Appending the title property of a variable to this string? [duplicate] - windows

I have the following code:
$DatabaseSettings = #();
$NewDatabaseSetting = "" | select DatabaseName, DataFile, LogFile, LiveBackupPath;
$NewDatabaseSetting.DatabaseName = "LiveEmployees_PD";
$NewDatabaseSetting.DataFile = "LiveEmployees_PD_Data";
$NewDatabaseSetting.LogFile = "LiveEmployees_PD_Log";
$NewDatabaseSetting.LiveBackupPath = '\\LiveServer\LiveEmployeesBackups';
$DatabaseSettings += $NewDatabaseSetting;
When I try to use one of the properties in a string execute command:
& "$SQlBackupExePath\SQLBackupC.exe" -I $InstanceName -SQL `
"RESTORE DATABASE $DatabaseSettings[0].DatabaseName FROM DISK = '$tempPath\$LatestFullBackupFile' WITH NORECOVERY, REPLACE, MOVE '$DataFileName' TO '$DataFilegroupFolder\$DataFileName.mdf', MOVE '$LogFileName' TO '$LogFilegroupFolder\$LogFileName.ldf'"
It tries to just use the value of $DatabaseSettings rather than the value of $DatabaseSettings[0].DatabaseName, which is not valid.
My workaround is to have it copied into a new variable.
How can I access the object's property directly in a double-quoted string?

When you enclose a variable name in a double-quoted string it will be replaced by that variable's value:
$foo = 2
If you don't want that you have to use single quotes:
$foo = 2
However, if you want to access properties, or use indexes on variables in a double-quoted string, you have to enclose that subexpression in $():
$foo = 1,2,3
"$foo[1]" # yields "1 2 3[1]"
"$($foo[1])" # yields "2"
$bar = "abc"
"$bar.Length" # yields "abc.Length"
"$($bar.Length)" # yields "3"
PowerShell only expands variables in those cases, nothing more. To force evaluation of more complex expressions, including indexes, properties or even complete calculations, you have to enclose those in the subexpression operator $( ) which causes the expression inside to be evaluated and embedded in the string.

#Joey has the correct answer, but just to add a bit more as to why you need to force the evaluation with $():
Your example code contains an ambiguity that points to why the makers of PowerShell may have chosen to limit expansion to mere variable references and not support access to properties as well (as an aside: string expansion is done by calling the ToString() method on the object, which can explain some "odd" results).
Your example contained at the very end of the command line:
If properties of objects were expanded by default, the above would resolve to
since the object referenced by $LogFileName would not have a property called ldf, $null (or an empty string) would be substituted for the variable.

Documentation note: Get-Help about_Quoting_Rules covers string interpolation, but, as of PSv5, not in-depth.
To complement Joey's helpful answer with a pragmatic summary of PowerShell's string expansion (string interpolation in double-quoted strings ("...", a.k.a. expandable strings), including in double-quoted here-strings):
Only references such as $foo, $global:foo (or $script:foo, ...) and $env:PATH (environment variables) can directly be embedded in a "..." string - that is, only the variable reference itself, as a whole is expanded, irrespective of what follows.
E.g., "$" expands to something like C:\Users\, because the .foo part was interpreted literally - not as a property access.
To disambiguate a variable name from subsequent characters in the string, enclose it in { and }; e.g., ${foo}.
This is especially important if the variable name is followed by a :, as PowerShell would otherwise consider everything between the $ and the : a scope specifier, typically causing the interpolation to fail; e.g., "$HOME: where the heart is." breaks, but "${HOME}: where the heart is." works as intended.
(Alternatively, `-escape the :: "$HOME`: where the heart is.", but that only works if the character following the variable name wouldn't then accidentally form an escape sequence with a preceding `, such as `b - see the conceptual about_Special_Characters help topic).
To treat a $ or a " as a literal, prefix it with escape char. ` (a backtick); e.g.:
"`$HOME's value: $HOME"
For anything else, including using array subscripts and accessing an object variable's properties, you must enclose the expression in $(...), the subexpression operator (e.g., "PS version: $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion)" or "1st el.: $($someArray[0])")
Using $(...) even allows you to embed the output from entire commands in double-quoted strings (e.g., "Today is $((Get-Date).ToString('d')).").
Interpolation results don't necessarily look the same as the default output format (what you'd see if you printed the variable / subexpression directly to the console, for instance, which involves the default formatter; see Get-Help about_format.ps1xml):
Collections, including arrays, are converted to strings by placing a single space between the string representations of the elements (by default; a different separator can be specified by setting preference variable $OFS, though that is rarely seen in practice) E.g., "array: $(#(1, 2, 3))" yields array: 1 2 3
Instances of any other type (including elements of collections that aren't themselves collections) are stringified by either calling the IFormattable.ToString() method with the invariant culture, if the instance's type supports the IFormattable interface[1], or by calling .psobject.ToString(), which in most cases simply invokes the underlying .NET type's .ToString() method[2], which may or may not give a meaningful representation: unless a (non-primitive) type has specifically overridden the .ToString() method, all you'll get is the full type name (e.g., "hashtable: $(#{ key = 'value' })" yields hashtable: System.Collections.Hashtable).
To get the same output as in the console, use a subexpression in which you pipe to Out-String and apply .Trim() to remove any leading and trailing empty lines, if desired; e.g.,
"hashtable:`n$((#{ key = 'value' } | Out-String).Trim())" yields:
Name Value
---- -----
key value
[1] This perhaps surprising behavior means that, for types that support culture-sensitive representations, $obj.ToString() yields a current-culture-appropriate representation, whereas "$obj" (string interpolation) always results in a culture-invariant representation - see this answer.
[2] Notable overrides:
• The previously discussed stringification of collections (space-separated list of elements rather than something like System.Object[]).
• The hashtable-like representation of [pscustomobject] instances (explained here) rather than the empty string.

