What is the difference between row lock and table lock in Oracle database - oracle

What is the difference between row lock and table lock in Oracle database.
will for loop with update statement trigger table lock ??

Any DML statement on a table is going to acquire a table lock. But it is terribly unlikely that this table lock is going to affect another session in a way that limits concurrency. When your session updates rows, there will be a row exclusive table lock which will stop another session from doing DDL on the table (say, adding or removing a column) while there are active, uncommitted transactions involving the table. But presumably, you're not generally trying to modify the structure of the table at the same time that you're updating rows in the table (or understand that when you deploy these DDL changes that you'll block other sessions for a short period of time and you're picking your deployment times accordingly).
The specific rows that you are updating will be locked in order to prevent another session from modifying those rows until your transaction either commits or rolls back. Those row level locks are generally the locks that cause performance and scalability issues. Ideally, your code would be structured to hold the locks for as little time as possible (updating data in sets is much faster than doing row-by-row updates) and to minimize the probability that two sessions will try to update the same row simultaneously.


Sessions are locking each other while direct insert into subpartition with name of subpartition specified

We have a one large table that we need to insert data of it into another table.
Target table is partitioned by range (by day) and subpartitioned by departments.
For loading table data, we have used dbms_parallelel_execute and created a task using sql that gets list of departments, level is 20, that is at one time only 20 tasks corresponding to 20 departments will run. Those task will select the department's data from source table and inserts into target table.
Before doing insert, we first get subpartition name and generate the following insert:
INSERT /*+ NO_GATHER_OPTIMIZER_STATISTICS ENABLE_PARALLEL_DML APPEND_VALUES */ into Target_Table subpartition (subpartition_name) values (:B1, :B2, :B3, ....) ;
We read on oracle documentation that specifiying subpartition during insert will lock only that subpartition and append will work . The goal of doing this was to create n jobs that will independently insert into their own give subpartitions. Append itself is working, but when we monitor v$session while loading table data, we see that
EVENT# is library cache lock
WAIT_CLASS is Concurrency
From this, we are concluding that one append_values is still locking other sessions to insert to another subpartition, is there something we missed? We have enabled parallel dml, disabled target table's indexes, set skip_unusable_indexes to true, no referential constraints are present in target table, table, partitions and subpartitions are set to nologging.
EDIT: Tested the same thing with another table that is also partitioned, but it doesn't have subpartitions, it is only list partitioned. So instead of subpartition (subpartition_name) inside insert statement there was partition(partition_name) . However, in this case , insert run without sessions waiting for others and no locks were held. I am assuming with subpartitioned interval tables the above won't work.
EDIT2 I have created the same scenario in another database which is also Oracle 19c. Created a table with partitions and subpartitions, set the interval, disabled indexes, set nologging and run the job that inserts into subpartitions. Surprisingly, the insert went without errors and no sessions locking each other. Now I am thinking maybe its some database parameter that should be turned on or changed. Because database versions, table structures, jobs, inserts are the same, but in one it is locking each other, in another it is not.
UPDATE Adding the insert part of the code :
if c_tab_cursor %isopen then
close c_tab_cursor;
end if;
open c_tab_cursor;
fetch c_tab_cursor bulk collect
into v_row limit 100000;
exit when(v_row.count = 0);
forall i in v_row.First .. v_row.Last
Target_Table subpartition(SYS_P68457)
values v_row
end loop;
close c_tab_cursor;
Edit3 Adding table info, table is daily partitioned, and each partition has around 150 subpartitions. At the time of writing this, table had total 177845 subpartitions. My other guess is oracle is spending many time to find the right subpartition, which is also arguable because subpartition name is provided during insert.
I'd say it is expected "feature" - when you insert into the same segment. Direct path insert writes data beyond HWM(high water mark) rather than using segment's free space map.
When you commit direct path insert HWM advances, when you rollback HWM stays and data is discarded.
Check Oracle segment parameter "FREELIST", but I'm afraid even this parameter wont help you.
When your inserts touch different subpartitions this should not be happening.
There can be various objects held by library cache lock (maybe due to bug).
IMHO only way how to investigate this would be either to use hanganalyze to check which function in oracle is being blocked or to query P1,P2,P3 parameters of library cache lock and identify which object is blocking parallel run.
PS: I saw bugs like: Only one session could run Java stored procedure at the time because Oracle unnecessarily wanted to hold exclusive lock on some library case object.
v$session reports the wait state at that precise instant that you query it. It's meaningless unless you keep requerying and keep seeing the same thing. Better yet, use v$active_session_history to see Oracle's own 1-second sampling of the wait state. If you see lots of rows with that wait, then it's meaningful.
Assuming that this is meaningful, I would point out that you are using a single row VALUES list and yet are asking for parallel dml. Parallel dml is for multiple row operations, not single row operations. You can use it for an insert-select, for example, but not an insert-values.
If your application is necessarily single-row driven, remove ENABLE_PARALLEL_DML APPEND_VALUES hints. If you are binding arrays to these variables, you can leave the APPEND_VALUES but remove the ENABLE_PARALLEL_DML. For inserts, parallel DML only works with insert-select.
As you clearly intend to have multiple sessions, each loading a separate subpartitions, that's your parallelism right there - you don't need nor want to add another layer of parallelism with PDML.

