I'm creating an app that should go in the left app-bar that should load our intranet (hosted on sharepoint online).
I followed the documentation and created a package; when I add it to the sidebar it does load the first page of the site.
Any link I click will open in the default browser, instead of in the teams client itself.
Is it possible to either directly open the browser, either to keep the navigation in Teams?
"short":"access to xxx Intranet",
"full":"access to xxx Intranet"
It seems like it is by design and nothing can be done. You can try adding SharePoint directly as a tab in Teams
I am creating Google Workspace Editor add-on for Docs and Slides. My add-on is rejected by Google Workspace Marketplace team with message No homepage card is provided for the host app: Google Slides/Docs
According to documentation the homepage card is optional, therefore I initially did not implement it as my addon has no sense outside to document or slide.
Now I am trying to add it in appscript.json:
"addOns": {
"common": {
"homepageTrigger": { "enabled": true, "runFunction": "onHomepage" },
And my onHomepage trigger is not called when I run the add-on functions or install it.
Please advise on where the homepage is displayed in Docs/Slides and how to test this function.
I am working on a Microsoft Teams chat bot using Microsoft Bot Framework. The bot sends an Adaptive Card containing some text and the following Action:
"type": "ActionSet",
"actions": [
"type": "Action.OpenUrl",
"title": "View in dashboard",
"url": "${url}"
The URL is of the following form (edited to remove identifying info):
The URL is generated and passed into the url property using a JSON templating library, and I can print the URL in the console so I know it is set properly. Also, I can run the bot in the Emulator and open the link that way. However, when I run the bot in Teams and try to open the same exact link by clicking the action button, nothing happens. If I change what URL is passed in, e.g. using https://internaldomain.net/dashboard, the link works correctly.
One thought is that the generated URL is formatted improperly so Teams doesn't recognize it or open it. But I can paste it into a browser and it opens properly.
Another thought is that the URL length (almost 500 chars) exceeds some limit for Adaptive Cards, but I haven't been able to find any info about that in the documentation or online.
I would appreciate any other ideas about what might be causing this.
It looks like you're needing to encode the urls before embedding them - probably the {"query" etc. is conflicting with the final Json. It looks like you're using .Net, so you could call WebUtility.UrlEncode, on everything from "?" onwards (i.e. "?overrides...")
is there an option to make a policy or running an powershell command to add a specific app to ever Team.
My problem:
In my School ther are a lot of Teams (100 or so). Now we want to add an App (Sharepoint Document Libary)
to every to a specific channel whithin an team, so the students can use it. Is there an easy or do i have to add it manually to every Team?
You can use Graph APIs to automate this. Use Add a tab Graph APIs to configure new tab to your channel. Please take a look at example on how to Configure Document library tab.
POST https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/teams/{team-id}/channels/{channel-id}/tabs
"displayName": "Document%20Library1",
"teamsApp#odata.bind": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/appCatalogs/teamsApps/com.microsoft.teamspace.tab.files.sharepoint",
"configuration": {
"entityId": "",
"contentUrl": "https://microsoft.sharepoint.com/teams/WWWtest/Shared%20Documents",
"removeUrl": null,
"websiteUrl": null
I've created an extension with the following manifest to add a search engine to Firefox.
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "Google Browse by Name search engine",
"description": "Adds a search engine that searches Google using its Browse by Name feature",
"version": "1.0",
"applications": {
"gecko": {
"strict_min_version": "55.0"
"chrome_settings_overrides": {
"search_provider": {
"name": "Browse by Name",
"search_url": "https://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&gfns=1&q={searchTerms}",
"keyword": "bbn",
"favicon_url": "https://www.google.com/favicon.ico",
"is_default": false
This works as expected on Firefox desktop, adding an option to the list of enabled search engines. However, it does not appear to work on Firefox Android, I assume because chrome_settings_overrides is not supported on Android.
Addons making use of the legacy API appear to work correctly (e.g. Startpage), adding search engines to the Android browser, but since Firefox is dropping support for legacy (non webextension) extensions this is no longer a solution.
What is the correct way to add a search engine to Firefox for Android using an addon?
I am aware that users can add a search engine available on a webpage by long-pressing on its search field, but I would like to offer an extension to automatically install the search engine (and save users from having to find a page offering the correct search field).
General Questions
Hello! I'm delving into the world of Chrome Extensions and am having some problems getting the overall workflow down. It seems that Google has recently switched to heavily advocating Event Pages instead of keeping everything in background.js and background.html. I take part of this to mean that we should pass off most of your extension logic to a content script.
In Google's Event Page primer, they have the content script listed in the manifest.json file. But in their event page example extension, it is brought in via this code block in background.js: chrome.tabs.executeScript(tab.id, {file: "content.js"}, function() { });
What are the advantages of doing it one way over the other?
My Code
I'm going forward with the programatic way of injecting the content script, like Google's example.
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "Test",
"description": "Let's get this sucker working",
"version": "",
"permissions": [
"background": {
"scripts": ["background.js"],
"persistent": false
"browser_action": {
"default_icon": "icon.png"
chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function() {
console.log("alert from background.js");
chrome.tabs.executeScript({file: "jquery-2.0.2.min.js"}, function() {
console.log("jquery Loaded");
chrome.tabs.executeScript({file: "content.js"}, function() {
console.log("content loaded");
console.log('you\'r in the world of content.js');
var ans = {};
ans.createSidebar = function() {
return {
init: function(){
alert("why hello there");
I am able to get the first 3 console.log statements to show up in the background page's debugger. I'm also able to get the alert from content.js to show up in any website. But I'm not able to see the console.log from content.js, nor am I able to view any of the JS from content.js. I've tried looking in the "content scripts" section of the background page debugger's Sources tab. A few other posts on SO have suggested adding debugger; statements to get it to show, but I'm not having any luck with anything. The closest solution I've seen is this post, but is done by listing the content script in the manifest.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Content scripts' console.log messages are shown in the web page's console instead of the background page's inspector.
Adding debugger; works if the Developer Tool (for the web page where your content script is injected) is opened.
Therefore, in this case, you should first activate the Developer Tool (of the web page) before clicking the browser action icon and everything should work just fine.
I tried to use the debuggermethod, but it doesn't not work well because the project is using require.js to bundle javascript files.
If you are also using require.js for chrome extension development, you can try adding something like this to the code base, AND change eval(xhr.responseText) to eval(xhr.responseText + "\n//# sourceURL=" + url);. (like this question)
Then you can see the source file in your dev tool (but not the background html window)
manifest v3
You can add console.log statements to your content scripts.
This is one of the best ways to debug an application.
Let's say you want to access a DOM node from the content script.
const node = document.querySelector("selector")
node will be Element instance if it exists else it will be null
If you can see the node in the Elements tab but not able to access it via content script then the node might have not been loaded at the time you accessed it.
Follow this answer to fix this issue.