#Joey has a good answer. There is another way with a more .NET look with a String.Format equivalent, I prefer it when accessing properties on objects:
Things about a car:
$properties = #{ 'color'='red'; 'type'='sedan'; 'package'='fully loaded'; }
Create an object:
$car = New-Object -typename psobject -Property $properties
Interpolate a string:
"The {0} car is a nice {1} that is {2}" -f $car.color, $car.type, $car.package
# The red car is a nice sedan that is fully loaded

If you want to use properties within quotes follow as below. You have to use $ outside of the bracket to print property.
$uninstall= Get-WmiObject -ClassName Win32_Product |
Where-Object {$_.Name -like "Google Chrome"
IdentifyingNumber : {57CF5E58-9311-303D-9241-8CB73E340963}
Name : Google Chrome
Vendor : Google LLC
Version : 95.0.4638.54
Caption : Google Chrome
If you want only name property then do as below:
"$($ Found and triggered uninstall"
Google Chrome Found and triggered uninstall


Regexp.escape adds weird escapes to a plain space

I stumbled over this problem using the following simplified example:
line = searchstring.dup
line.gsub!(Regexp.escape(searchstring)) { '' }
My understanding was, that for every String stored in searchstring, the gsub! would cause that line is afterwards empty. Indeed, this is the case for many strings, but not for this case:
searchstring = "D "
line = searchstring.dup
line.gsub!(Regexp.escape(searchstring)) { '' }
p line
It turns out, that line is printed as "D " afterwards, i.e. no replacement had been performed.
This happens to any searchstring containing a space. Indeed, if I do a
for my example, I see "D\\ " being printed, while I would expect to get "D " instead. Is this a bug in the Ruby core library, or did I misuse the escape function?
Some background: In my concrete application, where this simplified example is derived from, I just want to do a literal string replacement inside a long string, in the following way:
|from, to|
line.gsub!(Regexp.escape(from)) { to }
. I'm using Regexp.escape just as a safety measure in the case that the string being replaced contains some regex metacharacter.
I'm using the Cygwin port of MRI Ruby 2.6.4.
line.gsub!(Regexp.escape(searchstring)) { '' }
My understanding was, that for every String stored in searchstring, the gsub! would cause that line is afterwards empty.
Your understanding is incorrect. The guarantee in the docs is
For any string, will be true.
This does hold for your example"D "))=~"D " # => 0
therefore this is what your code should look like
line.gsub!( { '' }
As for why this is the case, there used to be a bug where Regex.escape would incorrectly handle space characters:
# in Ruby 1.8.4
Regex.escape("D ") # => "D\\s"
My guess is they tried to keep the fix as simple as possible by replacing 's' with ' '. Technically this does add an unnecessary escape character but, again, that does not break the intended use of the method.
This happens to any searchstring containing a space. Indeed, if I do a
for my example, I see "D\\ " being printed, while I would expect to get "D " instead. Is this a bug in the Ruby core library, or did I misuse the escape function?
This looks to be a bug. In my opinion, whitespace is not a Regexp meta character, there is no need to escape it.
Some background: In my concrete application, where this simplified example is derived from, I just want to do a literal string replacement inside a long string […]
If you want to do literal string replacement, then don't use a Regexp. Just use a literal string:
line.gsub!(from, to)

