How to request list of apps contained within the Managed Play Store Collections using Android Management API - android-management-api

In regards to the Android Management API and the managed Google Playstore, is there a GET request to retrieve all of the applications within a collection?
For example, if I have these three applications added to the My Work App collection within the managed Google Play iFrame, is there a GET request to access the applications within this collection? If there is another way to retrieve the collection data please advise.

Currently, there is no way to retrieve all the applications in your app collection. If it is possible for you to share your use case, it may be helpful in finding a solution to your problem.


How are collections used in the Android Management API - Managed Play Store?

Within the Android Management API - Managed Play Store, there are collections which can contain specific applications. How are these collections supposed to be used? I felt like the documentation was lacking in this area. I am trying to figure out how these collections work in comparison to putting applications into a policy. With a managed device, is it expected that these collections show up in the device's Play Store?
The Organize apps page lets IT admins organize apps into collections (also called clusters). For example, an IT admin can create an Essentials collection for frequently used apps or an Expenses collection for apps related to tracking expenses, logging travel, etc. Collections are displayed in the Play Store homepage on user's devices.
On user's devices, the Play Store app only displays apps from a collection that are available for the user (or device), which means that if an app is not included in your policy, it will not appear on the user’s device
To integrate IFrame into your console please check this (documentation)[]
I try to explain it better:
Firstly, set your playstoremode to WHITELIST
Then, in your policy include all the apps as AVAILABLE or FORCE_INSTALLED which you selected in your cluster (collections)

Is there a API for developres for register cast apps?

Hello there i'm in a situation where i need to register a lot of new cast apps and i'm wondering if there is any API to do this task instead of doing it manually one by one on the SDK Developer Console as the docs suggest. I already created one Cast app that is working correctly so i'm familiarized with this console. But i haven't been able to find any documentation regarding some API to make this proccess more automated.
We do not have bulk registrations.

Advantages of using APIs wrapped with .NET in Xamarin

Around a year ago I made an iOS application that finds restaurants near your location of any type and displays information about them. I made a web service call using the FourSquare api to get all the data which was returned in json format and then I parsed it and displayed the information on the UI of the app. Now I want to make an android application using Xamarin.Android since I am learning working with Xamarin studios and C#. When I make a Xamarin.Android application and go to packages then add packages I see there is a Foursquare api package that has a .NET wrapper around it. Here is the website url:
So my question is how does this work? Does adding this package mean I don't have to make a web serivce call anymore, instead all the data is stored inside this package and I just have to get all the data the same way I get information from a local database? What are the advantages of using this package instead of just making a web service call to Foursquare?
Think of it this way:
This Foursquare API is simply a .NET wrapper of the web service that you want to use. Thus, somebody has gone ahead and done all of the hard work for you so you can simply consume the returned data in your applications.
What does this mean for you?
Well it means that you don't have to write any REST consumption code and you can focus more on the actual application and any business logic that you need to implement based on the Foursquare objects.
To not confuse any further, this data would come the same way as if you wrote your own web service to access the data from the Foursquare API endpoint.
Already written for you
You don't need to know your way around their REST API
Usually follows best practices per language so it's easy to consume (Objects created, methods, etc)
REST endpoint might be updated and not reflect in the package until it's updated
Any bugs/issues in the framework can be hard to workaround if the project is not open source
Could be a lack of documentation on how to use the wrapper

Use Application Insights to view all REST API requests per user

We are developing a WebApi2 application. Users can use the REST API using their specific API key. I am investigating how to setup Application Insights to be able to see the usage of the REST API endpoints per user.
I have been experimenting with using telemetryclient.TrackPageview(endpoint-ID) and telemetryclient.TrackEvent(endpoint-ID), but I am not sure if this is the right way to go. And how should I pass the user-ID (API-key) in the tracking call? As telemetryclient.Context.User.Id? Or using properties or some other way? I would like to be able to use the user-ID to aggregate/segment the pageviews/events that were registered for that particular user. Any ideas are welcome!
I'd suggest using the built in properties, like whenever possible, and then custom properties after that.
Currently in the portal, from the search view you can then find an item for any user, then use the "related items" to view "all telemetry for this user" to see all of the items.
Then can use the App Analytics portal to do queries (click the "analytics" button toolbar in the overview blade for your resource azure portal to go to the AA site for that resource), and that service lets you write much richer queries.
in those queries, it's easiest to group/filter on the "built in" properties, for custom properties you have to write a little bit more complicated queries to parse the values out of custom code.

Is it possible to submit custom info to Google Places API?

I'd like to be able to add custom info about a place (specifically restaurants) through the API so that this can be queried later down the line by my app. i.e. display this custom info on the ShowInfoWindow. Is this currently possible?
If not what would be the best way of doing this? Seen as I'm already hooked up to Google App Engine/Console, would it be sensible to create a custom database here that I can query for my own custom info as well as the places API for other info?
The Google Places API doesn't provide any way to upload custom fields for places.
So yes, I'd recommend making your own database. Store your custom data for the Places API results keyed by Place IDs to make it easy to fetch your info for any Places API result.
Yes you can add request using HTTP POST request.
Check this link
