a Redshift interpretation of it).
I found the answer valid on my use case when:
Keep Redshift as up to date as possible without causing blocking.
Be able to work with complex DynamoDB schemas so they can't be used as a source directly and data has to be transformed to adapt to Redshift DDL.
This is the architecture:
So we constantly load from Kinesis using the same COPY mechanism, but instead of loading directly to the final table, we use a staging one. Once the batch is loaded into staging we seek for duplicates between the two tables. Those duplicates on the final table will be DELETED before an INSERT is performed.
After trying this I've found that all DELETE operations on the same batch perform better if enclosed within a unique transaction. Also, a VACUUM operation is needed in order to re-balance the new load.
For further detail on the UPSERT operation, I've found this source very useful.

Using ElasticSearch as a permanent storage

Recently I am working on a project which is producing a huge amount of data every day, in this project, there are two functionalities, one is storing data into Hbase for future analysis, and second one is pushing data into ElasticSearch for monitoring.
As the data is huge, we should store data into two platforms(Hbase,Elasticsearch)!
I have no experience in both of them. I want no know is it possible to use elasticsearch instead of hbase as a persistence storage for future analytics?
I recommend you reading this old but still valid article :
Keep in mind, Elasticsearch is only a search engine. But it depends if your data are critical or if you can accept to lose some of them like non critical logs.
If you don't want to use an additionnal database with huge large data, you probably can store them into files in something like HDFS.
You should also check Phoenix which may provide the monitoring features that you are looking for

How to dynamically expand segments in Greenplum DBMS

For now, the only way I know to expand segments/hosts in greenplum is to use gpexpand utility. However, gpexpand stops the master server for quite a while(as I know) in the early expansion, and lock the table which is currently redistributing. I just want to know if there is any way that greenplum can work normally(no stop , no lock tables) when expand segments/hosts.Tks!
No, Greenplum must stop during the expansion phase but after it adds more nodes/segments, the redistribution of data can be done while users are active in the database.
Alternatively, Pivotal HDB (based on Apache HAWQ) does have dynamic virtual segments that you can even control at the query level. The optimizer controls how many segments are used for a query based on the cost of the query but you can also provide more segments to really leverage the resources available in the cluster.

Storing and processing timeseries with Hadoop

I would like to store a large amount of timeseries from devices. Also these timeseries have to be validated, can be modified by an operator and have to be exported to other systems. Holes in the timeseries must be found. Timeseries must be shown in the UI filtered by serialnumber and date range.
We have thought about using hadoop, hbase, opentsdb and spark for this scenario.
What do you think about it? Can Spark connect to opentsdb easily?
OpenTSDB is really great for storing large amount of time series data. Internally, it is underpinned by HBase - which means that it had to find a way around HBase's limitations in order to perform well. As a result, the representation of time series is highly optimized and not easy to decode. AFAIK, there is no out-of-the-box connector that would allow to fetch data from OpenTSDB into Spark.
The following GitHub project might provide you with some guidance:
Achak1987's connector
If you are looking for libs that would help you with time series, have a look at spark-ts - it contains useful functions for missing data imputation as well.
Warp 10 offers the WarpScript language which can be used from Spark/Pig/Flink to manipulate time series and access data stored in Warp 10 via a Warp10InputFormat.
Warp 10 is Open Source and available at
Disclaimer: I'm CTO of Cityzen Data, maker of Warp 10.
Take a look at Axibase Time Series Database which has a rather unique versioning feature to maintain a history of value changes for the same timestamp. Once enabled with per-metric granularity, the database keeps track of source, status and times of value modifications for audit trail or data reconciliation.
We have customers streaming data from Spark apps using Network API, typically once data is enriched with additional metadata (aks series tags) for downstream reporting.
You can query data from ATSD with REST API or SQL.
Disclaimer: I work for Axibase.