TCL/TK script issue with string match inside if-statement

I have a script in bash that calls a TCL script for each element on my network which performs some actions based on the type of the element. This is part of the code that checks whether or not the hostname contains a specific pattern(e.g. *CGN01) and then gives the appropriate command to that machine.
if {[string match "{*CGN01}" $hostname] || $hostname == "AthMet1BG01"} {
expect {
"*#" {send "admin show inventory\r"; send "exit\r"; exp_continue}
With the code i quoted above i get no error BUT when the hostname is "PhiMSC1CGN01" then the code inside the if is not executed which means that the expression is not correct.
I have tried everything (use of "()" or "{}" or"[]" inside the if) but when i dont put "" on the pattern i get an error like:
invalid bareword "string"
in expression "(string match {*DR0* *1TS0* *...";
should be "$string" or "{string}" or "string(...)" or ...
(parsing expression "(string match {*DR0* *...")
invoked from within
"if {$hostname == "AthMar1BG03" || [string match *CGN01 $hostname]...
or this:
expected boolean value but got "[string match -nocase "*CGN01" $hostname]==0"
while executing
"if {$hostname == "AthMar1BG03" || {[string match -nocase "*CGN01" $hostname]==0}...
when i tried to use ==0 or ==1 on the expression.
My TCL-Version is 8.3 and i cant update it because the machine has no internet connecticity :(
Please help me i am trying to fix this for over a month...
If you want to match a string that is either exactly AthMet1BG01 or any string that ends with CGN01, you should use
if {[string match *CGN01 $hostname] || $hostname == "AthMet1BG01"} {
(For Tcl 8.5 or later, use eq instead of ==.)
Some comments on your attempts:
(The notes about the expression language used by if go for expr and while as well. It is fully described in the documentation for expr.)
To invoke a command inside the condition and substitute its result, it needs to be enclosed in brackets ([ ]). Parentheses (( )) can be used to set the priority of subexpressions within the condition, but don't indicate a command substitution.
Normally, inside the condition strings need to be enclosed in double quotes or braces ({ }). This is because the expression language that is used to express the condition needs to distinguish between e.g. numbers and strings, which Tcl in general doesn't. Inside a command substitution within a condition, you don't need to use quotes or braces, as long as there are no characters in the string that you need to quote.
The string {abc} contains the characters abc. The string "{abc}" contains the characters {abc}, because the double quotes make the braces normal characters (the reverse also holds). [string match "{*bar}" $str] matches the string {foobar} (with the braces as part of the text), but not foobar.
If you put braces around a command substitution, {[incr foo]}, it becomes just the string [incr foo], i.e. the command isn't invoked and no substitution is made. If you use {[incr foo]==1} you get the string [incr foo]==1. The correct way to write this within an expression is [incr foo]==1, with optional whitespace around the ==.
All this is kind of hard to grok, but when you have it is really easy to use. Tcl is stubborn as a mule about interpreting strings, but carries heavy loads if you treat her right.
ETA an alternate matcher (see comments)
You can write your own alternate string matcher:
proc altmatch {patterns string} {
foreach pattern $patterns {
if {[string match $pattern $string]} {
return 1
return 0
If any of the patterns match, you get 1; if none of the patterns match, you get 0.
% altmatch {*bar f?o} foobar
% altmatch {*bar f?o} fao
% altmatch {*bar f?o} foa
For those who have a modern Tcl version, you can actually add it to the string ensemble so it works like other string commands. Put it in the right namespace:
proc ::tcl::string::altmatch {patterns string} {
... as before ...
and install it like this:
% set map [namespace ensemble configure string -map]
% dict set map altmatch ::tcl::string::altmatch
% namespace ensemble configure string -map $map
Summary of Tcl language syntax
This command:
if {[string match "{*CGN01}" $hostname] || $hostname == "AthMet1BG01"} {
is syntactically valid but I really don't think that you want to use that pattern with string match. I'd guess that you really want:
if {[string match "*CGN01" $hostname] || $hostname == "AthMet1BG01"} {
The {braces} inside that pattern are not actually meaningful (string match only does a subset of the full capabilities of a glob match) so with your erroneous pattern you're actually trying to match a { at the start of $hostname, any number of characters, and then CGN01} at the end of $hostname. With the literal braces. Simply removing the braces lets PhiMSC1CGN01 match.

When do you have to use #{} while referring to variables in Ruby?

Sometimes if I've defined a a variable, for example
and I'd like to refer back to xyz, I can either type xyz or #{xyz} in statements/loops etc.
My question is when do I use xyz and when do I use #{xyz}? And how do they differ?
#{} allows you to use any Ruby expression (not necessarily a variable) inside an interpolating quote (doubly-quoted strings, regular expressions...). It will evaluate the expression, convert the result to a string using the to_s method, then insert ("interpolate") the result into the string at that spot.
For example, if you have a string "Hello, apollo!" and want to replace the apollo with the contents of a variable, you could say "Hello, #{name}!".
You could even put a whole program inside a string:
"One plus two equals #{
def last_name_by_first_name(last_name)
"#{a = 1} + #{b = 2} = #{a + b}"
(But please don't do that, it's a horrid way to write code. Sticking with variable look-ups and simple function calls should be enough for most purposes.)
Anywhere outside of a string (or other interpolating quote), #{} is an error.

