How to add a subfolder in QtCreator project? - qt-creator

I had create a python project in QtCreator,the problem is I don't to how to add a subfolder in Qt project?
The assets is a folder that I want to add

In your .pro file, you can add OTHER_FILES *= yourFolder/* It will add an entry in your project view on the left and index them to be able to use them easily (ctrl+k, ctrl+f etc.)


Show Images from another Project in Xamarin forms

I want to display the photos in the folder "Images" directly on a
Image object (In AdProject). But this folder is in another project in my solution(In AdWebApi).
Does anyone know how I can do this?
In the Microsoft documentation, it says that it can be done this way:
MyImage.Source = ImageSource.FromResource("AdWebApi.Images.filename.png", typeof(...)?.GetType().Assembly);
Images Location
But as you can see, the image folder in another project is in the same solution. How can I display images from it?
How can I get the project's (AdWebApi) Assembly ?
It may not be a logical question, but it's for my information only
From this article Images embedded in other projects, I create two project in one solution, one is imageapp, another is mediasample.
I add one image in imageapp.Images folder, set to Build Action: EmbeddedResource. then building this project.
Finally, right-click another project mediasample Dependencies, choose Add Project Reference.... , choose imageapp dll.
now you can get image from other project.
image1.Source = ImageSource.FromResource("imageapp.Images.waterfront.jpg", typeof(imageapp.MainPage).GetTypeInfo().Assembly);
If you add WebAPi in project, right-click another project mediasample Dependencies, choose Add Project Reference.... , click Browse, add System.Web dll by
C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework.NETFramework\v4.6.1

Include a file in a Xamarin project

Here I decided to train on Xamarin. I am currently a tutorial. My problem is that when I try to add a ContentPage I only have the class file that is included in the project. If I display all the files of the project I see my view but can not include it in the project. I put you a screenshot below.
So if anyone has an idea of ​​where the problem may come from or a method to import my file I am a taker.
Thank you in advance.
Stop your project before trying to include something on it with the Visual Studio interface.
Otherwise edit the .csproj manually, which is located on the root folder of your project and put the path to your new file manually like it's made on the others. You won't see the .csproj file with Visual Studio so use another editor instead.
See this link for more details about importing it manually
Don't include .xaml and .xaml.cs files manually/separately, use the Add new class context menu instead (right click on Views folder) and select the kind of class you're interested in. The .csproj will automatically link the 2 created files like this :
<Compile Include="Views\MainPage.xaml.cs">
Your .csproj seems to be confused now, I suggest you don't try to edit it manually (for now), delete all CounterPage.* and start over.

Create a template for iPhone projects in XCode?

How do I create another project template in XCode? I want to make another one which will include all of my libraries and have the correct headers and frameworks added.
Try this ars technica post. The general idea is that you set up a project the way you like, then copy it into Xcode's templates folder in ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/.

Xcode - change project templates

So I can add new templates for single files, but I want Xcode to uses these files when setting up the new project (most noticeably the Controller and Delegate .h and .m files). How do I do that?
In addition to the templates for individual classes that you found, there are also templates for the various project types. If you just want to replace a single class file that is already being added in the projects you can just replace the file in each of the project template files (as long as the names are the same). You will need to copy the template files into each project template that you want to change it in. The other option is to make your own project templates with whatever default files you want.

How to add js file to my xcode project?

I add some js and css files in my xcode left project tree. but when I build this project , I got the warning : no rule to process file '$(PROJECT_DIR)/js/builder.js' of type sourcecode.javascript for architecture i386
I think if I lost some setting with my project in xcode , but How to add some like js and css files? Thank you very much!
When you add the JavaScript file, Xcode detects that the file is a source code file, assumes you want to compile it and automatically adds it to the Compile Sources build phase.
To stop Xcode trying to compile it and make it copy the file instead, expand your target in the Groups and Files list, remove the JavaScript file from the Compile Sources build phase and add it to the Copy Bundle Resources build phase.
For Xcode 4, click on the main project, click on Build Phases. Open up Compile Sources and Copy Bundle Resources then you can then simply drag the files from one to the other.
I got the same problem and I could solve this problem with simple technique in Xcode5. when you add/drag your HTML files into Xcode bundle you need add them by grouping as 2 types
you need to add these two files only.
assets folder contains all HTML files like images,.js, content,css. All HTML files should be
included in assets folder. what I mean is you need to group all HTML files in assets folder as a single folder.
Then you drag that particular folder which contains ASSETS and INDEX.HTML files into Xcode bundle.
Then do some changes in your controller declaration and implementation sections. That's it you can run your application in simulator now.If any one have not understood my answer please let me know I will add clear information with screen shots.
I hope it will help some one..Thank you!
If anyone have any doubts still let me know i'll explain step by step