What happens if multiple users want to modify the same data block in Oracle Database

How does Oracle database handle that situation, if multiple users try to modify the rows in the same block? I know that they cannot modify the same row. But how does it work for the different rows in the same block?
I mean, how does Oracle handle row level lock, while it modifies the whole block when you modify one row?
You should ask this question on dba.stackexchange.com in order to get a better response.
A row-level lock happens when DML (Insert, Update, Delete) or SELECT FOR UPDATE is done. This row-level lock is controlled by the transaction that contains the DML that created the lock. When the transaction commits or rolls back, the lock is released. If another transaction tries to update the same row, it has to wait until the initial transaction commits or rolls back.
The block header contains an ITL (Interested Transaction List) with slots allocated for each transaction that wants to modify the block. The INITRANS table setting is a number that allows for multiple transactions on the table blocks. The default is low and for high concurrency tables, this is set to anything from 10 to 50. If INITRANS is set to 1, then there will be a wait for the next transaction that tries to modify the same block.
So, the whole block is not modified; the row lock is handled within the ITL and the number allocated to the table.

Disable queries on table while updating

I have a pl/sql script that clears (via delete from statement) and populates several depended tables like this:
delete from table-A
insert into table-A values(...)
delete from table-B
insert into table-B values(...)
These operations require ~ 10 seconds to complete and I'd like to stop all sql queries that try to read data from table-A or table-B while tables are updating. These queries should stop and continue execution when table-A and table-B are completely updated.
What is the proper way to do this?
As others have pointed out, Oracle's basic concurrency model is that writers do not block readers and readers do not block writers. You can't stop a simple select from running. Your queries will see the data as of the SCN that they started executing (assuming that you're using the default read committed transaction isolation level) so they will have a consistent view of the data before your updates started.
You could potentially acquire a custom named lock using dbms_lock.request. You would need to acquire this lock before running your updates and every session that queries the tables would also need to acquire the lock before it starts to query the tables. That will, obviously, decrease the scalability of your application but it will accomplish what you appear to be asking for. Presumably, the sessions doing queries can acquire the lock in shared mode while the session doing the updates would need to acquire it in exclusive mode.

Global Temporary Table Concurrency

I have a global temp table which is set as delete on commit. How does it behave on concurrency issue? I mean what happens if another session wants to use that global temporary table? The answer will probably not be "they share the same data".
Now, if my guess is correct :), is the table locked until the first connection commits, or does the dbms create a global temp table for each connection? ( something like an instance of the table? )
From the documentation:
The data in a temporary table is visible only to the session that inserts the data into the table.
Each session will have its logical independent copy of the temporary table.
Since you can not see other sessions' data and since Oracle deals with locks at the row level, you can not be blocked by other sessions' DML. Concurrent DML (Insert, Delete, Update) won't affect other sessions.
Only DDL will need a lock on the table (ie: ALTER TABLE...)

PostgreSQL temporary tables

I need to perform a query 2.5 million times. This query generates some rows which I need to AVG(column) and then use this AVG to filter the table from all values below average. I then need to INSERT these filtered results into a table.
The only way to do such a thing with reasonable efficiency, seems to be by creating a TEMPORARY TABLE for each query-postmaster python-thread. I am just hoping these TEMPORARY TABLEs will not be persisted to hard drive (at all) and will remain in memory (RAM), unless they are out of working memory, of course.
I would like to know if a TEMPORARY TABLE will incur disk writes (which would interfere with the INSERTS, i.e. slow to whole process down)
Please note that, in Postgres, the default behaviour for temporary tables is that they are not automatically dropped, and data is persisted on commit. See ON COMMIT.
Temporary table are, however, dropped at the end of a database session:
Temporary tables are automatically dropped at the end of a session, or
optionally at the end of the current transaction.
There are multiple considerations you have to take into account:
If you do want to explicitly DROP a temporary table at the end of a transaction, create it with the CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ... ON COMMIT DROP syntax.
In the presence of connection pooling, a database session may span multiple client sessions; to avoid clashes in CREATE, you should drop your temporary tables -- either prior to returning a connection to the pool (e.g. by doing everything inside a transaction and using the ON COMMIT DROP creation syntax), or on an as-needed basis (by preceding any CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE statement with a corresponding DROP TABLE IF EXISTS, which has the advantage of also working outside transactions e.g. if the connection is used in auto-commit mode.)
While the temporary table is in use, how much of it will fit in memory before overflowing on to disk? See the temp_buffers option in postgresql.conf
Anything else I should worry about when working often with temp tables? A vacuum is recommended after you have DROPped temporary tables, to clean up any dead tuples from the catalog. Postgres will automatically vacuum every 3 minutes or so for you when using the default settings (auto_vacuum).
Also, unrelated to your question (but possibly related to your project): keep in mind that, if you have to run queries against a temp table after you have populated it, then it is a good idea to create appropriate indices and issue an ANALYZE on the temp table in question after you're done inserting into it. By default, the cost based optimizer will assume that a newly created the temp table has ~1000 rows and this may result in poor performance should the temp table actually contain millions of rows.
Temporary tables provide only one guarantee - they are dropped at the end of the session. For a small table you'll probably have most of your data in the backing store. For a large table I guarantee that data will be flushed to disk periodically as the database engine needs more working space for other requests.
If you're absolutely in need of RAM-only temporary tables you can create a table space for your database on a RAM disk (/dev/shm works). This reduces the amount of disk IO, but beware that it is currently not possible to do this without a physical disk write; the DB engine will flush the table list to stable storage when you create the temporary table.