Make: how to replace character within a make variable?

I have a variable such :
export ITEM={countryname}
this can be :
"United States" // with space
"Fs. Artic Land" // dot
"Korea (Rep. Of)" // braket
"Cote d'Ivoir" // '
This variable $(ITEM) is passed to other commands, some needing is as it (fine, I will use $(ITEM)), some MUST HAVE characters replacements, by example, to go with mkdir -p ../folder/{countryname} :
"Albania" // => Albania
"United States" // => United_States
"Fs. Artic Land" // => Fs\._Artic_Land
"Korea (Rep. Of)" // => Korea_\(Rep\._Of\)
"Cote d'Ivoire" // => Cote_d\'Ivoire
So I need a new make variable such
export ITEM={countryname}
export escaped_ITEM=$(ITEM).processed_to_be_fine
How should I do this characters replacements within my makefile ? (to keep things simple and not have to do an external script). I was thinking to use some transclude tr or something.
Note: working on Ubuntu.
You can use the subst function in GNU Make to perform substitutions.
escaped_ITEM := $(subst $e ,_,$(ITEM))
(where $e is an undefined or empty variable; thanks to #EtanReisner for pointing it out).
You will need one subst for each separate substitution, though.
If at all possible, I would advise against this, however -- use single, machine-readable tokens for file names, and map them to human readable only as the very last step. That's also much easier in your makefile:
human_readable_us=United States
human_readable_kr=Korea (Rep. of)
human_readable_ci=Côte d'Ivoire
human_readable_tf=FS. Antarctic Lands
echo "$(human_readable_$(ITEM))"
Given the input simply "quoting" the country "names" when using them in the shell will work fine (for the few shown here) but double quoting arbitrary strings is not safe as any number of things can still evaluate inside double quotes (and with the way make operates even double quotes themselves in the string will cause problems).
If you need to pass "random" strings to the shell their is only one safe way to do that: replace every instance of ' (a single quote) in the string with '\'' and then wrap the string in ' (single quotes). (Depending on the consumer of the string replacing each ' with \047 can also work.)

Are there any other uses of parenthesis in powershell?

As new to Powershell world, sometime I'm stuck in the tricky syntax. That's why I'm trying to figure out all the possible uses of the parenthesis inside the language.
Do you know some more? Can you add here?
Here mine (left out basic use of curly in pipeline and round in method calls):
# empty array
$myarray = #()
# empty hash
$myhash = #{}
# empty script block
$myscript = {}
# variables with special characters
${very strange variable # stack !! overflow ??}="just an example"
# Single statement expressions
(ls -filter $home\bin\*.ps1).length
# Multi-statement expressions inside strings
"Processes: $($p = “a*”; get-process $p )"
# Multi statement array expression
#( ls c:\; ls d:\)
Cause a statement to yield a result in an expression:
($x=3) + 5 # yields 8
When using generics, you need to wrap the type in [..]:
New-Object Collections.Generic.LinkedList[string]
For some people this might look confusing, because it is similar to indexing in arrays.
The Param( ) statement (in a function, script, or scriptblock)
Around the condition in an If (or Elseif statement)
Around the expression in a switch statement.
Edit: Forgot the condition in the while statement.
Edit2: Also, $() for subexpressions (e.g. in strings).
Regular expressions are arguably a first-class construct in Powershell.
If we're compiling a complete list, we can include the role that square and round brackets play in regular expressions.
An example:
$obj.connectionString = $obj.connectionString -replace '(Data Source)=[^;]+', '$1=serverB\SQL2008_R2'
Because of the support for XML, you can go so far as to include the square brackets used in XPath. (That's really drawing a long bow though :-)
select-xml $config -xpath "./configuration/connectionStrings/add[#name='LocalSqlServer']"
It's even written, but not enough clearly in the first short list after "Multi-statement expressions inside strings I'will add
# Var property inside a string
$a = get-process a*
write-host "Number of process : $a.length" # Get a list of process and then ".length
Number of process : System.Diagnostics.Process (accelerometerST) System.Diagnostics.Process (AEADISRV) System.Diagnostics.Process (agr64svc).length
write-host "Number of process : $($a.length)" # To get correct number of process
Number of process : 3
The parenthesis is most powerfully.
Suppose that you want collect all output, including errors, of some scriptblock and redirect to a variable or another functions for handle this... With the parenthesis, this is easy task:
$customScript = { "This i as test"; This will be procedure error! }
(. $customScript 2>&1 ) | %{"CAPTURING SCRIPT OUTPUT: "+$_}
